What the fuck are you talking about wildebeest boy? It's lion custom to give our cubs embarrassing names to toughen them out. Mine was Scooter, not ZiptheLion. That is not a cub name.
One male cub was named SuetheLion and he turned out to be a tough sumbitch. I'm a total badass and even I won't fuck with Sue. Yes, the crazy sumbitch still goes by Sue.
Come to think of it, Cecil's cub name was Zippy. He did turn out to be a pussy. But even a pussy lion is badass compared to you damn dirty hairless apes.
I know you live in San Diego, probably still in your parents basement. I'm going to find you and shoot you with a crossbow, just like that asshole dentist did to Cecil. Let you suffer a bit. Then you know what I'm going to do to you?
All this pussy talk reminds me of a thing that happened when I was working in a shipyard. We had a female welder working the night shift, and she was one of the best. One of the men, a relatively new hire, walked up to her, put his arm around her and said, "Hey, baby. How about a little pussy?"
She looked him straight in the eye and said, "You know, I'd love a little pussy. Mike's been used so much it's about as big as a five-gallon bucket."
This was related to me by one of the twenty witnesses who watched that ass slink away under a cloud of gruffaws from the onlookers.
One male cub was named SuetheLion and he turned out to be a tough sumbitch. I'm a total badass and even I won't fuck with Sue. Yes, the crazy sumbitch still goes by Sue.
I know you live in San Diego, probably still in your parents basement. I'm going to find you and shoot you with a crossbow, just like that asshole dentist did to Cecil. Let you suffer a bit. Then you know what I'm going to do to you?
It rhymes with schmildebeest. ROAR!
Talk of hanging sides of beef was enough to turn me vegetarian.
I don't like big pussy.
I prefer tight pussy.
Preferably young and never had a kid or kid(s).
Those kids wreck havoc down there....
She looked him straight in the eye and said, "You know, I'd love a little pussy. Mike's been used so much it's about as big as a five-gallon bucket."
This was related to me by one of the twenty witnesses who watched that ass slink away under a cloud of gruffaws from the onlookers.