
What does it mean that Dougster is always calling other people gay?

money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
What does that say about him? And why does he talk about lose screws?

What does his need to say such things reveal about himself, especially given that he rarely talks about anything pertaining to women or sex with them?


Santana, Maria Maria


  • mikeya02
    9 years ago
    If you're Dougster, you love to call people gay, that's what you do......

    If you want to save 15% or more on insurance, you call Geico, that's what you do
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    mikeya02 +3

    JS69 +10


    Bad Company, Shooting Star, live
  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    I'm totally lost, all this time I thought he was just saying Ricky D was happy!?!?
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago

  • Dougster
    9 years ago
    Means there's alot of homos on this board. But the worst, by far, is RickyBoy.
  • jester214
    9 years ago
    It means that despite the claims of being a rich big shot Dugly has nothing better to do than endlessly troll a strip club forum.
  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    ^^^ dude, who wouldn't want to troll a strip club board. Every Friday when LMN and I ride out platinum jet skis into Miami beach, snort a bunch of coke off a strippers titties, then fuck two girls each at my dads pool, and then grab a lobster lunch we immediately log into TUSL to see what everyone is up to!!!
  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
    It gets a rise out of people. Especially for men Gen x or older, it's a grave insult.
  • Mate27
    9 years ago
    Exercising his freedom of speech. Any u faggits got a problem with that?
  • Clackport
    9 years ago
    I just got the feeling he doesn't like gay people.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    I thought Ricky D had Dougster on ignore. It must have worked^.
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    Why ask why? Drink Bud Dry.

  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    Tastes great
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    Less filling
  • tumblingdice
    9 years ago
    Fucking gotta call a spade a spade.
  • Mate27
    9 years ago
    While we're on this topic, has anyone heard if Rick Dugan is gay? Got to be ready to put him on ignore if he is.
  • Dougster
    9 years ago
    So let's follow the logic, SJG and JohnSmith are saying I'm gay. So by their logic they are "homophobes". But also they claim "homophobes" are gay. Hence SJG and JohnSmith are calling themselves gay. Their logic may not work, but the conclusion seems right!
  • Dougster
    9 years ago
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    So Dougster, what's the deal here? Did you ask Rick Dugan and he turned you down?

    Did you relocate across the country so that you could be closer to him and that he might reconsider?


    Stones, Montreal
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    I don't get the whole calling anyone "gay" thing as anything worth doing, but I've come to realize it's nothing that's worth getting a soap box out to stand on for, much as I wish Dougster would focus his indignation in more interesting outlets.
  • Mate27
    9 years ago
    So SJG, then is that what you're paying TUSCL for, being able to treat Dougster like shit? Do you get off on that?


    Live at Leeds 1974
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Is Meat72 the reincarnation of Steve229?

  • Mate27
    9 years ago
    No, I'm just a younger and cooler version of SJG, except that I'm accurate with my statements and have sexual contact with actual women.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    But you act like you know all sorts of things which you most certainly do not, things about me even.

    You sound like a meaner version of Steve229.

  • Mate27
    9 years ago
    I know you're all about the front room GFE, and your accounts of social history are highly inaccurate.

    So based on your track record how do you propose the next revolution will unfold? Will it consist of AMP front room service, or rather would you prefer serenading the AMP girl to take her back to your home so you can begin a romantic relationship?
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    I don't do romance, as that is a sticky syrupy trap. I just treat women in P4P venues exactly like I would treat any other women. When I approach them, it is a civilian pickup, just pure animal desire and as nice a come on as I can do. They go for this, and it expresses how I feel. I don't engage with them unless I feel this for them. As they will feel it too, they just give it up.

    Romance is a social construct, one created by the bourgeoisie. It is a way of regulating animal desire. I don't go for it because I know it is poison just like cyanide. It is anti-erotic. It is neurotic.

    I want to see the next revolution be a response to familial child abuse, and all the ways this manifests in the adult world.

    Like for example, I just read that they are considering a Silicon Valley regional minimum wage hike, up to $15. They talked about one guy who works two 30 hour per week min wage jobs and still cannot afford an apartment. He rents someone's garage for himself and his disabled sister. If you can get the SJ Metro you can read this yourself. The man is 60yo and is not able to get proper medical care for his diabetes.

    And then we all know that each of Dougster's boom and bust cycles only makes our unworkable economic system even worse.

    So there is a move to set up a higher local minimum wage, $15 per hour. Now San Jose's scum bag of a Mayor Sam Liccardo had previously opposed minimum wage hikes because they were not regional. So this one is. But he wants there to be exceptions to it, for those "difficult to employ". Well San Jose voters already have voted against this kind of two tier system. Liccardo's plan would cast into this lower tier parolees, young people transitioning out of the foster care system, who have a very high rate of homelessness, and the homeless.

    But there are already substantial federal tax credits for those who employ people in these categories. No reason to further stigmatize those whose entire lives are the result of stigma, denying them minimum wage protection.

    What Liccardo is doing is exactly what the charities he backs do, propagate the idea that the poor are deservedly so, and then set up ritual humiliations as a way of regulating the entire labor force.

    And then just today I passed by a Salvation Army donations trailer, with one of their paid staff there. Salvation Army again puts forth the idea that the poor and jobless deserve shit and that they need moral reform because they are poor because of their own moral defects.

    So this is how it goes in our society today, the victims of familial childhood abuses, go on to be victimized their entire adult lives.

    So I want to see people start fighting back. Everyone wants to do well. The reason that they don't is that our society is unfair, and to many people it is radically more unfair. Everyone deserves a quality education and the chance to develop a suitable career. No one should ever be told to look for a job, not ever!

    Then let me present another example, this Lynn Kern Koegel of UC Santa Barbara.

    She is convincing children and their parents that the child has some sort of a defect. She would call it a difference. But the only reason of identifying it as a difference is because it is seen as a defect. Then she teaches parents how to engage in systematic psychological child abuse.

    This is very similar to Medical Munchausen's by Proxy, another form of white coat assisted child abuse.

    So I want to see the survivors of this kind of stuff start standing up for themselves. I want to see the University of California, and the parents, forced to pay damages. And I want to see Lynn Kern Koegel and all of her cronies convicted and sentenced under the 1974 federal Child Abuse and Neglect Act.

    This is the kind of revolution I want to see. People are not bad. That is simply a justification for child abuse. And then once so abused, the survivor is likely to continue to be abused along the same lines for the rest of their life. And they are made to believe that it really is there fault. It can be medical. It can be brain chemical imbalance and psychiatric. It can be neurological difference and developmental disability related. It can be delinquency and salvation status related. Or it can just be old fashioned psychological, sexual, or physical.

    Stopping the kinds of child abuse that the middle-class family is predicated upon is going to take more than it took to stop slavery. But it must be done, and done now. One of the first things which has to happen is for adults to band together with the understanding that they are going to live differently, in a way which does not perpetuate the abuses upon adults, and which is not predicated on further exploitation of children.


    Quicksilver Messenger Service
  • chessmaster
    9 years ago
  • Dougster
    9 years ago
    SJG has a few screws loose.

  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Dougster is not completely there, tuned out.


  • Mate27
    9 years ago
    SJG, trash talking really isn't your forte is it? And for that I commend you. Maybe it is your upbringing that shelters you from the bullying playground type of atmosphere much of the rest of us engaged in during our youth. This is where we learn to give and take punches. My youth trained me for the real world, which is relentless pounding from others trying to beat you down.

    Glad to see you can shrug off any comments meant to dissuade your objectives, but your return jabs are futile. You don't have a mean bone in your body. This revolution you speak of, does it have any protection or public safety workers? Who will keep the bullies away from your AMP workers that want to take advantage of them? Most will go to the AMP for ejaculatory services for which the likes of LDK will seek.
  • Dougster
    9 years ago
    That's a pretty good assessment, meat. SJG should probably just stick to physics.

  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    AMP workers? Ejaculatory services of the sort LDK seeks?

    It is like that already. I don't have to deal with it because I am not female. And I am not saying that any of it is immoral. I simply believe that Mr. LDK is hurting himself because he is not looking hard at what he is doing. I don't encourage women to go into sex work. And I don't discourage them either. I don't make them wrong when they do it, and I know that as I partake of it that I am as much a part of it as they are.

    I have worked in extremely hostile environments, day after day after day political infighting, and people who do little else. Eventually I did reach a point where I decided that it wasn't worth it. I had learned how to win most such fights. And as you talk about playgrounds, I did see it as a continuation of childhood playgrounds. But I decided that I wanted to be putting my efforts into bigger fights, ones where the results were actually worth the strife. And then likewise I wanted to be channeling my creative efforts into things which are largely immune to such senseless and purely destructive fights.

    So in large measure I have gone my own way and do run my own affairs now. And I am working to build a much larger organization which will be a safe and very constructive place for intelligent and creative people. And also, we will have some of the best like minded women to be found. Many of these will be coming from sex work venues. But we are not trying to save them, or even to retire them. Retirement comes eventually for sure, but we will not be doing anything to hasten it.

    As far as me not being mean. Lets just say that I'm not interested in small victories. I am not easy to provoke and I am not interested in petty squabbles.

    But on the other hand, when I do get involved in conflicts I want definitive outcomes, like termination of employment, law suits, or incarceration. In a civilized society this is about as far as it goes.

    The last major fight I was involved in sent a perpetrator to San Quentin.

    I am involved in getting a municipal department head terminated now.

    And then there are the sorts described here, doctors who are putting kids on psych meds in order to make them more controllable.


    These doctors I would like to see lined up against a wall and shot.

    I'm not saying that I'm going to run out and do that myself. But then again, when one engages in conflict, one never knows where it might lead. If it came down to it, I would be happy to kill these doctors myself. I certainly wouldn't need to have a gun to do it.

    The way I look at it all is shaped by the movement to abolish slavery. Originally it was just non-violent civil disobedience. But then as laws were changed and more people go involved, things changed. In Kansas Territory John Brown was hacking slave owners to pieces with a broad sword. It is not impossible that things could go that far in the decades ahead. While I am not specifically trying to bring that about, I can't say that it would never happen.

    I also look for inspiration to French anti-Nazi Resistance. If I were there, I believe that I would have participated fully in the assassinations and sabotage.

    But no, I am not by nature a mean person. To live in this world I have had to learn to control an explosive temper. If I hadn't, marital strife would have escalated so that I would right now either be in prison or dead.


    Traffic '94
  • Mate27
    9 years ago
    SJG so do you have a job that keeps you busy most of the day? It appears that time is in your hands, yet left idle to play with. What project are you currently working on? Do you devote most of your time to this project?
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    I am busy day and night. Yesterday was Columbus Day, so I was more on TUSCL than usual, and it might be so today. But usually it is just two hours per day. It is interesting.

    I can talk about things and explain my involvement in things here, that I must not in face to face life. The reason for this is that I can and do draw a separation line where it is needed.

  • Mate27
    9 years ago
    ^^^^ SJG, I too take periodic breaks throughout my work day to entertain myself on TUSCL. This morning it is with my coffee.

    In your opinion, who on TUSCL is most likely to be on board with your style of revolution? I imagine you would need some followers of your ilk, and the likes of LDK and JS69 or even Rick Dugan would likely be opponents. Was wondering about myself, but I'm committed to one woman and do not partake in emotional discourse with sex workers.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Committed to one woman? Do not partake in emotional discourse with sex workers? But does this mean that you don't partake at all, or that you engage in ejaculation oriented dissociated sex acts with them?

    If you are committed to one woman, why do you do anything with those sex workers? That one woman should give you what you deserve and kick you out. And why do you subject yourself to non-emotionally-engaged sex? Sex is not just ejaculation and female climax, not by a long shot. It has a profound effect on both parties, money being exchanged or not.

    As far as who opposes middle class family child abuse, it is building. Most children think the same as their parents, no matter what the costs. So denial goes on. This country is almost entirely alone among industrialized countries in having no protection against disinheritance. The contributes to the denial, and to the ongoing abuse of children, and to the ongoing marginalization of the abused adults. But not everyone goes along with denial.

    I got involved in one family fight, a couple trying to blacksheep their eldest daughter and eldest son, and with the full support of their Pentecostal church. And what was the result? Now the father is serving a lengthy term in San Quentin. I helped to do that!

    Strippers and sex workers are often people not loyal to middle class family based denial. Many of the self aware ones know that familial child abuse underlies our society. These are more likely to be the ones who refrain from alcohol, drugs, tobacco, born again Christianity, and psychiatric medication.

    You saw the occupy movement, championing the 99%. Most of them know that our society is at core unfair and that it needs to be changed, and that denial is toxic.

    There are also survivors of the psychiatric system, as there are also those opposed to much disability activism because they see that it is persecution and child abuse. They see that it is not the child who has a problem, it is the parents, the schools, and those dammed White Coats.

    There are also those who stand with the poor. With each one of Dougster's boom and bust cycles, more people are forced into the underclass. Santa Clara County has a huge homeless population. Most of them are the homeless you don't see, working homeless, and homeless families with small children.

    All of these people are potential comrades.


    Stones, 1989, Gimme Shelter, early Lisa Fischer
  • Mate27
    9 years ago
    Interesting SJG that you are so critical of those who seek ejaculatory services when in fact you are a pro AMP visitor on a strip club website. What is it that you go to AMPs for? Non-ejaculatory services?

    If you are seeking non-ejaculatory services and need the emotional connection, why not just date civilian women? They are looking no for your type of connection, but be careful in the land of fruits and nuts, they could be transgender. It appears as if you seek the same thing as an emotionally needy woman does. Why the obsession to make the emotional connection with sex workers?

    I have my emotional connection so it is not needed outside of my home. Entertainment is why I go to the clubs, yet you go for ego gratification, correct?
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    "What is it that you go to AMPs for? Non-ejaculatory services?"

    I go for GFE-FS. Usually in AMPs they don't offer GFE. But the simple fact is that I've been kissing pretty AMP girls since before GFE was invented.

    I have no real interest in Happy Endings ( hand jobs ). I don't need to pay money for that. I'll only do that if my selected girl has aunt flo visiting. And then I make it as reciprocal as possible. My ejaculation ends up being a show put on for the girl, to get her ready for the FS which will occur in about a week. So I go home and mark my calendar. It works well, as when I come back she is all go.

    I don't per say need an emotional connection from them. You've been ready too many troll posters. That is the kind of stuff they say. It is simply that that is how sex works. It is not just mechanical. It depends on an emotional connection. If I expect the girl to open up with me, then I have to open up to her. I approach her in a completely civilian manner, just like she was a girl I'd just met at a party, and wanted to take home with me and bed. If I open up to her, then often she will open up to me. One of the biggest variables is if I can get her DFKing. Usually that is outside the AMP service envelope. Lopaw talked about the "intimacy level" not being high enough in AMPs. I agree with her. But this is why I approach the girls in a totally civilian and flattering manner.

    While this does not always work, often enough it does, and the experience will be mind blowing for both parties and the girl will be wanting me to take her home with me. And then when I come back a couple of weeks later, they'll still be talking about what happened between me and that girl.

    Going in just to ejaculate is perversion. It is not because you are ejaculating too much. No, there is no problem with that. It is because you are having a very incomplete sexual experience. Seeing how the girl's psychological and emotional defenses collapse, as GFE and FS start, and then seeing afterwards how she belongs to me, is a big power trip.

    I don't know if I would call it ego gratification, but definitely moving on a girl and seeing how she gives it up and lets it happen is a power trip.

    There is no obsession to make emotional connection. What you are describing is like you find in emotionally needy women. It is neurotic. It is codependent. It is approval seeking.

    No, I don't go that way with them. I must move on them, hit on them. Usually the best sessions start with DFKing. And often the girl was not expecting that, but it just happens, and then it continues, and pretty soon she has forgotten where she is or what she was doing, but she is getting a splendid fucking and really letting loose.

    Why do it instead of doing civilians? Well I discovered AMPs and GFE-FS in them shortly before I was married. I was loving it. Never had been in a situation like that before, where I could just pick a girl I liked and have her. So I was going GFE-FS with pretty AMP girls in three counties.

    But I did get married. I knew it was a risk, but I felt it warranted. But soon it turned sour. I knew that if I had anything like a mistress, then that was a prescription for disaster. So I knew I couldn't safely see civilians. I turned down the AMP girls who wanted to do home escort sessions with me, or just wanted to come home with me.

    I just did them in the AMPs, no where else. It was extra marital infidelity. But it was the only kind which was safe, and it was also way of staying sane in a marriage which was turning into a death trap.

    But make no mistake, GFE sex is a power trip, just seeing how the girl surrenders and lets it happen.

    As far as now, post marriage, I am deeply embedded in 24/7 responsibilities. I have extended myself very far into political, legal, and financial matters. So I have zero private life. I am determined to win some big battles, I want feathers in my cap to show for what I have done. It is to these projects, not to any online approval seeking or anything else like that which I am committed.

    But to look at it in a broader light, I like sex workers because they are outsiders, they operate against the family based morality which our society and capitalism are based on. The ones that are self-aware are already revolutionaries.

    "Entertainment is why I go to the clubs"

    If you are engaging in sex acts with dancers, then you are engaging in marital infidelity. Many would say that just spending time and money in such clubs, and just fantasizing about dancers constitutes marital infidelity. If it is more than just a bare minimum, I would agree. Probably it is an expression of sexual frustration in marriage.

    Often what it amounts to is paying money just to treat some women as something less than other women.


    Stones, Newark NJ, 2013
  • Mate27
    9 years ago
    So if you go to AMP for GFE-FS does that mean there is no ejaculatory services allowed?
  • FullPress
    9 years ago
    SJG. Did your wife ever find out about the AMPs? Or was that never discovered?
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    @Meat72, of course I ejaculate. But not until I have let her go over the top a few times from g-spot massaging, plus selective deep strokes. When I cum in her it is after I know that she is really ready for it and that she has been holding out her big release for me, and usually by that time she is holding on to my head and aggressively shoving her tongue into my mouth and just in everyway possible getting off on this.

    My own ejaculation alone means very little. I save it for when she and I together have raised the intensity to the absolute maximum.

    The effect on both people is profound. Usually the girl wants me to take her home with me so that we can continue in my own bed. Alas, I cannot.

    FullPress, interesting that you should ask this. She never actually caught me, but she did make lots of accusations. Some where based on her intense and exhaustive scrutiny of my credit card records. Some of her unfounded accusations were correct, but many of her accusations of all sorts of things were just completely wrong. So she was making accusations, but she never really did have proof. Of course I was stupid to be doing that by credit card. They even charge a premium. But I did it. The charges go in under some bogus name, some kind of other business which is allowing it's merchant account to be used. So the listing is always in subterfuge.

    My wife accused me of lots and lots of things. Correlation with reality was always weak. But I was still careful because I saw how intense her potential anger over such things was.

    But it was true that our marriage never really worked. AMPs were a way for me to stay sane. I would have much rather been bedding girls at home, sometimes even the same girls.

    I did engage in extra-marital infidelity. But then eventually I stopped and did try to make the marriage work. But my spouse was never there for me. She was always trying to control, rather than relate person to person. So my contribution to destroying the marriage was limited, and eventually I stopped all such. Her insistence on ruining the marriage, there from day one, never stopped. Eventually all of my energies were consumed in trying to stay sane, while at the same time trying to limit the damage she could do with her insanity.

    I still suffer from something like Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

    So AMPs were a kind of safe infidelity, where as banging strippers OTC, or accepting the home escort session offers from the AMP girls would not be as safe. I know that those sorts of things do cause emotional involvement. Eventually the outside girl will get hurt, and that can be deadly.


    So aspects of my emotional and sexual development stopped, relegated to just reading books. I had to spend all of my time and energy trying to contain an extremely destructive and totally non-partnering spouse.

    She never engaged in any sexual infidelities. She was not sexualized enough for that. Sex was not that important to her. And besides, she wanted to be right. Her infidelities came in the form of the idolatrous relationship she had with money, and with the con artists and others she became involved with.


    Doyle Bramhall II, live
  • Mate27
    8 years ago
    Jim Gassagain, here is SJG post admitting his extra marital infidelity. You're welcome.
  • JimGassagain
    8 years ago
    Thanks Meat72. Several people on TUSCL have mentioned to SJG that he writes like he is holier than thou, and if you don't see things his way then you should be shamed. Well I keep saying that I don't engage in the type of behavior he does, especially in AAMPs and other counter cultural hippie style left wing propaganda that he spews. He thinks he is championing civil rights for the poor, but his very ideas denigrate the poor and cause them to stay into a cycle of dependency, most hypocritical if you ask me. Here he states his marital infidelity and then has scorned me for my behavior, which is nowhere near as bad as a human being's behavior like SJG.

    Everybody hates him and wishes he would just go away, because people actually believe in my statements as the truth. His statements are false and point to using women for sex and is always finding scapegoats for the problems of poor people. Poor people are poor because they don't want to better their lives.
  • Mate27
    8 years ago
    You know it!
  • JimGassagain
    8 years ago
    Yes, and since I am married with 5 kids I do see the hypocrisy in SJG's admitting of his own marital infidelity. Trying to project his failures onto me to make me look bad is something he is quite good at, and makes up ad hominem attacks.

    He has no proof of my infidelity, yet here above he admits how he cheated on his ex instead of attempting to work things out. He knows not how to have a successful relationship.
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