

They never tell you what you need to know.
Sunday, September 27, 2015 4:46 PM
Of course, that topic title has several guys salivating just by saying "redheads." What is the obsession with them? If I go into a club, say the colesium in Detroit which is a huge club for those who don't know. There could be 75 girls working in there, and I won't even see 1 natural redhead. If I do see a redhead, chances are more than 75% of the time they are ugly - like butt ugly. A hot redhead is a rare sighting, is that the obsession with them? They're like a unicorn? And if they have freckles and are hot, they are like a golden unicorn with a leprechaun en tow??? I had to think for some time, and remember I did go out on a few dates with 1 redhead in high school. That's the only one. She had a slamming body, beautiful hair, and in desperate need of a nose job. She was a nerd too... I got a BJ from a redhead one night in college, she was cute but not a hottie, to this day she's still not married, probably because she was/is a slut and kinda crazy. Those are all my redhead experiences, no redhead stripper experiences. So explain to me what I am missing.


  • Corvus
    9 years ago
    I only remember three hot redheads in my life, and by that I mean that I knew or dated. I've seen few others that were what I would call hot. Seen more than a few as actresses, but who knows if they are natural redheads or not? I would hope there are an abundance of hot redheads in Ireland/Scotland? Of the three I knew, one was in school with me and will forever be my benchmark for beautiful redheads. She was gorgeous in all respects. Another I dated and she was cute as could be, and lots of fun to be with. The other one lost her looks in her late 20's ballooning up and looking very butch. What a waste. Another I worked with many years ago was just this side of hideous. And the worst part is she was one of a set of triplets -- all three girls. But, man if you can find a hot ginger, very nice indeed. Unless she is full time bat-shit crazy.
  • Dougster
    9 years ago
    They are super horny little sluts.
  • Estafador
    9 years ago
    dyed haired redheads, not exactly mouth watering, but they definetely are the types for a freaky time. Natural redheads, eww gross. They're pale skinny and bruise like a banana. Definetely not my cup of tea.
  • thunda99
    9 years ago
    The hottest woman I've ever had the pleasure of spending time with was a Red Head twenty years my junior and she was hot as hell! I knew our relationship was not destined to last but I consider the few months we were together the high water mark of my fucking career! lol
  • jackslash
    9 years ago
    The truth about redheads: [view link]
  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
    You nailed the obsession: redheads are rare. Hot redheads are even rarer. Funding one is like a unicorn.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Red heads are an acquired taste. They're a unique and narrow fetish. Either you get it or you don't. If you don't get it, then nothing I can say will help you. But judging by how guys are throwing thousands of dollars at my DS, I'm far from the only one. I'm just grateful to have been able to weekly worship and fuck the hottest redhead on earth for 11 months.
  • whodey
    9 years ago
    For me it all goes back to the girl I had a crush on in high school. She was the hottest thing I'd even seen, but sadly she was way out of my league.
  • DandyDan
    9 years ago
    During my Illinois high school years, the girl who lived across the street from me was a redhead. (And so was her sister, but she was too young for me then.) She was also a Catholic schoolgirl, and I would always see her come home in her skirt, which was sexy as hell on her, even though I didn't think she was all that hot then. But then her boobs began growing and I got a crush on her then. Then there was my first college girlfriend named Michelle, who had the same body, hair, freckles and everything. Right now, one of my faves is a girl named Scarlet who looks like Annie from the movie way back when. If only the clubs she worked in had extras.
  • 4got2wipe
    9 years ago
    "But judging by how guys are throwing thousands of dollars at my DS, I'm far from the only one. I'm just grateful to have been able to weekly worship and fuck the hottest redhead on earth for 11 months." I hadn't caught that ex-DS was a redhead! Brilliant!
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    A redhead who shaves is completely missing the point.
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