Great insight into a strippers mindset
Phantomgeek brought up a great point on a strippers mindset. Good looks will get a dancer in the door but the mindset is what keeps them coming back. As a dancer you know your working literally for every dollar you can get. We deal constantly with people setting at the rail watching and not tipping. They say times are tough or some other bs excuse. Last time that happened my response was yeah I know and if they were good times for me I wouldn't be showing you my pussy for free. People don't understand it takes a special person to do adult entertainment. When we are young we are told to cross our legs and act like proper ladies and not be promiscuous and then next thing we know were grown and told we'll be fined if we don't take our thongs off. I've seen beautiful girls leave in tears because of what customers have said or done. I've seen management overlook things that should never happen in a club because the club is making money. Not all clubs are like this but girls need to realize before getting into stripping that this shit happens. To a customer your not a decent girl trying to make some cash to pay for school or feed your kids or just make money for yourself, your a ho willing to show every inch of your body for a dollar. That's how they see us most of the time. I'm not discouraging dancing because I love it but your mindset has to be right or your never gonna make it. For all the ladies contemplating dancing make sure your ready. Understand family may turn on you. Guys will date you and leave you looking for one thing. You have to be ready for all of this. Any new dancer that's not some bs troll please ask me about things and I will give an honest opinion about the good and the bad parts of dancing
The man replies, "What about three?"
The genie retorts " Look pal, I'm in a hurry, I've been cooped up in that damn lamp for. . ."
"OK, alright" the guy responds. "Tell you what, I'm tired of paying for airplane tickets to Hawaii. I'd like you to build a bridge from California to Hawaii."
This pisses the genie off. He screams, "Hey, this isn't the movies. Your wish has to be practical." "Do you know the engineering it would take to design that, the materials it would take, you'd have to compensate for plate techtonics, the continental shelf. . ."
"Geez" the guy responds, "Well, I'd really like to understand women."
The genie responds "Did you want two lanes or four?""
as far as poledancer's topic:
on the surface, dancing seems easy. hey, all you gotta do is take your clothes off and give lap dances, doesn't take a genius to do that. but i know it's not an easy job. it's unlike most jobs and it's A LOT more personal than most jobs, too.
i club a lot of week-nights and often times it can be slooooow, especially during the summer. so that means dancers are there for 6 hour shifts or longer and often times they still have to get up there and dance, regardless if someone is tipping or not. this happened on one of my last visits in which the club had about 8 customers or so....but only a couple were tipping, me being one of them. so on nights like that, i'd imagine it's hard for dancers to keep a positive mindset and stay motivated.
and yeah like you said, its a hard thing for family and friends to accept and i'm guessing many dancers lose their friends when they chose to strip. so yeah, def need a strong mindset for sure
Unless your use of the quoted word is an acronym, or euphemism for something else, I think you're wrong. None of the women I've met who've been truly successful could reasonably be characterized as cunts. Self confident and unwilling to put up with bullshit? Absolutely. But not cunts.
Unless you're one of those people who think "self confident woman" and "cunt" are the same thing, then I *know* you're wrong.
Unless of course I'm so incredibly pathetic that I made her up.
SJG you actually makes more sense sometimes when you limit your post to just one or two paragraphs.
Earlier today I was talking with a no-extras dancer whose been dancing for 16 years. She works 3 shifts a week and averages more than $700 per shift. She is beautiful, entertaining, and very hard working. She says she enjoys sex outside of work as much as ever but will never mix the two. These are the two extremes as I see it.
I totally agree with you PD. There are two parties involved in any transaction and if that is how a customer thinks about a dancer, why does he think he (oops, or she - sorry, lopaw!) is any better? If that is what they think, why would they consort with and pay them?
Now I have known some dancers that were weasels. But they would have been weasels in any line of work. I have known a lot more who were, and are, nice, honest women doing their level best for themselves and too often, their families as sole support.
Also, I feel that with the self aware dancers, besides refraining from alcohol, drugs, born again Christianity, and psychiatric medication, they also are keenly aware that in our society the neon green elephant in the living room is familial childhood sexual abuse. So they don't support normalcy in any way shape or form. This is why knowing them can be such a trip.
Stones, 2015…
Gimme Shelter, ft Grace Potter
Other than a couple movies (like Magic Mike), women don't frequent male strip clubs in anywhere near similar numbers that men visit female strip clubs. If women spent money on guy's in strip clubs there would be male strip clubs all over the place. It's supply and demand. The few male strip clubs that are around are mostly visited by the gay community.
Could you imagine if the roles were reversed? If the women paid *US* to go the club????
Only in a parallel universe I suppose....
I tend to agree with almost everything in this thread. society in general looks down on both strippers and people visiting the clubs.
This type of thinking is why a lot of guys don't tip a bit at the rail cause it seems that a lot of the gals that I know who make reasonable money make it by being fun and flirty not by being bitchy and whiny. After all shit happens in any job where you deal with customers why would it be any different any place where people buy goods and services ? Any good sales person knows how this works doesn't matter one drop what they are selling. there are always unreasonable customers and sales people who earn their customers business usually do pretty well