
SW Dancer Seeking Advice

Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)

I'm sure the SW thread and *attached-pics* were not meant for our eyes but hey they were posted on a public website:

SW Thread:
Got turned down after audition, feedback please!


So I have been looking to get back into dancing after about a 9 year break. I am 33 now... anyhoo, I went to audition at the Golden Dragon in Portland and was turned down! I know I am a little rusty, but damn... I have some pole moves, I am relatively fit and attractive, smiled, interacted with the customers. I probably did look nervous though. The manager said he just "didn't feel entertained" and like my energy just wasn't high enough. Basically it sounds like I bored him. I was shooting for slow and sensual. Oh well...

I am feeling a little self-conscious now and wondering if it's me... I am getting a bit of cellulite on my butt, maybe that was it? I am just baffled. Please be bluntly honest, do I just need to tone up? Was it just this manager? I walked over to Rouge and they said I am hired no problem (didn't even watch me dance) but that they were booked already for tonight...

My other though is maybe since Golden Dragon is an 18+ juice bar, maybe I don't look "under-age" enough, which I think is what they are going for. Thanks all! Attaching some pics, one with trying to show the cellulite...

Oh and for the record, I have a pretty face, pretty big blue eyes. Not smoking hot, more like a 7 in the face. Skin is definitely not perfect but nothing a little concealer doesn't fix. I am regularly told I look mid 20-s...



  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    She's not my type per se but thought she had sexy feminine figure.
  • Lone_Wolf
    9 years ago
    Not really my type but if she had the right personality and hustle, she would probably do pretty good at the clubs I frequent.
  • sclvr5005
    9 years ago
    Decent body. She blew any chance by posting on SW.
  • mikeya02
    9 years ago
    Yeah, she have posted here instead of the lesbian site
  • Dancer_
    9 years ago
    Oh wow, she looks really nice. I am surprised they turned her down. Slow season is not over yet, maybe that's the reason?

    I gotta admit, I am surprised. Most of girls posting their pics there, asking for help, look...Ehhh. Yet SW chicks will tell her she looks amazing no matter what, smh. These broads seriously think that anyone under 200lbs and okay-looking face should strip, sigh. But I got distracted.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    She mentions the club that turned her down is an 18 y/o+ juice bar and that she is 33 – it probably was not that that she looked bad; she was just probably not a good fit for the club – they may be looking for late-teen/early-20s “bubbly/energetic” hard-bodies instead?
  • Dancer_
    9 years ago
    Yeah, Papi, I thought about it too - but her body looks pretty tight and young though. Also from my observations, college kids looooove older dancers.
  • former_stripper
    9 years ago
    Yeah SW has become so sensitive that anyone posting photos will be told they should dance no matter what. Then again so many shouldn't be dancing so they think anyone can dance. I remember last year someone posted and asked if they could dance. The person was really ugly and obese and one poster was honest and the others ganged up on her for being honest.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    She looks a lot better than I was expecting.

  • sclvr5005
    9 years ago
    No matter how hot a stripper is, as soon as she is associated with SW, she's poison.
  • Meursault
    9 years ago
    She'll find a club. Must've been a bad fit. Without the tattoo she could reduce my disposable income.
  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
    Certain clubs and managers just have types. I know one club that has few dancers above 27 and implants are rare. Another basically takes anyone willing to pay stage fees with a license and let's the customers decide
  • chessmaster
    9 years ago
    Too skinny for me. Fortunately for her, there's plenty of clubs of the "hire anyone that walks through the door" variety as a last resort.
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    Nice! If you look at the first pic, I might have a bit of trouble with the man hands :) Seriously though, nice body, and pic #2 is super super sexy
  • mjx01
    9 years ago
    I've seen worse
  • lopaw
    9 years ago
    "Yeah, she have posted here instead of the lesbian site"
    lol mikeya02....if that is a lesbian site, then I'm turning straight.
  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    Seems to me that everytime any stripper posts photos on here, the majority of members treat her just like stripper web and encourage her to dance. I just keep my mouth shut.

    Follies would hire this dancer and I would buy a dance.
  • GoVikings
    9 years ago
    she's not my type either and i like them thicker than she is, but she's still a nice looking woman.

    clean skin (for the most part) nice breasts (tho a little bigger would be better) she doesn't have much of an ass from what i can tell

    that said, i'm surprised she got turned down
  • Player11
    9 years ago
    Have you tried a sugar dating site like SA. You blow those gals away and possibly could land a big spender from the site. You have nice pics but I like them a little more filled out.

    I have been doing a 33 yo x stripper for sometime, like 7 years. I fucked her b4 her third marriage when she still danced otc and itc, during it, and now after her divorce. She is one hell of a darn good fuck. She has a career in legal and pop for me is $100 (sometimes I may add 20 for pics), I wonder why by 33 you do not have a career, rich husband, or well off sugar daddy floating you a heck of an allowance. Have you been on drugs? Your competetion in the club is average early 20's. It seems like dancing in a club is a tough way to make a living unless you play and rotate multiple clients otc like one stripper I used to c. I went to the club where I am vip today as get free adm and free buffet. The most I will spend on dances is 2 which is $40 total plus possibly a $5 stage tip. I spent $45 at club today going once every 2 wk just to c the lineup. I have a girl at 100 I am doing and so does probably anyone else with my experience in the hobby. The club used to be an extras club and I have fuked a number of them itc some better than others. However, its better get them otc as the ones that are good fuks will work otc.

    A strip clubber should go easy on the money he spends on dances. Don't spend big money on dances or some rob vip not gettin any stuff. Save your big money for the ones who play.
  • mikeya02
    9 years ago
    Sorry Lopaw, they don't seem to like men, but I forgot there are nice lesbians around
  • Dancer_
    9 years ago
    @player11, that's really cool you are doing her for so cheap. Just please, make sure to use condoms even for bj and shower afterwards.
  • Player11
    9 years ago
    Stripper web can be educational for the SC hobbyist but it is easy to get kicked off bc they do not like hearing how it is.
  • lopaw
    9 years ago
    No worries, mikeya02....they hate everybody over there, men & women both. It's just a nasty place overall.
  • Henry_R1234
    9 years ago
    Sorry, but what is SW? It seems to be a not very much liked place.
  • Mr_O
    9 years ago
    New here, but isn't streetwalker. Also, not in the glossary.
  • GoVikings
    9 years ago
    It stands for Stripper Web
  • jackslash
    9 years ago
    Her boobs are too small. She should get a boob job. But that's not why she wasn't hired.

    "The manager said he just "didn't feel entertained."" This means she has to blow the manager to get hired.
  • PhantomGeek
    9 years ago
    She does have a nice figure. Wish I could've seen the face.

    The manager might just like them younger and inexperienced. She said she had danced before; he might not want someone who knows the ropes and how to stand up for herself.
  • Mr_O
    9 years ago
    I'd do her, and GoVikings, thanks for the "SW" info.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    I like their new web site name. Street Walker. When someone refers to sw , I might say it's a referreal to the street walker web site. :)
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    I missed the fact that she's 33... sometimes older dancers are really fucking refreshing, after mingling with 22-year-olds regularly. And a 33-year-old with that bod? If her face is at all decent, I'd be there.

    And yep, the manager, if he's got any brains at all, isn't going to tell her "you're too old" or anything else that could get him sued. Who knows the real reason -- he's not hiring but just likes to make any girl who walks in try out anyway, her face isn't that nice, she looks older than she's letting on, or any other douche SC manager thing.
  • georgmicrodong
    9 years ago
    Holy shit! "Not hot?" Completely the opposite of my reaction. Please ask her to come to Louisville.
  • motorhead
    9 years ago
    I didn't read the SW thread but I looked at her photos. Damn. What dumb ass manager refused to hire her? She's better than at least 50 percent of the dancers I see
  • warhawks
    9 years ago

    Body looked pretty damn good to me.

    However, the taking selfies in the bathroom next to the toliet is a mistake. lol.
  • former_stripper
    9 years ago
    Lopaw, true they seem to hate anyone but certain groups are more hated. When you have a mod who posts extremely anti male and anti white rhetoric you know there's a problem. Sharkhunter, I'd agree that streetwalker is a better name since there are far more escorts (though calling some escorts is really stretching it)and camgirls on the site than strippers nowadays.

    There are clubs that don't hire past a specific age. It could be discrimination but looks based industries tend to be able to fight those lawsuits. I'll be honest and wonder about a 33 year old who hadn't danced in 9 years. That's common but what has she been doing for those years? Was she working a non stripping job, going to school or not working?
  • dtek
    9 years ago
    Plenty of Portland clubs will hire her. There's more than one SE club where she'd be the hottest girl in the house. But Golden Dragon's stock in trade is under 21yos. I'm not surprised they didn't hire her. I know one smoking hot 30yo who couldn't get hired there either. At the bottom of the thread she says she ended up at Club 205 and likes that it's a stage money club (with probably the worst private dance area in Portland).

    Bottom line: not every club will work for every dancer, but in Portland there's at least one club for any woman who will take her clothes off on stage.
  • Rabbit21
    9 years ago
    Figured she'd find somewhere to dance and glad she's happy. I was mystified the first club wouldn't hire her, but am thinking Jackslssh's "didn't blow the manager" theory is most Likely correct.
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    I think dtek's "Golden Dragon's stock in trade is under 21yos" is most likely correct. Nothing like insider knowledge to solve these puzzles.
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