
OT: Yourteamcheats.com

Older than dirt
A week ago several pantywaists on this site were simpering over Tom Brady & Bill Belichek, demonstrating the power of jealousy. I recently read a summary of each NFL team's record of cheating and it's interesting reading. Apparently Denver Bronco & NY Jets have a much more checkered record than the Patriots. What do you think when faced with facts? Maybe Judge Berman will see whether the facts of the matter before him are warranting the clusterfuck coming from the NFL.


  • hiroaki
    9 years ago
    Keep in mind everything on that site is from the opinion of a Patriots fan.
  • chessmaster
    9 years ago
    ^but probably true. Every team does cheat, its only when you're consistently good OR enough people complain that they choose to do anything. Lbsh... llegal drugs, faulty qb headsets, letting air out or putting more air in of footballs, and offering bounties for hard\illegal hits are probably all more common than people realize.
  • chessmaster
    9 years ago
    *letting air out of or putting more air in footballs.
  • motorhead
    9 years ago
    Yup. Every team does cheat. But they pay the fine, serve the suspension and move the fuck on. They don't deny it and whine like a baby and threaten to take it to the Supreme Court like that whiny little crybaby bitch Tom Brady
  • ime
    9 years ago
    Or cuz he didnt do it, false leaks, crybaby colts. Oh and fucking science.
  • ime
    9 years ago
    But no he should just cop to something he didnt do with no proof, get the fuck outta here. If it was a fine he'd pay it, its the 4 game bullshit suspension he's fighting.
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    The issue isn't if the Patriots cheat, it's a question of what they will/should do about it. I think despite other teams also having some questionable incidents, the culture in the Pats front office sets the climate for the whole team, and other owners are tired of it.

    What the general public thinks before the fact is never part of the process, as the Ray Rice incident proved. Only if people stop betting of football will the owners care up front, and cheating attacks the integrity of the game. Deflategate IS silly as it's a small tactical advantage at the most, but the NFL has made a statement that no cheating is acceptable.
  • ime
    9 years ago
    The issue is the pumishment and the alleged crime. Favre wouldn't give up his phone no suspension $50k fine. If it was for the football that is an equipment violation of $25k not individual suspension and the largest team fine and loss of draft picks. The whole issue is how the league has railroaded the team with false info Mort and never made corrections then did a investigation that tried to make everything add up to there wrong assumptions and they have been getting destroyed in court by a Judge over there process, lies, and no evidence.
  • ime
    9 years ago
    Same shit the NFL tried to pull on the Saints and it was overturned. The thing that hurts the teams is how the NFL and their puppet ESPN allow fake or false rumors to circulate never apologize and bury teams in the public eye without any real proof, it was BS against Saints now Pats, just wait until that moron Goodell pulls this shit on another/your team it will happen, and the only people who ever do all the leg work because its there team ever really knows what happened. Other fans dont care they just enjoy a team they dont like getting pumished so they never find the truth out just go with whatever half ass thing fits your preference.
  • skibum609
    9 years ago
    As a patriots fan since the first fucking day they existed I love the fact that we win. Don't care how, although the fact that its national news whenever a pats player takes a dump is pretty funny. When the league and the cry baby teams like the Jets, Ravens and Colts get Brady suspended for 4 games and Jimmy G. goes 3-1 and the pats 12-4 and beat Seattle again...it will just be another year here. Since 2011: 4 super bowls; 3 world series; 1 nba championship; one stanley cup.
  • lopaw
    9 years ago
    Lol - that reminded me of my college soccer coach....he used to call us girls that all the time. That was one of the nicer terms he used. He was the Bobby Knight of women's soccer.
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