Good news, some scentsts say with 97% accuracy, it will cool down a whole lot wi

avatar for sharkhunter
mini ice age
solar output diminished by 60%

environmentalists already going ape crazy by saying that has to be wrong in the comments.
all their hot air and talking and carbon dioxide gas will keep the planet warming up.

link next.


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avatar for sharkhunter
10 years ago
I predict if anything happens, president Hillary will blame Trump for talking too much emitting too much hot air. That is if she doesn't say something like what does it matter?

Hopefully we don't have famine due to freezing crops in late spring and late summer.
I have yet to stock up on survival rations that last for years. They loaded them all with MSG so I'm not sure what I'm going to do yet. I guess I won't need to worry about losing weight. Everyone who didn't stock up might not need to worry about gaining weight.
avatar for mikeya02
10 years ago
You ever look up Alex Jone's Infowars and ATS? I find this stuff fascinating.
avatar for sharkhunter
10 years ago
some, sounds like Greek drama that could actually impact everyone.
one scientist says solar radiation will drop 60%, others say there is so much carbon dioxide in the air, that it won't matter. I think 60% less heat from the sun will have a bigger impact than a little bit more gas. fortunately the environmentalists claiming there is nothing to worry about will hopefully stop people from panicking about possible famine from freezing crop failures until myself and friends can stock up.
avatar for warhawks
10 years ago

I personally want it hotter.

That way, I can grow palm trees in Michigan.
And I wouldn't have to move to Florida when I retire.

Plus, women would be wearing less clothing the all year round. Bonus.
avatar for shailynn
10 years ago
^^^ agreed - I froze my ass off all winter and didn't get thawed out until late April
avatar for ATACdawg
10 years ago
Warhawks, isn,t that backwards? To me, growing palm treed would be the bonus. Girls wearing less all year would be the main attraction. I love summertime in Alexandria!
avatar for PhantomGeek
10 years ago
Sorry. Just not buying it.
avatar for chessmaster
10 years ago
Good. I hate the heat.
avatar for rockstar666
10 years ago
Sounds like an excuse to pollute even more with greenhouse gasses. Since conservatives don't believe in global warming, I doubt they'll buy this either although it would be expedient for their pocketbooks if they did.
avatar for saer
10 years ago
It's one study and it's based on a "mathematical model", which is an old trick economists and the like use to say whatever they like without fear of repercussion from the scientific community because, after all, it's not experimentally based.

Aside from that, though, you imply that the presence of a mini ice age nullifies any claims of human induced climate change. They aren't mutually exclusive.
avatar for Experimental
10 years ago
If the model she uses is 97% accurate, why is she the only one using it? Why aren't meteoroligists? Why can't they accurately predict the weather 2 days out, let alone 30 years? Hmmmmm????????
avatar for mikeya02
10 years ago
Global warming sure is cold. Oh well, green energy that doesn't work is how crazed libs like Al Gore get rich
avatar for crazyjoe
10 years ago
We need more ice bucket challenge
avatar for sharkhunter
10 years ago
I like predictions that are not a hundred years out, we get to see who is correct.
Maybe it will get colder for a decade but not a whole lot, then we will have massive warming.
I may have to wait for another life if we're talking 40 or 50 years out.
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