
The way some clubs deal with a dancer's $$$

Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)

I often don't engage w/ dancers in too much convo thus I often do not have a good grasp on how many a club operates on the inside sorta speak.

I was PMing w/ a fellow TUSCLer and he mentions the following w.r.t. one of his local clubs:

“... that club has had a change in how it handles the dancers' money, or rather that the dancers aren't allowed to "handle" it at all. The club gives all dancers a "locking purse", is the best way to describe it. Money can only go in, but to get it out requires a manager with the key. The dancers hate that, and it now takes a higher cut of the dancers' money than previously. Hence many dancers have supposedly left that club recently ...”

I've never heard of such a system – seems to be an effective way to keep track of what a dancer is making but apparently it favors the club and not the dancers if the dancers don't seem to like it.


  • motorhead
    9 years ago
    I know some of the corporate Deja Vu clubs either have "parking meters" where the dancers feed money into the machine before a dance or VIP starts or the customers hand the VIP room money directly to a floor Walker and not the dancer. I've hold told this was a result of the settlement of the class action lawsuit against Deja Vu regarding the violation of "independent contractor" status

    While I doubt this is the sole reason, but once again proves that dancers better be careful what they ask for in these lawsuits.
  • mjx01
    9 years ago
    The clubs I frequent in PA all appears to follow some form of the following model:

    - Dancers pay a shift fee to work (shift fee is higher for night shift vs. day shift, or if you come in later than a certain time at clubs with only one shift. Clubs with both day and night shift tend to cut the girl a deal if she works a double) In some clubs the girl can 'buy out' of having to go on stage by paying a higher fee.

    - Dancer 'keep' their stage tips. However, they are expected to tip a % of that to the DJ, bouncer, house mom. How that actually works out is anyone's guess.

    - Dancers and club split LDs and rooms 50/50. You must pay for LDs or rooms upfront to the house so that they get their cut. Dancers keep anything you tip afterward... some dancers have the never to ask for a tip in advance. Not sure if any of the tip on top of the LDs or rooms get counted into what the tip out to DJ, bouncers, etc. is.
  • Diva1975
    9 years ago
    Yea that sounds terrible
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    ^ well said crazyjoe
  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
    From reading the reviews there is at least one club here you feed a 20 into the machine, a light turns on, and the dance begins.

    I've also read there are clubs that do "funny money" where PLs basically buy club currency, which the dancers have to exchange for cash.

    The way a club structures their cut can affect the PL experience. Clubs that take a flat cut from every dance or VIP don't allow much wiggle room and are essentially encouraging girls to try to gouge and tip beg. Clubs that just charge a percent of what the dancers collect allows negotiation.
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    My club is still all cash. The dancers pay their cut and keep the tips on the DL.
  • jestrite50
    9 years ago
    In Ohio most clubs charge a girl "rent" or a house fee of like $35 a day to work. Everything over and above that she gets to keep. One club in Indiana makes the girls turn in all their money to the bar. The bar / club keeps 30% and gives them what's left at the end their shift.
  • rickdugan
    9 years ago
    Most clubs that I know of require a house fee (or "rent"). The house fee is a set amount which may vary depending upon when the dancer arrives.

    Tipouts are also expected in most clubs, especially to the DJ. The tipout to the DJ is usually a % and a little more discretionary. In some clubs, house Moms and security also expect tips.

    Many clubs also require a cut of each LD, VIP or CR. These cuts can vary wildly. In my experience, most clubs collect VIP and CR room fees upfront to ensure that they get their piece and some make you give them the portion that goes to the dancer as well. Obviously additional tips for services rendered are payed directly to the dancer. ;)

    I pay dancers directly for LDs in most places and usually after the fact. I visit a few places that make you prepay the first dance using a ticket system, but I have never been in a place where I have had to pay club staff directly for LDs. I have heard of this whole feed the meter thing, but I have never experienced it firsthand and hopefully never will.

    That no cash handling policy sounds like a way for the club to try to collect a % of side tips as well as its normal house fees and CR/VIP/LD cuts. That must really suck. I don't know too many dancers who would tolerate that if they had other places to work close by. I am also sure that a lot of those dancers are hiding side tips rather than putting them in that contraption.
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