
Jared the Subway Guy

Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
Federal and state police authorities have raided the suburban Indianapolis home of Jared Fogle, the Subway Guy, as part of a child porn investigation.

As of now, he has neither been arrested or charged with any crime.




  • motorhead
    9 years ago


    I guess since he started dieting, he prefers smaller ones over the 12 inchers
  • warhawks
    9 years ago
    ^^^^. Never know... Pee Wee Herman made a comeback..(kinda). lol.
  • 4got2wipe
    9 years ago
    "^^^^. Never know... Pee Wee Herman made a comeback..(kinda). lol."

    True! But Pee-Wee was just caught with his Pee-Wee out in a porn theatre, wasn't he? Admittedly, it wasn't a super-brilliant move to whip it out, but WTF are cops doing arresting people for whipping it out in a porn theater? I say that a person who doesn't Jack off in response to a porn film is the one with a problem!

    Child porn is a whole different game! If he is guilty he's definitely in the non-brilliant camp! In fact, I'd call him scum!
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    Sucks to be him
  • ilbbaicnl
    9 years ago
    Another case of a true horror that the coward-cops-avoiding-actual-criminals get a hold of and twist into a government oppression horror. Apparently some people in Oklahoma once got arrested for renting the movie "The Tin Drum" because the plot involves an elementary school boy impregnating an adult woman, even though the sex is entirely implied and not shown. I've seen some hot anime stills of bestiality and teen boys getting lucky with grown women. Maybe I'll end up in jail for life for looking at them.

    Same deal as how the horror of drunk drivers killing people somehow turned into getting a DUI cause a deer ran out in front of your car and your blood alcohol was 0.0001 .

    But really how can you blame Subway for being blindsided by the fact that a hugely fat guy was really into fapping to porn.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    For w/e reason I'm not completely shocked – I always thought he was a little weird/creepy
  • 4got2wipe
    9 years ago
    "Another case of a true horror that the coward-cops-avoiding-actual-criminals get a hold of and twist into a government oppression horror."

    I don't know ilbinacci! I'm withholding judgement because if it's really kids he is seriously non-brilliant and he deserves what he gets! Innocent until proven guilty, but I don't want to dismiss it either!
  • seaboardrr
    9 years ago
    Well, I stick to the innocent until proven guilty ideal. His foundations ex executive director was arrested for having and making child pornography. Now I have no idea but would be willing to bet some or all of his foundations data is backed up on a server at his house as well as at an off-site server farm that hosts it. Proceeding with this train of thought I can see the possibility of this ex executive director having hidden folders with child porn files backed up on this server as well unbeknownst to Jared Fogle. It wouldn't surprise me that the FBI would want access to this.

    OTOH, why are the FBI having to raid his house? If your ex executive director was arrested for child porn AND if you had a foundation server at your house wouldn't you immediately give the FBI full access to scour the drives in order to find and remove any hidden files you weren't aware of to stay above the fray and prove your innocence?

    I will form no opinion until the feds either file charges or announce that he's innocent and they were just doing due diligence.
  • pensionking
    9 years ago
    If it turns out that the FBI were merely examining his computers to gather evidence against his foundation's ex-director AND he is determined to have committed no wrongdoing on his part, then shame on the FBI and/or the media for the manner in which this was leaked and reported. Once again in America, presumed guilty, tried in public and later (quietly) exonerated after your reputation is crap and your livelihood destroyed. AND he will become the punch line of jokes forever.

    IMHO, If he was viewing porn under the mistaken impression that it was legal-teen porn, not minors, it is sad. His reputation would still get fucked but he shouldn't be judging as trading in/possessing child porn. Until proven guilty, it feels like it is a sensational witch hunt fomented to garner ratings.

    On the other hand, if he knowingly stored or traded obvious child porn, he should be jailed forever, if not worse. Child porn is an unforgivable violation of all that is decent. Nothing disgusts me more.
  • 4got2wipe
    9 years ago
    pensionking summed it up brilliantly!

    I have a lot of sympathy for Pee-Wee! If you go in a porn theatre and see people jacking off and it offends you the you're non-brilliant for going to the porn theater! But if Jared was actually looking at child porn he's scum! However, he's innocent until proven guilty, so I'm not judging until something more happens!
  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    I never heard of him until this. Subway doesn't get my business anyhow.
  • Tiredtraveler
    9 years ago
    The first report said that they were at his house to gather evidence against his former assistant and ex-foundation director then the media douche bags started leaving the ex-director part out.
    Either way I hope he saved his money because he will now be unemployable whether he did anything or not.
    Once you get tarred with that brush it never comes off even if it was by mistake.
    The government is out of control. You are guilty in their eyes until you have the money to prove you are innocent. Unless you are and illegal alien and a democratic voter. There is a couple in Oregon that refused to make a wedding cake for a lesbian couple in their town. The state has fined them almost $250,000.00, ordered them to a re-education camp, seized their their property and ordered them to not counter sue or talk to the media under threat of jail.
    If anyone tried to force a homosexual to go to a reeducation camp the justice department raise hell and start arresting people.
  • Tiredtraveler
    9 years ago
    The ex director's office was in Jared's house. At least according to the report I read.
  • motorhead
    9 years ago
    That's interesting.

    I'm guessing Jared is innocent of anything except hiring a douchebag to run his foundation.
  • ilbbaicnl
    9 years ago
    I'm ready to be convinced if there's real evidence. But I'd bet $50 it's going to turn out to be another case of coward-cops who like to get paid for the much safer job of hassling innocent people rather than actual criminals. If you like paying women for NSA fun oh you like to turn trafficked women into sex slaves. If you're 40+ and want to get busy with adult women in their 20s oh you must be wanting them as young as possible, still in grade school.
  • seaboardrr
    9 years ago
    If his ex ED did in fact have an office in his house then this makes even more sense. Nevertheless even when/if he's proven innocent it won't take away the tarnish unless the Feds make a huge media deal about how Jared helped immensely with their investigation and how he was NEVER a suspect. Even then he still wont be spotless because of the media slant.

    Sad thing is you know the FBI confiscated ever single XXX mag and/or DVD he has in his house to inspect them so that'll be public knowledge too.
  • motorhead
    9 years ago
    Latest word is he is going to plead guilty to possession of child pornography.

  • rickdugan
    9 years ago
    Looks like Jared is going to jail for at least 5 years (and maybe much longer) and has to pay $1.4 million in restitution. Apparently he paid to have sex with 14 minors and also enjoyed some of the child pornography produced by his former business associate.

  • twentyfive
    9 years ago
    I'm with Papi on Jared I always thought he was a creepy guy
  • pensionking
    9 years ago
    Fucking asshole. Subway -- eat fresh, indeed.

    I am so disgusted.
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    I'm with ilbbaicnl on this. I can't see how looking at pictures can be illegal. The criminals are the ones producing CP; if he was doing that then I say throw the book at him. But how can just looking at a picture be a crime?
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    Ah, I see from the links that he wasn't just an innocent bystander!
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