
It's always something

layin low but staying high
Sunday, July 5, 2015 5:40 AM
It's always something. Every time I go to the club or have a date with one of them. In just the past month I have seen or heard about (and a few times been involved with) all of the following: Assaulted by a fellow dancer Cell phone lost Cell phone found but battery dead Cell phone stolen Money stolen Assault by roommate over money stolen Cops come to apt for a visit Pulled over by cops returning from drug buy Too fucked up to function Makes tons of money, but never has money No calendar, no deadlines New drug New boyfriend Horrible abuse from customers Physical illness caused by stress New drug dealer problems Old drug dealer problems New hate list New girlfriend Roommate arrested Boyfriend arrested Drug rehab Divorce (there's not mine) Lost child custody Baby daddy disappeared Over and over and over again. Every few days I enter this bizarre world. It's sex filled, but amazingly dysfunctional. Then I go back to the real world of jobs, punctuality, sobriety, etc. only to turn around and do it all over again. I can live there temporarily for the sex. But how do they do it every day? Going to see a stripper is like a box a chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get. It all looks good. And sometimes it's delicious. Other times you spit it out. But I always keep goin back for more.


  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    Ha, deja fucking vu! The other way to think about it: if their choices didn't inevitably lead them to living this kind of life every day, would they be strippers at all?
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    or be willing to have sex with guys 20+ years their senior?
  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    Yes. it is amazing that we bitch about all of things they do but we keep going back. Is it biology?
  • georgmicrodong
    9 years ago
    That world gives us something we want, so we go back. Despite the fact that most "normal" people view that world with fear, disgust, pity, outrage, or some combination of those, it provides us with something we desire. Even though we recognize the possibility that we ourselves might be caught up in some piece or other of the drama, whether that be an assault from a dealer/bf/pimp/whatever, or an arrest, we still go back. For those of us who've done it long enough, that world attains some semblance of normality, merging in some fashion with our own, and it becomes easier to transition between the two, though sometimes more difficult to keep them separate. I go to a club, or meet a girl in a hotel, and I knowingly enter that world, with malice aforethought. It has its attractions, after all, does it not?
  • farmerart
    9 years ago
    Honeybees go to gaudy flowers for nectar and pollen. Flies go to steaming piles of shit for nourishment. As wise ol' georgmicrodong observes above, we go to strippers for whatever it is that draws us into that world.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Subra is correct. Being strippers and fucking us for money are just another part of their lifestyle. If we want them for sex, then we must enter their world. GMD is also correct that our worlds merge together at a certain level. I move in and out of their lives every few days, but in my thoughts, in my texts, and on tuscl, I truly never leave.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    The OP sounds like a description of someone who has been SCing too much – not saying there is anything wrong w/ that. I myself often wonder how dancers can go back day after day sometimes 5 days/wk – I like SCing; but I could not be in those places more than 2x/wk.
  • wms1066
    9 years ago
    Every stripper, with one very notable exception, was disfuncitional in this maner. I do not know why this is, but perhaps it is related to the perception of what "everyone" expects a stripper to be, and how she should live. Or perhaps it is the life choices which she has already made which opens the possability of becomming a stripper to her. Eather way the results can be entertaining, as well as costly.....
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    Seems like for many a stripper; stripping chooses them rather than them choosing stripping.
  • jackslash
    9 years ago
    My life is pretty boring. I exercise, read, and surf the net. Then I meet up with strippers ITC or OTC, and get sex and hear wild stories. Stripper drama is interesting, but I don't like it to spill over into my real life, as it sometimes does.
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    wms1066: "Every stripper, with one very notable exception, was disfuncitional in this maner." Subra-> It's near-universal, in all the years I've been doing this, I've met maybe a couple of strippers who didn't live this way. Diva got furious with me when I said that in another thread, but I'm not trying to be insulting, it's just my experience. wms1066: "I do not know why this is, but perhaps it is related to the perception of what "everyone" expects a stripper to be, and how she should live. Or perhaps it is the life choices which she has already made which opens the possability of becomming a stripper to her. " Subra-> Certainly the latter... as far as cause and effect: she lives this way, therefore her options narrow and stripping becomes a great choice. Unfortunately, it's a positive feedback loop: the environment around stripping leads to more such behavior, etc. No group is completely uniform, but I'm in tech, and as a group we have similarities that are easily identifiable by those outside the group, and those traits are part of what led us to tech. I have a buddy who is a cop, and it's pretty easy for me to see that many cops share some personality traits. They're big broad generalizations, but nevertheless true as generalizations. Same with strippers, IME, not a uniform group, but man, there are easily-identified group traits
  • warhawks
    9 years ago
    Yeah, I could never do it every week, day after day. Don't know how some of the girls do it. It'd be like groundhog day the movie over and over again. In the winter and fall months it's the worst, I think. Go to work when it's dark, leave work wasted and in the dark. Sleep all daylight hours. Get up hung over and go back up and do it again. I've cut way back on my clubbing. I used to go 3 times a week. Now I'm only going 3 times a month.... If even that. I couldn't live that lifestyle day in and day out...
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Papi, right now I only go to a club once a week on average. But I do otc 1-2X per week, and that's mostly where I see and experience the drama that is a stripper's life.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    Sure – women in general; and seemingly dancers specifically; seem very adept at displaying a certain “normal” appearance/personality on the surface but then one often sees a very different reality upon closer inspection.
  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    There was a time when to most people I lived an exciting life, but my excitement came from doing fun things, but some may have been questionable morally. Then I got involved with my ATF and I found out what real excitement was. The drama type of excitement, and she didn't even do drugs or drink but was still dysfunctional. I still like the occasional excitement that a night of drinking and partying in a strip club can bring. But if I had my way I'd be totally content with meeting a girl in a hotel room, having sex and is both immediately going on our ways. No dinner, no chat, no small talk. Unfortunately that doesn't exist unless you hire a hooker and that's a little too boring for me!
  • HungryGiraffe
    9 years ago
    JS69, thanks for the post. I too am fascinated by the psychology of strippers. One item that I'd add to your list is mental illness, especially bipolar disorder and depression. I'm amazed at the number of gorgeous strippers I meet who don't have SOs. I know, many lie about that. But I see many dancers sacrificing personal relationships to chase the seemingly fast money in stripping. They are independent types who prioritize making their own money, and having fun in the process. Many realize they are paying a physical, mental and spiritual price, Some don't.
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