What should I do with unreliable CF?

avatar for VeryBigDawg
First, some back ground. Over the last several years have seen the same gorgeous stripper at the same club. I usually see her 2-3 times a month and get 3-4 lappers every time I am there. All is bliss. She has become one of my CFs.

Last week I see her and get some of the best UHM dances from her, which has become par for the course with her. So I pay her and she goes off on a tantrum that I should be getting more lappers from her, give her bigger tip. The upshoot being spend more $$$$$$$ on me. The discussion ended poorly with me saying get away from me.

So today I am at the club minding my own business, when she sees me and comes over all apologetic, lovey dovey, kissy; and says how great it is to see me, blah, blah, blah. I swear these strippers have 6th sense to know when PLs are tired of their SS. I gave her the cold shoulder.

So what should I do next time I see her?
1. More cold shoulder?
2. Kiss and make up?
3. Another option?

Call me "Confused in Atlanta".


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avatar for rickdugan
10 years ago
Lol. Already too much drama for my taste. I would flush her.
avatar for JohnSmith69
10 years ago
why don't you take her for a VIP? Or an OTC date? Im sure that's what she expects. And if this is Follies the cost wouldn't be bad.

In any event, I think it depends upon your personality. I'm a very forgiving guy, especially when the woman who has offended me will let me play with her tits. So I would just get over it quickly, keep playing with her if the mileage is good, but have fun with her friends too. It takes the fun out of strip clubbing for me to have dancers there who I don't like and won't speak to.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
10 years ago
Fuck her in the pussy (multiple times)
avatar for jester214
10 years ago
If you have to put this much thought into a relationship built solely on $20 bills then it's time to let it go.
avatar for rh48hr
10 years ago
You need to let her know you will spend your money how you see fit. You can still get dances with her if you want but I wouldn't get a lot. Try out some other dancers and see if you can find a new fave. Or you can get her to make It up to you with a little more on the menu to show her sincerity.
It sounds as though this relationship might have run it's course in your mind by how you are talking. Only you know that answer.
avatar for sclvr5005
10 years ago
You got the upper hand now.
Hit it and quit it.
avatar for jackslash
10 years ago
All strippers are unreliable.
avatar for Subraman
10 years ago
Big head says: already too much drama, cut her off.
But we all know the little head will win, which agrees with sclvr5005: hit it and quit it while you've got hand
avatar for bubba267
10 years ago
With Papi....in the pussy. Multiple time....
avatar for eyeamlong
10 years ago
(2).. Kiss and make up... She realize 80-$120.00 a month, from you is better than nothing....
avatar for georgmicrodong
10 years ago
Are you getting sex from this girl? If not, why set yourself up for a repeat? If you are getting sex, is it worth a potential repeat?

Substitute "what you want" for "sex" if all you really want is UHM lappers.
avatar for sharkhunter
10 years ago
I hope you had sex with her for this much drama already.
avatar for JamesSD
10 years ago
I'm someone who gets more LDs than VIP.

At some point, every dancer will push towards VIP. Usually when that happens I'll see what I can actually get there.

Like any time a stripper asks for more money, you have to ask what service she'll provide to earn it.

If this happens once I'd give her a pass. Maybe she was PMSing. Her rent may be due and she's freaking out about money. As long as the dances you get are good for the money, forgive and forget. But if it happens again I'd cut her loose.
avatar for VeryBigDawg
10 years ago
Lots of good points. 'Having girl at club I dislike kills the vibe', I agree with that as my personality will focus on the losers rather than potential winners. 'Fuck her in pussy' would be great. 'On the rag' probably is the real reason, or probably BS from deadbeat boyfriend. 'Too much drama' is right and should move on.
avatar for Clackport
10 years ago
My CF is unreliable as fuck. I want to drop her, but the problem is that her dances are UHM, and she's a 9.5 (the next hottest stripper in Portland right now is a 8.5).
avatar for jayhawk123
10 years ago
What does UHM mean? I am guessing HM is High Mileage?
avatar for chessmaster
10 years ago
Ultra high mileage I think. And ranukam the next hottest stripper in the entiretity of Portland can't be an 8.5, there's more 9s. You just haven't seen them.
avatar for chessmaster
10 years ago
I would kiss and make up depending how hot she is.
avatar for jestrite50
10 years ago
Give her a pass this time and if she fucks up again.....FIRE HER ASS !!!
avatar for PhantomGeek
10 years ago
VBD, you might want to look at the stripper politics of the situation, too. How high up in the pecking order of that club is this dancer? If you give her the cold shoulder from here on out, do you think she might discourage other dancers from seeing you? Do you think she's pulled this with other customers, too?

You might consider putting her on a sort of probationary period, maybe 90 days, see how she does during that time. It isn't necessarily something you need to tell her, though letting her know just how pissed off you were when she started demanding money would probably be a good way to let her know there are ground rules to this business relationship -- rules on both sides, not just hers.

And whatever you do, make sure she realizes this isn't something exclusive -- you're there to have fun, with or without her. You don't have to say it in so many words, but a couple extra lap dances from some other dancers could make the point.
avatar for Clackport
10 years ago
Thanks chess. I just remembered a couple other girls who are 9's. There's a shitload clubs of Portland, and I haven't been to all of them, but I've been to a lot of them. As far as my attractiveness standards and all the clubs I've been to, I only currently know three strippers that are at least a 9 dancing in Portland.
avatar for mjx01
10 years ago
'Having girl at club I dislike kills the vibe' - I can't agree more with this.

Odd are things have reached their expire date... if you have a 2nd option at the same club, work that for awhile and see what happens.
avatar for VeryBigDawg
10 years ago
Lots more good info. ranukam, this one give me great UHM dances and I like her except the shitty attitude sometimes. PhantomGeek I would put her in the middle of the pecking order of the club, so am thinking of probationary 'back burner' for her. mjx01, will mix it up with other dancers.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
10 years ago
You probably shouldn't go fishing if the only thing you like about it is catching fish. Because you'll also be spending a lot of the time, some days maybe all of the time, sitting out on the water, maybe sipping a beer.

If you want to be a happy PL, think about how nice it is to watch the stage show, and slip a dollar or two to the dancers who put on a good show. Makes it a lot easier to wait for the dancers who are really worth your time and money.

Don't get all misogynist or dancer-hating. You can get the same kind of shit from somebody trying to sell you a car, who either isn't very good at it or is content to only sell to idiots.

It's easier for me because, generally, if a woman is 20 - 40, healthy, and her hips are wider than her waist, she'll be hot to me. My scale is more like 1 - 4 not 1 - 10. It would have to be a really pathetic club for me to be all obsessed about getting busy with one particular dancer.
avatar for shadowcat
10 years ago
Get the Indian guy banned. :)
avatar for VeryBigDawg
10 years ago
Shadow you MF! .... but I know exactly what you mean. Very inside joke.
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