
How I Met My ATF: Part I

They never tell you what you need to know.
In response to JS69 saying we should write some stories like he does, I thought I would give it a stab. This is a story of my first trip to Vegas which was when I met my ATF.

It was the summer of 2009, and one of my best friends had moved out to Las Vegas and had finished construction on his new house, right in the middle of the real estate collapse. He had been bugging me to come out and I finally agreed to visit him on Labor Day of that year. I was the first person to visit, beating even his own parents out there. I have travelled extensively around the United States but for some reason I had never made it to Vegas. Maybe it was because every time there was a convention or meeting for work, my manager or the VP went out, leaving me to the meetings in the shitty cities like Columbus, Ohio or Baltimore. Maybe it was because all my cool friends were broke, and all my responsible friends were having kids and buying minivans (not me, to this day I do not have any children – at least that I know of). For some reason I wasn’t even hyped to go but Mrs. Shailynn actually encouraged me, as I was having a really bad summer that year and she figured I needed some “guy time.” Little did she know, what this trip would start down the road. Little did I know, I was going on the best weekend of the year, if you’re younger and wanting to party. Labor Day, the first official weekend of College Football, weather is still good in Vegas and it’s unofficially the “last hurrah” for the pool party season. I arrived on a direct flight from the east coast on a Friday after work. 4 hour 20 minute flight, and with the 4 hour time difference, technically the flight only took about 20 minutes. It was 6PM and I was ready to go, my buddy (Sam) picked me up at the airport and another friend of ours (Jason) decided to join us as well, he had arrived earlier that day. We got cleaned up at my Sams house and headed to a nearby restaurant before going out. I remember the anticipation to see the strip, it was driving me nuts.

Sam had brought his girlfriend from back east out with him and she was working for a management company that ran some clubs on the strip. She got us into Studio 54 inside the MGM that night. Little did I know this was the equivalent to “Applebees” as far at the club world goes in Vegas, but it was fine for the night. Somehow I wound up in the middle of a Canadian Bachelorette party dancing with a Canadian version of Mrs. Shailynn, they even shared the same profession, only difference was the Canadian version had shorter blonde hair and I hadn’t fucked the Canadian version yet. Like a theme for the weekend, Jason was sitting alone at the bar getting drink and Sam was dancing with some ugly Hispanic girls. I had a great time, but it is very hard to pull a girl away from a bachelorette party, and I would imagine it being especially hard to do on a destination such as Vegas. Trust me, I tried but there were two fat girls in the group cock blocking my every move.

Somehow we managed to get back to Sams house around 3AM and I remember microwaving a frozen pizza and drinking Gatorade as that was all he had in his fridge other than vodka. I knew we weren’t going to get much sleep as Sam and Jason are heavy sports betters and we had to be back at the sportsbook by 8:30AM (at the latest) to get our bets in for the noon games on the east coast. We got there in time the next morning, Sam and Jason bet on every scrub game you can imagine, I bet too, but not with the intensity that they did. Finally later in the afternoon I realized, “hey why don’t I go to the poker room?” I had only played poker in a “professional setting” a few times in Niagara Falls, Ontario; but had played several charity games in fire halls, poker meets and weekend games, not to mention in peoples basements and garages. During this time there were a few casinos popping up near my home, but none had poker rooms yet and some didn’t even have table games. I sat down, a little intimidated but I knew I was decent enough to hold my own. One hour later I was up $200 and I had hit quad 6’s which paid out $150 and I made around $50 on that hand as well. I played very conservative for the next hour and nothing hit, for some reason I decided to quit and walked away with just over $400. I was quite happy with on my first session in a Vegas casino. Next thing I know, it’s around 5PM and the only thing we have had to eat that day was a hot dog and a few Red Bulls. We hopped on over to Silverton Casino to hit their buffet and I think we ate for a solid 90 minutes. We could barely walk out, but we went back to Sams house and crashed on his couch watching the evening games.

By this point we were all worn out, Sam’s girlfriend comes upstairs and reams his ass out because she’s jealous that he’s partying all weekend and she has to work. Jason (already broke at this point) and with Sam upset, it looked like a night of staying in on a Saturday night of all nights in Las Vegas. Finally around 10PM I blasted Sam and tell him “I’m not sitting on your couch on my first Saturday night in Las Vegas.” Sam agrees and we get cleaned up and head out a little after 11PM. He didn’t want to go to a club so he suggested we go to a strip club for a while. He knows I like strip clubs but Jason likes them the most of all of us, but he didn’t come out tonight. Sam still didn’t know Vegas the best, and wanted to take me to the OG (Olympic Garden), but he couldn’t find it. After driving by Sapphires 3 times (which reminded me of a Wal-Mart it was so big) I finally told him to just go in there. By this time it’s close to midnight and I believe the cover charge was $30 a person. Knowing Sam didn’t want to be there, I paid his cover (as well as mine) and we went inside. It was packed, we couldn’t even find somewhere to sit. Sam, being upset and frustrated said “hurry up and pick one out.” I thought OMG, the pressure, I better hurry up and find a girl to hang out with. While I was standing there, an Asian girl walked by that was a 10, I thought, nah she’s too hot, I bet she has too many rules. I’m searching, searching, and I see what would become my ATF standing against the wall by herself with a spotlight shining down on her. She looked like an angel because she was dressed in mostly white. What a contrast with her tan skin and black hair. I was a good 30 feet away and there was probably 20 strippers and customers to get through before I was in front of her. I remember thinking I was OJ Simpson in a Hertz commercial running over obstacles in an airport to get to her! I was afraid someone would beat me to her. I made it!!!! And I introduced myself and said I wanted to get a lapdance from her. She took my hand and we walked down to the main floor and searched for a table. She sat down and I went and tracked Sam down to come join us.

This was such a different night for me, I was relaxed, didn’t have any expectations, was just being myself. I had always heard that getting OTC from a Vegas stripper was a lot less common because most of the clubs were so strict on rules. Anyway aside from that I was just glad to sit down with “Aria.” She was hot, and I knew she was a little older than me, which was a big turn on for me. After chatting I learned she was 3 years older than me and we started talking like two old friends. One thing that I remember so well about her was how she would look at me. She looked at me like she was in love with me. At the time I figured it was just a stripper ploy, but later I would learn it was sincere. So there we are, chatting like two high school kids on a first date, and Sam is sitting there all depressed. In the 30 minutes we were there, a girl would approach Sam every 2 minutes and he would just say “nope,” “I don’t want any company,” “nope,” like a broken record. After the 15th girl came by I told him he should just go home as I figured I would be here for a while. He said “it’s going to be a $50-$75 cab ride are you okay with that?” and I said “sure.” He tried to get me to drive him home and drive back, but I declined. I didn’t want to leave Aria, but I mainly was afraid I would get lost. I stayed, he left and for the rest of the night she never left my side, and I made sure I compensated her for her time. We had several lapdances and she actually LDK’d on me! Lol She seemed quit surprised that happened and she went to clean herself up. She had left, and I sat there for about 30 minutes, I didn’t think she was coming back, and it would be easy to lose someone in that club, but she did. She was as shocked that I was still sitting there as I was that she came back.

By this point it’s 5 in the morning and Sam txts me to ask if I am okay. I said “I am going to leave soon” and he suggested I just take a cab down the street, and check into the Palace Station and spend the night and he will pick me up in the morning. He said it would be cheaper and the rooms would only be $35. If you don’t know the Palace Station is a shithole, but when in Rome. Rumor has it a lot of strippers stay there when they’re in town working. Jason and I always said we were going to book a room there one weekend, and get lawn chairs and sit outside of the lobby and watch the strippers walk in from their night shifts and try to get them to do OTC with us! Lol Anyway back to Aria, I tell her my plans and I think she should come with me. She wants to but is hesitant, and to make things really awkward she tells me she had just gotten her period that night, but she was glad because she was late and was worried her boyfriend got her preggers! Lol SS already starting! Eventually she agrees to go with me, but I have to leave and she will come separately. Aria didn’t live in Vegas, she lived in a surrounding state and would drive, fly (or when times were tough) bus it in and stay 2 to 4 nights a week in Vegas working. Since she found out she wasn’t preggers, she immediately wanted to end her relationship with her boyfriend and was more than happy to spend the night with me. Again at the time I took it with a grain of salt, thinking after this night I’d never see this girl again anyway.

I walk out of Sapphires and it’s daylight. FUCKING daylight! And I had never felt like more of a PL in my life. I take a cab down to Palace Station and go to get a room. I go to the front desk and they say, “oh it’s $98.” I said “wait, I thought you rooms were $35.” They said “yes they usually are but not on Labor Day Weekend.” So I check in the room at 7AM and wait 30 minutes and go back to the lobby to wait for Aria to come. Sure enough, right on time she arrives and the craziness of the whole situation continues to grow inside of me. We both go into our room, strip down to our underwear and both immediately fall asleep. No sex, no making out, no BJ just sleep and I was so glad to actually be in a bed.

Thank god for battery life on Blackberrys, mine still had juice when Sam called me at 10AM wondering if I was still alive. I was, and he was on his way with my bathing suit to take me to a pool party at Rehab that late morning. He showed up around 11AM and I still had Aria with me. “Uh what do we do guys, I have a stripper with me.” We tried to convince her to let us run and buy her a bikini and take her with us, but she declined. We didn’t want to leave her, but we couldn’t drive her to her boyfriends house so we end up dropping her off at a Wendy’s close to her boyfriends house and go on our way. She had tears in her eyes when we dropped her off because she was afraid she would never see me again. I honestly didn’t think I would, but little did I know….

Sam did a great job getting all my stuff ready so I strip and put my swimming trunks on and we head over to Rehab which at the time was still cool, and the best pool party in Vegas. Traffic was horrible that day and it took us forever to get there. Waiting in line, the cover was $300 a person. Yes $300, after waiting for 30 minutes and the line not moving, I said “I can find better shit to do with $300 but I don’t want to be the one to knock you guys out of going here.” We ended up leaving after we saw them take someone out on a stretcher, and we wound up going to the Palms Pool Party and the cover there was only $25. I will describe that scene in my next post.

*stats – most I ever spent in a strip club that night was with Aira, I spent $800 and I’m not sure how much of that she got but it was at least $600.

*all names have been changed to protect the identities of the innocent!


  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    SLJ I assume?
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    SHG I mean...
  • jestrite50
    9 years ago
    This should be an Article ? SHG Shouldn't it ?
  • MrDeuce
    9 years ago
    SHG = SJG?
    This is clearly not by SJG -- I read it from beginning to end!
  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    thank you MrDeuce - and I don't think SJG has done anything as exciting as this story....

    no article - this is a story (several parts) not an article
  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
    I'm curious to read more, although you certainly give a lot of extra details.
  • Corvus
    9 years ago
    Looking forward to Part 2. Send pictures..... Lol.
  • Bavarian
    9 years ago
    Nice. Can't wait for the 2nd installment.

    $300 for a pool party. WTF? There better be some naked chicks there.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Thanks for sharing. An ATF who is older than her PL? For obvious reasons, that's hard for me to grasp. Nevertheless I look forward to Part 2. There will be sex eventually, right?
  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    I know JS69 - I'm fucked up.

    I think I'm a victim of my environment. I live in a college town and am surrounded by young co-eds. There are no social scenes in my town for people my age, the places to go hang out either have 20 year olds or 60 year olds, nothing in between.

    I live in a neighborhood full of MILFs driving their escalades and even with their crappy boxtox jobs, they still turn me on for some reason.

    I enjoy talking to women my age, and although I find the 22 year old strippers hot, I have very little in common with them and at times small talk is excruciatingly painful
  • Clackport
    9 years ago
    Great write up!
  • jackslash
    9 years ago
    Post some pics of the ATF! Nudes!
  • motorhead
    9 years ago
    Will trade work for pictures
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