Ever cause a stripper to quit the game?
Somewhere USA
Recently met a 24 year old dancer and quickly escalated the relationship to OTC and SB/SD. The financial support was just enough to make her decide to quit stripping, focus on finishing college and getting a corporate job. Reinforced for me that with just a little committed financial support, some percentage of the ladies in this game would choose another path.
Not a big deal, but certainly a first for me after 3 years in the hobby. Have you ever provided the spark for a dancer to quit the game?
Not a big deal, but certainly a first for me after 3 years in the hobby. Have you ever provided the spark for a dancer to quit the game?
Clubber>>> I'm guessing that girl had a whole boat load of whales (donors) or maybe a few very high end donors!
Yes. I got a girl to quit. Same situation. I supported her financially OTC.
She now sells life insurance and real estate.
My first serious relationship with a stripper was a unique one. I didn't pay her for her time, but I would buy her plane tickets to fly to meet me and I would pay for hotel rooms and meals which I would have been doing myself anyway. She was a girlfriend not an OTC, although adding her in made my bills skyrocket quick, mostly because I was paying for high last minute airfares when I could have bought cheap tickets if we could have planned out in advance... But hey the pussy makes you do silly things!!!
She was a HOT Asian. Very rare in S. Florida. Made her very popular. I won't mention her cash take. Many wouldn't believe it anyway. I used to often hold her money, so I can say for sure there was no SS involved with her and me.
Regarding the financial commitment, it's equivalent to a weekly, moderately priced, 30 minute VIP; plus normal dating expenses for food and entertainment. Probably represents about half of my hobby budget. So I've dialed back clubbing to compensate. LOL, if I ever had two of these relationships going at the same time, I would not be seen in a club. :-)
In the mid-2000s prior to joining TUSCL and while I lived in Dallas I naively tried to help out a stripper get her life together – she was not a drug-user nor a drinker (never saw her under the influence or any signs of it); she had just made poor decisions in her young life …
Anyway - I was making very good $$$ back then (close to 6 figures & I was single and lived in a 1-bedroom apt) and I was helping her out for a while (had plenty of disposable income back then) – she quit dancing and told me she was in school.
I subsequently found out thru her sister (a bit of a long story) that it was all a lie and she was living w/ her abusive baby-daddy and not going to school while I was helping her out.
I have no doubt that many a dancer (or any person in general) may just need a helping hand and they’ll use any help given to try and better themselves – but I would not be surprised if many strippers get help from PLs (and other caring people; family; friends) and it’s either a scam or they don’t follow thru – many strippers just can’t make it on the outside even if they try (they are just not good at school or keeping a regular job) and many will outright scam good-willing PLs OTC just as they do ITC.
I took my stripper at her word that she was doing what she said she was doing (going to school, etc) although I did not demand evidence/proof that she was doing so and at the time I lived about 50 miles away from her and was very busy at the time for me to be too involved in her daily life.