
Hypothetical situation questions

layin low but staying high

Dancer D and customer C meet and start regular ITC extras relationship. They eventually do OTC sometimes to supplement their ITC activities. Both are single, no SO. Then D gets a live in girlfriend G. G is dancer friendly and does not mind C/D relationship cause she knows that D needs the $. But D lies repeatedly to C to hide G. C is not pathetically in love with D or anything like that. D has no need to lie to C about G to maintain the C/D relationship. C finds out about G from a reliable third party.

Questions: 1) why would D feel the need to lie about G, 2) what should C do. He could tell D that he knows about G so quit lying cause it's no big deal, or he could just keep playing along knowing that D is lying repeatedly, or he could dump D but he doesn't want to do that cause she's otherwise a good provider.


  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    Women lie. They may say they are stripper friendly and then suddenly shit hits the fan
  • motorhead
    9 years ago
    Because Vanna raised the price of vowels
  • MrBater2010
    9 years ago
    D would lie about G because C would want a 3some or watch. Yeah, We all thought about it.

    If C likes fucking D, he should keep his mouth shut. biggest thing here is to remember what type of relationship this is physical, You throw love in there and yeah, shit is probably going to hit the fan.
  • bvino
    9 years ago
    What grade of Middle School is this story from?
  • grand1511
    9 years ago
    Why does this feel so much like algebra?
  • Mate27
    9 years ago
    R u friends with RBD? Sounds like an RBD story.
  • rickdugan
    9 years ago
    JS, in my experience, most strippers have SOs and most of them lie about it to customers. Some guys get weird about the thought of doing XYZ with a stripper who is attached, kinda' like what you're doing now. It's also a face saving lie for strippers who don't want others to know that they are fucking for money while they have SOs at home.

    All you're going to accomplish by digging into the relationship status of strippers is to create awkwardness. Who cares if they are attached or not? It shouldn't matter because romance should not be your goal anyway - only morons fall in love with strippers. If I were you I would let it go and continue to enjoy her until it is time to replace her for the next fun contestant.
  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
    Yeah, strippers lying about their relationship status is second nature.

    It's much easier to have a standard set of lies than have to keep track of which customers know what.

    Bottom line, who cares? "She's ugly and low mileage, but damn she's honest!" - said no PL ever.
  • rh48hr
    9 years ago
    She's a stripper so much of what comes out is a lie. But C should just keep fucking D and forget about G.
  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    Id say C likes D more than hed like to admit, because if he was just using her for sex likr he implies then this issue wouldnt have even been brought up.

    every single woman i have ever dealt with in a secretive sexual relationship has lied to me. i expect it, and i can accept it. what i hate though is when you call them out on it and they still lie instead of fessing up. drives me nuts.

    D, if you confront C about this it could turn out to be a relationship killer and i am guessing you dont want that to happen so just ignore it. better thats its a girl instead of a man thats her "partner"
  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    like usual fucking android keyboard makes me look like a retard
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Thanks to those who gave serious and helpful answers.
  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
    So is this hypothetically about the DS or another hypothetical dancer, hypotheically?
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    James by definition a hypothetical question does not involve real people.
  • chandler
    9 years ago
    So the answer is yes?
  • warhawks
    9 years ago

    E=MC2 ?

    Too much algebra with the letters going on in the original post for me to keep up with. lol:
  • seaboardrr
    9 years ago
    My head just exploded
  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
    If it's not about real people this is a boring hypothetical. Sorry, in 2015 lesbian girlfriend barely moves the needle.
  • bubba267
    9 years ago
    JS69, You know I like you dude... but for fuck's sake, please return to your Penthouse Forum writing and leave Dear Abby and Cosmo in the bottom bathroom cabinet next to the tampon box.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Bubba, might be cause you've got no teeth, but that's funny. Point noted. Sorry.
  • bubba267
    9 years ago
  • bubba267
    9 years ago
    BTW.... I still got most my teeth...they just a little tabacky juice stained in the photo.
  • 4got2wipe
    9 years ago
    "JS69, You know I like you dude... but for fuck's sake, please return to your Penthouse Forum writing and leave Dear Abby and Cosmo in the bottom bathroom cabinet next to the tampon box."

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