
Translating stripperspeak

So I texted this stripper that I might come visit her at her club tonight. She responded, "what time were you thinking of stopping by? If you want we can grab a drink outside of work and a dance in my car lol for 200 :)"

Is she saying she wants to suck my dick in her car and have a drink OTC for 200 bucks? Lol



  • Player11
    9 years ago
    she wants you to contribute 200 so she can ride with you. dates with strippers are a rip off. offer 200 to go somewhere private like a notel

    Tell her "I will pick you up at 7pm and we will go to Palace Inn for a session $200." Do not pay her upfront only for services rendered. Make her understand cell phone sb off. I like for them to lay down and let me feel them, no rush crap or that they can't do that - then I like to strip them . then I will tell her how I like it and how I want it. I might add extra for a photo session before if its one I have seen a lot. Some of them excited by this and fuking can be real intense....
  • mikeya02
    9 years ago
    Maybe she's' just teasing you for fun. You'll find out when you get there
  • Player11
    9 years ago
    my speak to them via text:

    "palace inn - xyz location 5:30 pm $150"

    she says: "dances and pics of me in that monkini you bought me (before sex) $200"

    I say: "ok sounds like winner"

    Or she might say "whats your schedule this week?" I say any day she replies "dances and bik today $150 (then hj foreplay as she puts condom on , her on top).

    thats the stripper talk I like, take her to mall for shopping no way
  • Player11
    9 years ago
    bs on finding out when you get there. make sure cost, time, and place negotiated before hand. only give her money for services rendered in session.
  • Clackport
    9 years ago
    It's a little weird, but this girl I'm talking about is my CF, and I would say she's a 9. At her club VIP prices are expensive, and a lot of customers get VIP from her. It wouldn't surprise me if she makes at least 500 bucks every shift.

    She just texted again asking about which bar we should go to. She makes a lot of money ITC, why is she so anxious to do this?(it's just 200 bucks). Is it rent time or something? Is there another hidden meaning?
  • Clackport
    9 years ago
    Something just feels a little fishy. I don't want to get robbed by her pimp (if she has one) or something lol.

    Keep me in your prayers y'all lol.
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    She'll give you an orgasm in some way for $200. Is she worth it to you? I don't see any big mystery here; you make the call.
  • mikeya02
    9 years ago
    If you're taking care of her, only an idiot pimp would rob you for what's on you.
  • tumblingdice
    9 years ago
    Thoughts? Yeah.Your parents ignored you.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    “... Something just feels a little fishy. I don't want to get robbed by her pimp ...”

    Don't be a pussy – kick her pimp's ass
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    Could be anything; but 2 possibilities:

    1) she's playing you and may think you being in “CF-lust” w/ her that she can manipulate $$$ out of you by just seeing you OTC for a drink and little more than just her time and the privilege of you being in her presence

    2) she may not be comfortable just telling you she is going to fuck or suck you for $200 – after-all she's not a prostitute you know

    But these are just possibilities.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    She thinks you'll buy her a drink and pay her 200 for not doing hardly anything. maybe it's her birthday. or she might be thinking that. Who knows, she might do a dance for 5 minutes.
  • Diva1975
    9 years ago
    Something is fishy. if she's a 9, She can probably make up to 1K a night at an upscale club, so why she would want to do that in a car for 200 sounds bizarre.
  • Clackport
    9 years ago
    ^^^Exactly Diva1975, that's what I'm thinking.
  • tumblingdice
    9 years ago
    Diva,if you haven't noticed Randy Anukam often speaks from his porthole,thoughts?Vegas has him at 3:5 odds for being the next Caitlynn Jenner.
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    I think you guys are too paranoid. Lots of hot girls will blow you for $200. Why is this news???
  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
    $200 for a car bj doesn't sound too crazy. Especially if she can keep in under 15 minutes. She's getting 100% of the action without having to report taxes, so that's like him paying 300 ITC, right?
  • Player11
    9 years ago
    yes it sounds fishy. you meet her at bar, she asks for $200 loan bc she has to give it to the mechanic to fix her car. says she has to give it to him now but will be back in 20 min. then "we can go get room." you give her money she leaves never comes back.

    here is how I handle it if $200 is what I want to pay her for session

    I text her "meet me at Palace Inn 5:30 xyz location for session. $200. I like good GFE and girl on top." Don't get room until she shows. From this point on your putting $200 on table she may be good fuck or even deliver goods. She may want money up front. Show her money, lay on nightstand if this assures her. I have had them say "no pay no play" and gave them the money as confidence level was high she was legit and she was. Sure there is risk she could dash but she knows if she does that no more money from you ever again. Whatever you need to take control and tell her what she needs to do to get the $200. A ROB will try lead you around a mall or into a public place to meet. This is BS, you have already met at club, its time to go somewhere private to fuck otherwise she can piss off. I had one I picked up at club after shift - we were going to her place to fuk. On way she wanted to go shopping and I said no just want to go fuk. She got ballistic, told me off, that I view women as sex objects. With a cop car next to us, all I could do is just nod. I got her to her place we did not speak except she called the young stud that lived there she would be home soon so it was just scam. That was last time I saw her and months later she called me to "apologize" and come by club lol.
  • alldaylong
    9 years ago
    Late to the party, but worth discussing. start off w
    "i'm up for a drink and we can talk about the dance. "
    Nobody knows for certain what she means so its up to you to get her to clarify.
  • Clackport
    9 years ago
    Well, I arrived at her club 45 min later than I said I would be (I was having car troubles). When I arrived I didn't see her. I texted her that I arrived, no response. I stayed at the club 30 min longer, but no sign of her.

    I guess she blew me off. Oh well, that is what you get when you deal with strippers lol.
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    Jesus, I go away for 2 days and this is where we end up? There's nothing the slightest big fishy about that text -- I've done something similar with every CF I've had in the past 6 years. Some were smokin' hot and made tons of $$$ in the club. But if she finds you tolerable or even likes you on some level (not "wants to be your girlfriend", just likes you as a customer), making an extra $200 (that the club doesn't get a cut of) for an hours' work makes perfect sense.

    I had one awesome fave who worked at one of the few clubs here that allows the girls to take breaks. I'd park in a nearby parking garage, on the lowest floor, in a corner, and put up makeshift curtains along the two sides of the car that weren't covered by the garage wall. On her break, we'd to go my car, she'd rock my world, I'd give her -- ta da! -- $200. She was pretty hot, so I'm sure she went back to her (no-extras) club and made serious bank there.

    The fact that you went to the club and she wasn't there, is business-as-usual also lol..
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    Maybe what she really wants you to do is fix her car and still take your $200
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    No dancer who does BJ's would turn down $200 for a quickie unless she got a better offer at the last moment, or is such a flake she can't handle her business. There's no telling...I've had dancers flake out on me in very unlikely circumstances, so who is to say?
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    No dancer who does BJ's would turn down $200 for a quickie unless she got a better offer at the last moment, or is such a flake she can't handle her business. There's no telling...I've had dancers flake out on me in very unlikely circumstances, so who is to say?
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    Damn WiFi; I have a lot of walls...sorry for double post.
  • Clackport
    9 years ago
    Update: So I'm doing the "dance in her car" tomorrow. Our 3 songs for 100 buck VIP sessions usually consist of FIV, a couple times DATY, my dick being out of my pants and her stick shifting. I have faith she's gonna take care of me the right way and I'm hopeful it won't be dancing.

    She is my CF, but should I get the details on what the "dance" will consist? I hate asking girls what I'm gonna get beforehand or negotiating what I'll get. I just like to be in the moment, and let the girl be in control. I do realize though that not getting the details beforehand will set you up to ROBed a lot of times. She is my CF though. Her just giving me dances would likely end her being my CF, especially with the money I'm putting up.

    What do you think?
  • Dominic77
    9 years ago
    I wouldn't phrase it like that. Dancers seem to hate that shit phrased like that, i.e., "what's the dance consist of?" But you DO need to still ask because you are OTC and there's no security around, so her comfort level may be different. I'd ask what are your boundaries in the car? Or something like: what are your rules for a dance in your car?

    You can probably tell I don't do any OTC ever, lol. But that is how I would approach it. Good luck! Happy hunting!

  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    I'm going to go WAAAAY against the grain here... She's your CF which implies she's already been taking care of you. You have absolutely nothing to lose, and a lot to gain by just going with the flow. I absolutely would NOT hand over the $200 until you get the BJ, but if you guys meet for drinks and then she tells you "the dance in my car is only straight dancing", you thank her, keep your $200, and head to a strip club ... plus, you had drinks with a girl you like.

    For me, this is a total no-lose situation, but then again, I LOVE drinking with the girls outside work, that's where I'd press her for a bit more detail, and I am perfectly fine calling an audible and backing out (without paying the $200) if I don't like what I hear. The thing is, I don't think I've ever been disappointed with this kind of thing.
  • Clackport
    9 years ago
    It will be at the club parking lot before her shift starts. I don't think we're gonna do drinks, she's probably open to it, but it's a busy day for me, so I'll just hope for my happy ending. One thing I will do is jack off before I get there, I want to last as long as I can lol.

    I'm leaning towards not asking what's gonna happen, and just going with the flow.
  • georgmicrodong
    9 years ago
    It sounds like you're gonna get fucked, and not in the slippery slidey orgasmic way. In the parking lot of the club? I don't know of any dancer who would be willing to fuck or suck in the open near the club. I think she's gonna ask for the money up front, maybe talk for a few, then get out and go to work, leaving you high and dry.

    But good luck, and report back how it does.
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    gmd: maybe my lack of skepticism here is that I've known multiple strippers who have done that. A buddy of mine once got a handjob in a car, parked on a side street. On a regular basis, I used to park in a parking garage, where the corner spots were surrounded on 3 sides and I'd make a little makeshift curtain for the open side, and do a stripper there. I can't imagine doing it IN the club parking lot, I'm assuming someone is going to have the brains to find a close lot or parking garage that has some privacy of some sort (and again, the makeshift curtains work great).

    Besides, I can't see how he can possibly get fucked as long as he doesn't pay in advance. His WORST case is that he has a no-joy, leaves with the $200 in his pocket and a little disappointed. Best case, get a blowjob in the car like a couple of high school kids, which can be pretty fun

    For me, the "no drinks beforehand" is what would kill the deal completely before it started.
  • Tiburon
    9 years ago
    Tell her she can suck your dick and you can invest her pay in stocks for her. Don't worry, she'll get her returns in a month. Of course you only give her 1% of the returns minus the initial investment....if your true to your word that is.
  • dtek
    9 years ago
    @Clakport: If she's the CF you mentioned in PM the other day, she may be a 9 to you, but she's not to most of the guys at that club (sorry dude).

    @Diva: I doubt anyone is making 1K a night with any regularity in any Portland club right now (without doing OTC), and certainly not at Clark's CF's club.

    My take: She's short on cash and thinks Clak is getting ready move on. She's offering something new to keep him interested.
  • ime
    9 years ago
    The original post was from june 5th wtf?
  • Clackport
    9 years ago
    @Dtek- I think we're talking about different girls. I generally at that club once a week, and I usually stay around 2 hours. In the 2 hours I'm there she's constantly in VIP. She seems to make far more money than any other girl in there from what I see. Johnsmith69 saw her, and she's not his type, but he still gave her a 8.

    GMD- I would hope she wouldn't do that, our VIP sessions are always pretty good. I'm gonna follow Subraman's advice and not pay until afterwards. One time at another club, a dancer took a 15 min break during her shift, her and my friend went into his SUV in the parking lot, and she gave him head.

  • Clackport
    9 years ago
    Yes the original post was from June 5th, we didn't end up doing it at the time. I just brought it back up to her recently. I didn't think it needed a new thread, so I just updated this thread.
  • Clackport
    9 years ago
    So a couple hours ago I asked her how much she wanted to be compensated.

    Her: $300 for half a hour
    Me: $300 is a little steep for me, I was hoping more in the 2 range.
    Her: $250
    Me: How about $200, and if I like it I'll tip.
    Her: Sounds good

    I didn't want to lowball her too much, she does have a grade A pussy. I'm a little surprised she agreed easily. I guess when you ask dancers, they'll start out high.

    In a couple of hours I will be in her car lol. I will give an update!
  • georgmicrodong
    9 years ago
    Is this in Portland, where you're reviews seem to be? Do you consider that a reasonable price?

    I wouldn't pay that much for a car date, even for full sex, unless it was in my garage, and followed up my more in the bedroom. Call me an old fart, but a car just ain't that comfy unless it's a mini-van.

    But then, I live in flyover country.
  • Bavarian
    9 years ago
    Great! We want all the details.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago

    “... I hate asking girls what I'm gonna get beforehand or negotiating what I'll get ...”

    She doesn't seem to “hate” asking you for the $200 – if you're gonna fork over 200 clams you don't want just a kiss on the cheek – being facetious – for that kind of $$$ I would get details b/f handing over the $$$.

  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    I can only assume the “car dances” means fucking and she doesn't feel comfortable phrasing it that way – if it was “dances” you could do that at the club – plus $200 is more in-line w/ the going-rate for fucking vs anything else.

    I assume the reason she wants to do-it in the car is b/c AFAIK extras are a no-no in Portland clubs.
  • Clackport
    9 years ago
    GMD- yep in Portland. A few years ago this stripper offered to suck and fuck me in her car for 400 bucks. In my opinion she was a 10, but damn that's a lot of money for some car action. I didn't take her up on her offer.

    Back to the saga.
    So where I left off she agreed to 200 bucks for 30 minutes and a possible tip depending how good the service. 15 minutes before we're supposed to meet up, she texts me to meet her at the store parking lot across the street from the club. I say ok. My heart starts to beat a little faster, I don't know why I have such a bad feeling in my stomach. I've never done the escort or P4P thing, but I imagine what I'm feeling now would be similar to trying an escort for the first time, nervous feeling, not feeling great about it. So I get to the store and apparently she's stuck in traffic, she says she'll be there in 10 min. I get out of my car and wait by the store entrance. At this point my heart is beating very fast, I'm almost shaking. I don't feel good about this at all, I want to cancel this appointment right now, but that wouldn't be fair to her. I'm half expecting a pimp to be with her in the car.

    Finally she pulls up. It is just her. I get in her car. She can definitely tell I'm super nervous. We drive around the parking lot, but we decide it ain't private enough, so we go to a apartment complex across the street and park in one of the parking spots reserved for the people that actually live there. This feels sketchy as fuck! Finally she turns off the car. She wants the money before we start. "Fuck!" I don't like giving money before the service is done, but she is my CF, and I have hope she'll show me a good time. I give her the money. She suggests we do our "dance" in the backseat. We move the front seats up and we get in the backseat.

    I decide I'm just gonna let her do her thing. 200 bucks ain't the end of the world for me, this is just a scouting project. How good she is will determine if I do this again. She slowly takes off her clothes and then she gets on my lap. She's giving me a slow sensual dance. It is getting hot as hell in the car, and I am getting hard as fuck. She is very hot, but I noticed quite a few bruises on her legs that I didn't notice in the club. She suggests I remove some clothing. I take off my shirt, she slides my pants down to my ankles, and she slowly removes my boxers, I am at full attention. Basically for 30 minutes she gives me a nude lap dance with my shirt off and my dick out. She adds some spit to my cock while she is stick shifting me, she does some tit work too. She is grinding the hell out of my dick with her asscheeks. She turns to face me and grinds on Jr with her pussy, but the dick doesn't enter the pussy. I finger fuck the shit out of her. At this I contemplate asking her to suck and/or fuck me, I don't think she'd object, but I think she would want more money, so I let her continue to do what she was doing. During our time, a couple people did pass her car walking up to their apartments, but they didn't look in our direction. I didn't end up cumming.

    I had a decent enough time, but I probably wouldn't do it again. Just a little too sketchy for me. Maybe I could have gotten more for my money, but you live and you learn.

    The end.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    I wonder if the bruises on her legs are from drug-use (injecting herself).

    The first-time is always a bit nerve-wracking – from now-on just rent a decent room (maybe one by the hour) and enjoy yourself there (maybe even rent a room w/ a hot-tub and do a 2 to 4 hour session – doing in the car it's not comfortable or safe).
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    You basically got some UHM dances that some get at some clubs – next time rent a room and you should be able to get the whole shebang for about the same price if you negotiate w/ confidence.
  • Bavarian
    9 years ago
    That sounds like a great time to me at what it would cost at the strip club.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    I'm late to the party here, but if I had commented earlier I would've said you have to clarify the services to be provided up front. Even with DSII, who had never done OTC before and was a brand new baby stripper, I made clear beforehand that we were going to be having sex when we had our date. while I try not to treat them like oristitutes, even though they are, it's your money and you have a right to make sure that you're spending it wisely.

    By the way I agree that this girl is pretty hot. If she was your type I can easily see how she would be considered a 9. However, whoever said that no dancer is making $1K in one night in any Portland club was rught
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    -->" I didn't end up cumming. "

    Hmmm, it sounds like you were okay with the whole thing, and it sounds like a pretty fun weird adventure, but I think the colossal mistake was not negotiating that in the car before handing over the money and starting. As I said in my original post, I probably would not have negotiated that beforehand by text or whatever, but before I hand over any money, I gotta know.

    -->"We drive around the parking lot, but we decide it ain't private enough, so we go to a apartment complex across the street and park in one of the parking spots reserved for the people that actually live there. This feels sketchy as fuck!"

    So this is actually the weirdest part of the story for me! I mean, awesome story otherwise, except for the incredibly sad part where you didn't end up cumming. But to give you a little brotherly tough love, you should always be thinking at PL level, not dragged down to stripper-level thinking/planning. Knowing what the basic plan was -- sex in the car -- almost unforgiveable to not have scouted the neighborhood for a relatively private parking area beforehand. Aside from the privacy, not getting busted for indecent exposure, or worse yet a sex crime, would be pretty high on my priority list. I don't expect the stripper to think ahead and do parking lot scouting, they do everything spur-of-the-moment, but as the PL, you definitely should have!

    Like I said in my story, when I had this with a stripper, I found a parking garage that had some corner spots that were enclosed on 3 sides, and I just put some extras jackets (which I brought, because I scouted ahead) along the back window. Once, all the coveted 3-sided corner spots were taken, so I took a "regular" corner spot that had a wall on the left side and in front, had her park on my right side but very close (so again, mostly covered on 3 sides), and put up some coverings on the back and side windows. I don't ever expect a stripper to think ahead about more private parking garages or how to cover windows, it's the person who has adult-level ability to think ahead (i.e., the PL) who needs to do that. 'course, these days, I'd just shell out an extra $40 for the hot tubs
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