Strip Clubs vs the Civilian World
Sometimes when I'm traveling, and I wanna try out strip clubs in that city, I of course check out the reviews. The reviews might say so and so club has the hottest girls for the city. You check out the club, and there's some decent looking girls, but when you're out and about in the city checking out the civilians, the girls look much better.
Is it just me, or are civilians generally better looking than strippers?
Plus, a lot of strippers don't look nearly as good OTC as they do ITC.
Is it just me, or are civilians generally better looking than strippers?
Plus, a lot of strippers don't look nearly as good OTC as they do ITC.
strippers are fun because it's attention from attractive women without all the work that it takes to get their attention in the real world
@vikings- I'm strictly talking about looks, I'm not talking about who's more fun. Are you saying in your experience you haven't noticed the civilians to be better looking than the strippers?
that's why I don't get the appeal behind wanting to date a dancer
If a guy has the ability to pick up gorgeous makes NO SENSE to want to date strippers...because if a guy can pick up a gorgeous stripper.....then obviously that same guy can pick up a gorgeous woman who doesn't strip
I've seen many girls outside of the club. And many of them look very different as civilians vs strippers.
Especially the ones who have been doing it for many years.
And Diva is right.
The lifestyle of many a stripper is tough on your body. Your face. Hair, etc.
Many of these girls are smokers. Many of them drink and/or do drugs to excess. The hours of a working stripper can be long and most work at night until at least 2am to 3am most nights out of the week.
It takes its toll on a person if they do it many years.
The ones saying strippers look better than civilians, you sure seeing strippers naked doesn't distort your view a bit? :)
@Vikings- you're not getting my point. It's like comparing women in Miami and Idaho. Of course there are hot women in Idaho, but there are more hot women in Miami, and you see the hot women more frequently in Miami, and the girls generally look better in Miami. Therefore I would say the girls look better in Miami than they do in Idaho.
For one – good looking people are the minority IMO – SCs are about looks so the argument can be made that as a whole the good-looks-quotient is higher in SCs than the general OTC population.
I've been in cities (e.g. Houston) where nothing OTC has made me really turn my head – yet I got whiplash in the city's SCs.
"if a guy can pick up a gorgeous stripper.....then obviously that same guy can pick up a gorgeous woman who doesn't strip"
Sorry homie, but there is a serious fallacy in you're argument. Picking up chick's is totally situational. Some guys can pull chick's at bars who can't pull chick's at work and vice versa. Pulling chick's depends on both dynamics of a man personality and the situation in where he encounters chick's.
Also some guys (me being one of them) feel strippers have more down to earth expectations (read low expectations ) and it makes it easier to deal with than the civii girls who is making demands as to status, material things, family.
For me strippers are just kick back, unfortunately they are highly volatile and unreliable, but hey small price to pay for an other wise fun, good sex, low expectation relationship (while it lasts)
It depends on where you are at too. As in geography.
When I go to Vegas, there are so many good looking civi women there it unbelievable. But, that's where money is. This helps to attract beautiful women.
Miami has gorgeous girls too. Warm weather attracts beautiful girls.
If you are in Fairbanks Alaska, there probably aren't many strip clubs, but if there are, I'd bet the girls in the strip clubs are probably better looking than the civilians in Alaska. (Who can see anything through those huge fur lined coats and boots anyways?) lol.
The same goes for what city you are doing the comparison in. The civil women in Miami south beach are insanely hot. But in other cities not so much.
The bottom line is that atrippers get naked and let you play with their bodies, lots of them fuck for money, and they are easily available. So even if they aren't quite as hot as some civie girls, which is a debatable point, they still win.
BUT on the weekend I can stroll along the beach and see plenty of girls just as hot as the hottest stripper, some hotter. It's partially a numbers game. If there are 200 girls at the beach and 40 at the club, the odds of one or two girls at the beach being hotter are high.
Most clubs have a hotness cutoff around 5 or 6. Your dives may dip lower, bit below average women don't last top long stripping.
James got to what I was gonna say. Of course they are women in their 60's and 70's walking around in the real world, but you don't see them in strip clubs. I'm talking about comparing civilians and strippers in their 20's and 30's.
I think maybe the fact you see strippers naked changes your view a little bit. You might see a stripper naked that's a 7, but if she was OTC she's like a 5 or 6 with clothes on. I've met quite a few hotties in the strip club, fortunately I've been able to take some of them home. I have to say OTC some of them weren't nearly as good looking as they were in the strip club with their clothes off.
I do think geography is a good point too.
I could be wrong about this, but I think if you took your average civilian (like a 5 or 6), and put her in a strip club, she would probably turn to a 7. I think the strip clubs are filled with girls who are average looking civilians OTC.
Its like a sub running on the surface is no match for a surface warship especially a battleship or carrier. But submerged its a different story.......
I've have seen many more stunning civilian women than strippers. But, as stated above, the sample size is larger for civilian chicks. In fact, just tonight I was at an event with a large crowd and there were dozens of smoking hot women there (unfortunately, there were even more less than stunning women there). Dozens who would look great on stage if they were dancers. I would definitely say civilian women are overall more attractive than strippers, there are more of them and they are everywhere. They just are not always as friendly and don't get naked for money or let us play with their tits.
Ranukam, you will love the women in Phoenix, well at least the pretty ones.
If they're young then most of them will be good looking, but they won't be dolled up like strippers, not usually.
Most of the time civilians stay within a speed limit, not always, but most of the time.
Even some of the practiced PUA's say that it is hard to get more than a telephone number on the night of meeting them, unless the girl is drinking.
I know there are exceptions, but in general this is so.
I have found that it is easy to pick up on nice looking young girls in indoor shopping malls.
1. Must have story for why you are in mall, and you must deliver it. Anticipate the questions she will have but won't want to voice. Answer these questions so that she does not have to ask.
2. One view front and one view rear max, then decide and close, don't follow them around.
Follow those rules and it works, but usually it will be at most a phone number.
So yes, if you want a girl friend, about all you need is a car, a job, and some nice clothes, and you've got it. Women are actually quite simple, but they aren't straight up about how they think.