
OT: Fed's Fisher "Couldn't Have Better Conditions than We Have Now"

But back in October Stevie-girl was warning daily of the weakness of the economy and mocking anyone who thought different. And the mindless cock-sucking circle-jerkers just sheepishly nodded their heads in agreement. So how did they get it so wrong?


  • crsm27
    9 years ago
    This is funny..... because I seen where Ron Paul is saying that we could have another financial meltdown like we did before

    But this all could be just political BS for the up coming presidential race as well.

    But I will tell you that the economy isn't as strong as people think it is. It is ok....but if gas prices jump back up you will see a slower economy. Also look at other factors... summer is also an "economic" upswing. The reason is because the work force is bigger....people who were laid off are working again, construction, summer help at resorts, etc. So always the summer numbers are skewed as it is every year.
  • Mate27
    9 years ago
    Fisher really said this? He's been the one outlier of the whole group. Thought he would say "we need to raise rates".
  • ime
    9 years ago
    What about your BFF SJG with his tin hat saying the market is all scam by whitey to ripoff the poor.
  • Dougster
    9 years ago
    Fisher does think we should raise rates. I agree and think things it will get even better once it finally happens.
  • Dougster
    9 years ago
    @ime: yeah, SJG I don't agree about much when it comes to the markets.
  • crsm27
    9 years ago
    We have needed to raise rates for years.....but it always fell on deaf ears.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    The following is completely fictional:

    I'm walking through Time Square. I'm disappointed, coming all the way out here from San Jose, but not finding the hooker fashion show I was expecting. Is this the legacy of Rudi Giuliani?

    But wait, is that who I think it is?

    "Hey, fellow TUSCL egomaniac, I was worried about you, with this 2015 bust out and all. You've got some new clothes. They don't give out clothes like that at Catholic Charities. What's happening?"

    "I've started my own television production company now. Our first program is, 'How to Pay Hookers for Sex.' I was going down to pickup my new Rolls Royce."

    "Television company, Rolls Royce, paying hookers for sex?"

    "Yes, I've got Rick Dugan on board. He'll be doing segments about how to get same night OTC. Only in the alcohol places though. He thinks the places without alcohol are pervy. But we've got someone to handle that market segment though, Mr. LDK. He really can do what he says, jiz in his pants on an hourly schedule. He knows how to keep it cheap too.

    So what are you doing out here. I thought your mom never let you out of the basement for more than 60min at time?"

    "Well, um, my mom had an accident. It's that hard concrete floor in the basement. She seems to have fallen and bashed the back or her head in. The authorities took her liver temperature and figured that she'd already been dead for three days. But they still have some questions, and so the investigation is still open.

    Hey, how about you let me do some segments?"

    "What would you do?"

    "I could start in San Francisco with the AMPs. You know that I like to do lots of window shopping first. I always go for ones with the highest heels, the most extreme eye makeup, and the sluttiest dresses. I like to flirt with them in the front room, to screen them and get them ready. It makes the GFE better. All of those preliminaries will go over really well on television. People like that visual aspect of prostitution.

    And then after that I'll take your viewers down to TJ. I'll start in the main clubs.


    Then once I get a little more Mexicanized, I'll go to the street hookers. Everyone loves pretty street hookers. Besides, it'll be easier to set up outings and over nighters with them, cause they're their own bosses.

    Then after that I'll go to the little hooker bars and date houses in the smaller border towns, and then on to smaller and smaller places in the interior, until I'm going to places where the roads cross and they don't have even pavement or sidewalks, but they do have a little brothel with overnight services.

    And then from that I'll move back to the large and pricey cities like Monterrey. Becoming Mexican will be like another chance at life for me. What PL wouldn't want to watch that happening in weekly installments?"

    "Yes, I see your point. Great idea. Maybe when you are doing this you could also be selling our stock?"

    "Selling your stock? Now I get it. No way! I'm not going to try and export one of your scams to Mexico.

    Mexicans are some of the nicest people I've ever met. If you are in need, they'll give you the shirt of their back. Mexicans aren't like Americans. They don't believe that poor people and working people are scum. So if someone is poor, they want to help.

    Mexicans are really nice, but still there is a limit. If I was bilking their people out of their money, you know what would happen. You'd be reading about it in the newspaper:

    'The deceased was found lying on top of the largest of the pyramids near Mexico City. His chest was ripped open and his heart found nearby in a stone bowl.

    As the event had been advertised on radio and television for the 2 previous weeks, it drew over 20,000 people. After the heart was ripped out and held up still beating as an offering, it was tossed into the bowl.

    Then after that, Donkey Shows were put on at stations distributed throughout the crowd. Then there were 3 full days of orgy and feasting.

    As the crowd was starting to leave, the Head of Federales Investigative Division arrived. He has just completed his report declaring the death to have been by natural causes. He say, 'Don't worry about it, these things have to happen sometimes.'

    So no, you won't see me taking one of your scams to Mexico.

    People in the US are taught libertarianism. This means that they should try to get rich by making other people poor, because cops with tear gas, dogs, and assault rifles will protect them. They know that they can do this so long as they can keep getting anti-government candidates elected.

    And also, in the US, people marry and have children so that they won't be seen as losers or weirdos. There are books which explain how to do this. In my day it was Dr. Spock. But now the books are coffee table size picture books, printed on glossy paper. They are a type of kiddie porn. People brag about all they have learned and applied from reading the books.

    Then when there are conflicts because of how they have used the child, they know that it will be the child who spends their life on alcohol, drugs, in psychotherapy, in recovery groups, on medication, and getting Saved. They know that they can always blame any problem on the child, and then count on getting pats on the back for how much pity they are showing.

    In Mexico it is not like this. Yes, there are some middle class people, and for them it is starting to go this way, but these are still only a minority.

    The reason that Mexico is so nice, and that Mexican GFE so good, is that most people are not this way.

    In Mexico people spend their money on good stuff, like providing for the retirement of their favorite escorts, not on money making scams.

    I saw this back in San Jose. Local people will know who I mean. She drove around in a dark blue 12 cylinder MBZ 600SL convertible two seater. She was actually from Columbia. She was nice looking. But that alone does not explain why people loved her so. Same for the others in that group. It was because of how they made guys feel. No one who has ever been initiated by a Latina GFE Priestess will ever be able to live as they used to. So no, I am not going to try and export one of your scams to Mexico.

    What segments of the show are you going to make?"

    "Oh, well I'm the host of the show. So I do the stock promo segments."

    "Yes I see. I remember now, you got your first job boosting for one of these bubbles. It was probably that one a while back that they called, 'The New Economy'.

    Leopards can change their spots and tigers can change their stripes. But do lions have markings, and can they change them?

    I know what we need here. Everyone talks about Latina GFE, and it is all true. But what some also say is that if you really get into it and want the very best, it is Black GFE. You've just got to become a kind of an insider before you can get it.

    I've sensed this at various times myself.

    Picking up a Rolls Royce? No. I'm taking you to Sights, in Newark. It will be my first time too, but soon will be getting the very best that could be.


    And if Chris Christie has got the bridges closed again, for a campaign photo op, we can still sneak over by ferry boat. Lets go."


    Donkey Show Every Night

    Take the A Train
  • Mate27
    9 years ago
    What just happened? Did someone just post stock advice?
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    ^^^^^^^ Have you seen the pilot episode of Dougter and my television program, "How to Pay Hookers for Sex?"

    Have you ever seen a donkey show? Well keep watching our episodes.

  • Mate27
    9 years ago
    Yes, SJG!! I saw the new pilot. Hopefully it gets picked up on Bravo and eventually network television, although the the donkey show will likely have to be edited for the Bravo version.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Doing Donkey Shows gets both men and women heated up. Many would say that it is gross, but they will still look if it is right in front of them.

    So then imagine, one American Ponzi Scheme Con Artist, sacrificed on top of the Pyramid on the Sun, and then Donkey Shows, and all the people are going to want to do is feast and fuck.

    Weather Report

  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Pyramid to the Sun

  • Mate27
    9 years ago
    Interesting how u say Donkey shows will get the women heated up too. How does this work if they all look away as most women do at things of shocking nature?

    You may want to try another angle for the female crowd, like having Rickyboy Dugan come in to save the damsel from the donkey by dropping down a few Benjamin's. Then she can slip out early with her white knight to a local Motel 6.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    They will say it is gross, but they will still look at it.

    And remember, they will have just seen what happens to American Ponzi Scheme Con Artists, as the Priest up on top of the Pyramid holds up the heart as an offering, while it is still beating.

    Women say all kinds of moralistic stuff, but this doesn't mean that they always hold to their positions.

    But I like your idea too. We should give Rick Dugan a role in this too. I wonder if he wants to comment?

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