
Strip clubs, casinos: DoD gets a $1 million surprise

Detroit strip clubs


  • warhawks
    9 years ago

    I'm surprised it's only $1 million.

    If you think about how many guys in the military visit strip clubs...
  • deogol
    9 years ago
    This is a non-story - it reads that card holders will not be reimbursed for this stuff - if they are stupid enough to ask for it to begin with.
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    Strip clubs often have an official name that's not what the sign outside the front door says, and that's the name on the CC receipt. I can see how some of these charges could be overlooked.
  • warhawks
    9 years ago

    Yep. In most instances (at least in Detroit) the name that shows up on the cc receipt and on the cc statement is not the club's name.

    For example, I know that The Coliseum used to show up on the statement as: ELI. And Hustler used to be: Lincoln Park Bistro, or something like that.

    I've leaned to just use cash. It's easier and doesn't leave a trail, (if you are concerned at all about it).
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    I'm surprised the amounts charged weren't bigger. Can you imagine what would happen if they gave some of us a government credit card?
  • samsung1
    9 years ago
    Penthouse showed up as something like ABCDE, Inc.
    The old Columbus gold showed up as a golf shop.
  • Tiredtraveler
    9 years ago
    This kind of crap permeates the government and flows from the top down. The waste is astronomical. I have flown all over for work for years and majority of first class passengers work for the government.
    Why the F.. can't the do nothing a..holes fly coach. I am frankly tired of government employees acting like they are royalty. All politicians and their minions should be treated like employees! That is what they are and should be require to treat every tax payer with respect instead of like crap. Every government employee including the president needs to have a fixed travel expense account and if that employee exceeds that account he/she must pay the expenses out of their salary or stay home!
    This includes the president, first spouse and first brats. If an important official like the president exceed his/her budget then they must go before congress for official state business travel only! Congressional 'junkets' all over the world on 'fact finding trip' where congressman are finding out how tight their intern's pussy's are, the speaker of the house taking a private jet home on the weekends or the first spouse taking two planeloads of her closest friends to Spain for a month on at our expense must stop! The campaigning and political fund raising at our expense needs to stop. I am speaking about all politicians not just the democrats although the Obama's have been the worst abuser of an unlimited travel budget in history. They have spent more on travel than all the previous presidents since Truman combined.
    As government gets bigger we the people get poorer.
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