
At times like this I sympathize with the dancers

layin low but staying high
From a recent review of Dejavu in Tacoma Washington. What an idiot. He feels horribly ripped off because he got three lap dances and the dancer expected to be paid. I know I was a newbie once, but I was never anything close to this naive and ignorant.

March 25, 2015 • Have you ever been ripped off? Well if you're thinking about going to Deja vu you should be prepared to leave with negative cash than when you first stepped in. You may ask yourself how the hell can I leave with negative cash? Well let me tell you.

So I pay a casual $20 entrance fee no big deal, go up to the stage throw a few ones no problem. Until a dancer comes up sits on my lap and flirts with me for a little while. Eventually she asks me "can i take you into the back and please you?" so I'm thinking okay she didn't ask if i wanted to pay for a dance nor told me anything about prices she just assumed I'd give $20 a dance. At this point there were no words exchanged about any amount of money. I expected that I get what I pay for. Pay first, dance later. Well about three dances later she asks if I can pay her the $60 I owe her.

Everything that follows this point is just me telling the manager about the situation as well as explaining to the girl her faults in not giving me any explicit information about money. Eventually they threatened to call the cops so I went to the ATM and payed the lady $40. So hence I was -$40 at that point.

I had accepted the fact I got swindled but what was the worse part was after the manager had told me to give the girl the money she started to say that she definitely should have told me the prices and I was supposed to pay first and dance after. Well if I wasn't at fault for the mistake why the fuck did I pay more damn money.

In conclusion: their dancers have free reign over you because the management in incompetent. Before a dancer asks if you want anything ask them how much something is.


  • mikeya02
    9 years ago
    This guy is a tool beyond belief
  • MrDeuce
    9 years ago
    This one time I went to a restaurant and the waitress asked me what I wanted and I told her and she brought it and I ate it and then she asked me for money! WTF, man? She didn't say anything about money when I ordered! I'm out like 10 bucks and all I got was some food.

    Someone should PM this miserable miser and alert him to this thread. Maybe he doesn't realize what a chiseling cheapskate he is.
  • GACA
    9 years ago
    I wonder if his boss has the same reaction when it's time to pay this douche bag...on 2nd thought he's probably unemployed
  • Clackport
    9 years ago
  • jackslash
    9 years ago
    How stupid can you be?

  • Cheo_D
    9 years ago
    That's either really REALLY dumb, or maybe we've someone trolling the board
  • motorhead
    9 years ago
    He didn't say if it was his first time in a strip club. But he knew to tip at the stage. Something seems fishy
  • georgmicrodong
    9 years ago
    He's not stupid, he's an asshole. He knew precisely what was expected of him, and was just trying to put one over.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    ^ yeah – he is either mentally challenged and thus totally clueless or he's trying to “get off on a technicality” or trying to stupidly prove some point.

    “Mr Deuce” had the perfect analogy.
  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
    Wow, what a fucking jackass.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    If you get a service, you can expect to be billed. Dancers should say how much something costs though ahead of time to avoid all this. Part of selling something is agreeing on a price. If you don't do that, arguments always pop up.

    In this case, he sounds like an idiot. What did he think, she just was working for free?
    I would understand if the dancer wanted money for just sitting and talking. That would be unjustified.
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