Current favorite

avatar for Clackport

What is your current favorite club and why?

Mine is Sam's Hofbrau in Los Angeles. Lots of hot Latinas with big juicy asses (some of them fake), $10 good contact dances, party atmosphere.



last comment
avatar for shadowcat
9 yrs ago

If you don't know, guess. :)

avatar for mikeya02
9 yrs ago

Ranukam, I've heard of fake asses, but I don't think I ever saw one. What do they look like? Does Kim K have one?

avatar for Clackport
9 yrs ago

@Shadow- Cheetah? :)

@mikey- I don't know how to tell. My buddy actually told me that they were fake. I believe Kim K's ass is real.

As long as it's nice and juicy, I don't care if the ass is fake. If I was a girl with a small ass, I would seriously consider getting ass shots. In 2015, ass is the new breasts.

avatar for londonguy
9 yrs ago

I'll be passing through LA in August, shame I can't make it out of the airport :-(

avatar for lopaw
9 yrs ago

My fave club right now is Tropical lei. If our brother Slick was around, he'd tell you why ;)

avatar for motorhead
9 yrs ago

Not the putter. Definitely not the putter. Damn yips. It a bitch getting old

avatar for Clackport
9 yrs ago

@Lopaw- over BE LAX? I guess next time I'm in LA I'll have to check it out.

avatar for mikeya02
9 yrs ago

Motor, Steve Sax feels you

avatar for lopaw
9 yrs ago

@ranukam - I don't know what's going on with BE-LAX lately, but I heard from a couple of the dancers there that management is really starting to clamp down on extras. Now it's known as a LM club to most, but those of us in-the-know know better. They have hired alot of hot new girls, and it seems that those new girls are being groomed to be LM, so although I love the old crew there, I like new girls even more. I'm giving BE-LAX a bit of a break for awhile. I had heard that Tropical Lei was as high mileage as they come, so after checking it out it's all true. What TL brings to the table even more than the COI is more consistent lookers (COI is definitely hit or miss) and virtual guaranteed UHM. It's a helluva drive for me, but it's worth it. I already got me a fave there, and it won't be long before we just gonna go OTC. God Bless America!

avatar for Papi_Chulo
9 yrs ago

I'm not into fave clubs nor fave dancers; but off the top of my heads I would have to say per my limited experience that perhaps Follies would be it for me if I had to pick one b/c:

  • great value – I like variety and at $10/dance I can afford to get lots of dances from many different dancers (and songs seemed of good length and not cut=short b/c they were cheap)

  • variety – large # of dancers both day and night shifts and good dancer ethnic variety of vanilla; chocolate; and Taco Bell

  • dances – full-nude and high 2-way contact

  • extras – pretty accessible/available

  • club seems well managed – in particular it seems they keep the dancers somewhat in check b/c in my limited Follies experience I found most of the dancers well-behaved and I didn't really get any major attitudes (although I'm sure it happens to a certain degree given the amount of dancers)

  • talent – dancers are above avg in looks in my particular opinion – if one is looking for a high # of 8s, 9s, & 10s, then they will be disappointed – but IMO I don't recall many if any fuglies that I considered should not be dancing – seems most dancers are in a tight range of 6-8 IMO

  • consistency – per my limited experience – the club is fairly consistent in what it offers and what is good at

avatar for jackslash
9 yrs ago

Flight Club in the Detroit suburb of Inkster

avatar for warhawks
9 yrs ago

If I had to choose an iron clad lock for a good time and extras, it would be Penthouse for sure.

But it will cost you more than most in the Detroit area, $ wise.

I've never, ever, struck out there.

Follies for pretty much the exact same reasons that Papi stated. Plus they are 420 friendly.

avatar for Dougster
9 yrs ago

Penthouse in Detroit.

avatar for mjx01
9 yrs ago

@londonguy: compared to passing through FRA and not getting to leave the airport...

@ranukam: The Filly Corral in Smithton PA had been my #1 choice for some time... but they are on probation due to lack of decent dancers of late. I very well may be without a Fav Club if that doesn't turn around.

avatar for JohnSmith69
9 yrs ago

For me it's a tie between follies and tootsies. From what I've heard though it might be penthouse if I could ever make it to Detroit.

Lopaw, thanks for the recommendation. I will try Tropical Lei the next time I'm in LA. The relatively low mileage at bare elegance and 4Play has gotten old.

gewings, if you get a mini vaporizer and some concentrate every club is 420 friendly. I just got high as a kite a few days ago on concentrate at a very conservative absolutely no drugs kind of a place. Nobody suspected a thing except the dancers that I shared with.

avatar for IHearVoices
9 yrs ago

Tootsies for me. There's a real battle for #2 between Brass Flamingo and 2001, though.

avatar for MrDeuce
9 yrs ago

I'm a Midwestern guy pretty far from Detroit. I'll list 4 favorites, 2 each in 2 different cities:

  • Club 390 and Jimmy's in Chicago Heights
  • Dancers and Club Rio in Indianapolis
avatar for sharkhunter
9 yrs ago

I only have one club to choose from now unless I want to visit Columbia or Augusta. not much choice anymore. Someone please invent a super fast personal spaceship. I'll just hang out at topless beaches in Australia for the weekend.

avatar for Clubber
9 yrs ago

Stir Crazy. A decent afternoon club and gems can be found. Also I know a few that work there. All good people.

avatar for Corvus
9 yrs ago

I have favorite clubs where I travel as there are no clubs very close to home.

Bourbon Street Circus in Phoenix because the girls are just so damn hot. And it's a nice club too. In Tucson I enjoy Curves more than the other clubs in town if for no other reason than I've nearly always had a good time there and found attractive girls. Closer to home, in Albuquerque, I usually end up at TDs Eubank for the same reason I go to Curves in Tucson. In El Paso the Cabaret Club is a certifiable dive full of willing, if not gorgeous Latina's, and I just can't stay away when I'm on the border.

But to tell the truth I just have not been hitting the SCs much the last few months since I have girlfriends/fuck buddies in each of those towns now. Why go pay to see titties when I can stay in and have as much sex as I can handle? But I'll probably not give up the SC habit anytime soon. Love looking at titties and I'll be doing just that on Sunday.

avatar for Electronman
9 yrs ago

Flight Club, followed closely by Players and Landing Strip (all in metro Detroit).

Hong Kong in Tijuana.

Scarlett's at Ybor Strip (Tampa)

avatar for SlickSpic
9 yrs ago

To piggyback on what my sister Lopaw has stated. Tropical Lei is a great experience. It's not the largest club. It doesn't have the most dancers. But it has quality and performance, plus variety. There stunners are as hot as any club's but with a little something extra. These hotties seem to be real nymphos or real actresses. Either way, it's like Disneyland for perverts. Amen!

avatar for georgmicrodong
9 yrs ago

My current favorite is one of the clubs in Louisville. They have cute, if not Vegas hot, dancers, who don't mind sucking a creepy old man's dick in exchange for monetary remuneration.

avatar for rickydugan
9 yrs ago

The OutHouse in Kansas. Just love greasing bouncers there!

avatar for Clackport
9 yrs ago

Spearmint Rhino in Vegas is second for me. Spearmint Rhino in downtown LA is third for me.

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