Lack of privacy in the VIP room

avatar for MrDeuce
I have pursued this hobby for 20+ years but am still sometimes surprised by strip clubs and the delightful yet exasperating chicks that work in them. I took a day off yesterday and went to my new favorite club in a large Midwestern city, hoping for some VIP time with M*, a beautiful Latina stripper in her early 30s who had pleasured me orally on my last two visits. Sure enough she was on stage when I arrived, so I tipped her and she asked if I wanted to go to VIP. Why yes; yes, I do! I pointed out that R* had just gone to the semi-private room with a customer, so maybe we should have a drink and wait half an hour. Her response? "Don't worry -- R* is my girl! The *grown-ups* here know what's up in VIP!" So I paid the $150 and we joined R* and her "date", soon to be accompanied by L* and hers. Despite my escapades in Detroit and ESL, I'm not at all accustomed to being fellated in the presence of two other couples within 10 feet. Is my desire for privacy old-fashioned? Have you guys had similar experiences with shared intimacy in a VIP or champagne room?


last comment
avatar for JohnSmith69
10 years ago
Sounds like you've never experienced a VIP at Follies.
avatar for JohnSmith69
10 years ago
I now demand privacy, usually in a hotel room. But before I started doing otc, I had gotten used to extras in cramped semi public areas. Bothered me at first but then the little head took over.
avatar for shadowcat
10 years ago
Yes. I have done it but it is certainly not my preference. The Memphis Platinum Plus just had 1 semi private lap dance room full on sofas. I was there 1 night when it got raided and the police gave out citations to 50 dancers and customers that were in there at the time. 90 minutes after the police left I got my first ever ITC BJ.
avatar for jackslash
10 years ago
I prefer the private VIP booths of my favorite Detroit clubs.
avatar for warhawks
10 years ago

Yeah, I wouldn't like dances out In the open or in a room with others in it.

I must be spoiled by the decent size rooms with curtains in the Detroit area clubs.
We even have a club (Hustler Club) that at one point, the rooms actually had doors on them. Some rooms had their own bathrooms....Talk about privacy.... That was a great club. Although I hear the management at that club has now removed all the doors from the rooms.
But it was fun while it lasted there.
avatar for lopaw
10 years ago
Lack of complete privacy in a club is a firm deal breaker for me. If a club doesn't offer a VIP area with separate very private rooms or cubicles, I don't return.
avatar for Jamesday
10 years ago
I'm trying to think which Club you were in, in the Detroit Area. Flight club and Bogart's have curtains. La Chambra has semi private booths. Henry the 8th and Cricket has curtains as well.
avatar for Clubber
10 years ago
I've never been in VIP with anyone but my chosen companion. Now in the general LD area, I've had Mr. Happy enjoy some attention, but it never elevated to the highest level.
avatar for impala
10 years ago
Not usually my preference, but if it is a club where extras are not frowned upon, if you go back and some other dude is getting head right then and there, you know your chances are pretty good.
avatar for chandler
10 years ago
Anytime I've wanted to do a VIP, it's been in a club that had less than total privacy. So it's just not an option I associate with strip clubs. I can see how it could be fun, but I've managed to have fun without it.
avatar for Clackport
10 years ago
The main reason I'm not interested in extras ITC is because of the lack of privacy and cramped space.
avatar for ujay
10 years ago
I may have ITC for the first one or two times to break the ice with the girl; I will then ask for OTC. If she does not respond to OTC, I move over to a different girl. The main reason I do not like ITC is paying so much money for so little time. You can never get a second pop. Eveyrthing is rushed.
avatar for georgmicrodong
10 years ago
My usual tack is the same as ujay's, but usually only once. Fortunately, most of the VIP rooms here are in the $110 range for a half hour. Usually another 40 or 50 gets a decent BJ, 75-100 for FS.

Many of the local VIP rooms are private, with a solid curtain. One even has a door that locks, though they won't let you actually lock it. :)
avatar for jester214
10 years ago
This is why I have no interest in sex ITC. While a discreet BJ is fine, discreet sex is unappealing.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
10 years ago
I, as most I imagine, prefer privacy but a communal VIP is not a deal breaker for me and in some instances it's actually a bit of an orgy-like turn-on.

As long as everyone is minding their business (other PLs or dancers not staring and staff not intruding) then I'm down if the dancer is.

I've posted b/f about a black dive down here in Miami were all dances (and often fucking) is done right at the bar – I'm a spur of the moment PL and it's been a rush when I'm at this dive getting VHM and UHM dances and then proceeding straight to CFS w/ barely a break in the action; all while other PLs are sitting around me and the female bartender is just on the other side of the bar-top.
avatar for san_jose_guy
10 years ago
I still like the idea of the "chair forts" which have been written about in the early days of high mileage in Dallas and Houston. If it is being done that way, they probably the house is not getting any cut and it is just between you and the dancer. So the quality of the exchange will be better, more GFE and less 'extras', as you are not being played for a chump.

Where I want to be is here:

This hotel over the Tropical Bar, TJ
They say it is a bit more laid back than the Hong Kong Bar. I suspect that the girls are a bit older.…

We should be able to figure out how to get something like this here in the US.

But I had read about places on Black Strip Clubs dot Net where they just use one common VIP room for FS. And then even of some where they just take care of business in a darkened corner of the front room.

And of course the girl makes the intial approach as GFE as possible.


Stones, 1995, w/ Lisa Fischer…
avatar for sexualchoc
10 years ago
I definitely prefer a private booth, you can never know when a "snitch" might rat you out. I won't go to any club VIP that has an open room, it's gotta have booths.
avatar for motorhead
10 years ago
When in Rome..

My first visit to Bogart's was a culture shock. I walked into the community dancer area and the first thing I saw was a 60 something guy, pants around his knees, performing DATY with a dancer as she stood on a chair.

Just don't stare.
avatar for bvino
10 years ago
I tripped over a guys feet the other day. Hey! it was dark. He was cool and she didn't care.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
10 years ago
^ that's not much of a problem unless you happen to land on his erect dick - one can lose an eye that way.
avatar for motorhead
10 years ago
I made a joke about the open dance at Bogart's a few years back and promptly received a rather terse PM from our friend Alucard. I had to explain to him to was merely an attempt at humor. I miss those days.
avatar for warhawks
10 years ago
^^^^ Wow. Someone actually got upset about a joke about Bogarts?

If it's the same place I'm thinking of by me in Detroit, it's a real shit-hole dive.
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