
Does she pass the test?

Say you're in a club that offers 20 buck nude dances (amount of contact is YMMV depending of which girl it is). You're not in the mood for VIP, you just maybe want to get some dances, but you're not sure. A 9 in your opinion comes up to you and chats with you for a little bit. She eventually convinces you to try out a dance from her. What would she have to do in her dances to make you end up getting five dances from her?



  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
    Full sex

    By dance #2 I either LDK or I'm ready to try someone else. So basically she'd have to offer a good grind during dance #1, start stick shifting during dance #2 and start blowing me dance #3.

    This is of course hypothetical, since what 9 dancer does full sex during LDs?
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    A good constant grind and liberal groping – if she spends part of the song getting up and air-dancing or sometimes squirms away from my octopus hands; then will probably be one and done or maybe a 2nd dance at most if she’s really hot.
  • chandler
    9 years ago
    Keep surprising me and making me feel that I don't want to miss what could happen between us in the next song. She'd also have to hang out with me when I take a break after the 2nd or 3rd song. I almost never get five dances without a good long break.
  • Estafador
    9 years ago
    Not use me as solely a riding ball
  • IHearVoices
    9 years ago
    In order for me to get five dances...she'd have to give four good ones. I don't care too much about groping, but she'd better spend 2/3 of each song grinding - and not that leg crap either. Trust me, chick - this won't fit in your knee.
  • Clubber
    9 years ago
    She'd have to become a favorite before I'd buy 5.
  • mjx01
    9 years ago
    Papi, I like the way your think.

    Ranukam, to answer your question: First, I would try to gauge what her rules are before committing to the first dance. Then, liberal groping is a must anymore. (Since I've found a club where the majority of girls allow hand roaming, anything less has be come unacceptable.) I don't have a problem with her mixing it up, different positions, tits in face rub, etc. So, I wouldn't say "constant" grind, but I would agree with grinding most of the time.

    And... her encouraging the groping goes a long way making me want to keep at it. There are dancers who don't tell you to stop, but never really indicate they are cool with it. That can make me uncomfortable. My CF is (was?) great about that, she'd put my hand on her tits immediately.

    And... the grind so be a pleasant grind, not an abusive grind, or a finish me in 30 seconds grinds.
  • Clackport
    9 years ago
    5 songs is the most I'll do with any girl in one setting, and I've only ever done that with maybe two girls.

    For me, she would have to encourage me groping like mjx says, it'd have to be great grinding, sensual, sucking my nipples or kissing my stomach would also help.
  • jackslash
    9 years ago
    For me to do 5 dances, by the end of the first dance she needs to be on her knees blowing me.
  • tobala
    9 years ago
    I would have to LDK by the third dance. Then maybe the other 2after a break.
  • georgmicrodong
    9 years ago
    I get four to six dances from the MILF when I see her in the club, but she's the only one from whom I've gotten that many at once in probably a decade or more.

    I tend to get one dance lately, even from favorites. With them, it's a chance to grope, and I'm a pretty generous tipper in that case.

    For girls I've not seen before, it's a chance to evaluate her for, and talk about, other things, and that doesn't generally take more than one or two.
  • 3LeggedMan
    9 years ago
    I won't buy 5 regular lappers from any dancer - it's just not cost-effective. Where I club, a 15 minute VIPS can be had for much less $$, and the ladies provide far better service in the VIP area.
  • chandler
    9 years ago
    I try to avoid ever buying any "regular lappers".
  • warhawks
    9 years ago

    I usually can tell after the 1st song if I want to continue to song 2.
    Most times if she's not suggesting anything else I'm done in 2... maximum.
    This also helps with the ROBs who tell you they did 8+ songs when it's only been between 5 to 10 minutes...
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago

    My answer to you is the same as all of the answers I have given to such questions from Mr. LDK. I would not be in that kind of a situation.

    First of all, I pick the girl, she doesn't pick me. If there is some unbelievable 9.9999, and I want her, I will approach her and engage with her. Otherwise, I'll be happy with the girl I've picked. I deal with girls I like, and it is not just looks which determine this.

    Second, I don't walk into a club without money in my pocket to enjoy what is being offered. I know that otherwise the girls will look down on me, and this not fun.

    A trip to the Brass Rail during the lunch hour can be kept within $20 and it can be fun. You can make an impression on one of their girls.

    A trip to Cheetah's in Sunnyvale, with $40 air dances, can be very expensive and so I avoid that place.

    A trip to the San Jose Pink Poodle can have $20 air dances, but you can also do okay with the girls when they are on stage. You can patronize that place economically, and still make a nice impression on their girls.

    A trip to San Francisco can be extremely expensive, because most of the clubs are set up as clip joints, and because they offer so much more. I have only partaken of this when I've been prepared to really spend. Just to get real nice GFE FS, even though GFE is not really on the menu, it can be made real nice at an AMP.

    I did not know this before, but now there is no longer any need to look to other states, as San Francisco has a shit hole of it's very own:
    Shame on Subraman for trying to keep this place to himself!

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