
Fun Fun Fun

Wednesday, November 17, 2010 1:45 PM
<p>So yesterday, I check my email and there's an African email about "My dad was king and he was killed, but he's got 17 million in the bank and if you give me your account number, I can transfer the money, blah blah blah."</p> <p>My reply was a one word reply "Epic", along with some funny pictures, like a train wreck with the caption "Epic Fail-seriously, how the fuck did you manage that ?" There were some ruder pictures with ruder captions.</p> <p>Today, a reply (can you believe it ?). Two pics attached (see my present avatar). I guess the old ugly African behind the keyboard thinks I'm a sucker for a prtty face.</p> <p>My reply was that I'm Barack Obama (but you can call me pimp daddy O ), along with the white house address. Bank address 123 Main street, Anywhere Ohio, account number 000000001. I also sent more pictures (see my wtf pic). </p> <p>This is too much fun. BTW, I asked for naked pics. If they come, I'll post them. </p>


  • troop
    14 years ago
    well i'm a sucker for a pretty face, where do i send my account #? :-)
  • txtittyfan
    14 years ago
    OK, If I am reading this correctly, you opened an attachment(photo), from a scammer spammer. You have just exposed yourself to potential viruses and major problems.
  • Dudester
    14 years ago
    txtiityfan said "You have just exposed yourself to potential viruses and major problems." Negative. I had it scanned by McAfee first, then I ran my Norton-just to be sure.
  • txtittyfan
    14 years ago
    Two points to remember, Anti viru software only protects against known viruses, Hackers stay ahead of the anti virus people. Computer doctors make a decent income removing infected files from people that have used anti virus software prior to opening attachments.
  • jackslash
    14 years ago
    I've been tempted to make funny replies to some of the email cons I receive. But I think if you reply the scammers will assume you're an easy mark and flood you with scams.
  • georgmicrodong
    14 years ago
    Dudester: I'm currently making some serious coin removing viruses fronthe computers of people who think McAffee, Norton, AVG, et al protect them from opening infected attachments. I see an average of one a week that one or the other virus program doesn't catch. And not only new ones.
  • MisterGuy
    14 years ago
    This is entire post is just further evidence that you're a complete & total idiot Dudster...ugh...
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