How would you react if this woman tried to kiss you?

avatar for 4got2wipe

I'd have groped her breasts and told her they were brilliant! ;)


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avatar for PhantomGeek
10 years ago
She's a cutie. I'm surprised more people weren't up for reciprocating.
avatar for deogol
10 years ago
Sexual harassment of men. Period.
avatar for shadowcat
10 years ago
I would have a knee jerk reaction just like most of them did. Loony or druggie? If I'd had a few seconds to think about it, I would have figured her for a stripper and done it. Strippers are the only good looking women that kiss me anymore and then only if I pay them. :)
avatar for bang69
10 years ago
She is good looking. I would have kissed her
avatar for sharkhunter
10 years ago
She might have surprised me but no problem.
avatar for ididthisonce
10 years ago
She probably wouldn't have gotten me as I would have taken it as a scam. Not that I would have minded, but when she did a second try on the guy with her mouth open, that was kind of weird and I'd walked.
avatar for chukko
10 years ago
She wasn't bad looking, but I can see how that would put off a total stranger especially if he has a SO.
avatar for ididthisonce
10 years ago
@chukko - Exactly - That type of shit always ends up on youtube and the recipient will be ID and nailed.
avatar for JohnSmith69
10 years ago
She'd make a good stripper. She already gives more mileage than the girls on stripperweb.

And Id be like the last guy, initially surprised but then hell yeah let's get it on.
avatar for Clubber
10 years ago

Ain't that the truth!
avatar for ilbbaicnl
10 years ago
I'd just figure she was a beggar or a pick-pocket.
avatar for PhantomGeek
10 years ago
Or maybe she wanted to spread ebola.
avatar for rockstar666
10 years ago
She's hot, so if she tried to kiss me I'd rise to the occasion and go for it. Yes, it's sexual harassment in principle, but it's only harassment if you're not up for the kiss. I'm a stand up guy and kissing always has an uplifting effect on me.
avatar for bvino
10 years ago
She looks a homeless waif with bad lipstick. I would have though "loonie" but then I live in the city where this stuff is not uncommon.
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