He had plenty of opportunity to change course before it came to this. Maybe in a few years when he's off on good behavior he'll think twice before betting all his chips on being an asshole.
Charging victims money and charging a lot sounds despicable. Sounds like he ruined lives so he got off easy in my opinion compared to how much he hurt victims. His tears were probably just because he realized he lost his case and was going to jail.
What he did was terrible but am I the only one who thinks 18 years is a little too harsh? I think five years would have given him ample time to think about what he did.
He ruined several people's lives I thought I read. If you just look at it technically though, fines and payments to victims might have seemed more reasonable. I don't know how you can repay someone who got divorced and shamed or lost their family because of pictures. Maybe 300k per victim. If he had 13,000 victims, he could get out on probation and pay 3,900,000 if everything was handled just in a technical manner. or the judge could have acted like the music recording industry and made him pay 15k per illegal pic back to victims.
Actually, shark, 13,000 at $300,000 each comes to $3.9 BILLION- more than he could ever pay back. Personally, I think that 18 years is relatively light punishment given the harm, including at least one attempted suicide, he has caused. Prison isn't just for rehabilitation. It's for punishment too.
Actually, shark, 13,000 at $300,000 each comes to $3.9 BILLION- more than he could ever pay back. Personally, I think that 18 years is relatively light punishment given the harm, including at least one attempted suicide, he has caused. Prison isn't just for rehabilitation. It's for punishment too.
I didn't get much sleep this morning, I thought that number seemed low. Thanks. Yep the problem is he did so much harm that there is no way he could pay everyone back enough. Kind of like copper thieves that steal copper wires and sell it for less than $100 but do thousands of dollars of damage, not counting the time, pain, and anguish of those dealing with fixing the mess. Time and suffering is worth money too.
This bitch will be crying his eyes out again when he's bent over his mattress taking it up the ass, just like he was right smack in the middle of an Oz episode.
You guys are all too harsh. If you don't want naked pictures of yourself on the internet don't send naked pics. What he did was terrible but there was no violence involved, and that is a very important detail.
I see where you're coming from Diva1975 and it's brilliant that you're such a forgiving soul! :)
The thing that makes me think he deserves the more serious sentence is the release of other information! It sounds like he was trying to blackmail women, participating in identity theft, and posting personal identifying info!
If you post a naked pic of a woman without her permission you're a d-bag!
If you post a naked pic of a woman without her permission and give everybody info on where to find her you're not just a d-bag, you're also putting her in the crosshairs of rapists and murderers! Seriously NOT brilliant! :(
Diva is correct that this is an unusually harsh sentence for the crime involved. The judge did so here because the guy posted personal info with the pictures, he extorted money to have the pics removed, and most importantly, he caused severe damage to many women. While there was no violence, the harm done to the victims was in many ways as bad or worse than what physical violence would have caused. The sentence would not have been nearly as severe had it not been for the testimony of the victims.
Sorry Diva but many of us disagree. How do you know where he got the pictures from? Probably the boyfriend took them himself (consentually) and then when things went to shit in the relationship he probably sent those pix to that shitbag. He's getting exactly what he deserves for being an opportunistic weasel.
@Diva: Is it then your view that a bully who beats his victims almost to death deserves a harsher punishment than the one who fat or slut shames a girl into trying to kill herself?
Physical damage is sometimes far easier to deal with than emotional trauma. Wounds to the body heal pretty quckily, wounds to the psyche often never heal.
@JS69: Second, the sentence is what it is in part because each count of the conviction likely carries a minimum sentence. Multiply that minimum by the number of counts, and you probably get a number that the judge cannot legally reduce.
What he did was reprehensible. I stick my my assertion that he deserves every second of that sentence, even if the judge *had* the option to reduce it.
I still think that without a violent component to this crime, the punishment was too harsh. Putting personal info up of the girls was however potentially physically dangerous to then like 4 go said: not brilliant :)
@Diva: I think you are underestimating the severity of emotional and psychological harm relative to physical. Perhaps this is because one can *see* the results of physical violence, while emotional damage is often invisible to others not trained to see the signs.
@Diva: 18 years means he'll serve a lot less, but I for one don't want this guy loose in society.
Tell you what Diva, say I have pics of you and your friends and family in compromising positions, and you can have me get rid of them for $10,000. You stew about it for a while....in a near panic perhaps. That's a LOT of money, but you pay it. Then I get caught. Oh and I spent your money already. Would you be okay with me just getting 5 years?
last commentThe thing that makes me think he deserves the more serious sentence is the release of other information! It sounds like he was trying to blackmail women, participating in identity theft, and posting personal identifying info!
If you post a naked pic of a woman without her permission you're a d-bag!
If you post a naked pic of a woman without her permission and give everybody info on where to find her you're not just a d-bag, you're also putting her in the crosshairs of rapists and murderers! Seriously NOT brilliant! :(
@Diva: Is it then your view that a bully who beats his victims almost to death deserves a harsher punishment than the one who fat or slut shames a girl into trying to kill herself?
Physical damage is sometimes far easier to deal with than emotional trauma. Wounds to the body heal pretty quckily, wounds to the psyche often never heal.
@JS69: Second, the sentence is what it is in part because each count of the conviction likely carries a minimum sentence. Multiply that minimum by the number of counts, and you probably get a number that the judge cannot legally reduce.
What he did was reprehensible. I stick my my assertion that he deserves every second of that sentence, even if the judge *had* the option to reduce it.
Tell you what Diva, say I have pics of you and your friends and family in compromising positions, and you can have me get rid of them for $10,000. You stew about it for a while....in a near panic perhaps. That's a LOT of money, but you pay it. Then I get caught. Oh and I spent your money already. Would you be okay with me just getting 5 years?
But any d-bag that would post information that could put her or anther girl in danger deserves whatever punishment he gets!