I think there's usually a wide variety of drama going on between the girls in the club of which most of the time I am blissfully unaware. Occasionally, however, worlds collide and PLs like me become aware of the hidden drama that surrounds them.
A case in point. i'm at the club with the DS, and after hanging out with her for a couple hours I turn her loose to hustle the crowd before we go back for a VIP to finish the night. While she is hustling the room, I get dances with an adorably beautiful little dancer who is fairly new to the club. She is gorgeous, and just my type, so we hang out for a little while and she dances for me. Of course, at the end she makes the the VIP pitch. I tell her truthfully that she is very tempting but I already have a VIP planned with the DS.
As soon as she leaves, the DS comes over to talk. She is trying to be nice about it, but she is clearly irritated that I just got a bunch of dances with the new girl. This strikes me as extraordinarily strange, as she is never jealous and we have never had issues about playing with others in the club. Turns out she is a friend of new girl's boyfriend, the DS and the boyfriend talk regularly, and the new girl is jealous of the DS and has accused her of having sex with the boyfriend. DS denies it all, says the boyfriend is a long-term friend, that boyfriend does cheat on new girl but not with DS. I have no dog in this fight, although I'm inclined to believe the DS because I have never before seen her be the instigator of this kind of drama. I also don't like to think of her fucking other guys.
So I go back for our VIP, totally unaware of the drama that continues to swirl around us. As I learn later, while I am in VIP, new girl calls the boyfriend and bitches that the DS "stole her VIP." Then after the VIP is over and I've left, boyfriend calls the DS and says WTF why did you steal new girl's VIP. I learned these details on our date the next night. DS says, predictably, that she didn't steal a damn thing and that I came to the club to see her in the first place, which of course is true.
So now the rivalry between DS and the new girl is more intense than ever. Next time in the club, I'm going to have to deal with new girl coming up for dances. No matter what I do or say, it's more drama. If I get dances with the new girl she is going to be pissed when I don't finish the night with her and DS faces more drama. If I don't get dances with the new girl, she's going to be pissed and blame the DS for bad mouthing her. Meanwhile, all I care about is getting some pussy from cute teenage girls.
This incident made me think about all of the downsides that there must be to being a manager of a strip club. I can't imagine having to deal with and manage so much drama going on between all of these girls. The emotions, rivalry, jealousy, etc between many of these girls must be endless. Add alcohol and drugs and it's a soap opera.I used to think the DS was immune to this crap cause she's so friendly and outgoing, but that view was naive. Maybe this is one of the reasons they have house moms, to deal with all of the estrogen in the place.
Anybody have a favorite story of club drama that they were trapped in the middle of?
On your next visit,tell the New Girl that you'll have a few dances from her but that you're there to see another dancer who you will be going to the VIP with at the end of the night.Let you DS know that she is #1 and no matter who you dance with when you're there that you'll always end the night with her....let both of them know that you don't want any drama.
Drama be damned. Full speed ahead. When I go to my favorite club there might be 2-4 dancers there that I have done VIP with and they would all like to take my money again. But me being the shallow person that I am, may not want any of them on this visit as I am in the market for some fresh meat. I know going in that if one sees me going to VIP with another, she will be pissed that it wasn't her. Thems the chances you take when you play the field. But strip club life would be boring without the drama.
I used to feel tied to my ATF because of fear of jealousy, but then the issue got resolved. She knows what to expect from me as far as money goes, and if I buy dances from others it doesn't affect her cash flow. That's a discussion we had, and once that was established, it's been a lot more fun for me because I don't feel guilty sneaking in dances with other girls. My ATF is happy too; after all she has other regulars as well, and I don't spend on her like she doesn't need them!
Time for a competition threesome!!! Tell them the girl that gets the most holes penetrated wins! Four nipples(unfortunately you only have two hands and one mouth so one nipple is left out), two mouths, two pinks, and two stinks... So many holes so little time! Bring on the Viagra!! I would be looking for a three hole each tie and a rematch. LOL
As for managers, yeah, there's a reason many just don't get involved unless it spills into the customer experience. The only reason to step in and play favorites is either to side with a top earner, or if he's fucking one of them.
I am assuming that this is out of town and that you already have a company paid for hotel room. So I might ask, "Why even go to the club. Just read a book, and then see your DS later."
But I guess the SC environment and all the women together and the potential for stirring up such drama has it's own appeal, even enough appeal to warrant the cash outlay?
If there is obvious drama b/w the DS and new girl; then you need to make a decision b/w the 2 IMO since dealing w/ both will only add to the drama since they obviously don’t/can’t get along.
So shadowcat says play with both of them, and Papi says choose between the two. I gotta go with Papi on this one. The DS is too good to me to do otherwise, so I'm gonna choose her and ignore new girl.
James I definitely do not love drama. Even if you construe this as them fighting over me, I want no part in it.
I think it’s best to play the field and for the custy to set the rules since the custy is the one w/ the $$$ - but things are not always so simple or straight forward “in matters of the heart” – we can’t always get what we want or have it our way w/ zero negative consequences.
Holy shit. Talk about drama. DS told me relationship details tonight.
Yes James DS had sex with boyfriend. But that's just the beginning. Before that DS had sex with new girl. Then boyfriend arranged a threesome with DS and new girl. New girl is jealous that boyfriend liked DS better than her in these various sex sessions. Maybe boyfriend does. So yeah lots of new drama.
Holy shit indeed! JS69, besides being "sexual Jesus", are you vying to become Gawker Jr? BTW, despite recent crap from some other TUSCLers about your long Penthouse Forum stories, I still *love* reading them, admire your writing and story-telling ability, and envy you in a non-homicidal kind of way :)
Yes, John, that view of the DS is naïve; any view you have of her is probably very naïve. Time to put those rose-colored glasses away, along with your second time as a teenager here, and recognize the fact that she isn't just a stripper -- she is a hooker. Over time, she'll be admitting that she's been doing other guys in the VIP and elsewhere. As much as you'll hate to hear it, don't be surprised and don't be angry at her -- be angry at yourself for letting yourself believe otherwise.
As for the Stripper Shit, it's just going to get deeper. You might want to break out those hip-waders.
last commentI would be looking for a three hole each tie and a rematch. LOL
DS fucked the grew girls BF. Pretty obvious.
As for managers, yeah, there's a reason many just don't get involved unless it spills into the customer experience. The only reason to step in and play favorites is either to side with a top earner, or if he's fucking one of them.
I am assuming that this is out of town and that you already have a company paid for hotel room. So I might ask, "Why even go to the club. Just read a book, and then see your DS later."
But I guess the SC environment and all the women together and the potential for stirring up such drama has it's own appeal, even enough appeal to warrant the cash outlay?
James I definitely do not love drama. Even if you construe this as them fighting over me, I want no part in it.
Yes James DS had sex with boyfriend. But that's just the beginning. Before that DS had sex with new girl. Then boyfriend arranged a threesome with DS and new girl. New girl is jealous that boyfriend liked DS better than her in these various sex sessions. Maybe boyfriend does. So yeah lots of new drama.
Sounds very interesting indeed. Now to get DS and the new girl into a threesome with you! Or maybe not.
As for the Stripper Shit, it's just going to get deeper. You might want to break out those hip-waders.
That would explain why I always have to pay her money for sex. For a while there I thought she was just a really high maintenance girlfriend.
"Sadly, it appears the DS has "jumped the shark".
Not sure if that's true or not. Why is this bad? I think it's kinda hot. New girl by the way is gorgeous. DS has similar taste in women to me.