
Pop-up sale at the SC

Fat bastard that can afford to fuck hot strippers
Last night while I was at my favorite club around shift change a woman came in to sell stripper outfits to the girls who were working. The clothes were on the cheaper looking end of the spectrum ranging from basic bikinis to light up tutus that flashed.

During the sale several girls came over and asked for somewhere between $20-35 to buy an outfit that they liked. My current fav was about the only girl that didn't come out and ask me to buy her an outfit, but I made sure to tip her enough to make sure she could get a new outfit if she so desired.

Has anyone else ever seen this type of sales event during a trip to the SC?


  • JamesSD
    10 years ago
    I've heard the house moms often sell outfits
  • motorhead
    10 years ago
    Da fuck? It's a strip club.

    Dancers don't need no stinking clothes.
  • whodey
    10 years ago
    Motorhead unfortunately the club is in the Commonwealth of Kentucky and therefore the girls are required to have clothes on at all times. Even though most of them keep the bottoms pulled to the side and the top pulled down giving a full view, and full access to wondering fingers, they still have to have the clothes to quickly cover up when the wrong eyes come strolling by.
  • DandyDan
    10 years ago
    At one of my old regular clubs, there were old ladies, who I assumed were retired dancers, who would come in all the time and sell outfits to the current dancers. They occasionally even come into my favorite club. Let's face it, when strippers retire, when are they supposed to wear their stripper outfits?
  • jackslash
    10 years ago
    Dancers have told me about salespeople that come to the club and sell stripper shoes, outfits and other stripper-related necessities. I've never seen them because they seem to do the selling in the dressing room.

    When I retire, maybe I can work part-time as stripper-supply traveling salesman. I could visit all the clubs, talk with hot girls and sell them sexy outfits. If they don't have the cash, I'm sure I could work out a barter arrangement.
  • 4got2wipe
    10 years ago
    I was at a club where an older woman came by selling flowers for the strippers! I figured I'd buy one for the stripper I was with! It was brilliant! A rose!
  • motorhead
    10 years ago
    Would a rose by any other name smell as sweet?
  • ididthisonce
    10 years ago
    There was a lady who used to frequent the old Heartbreakers SC to peddle dancer outfits. She drew a fair amount of attention from the ladies, What I found interesting is there was a adult store (including clothing) right next to the club.
  • Clubber
    10 years ago
    The Ultimate STRIP CLUB List and then, "...girls are required to have clothes on at all times."

    Now that makes sense, right?
  • georgmicrodong
    10 years ago
    @whodey: Not *all* of the clubs in Kentucky are required to keep the dancers clothed. If you head south from your apparent stomping grounds to Lexington, you'll find more liberal attitudes. For now, anyway.

    To address your main point, yes, I've seen this quote often. At one club, before the nudity ban in Louisville, the lady would come in and spread her wares on the pool table outside the DR. Some of the girls would strip down right there to try the ones they liked. Made for a nice show. :)
  • shadowcat
    10 years ago
    It has been suggested to me by some of my buddies and by some dancers that I set up a corned in the club and sell t-shirts but I am having too much fun just giving them away to deserving ladies. :)
  • Diva1975
    10 years ago
    Brilliant 2nd career choice Jacklash;)!
  • dtek
    10 years ago
    There's a woman in SE Portland who makes who makes her little living by going around to the divier clubs and selling the customers flowers and stuffed animals for the dancers. There's another who goes to the same clubs to sell dance clothes to the dancers. I'm kind of amazed that any of the clubs let these women in. It seems like they're taking money that would otherwise be going to the club. Maybe they kick back a fee to the club?

    I've had dancers ask me to buy them a new costume, but I have yet to meet the dancer who wants me to spend money on flowers or a teddy bear for her.
  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    There are local women who sell costumes to the dancers. They make a regular rounds to all the local clubs.

    One such woman was one of the people who started putting on table dancing shows in some of our Mexican bars. The Mexicans call it "Bikini Show". Because it is not advertised, it can often run much more loosely than things go at our advertised clubs, because these are strictly no touching.

    But some of the people who emerged as talent agents for this circuit did get into very serious legal trouble. Our DA's office does not want things to go the way they have in San Francisco.

  • shadowcat
    10 years ago
    At one club that I go to there seems to be a sale going on every afternoon. Pot and some other goodies. The club seems pretty tolerant. They want to keep the strippers happy.
  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    I take it that these are these "thugs" you mentioned before. Not good. Not good that the girls want it to be that way.

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