Strippers come and they go

Well tonight I finally got a chance to go to one of my clubs I haven't been to in about 5months. I was kind of worrying that maybe I have been away too long and that my favorite dancer faith had quit. Well when I get to the club I look around and see no faith but I do see her friend Six on stage. I go stage side and talk to six. I asked her where is my friend Faith? She said Faith no longer works here. I asked her when did she quit? She replied "She didn't quit she got fired." I said fired what for? she said for arguing with the Boss. Futhermore I went on to ask her when did this happen? she said that this happen about 4 or 5months ago, around the last time I was in the club. I asked her had she heard from Faith since she left? She replied no. I said I thought yall were friends? she said "Yeah but we never thought to exchange numbers because we saw each other each day at work." I guess some of you guys were right strippers don't keep in contact with one another no matter how good of friends they are. I didn't let this spoil my night. I was sadden by the news but life goes on. I found another dancer at this new club closer to me whom looks similar to Faith. I already know Heather's name but faith never told me hers. I guess is just like in real life, If you lose one girl there will sooner or later be another one to replace her. Faith could be working at the stripclub up the street or she could not. I don't like the club up the street and I am not going to pursue her. The ride was good while it last now it's time to move on. Strippers no matter how good looking, sweet and charming they are will sooner or later leave, like the regular women you meet in life they come and they go.
last commentHi Shadowcat,
I was surprised that he didn't have a history of negative reviews. And, more surprised that his prior visits to your club seemed to satisfy him.
Yes, potential is very important to me. And, I define that as the reasonable possibility of getting a high quality high contact dance with a perfect dancer at a cheap price (and music that doesn't leave me too deaf). But, it is more than that. I don't expect the same "menu" from a tiny club as I would from a big club. If the expectation is for a large selection of attractive dancers at all hours, then by default it is saying that the big club is superior to the small club. (At least here in Miami, I'm unaware of any small clubs that can compete with the big clubs as far as selection at all hours.)
If a customer prefers big clubs, then fine. If a customer prefers big tits, then fine. If a customer prefers big dances, then fine. My point is that I have different preferences. You made the point that if I had more $$$, then my preferences would change. And, that is correct to a certain point. I'd probably be bringing hotties with me to the cheap clubs as insurance.
There was this old man that hung out at Club Diamonds (now Cheetah) who would bring one or two hotties with him. :)
Hi Shadowcat,
Did you check on NetDoc69 review history? He it seems like most of his reviews are conservative--neither too positive or too negative.
In the past I believe he rated your club a 7 a few times. Even the best clubs can dissappoint once in a while.
There are a few strip club customers who really LOVE WHALES and if a club didn't feature WHALES that customer would most likely not really think to highly of the club. He'd want a club with WHALES. However, my guess is he wouldn't trash a club in a review just because it didn't offer what he wanted. He'd review it with an eye toward what the majority of strip club customers want.
I do the same thing EXCEPT that I will rate a club that I like very highly even when I know it is a minority view. Tootsie's is NOT my type club, but I wouldn't want to trash it. On the other hand a GC customer most likely would have NO qualms whatsoever with trashing a cheap club. Well a cheap club has its good points just like a GC has its good points.
I much prefer the CHEAP clubs. :) If I ever visit your club, unlikely, then it is doubtful that I would trash it even if I didn't enjoy myself. I'd try to evaluate it based on what most customers like.
Hi Shadow,
Did you check on NetDoc69 review history? He it seems like most of his reviews are conservative--neither too positive or too negative.
In the past I believe he rated your club a 7 a few times. Even the best clubs can dissappoint once in a while.
There are a few strip club customers who really LOVE WHALES and if a club didn't feature WHALES that customer would most likely not really think to highly of the club. He'd want a club with WHALES. However, my guess is he wouldn't trash a club in a review just because it didn't offer what he wanted. He'd review it with an eye toward what the majority of strip club customers want.
I do the same thing EXCEPT that I will rate a club that I like very highly even when I know it is a minority view. Tootsie's is NOT my type club, but I wouldn't want to trash it. On the other hand a GC customer most likely would have NO qualms whatsoever with trashing a cheap club. Well a cheap club has its good points just like a GC has its good points.
I much prefer the CHEAP clubs. :) If I ever visit your club, unlikely, then it is doubtful that I would trash it even if I didn't enjoy myself. I'd try to evaluate it based on what most customers like.
When I find a girl I like I usually stick with her until she either stops dancing or does something to piss me off. When I lose one I usually stop going to that particular club and try another one. It never seems to take me very long to find another girl I like, there are plenty of them out there.
Shadowcat most of the clubs in this area don't have alot of good looking girls. On a given night there may be 2 or 3 that look nice while the other girls are just average and even when they look nice they don't always have a "warm" personality. So it would be harder for be to have alot of favorites at one club. It's probably better to have a fav at a number of clubs instead of one.
240 miles! Must be a helluva club shcat! Is that one way or two? And where is this shaingra-la. Yeah, it always seems like the hot ones dis-appear and the dollar-grabbers you run from hang around for years. Futile to try to find them again. I occasionally consider branching out from my ATF club, but then realize, that if I stand still long enough, all the different girlies I'd run around trying to see will eventually end up in my joint, given time and tide. Just stay put and let them come to you. More efficient and less expensive.
On the other hand, I saw this other dancer I wish would go away. I have seen her at 5 different clubs, and just when I think I've done away with her, she'll show up. I have never seen a more fake dancer.
I can honestly say there are roughly a hundred ladies out there who could have been my ATF if only I had seen them a second time. Speaking of which, I got to see my ATF last night, and she said that she has a new "real" job at a car dealer. That just makes me wonder if my ATF is going to be out of the business again for good soon.
I try never to get to used to visiting any girl, because they always seem to randomly dissappear when I get really pumped up to see them.