I am a sexual Jesus

avatar for JohnSmith69
This article describes how the DS views me. It is uncanny how accurately this describes our relationship.

For those of you over 40, you've got to find a young woman who thinks like this. If you don't have one, keep searching. It is awesome.



last comment
avatar for crazyjoe
10 years ago
avatar for jackslash
10 years ago
I like the way this girl thinks.
avatar for Corvus
10 years ago
Interesting little article. Thanks.
avatar for MrDeuce
10 years ago
No, you are a sexual megalomaniac (with all due respect to your Penthouse Forum stories). That's quite different.
avatar for warhawks
10 years ago
The author of that article has daddy issues.

Classic case.
avatar for rockstar666
10 years ago
I've often dated girls like that. Nothing like a hot 20 something that likes guys their father's age! .
avatar for bvino
10 years ago
Like a lot of the writing in the blogosphere this seems to have been done merely to provoke. I doubt this is even a real person with this issue. it reads like a college essay. Notice the lack of personal detail (not conclusive but suspicious when lacking).
avatar for san_jose_guy
10 years ago
Yes, JS69, that is an interesting article. But rather than sexual Jesus, I think you probably see by now that what we really need is to recreate pagan liturgy.

I think also you need to be leery about this dream stripper. A penchant for Evangelical Christianity and for Marijuana, these two things are often found together. What they indicate is that this young woman is fatalistic and approaches life via dissociation. Invariably there are going to be problems in dealing with her beyond a point.


Neil Young and Pearl Jam
avatar for JohnSmith69
10 years ago
Deuce, you may think I'm a sexual megalomaniac (or perhaps you're just jealous) but to her I'm sexual Jesus.

War, definitely daddy issues involved here. Tons of them.

Vino I get your skepticism but once you've has a girl look at you this way it no longer seems so implausible.
avatar for JohnSmith69
10 years ago
SJG, sounds like you and Deuce read the same crappy book on psychology.
avatar for MrDeuce
10 years ago
JS69: Yes, of course I'm envious -- I've told you that repeatedly -- of your sexual conquest (which I suspect is costing you an annualized 25 to 50 large). Yes, I do consider you a sexual megalomaniac (and I'll bet I'm not the only one). The term "hubris" comes to mind: "Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall." I have a feeling your excessive pride concerning your Dream Stripper is setting you up for a mighty fall.
avatar for JohnSmith69
10 years ago
Deuce, you are quoting the book of Proverbs for wisdom on a relationship with a stripper? You do know, don't you, that if we believed what Proverbs says about sex with nakeeed women every tuscl member would suffer a mighty fall. For example, are you sure we want to follow this teaching from proverbs:

5 My son, listen to my wisdom. Turn your ear to my understanding. 2 So you may know what is good thinking, and your lips may keep much learning. 3 For the lips of a strange woman are as sweet as honey. Her talk is as smooth as oil. 4 But in the end she is as bitter tasting as wormwood, and as sharp as a sword that cuts both ways. 5 Her feet go down to death. Her steps take hold of hell. 6 She does not think about the path of life. Her ways go this way and that, and she does not know it.

7 Now then, my sons, listen to me. Do not turn away from the words of my mouth. 8 Keep far away from her. Do not go near the door of her house. 9 If you do, you would give your strength to others, and your years to those without loving-kindness. 10 Strangers would be filled with your strength, and the fruits of your work would go to a strange house. 11 You would cry inside yourself when your end comes, when your flesh and body are wasted away. 12 You would say, “How I have hated teaching! My heart hated strong words! 13 I have not listened to the voice of my teachers. I have not turned my ear to those who would teach me. 14 Now I have a bad name in the meeting place of the people.”

15 Drink water from your own pool, flowing water from your own well. 16 Should the waters from your well flow away, rivers of water in the streets? 17 Let them be yours alone, and not for strangers with you. 18 Let your well be honored, and be happy with the wife you married when you were young. 19 Let her be like a loving, female deer. Let her breasts please you at all times. Be filled with great joy always because of her love. 20 My son, why should you be carried away with a sinful woman and fall into the arms of a strange woman? 21 For the ways of a man are seen by the eyes of the Lord, and He watches all his paths. 22 His own sins will trap the sinful. He will be held with the ropes of his sin. 23 He will die for want of teaching, and will go the wrong way because of the greatness of his foolish ways.

avatar for PhantomGeek
10 years ago
Bible verses on TUSCL? CRAP! My computer's catching fire!
avatar for ATACdawg
10 years ago
Certainly something to think about, JS.
avatar for san_jose_guy
10 years ago

Not everything in Proverbs is written in the same vein as the rest of the Bible. Same for the Book of Wisdom and the Book of SIrach. But as these are from the Apocrypha, these are not usually found in Protestant Bibles.

In John chapter 4, Jesus talks to a Samaritan woman at a well. Meeting women at the well is a common motif in the Bible. But this one is an outsider, and Jesus knows this right away.

I like the way this is treated in Martin Scorsese's film adaptation of Nikos Kazantzakis's "Last Temptation of Christ".

avatar for Josh43
10 years ago
It is uncanny how accurately this describes our relationship.
The article is written by a young thing who likes to date older men. However, there is a difference between dating and sugar-dating. Dating is a kind of mating process between two individuals who share an emotional and physical bond. Sugar-dating involves payment for time and shopping trips -- a genteel form of prostitution.

As always, I'm sure my opinion is of great interest to you!
avatar for MrDeuce
10 years ago
JS69: I'm not trying to hold anyone to a Biblical standard of moral rectitude -- that would be a tough position to uphold on a discussion board for strip club devotees! I am merely making the point that excessive pride is very often followed by a downfall. The ancient Greeks would have said that hubris is accompanied by nemesis. You have said yourself that you know this can't last forever and that you want to enjoy this experience to the fullest while it lasts. I actually hope it lasts a long time, for your sake directly and for mine vicariously -- I still enjoy reading your DS stories!
avatar for san_jose_guy
10 years ago
Josh43, you sound very young. You wrote,

"Dating is a kind of mating process between two individuals who share an emotional and physical bond. Sugar-dating involves payment for time and shopping trips -- a genteel form of prostitution.

I say there is far less difference between these two forms of dating than one might suspect. I'm speaking as someone who was married for a very long time, but continually frustrated by the fact that though my spouse always acted like she and I were partners, it never seemed to work this way. Particularly if I wanted her to be a sex pot for me, then she seemed to expect me to be her ATM machine. There does seem to be a relationship between money, and women dressing sexy. And there was never anything at all genteel about the rage she harbored. It became a zero sum losing game, in short, a death trap.

So I believe that it is this same kind of frustration which drives guys to the point that they finally come to accept sugar dating.

My own view is that the frustrations of married life and civilian relationships, followed by the sorts of frustrations which come with P4P, are what cause a decline in male sexual capability over the years. That is, it is psychological, and not physical. The body is functional, but it is just refusing to play, as the collateral emotional costs are just too high.


Myself, I have never engaged in sugar dating, and I don't plan to. But I do see the appeal of it. I do though accept that in certain situations, like SC's and AMP's, the women expect to be paid, and paid well, and I have no reservations about doing this.

But to go beyond that, I say that we need to invent new social structures and new types of alliances between men and women. The P4P venues show us that when women want to, they can be extremely pleasing. I look here to my own AMP experiences, having received numerous Girl Friend Auditions, and Escort Auditions. When the woman has a sufficient motivation, she can really pour it on.

So what I take away from this is that we never should accept anything less. The issue then becomes how to form new kinds of alliances between men and women so that that type of intimacy will be common place.

Rather than looking to a Sexual Jesus role, I say that they way is to be found in the recreation of Pagan Liturgy, as would have been practiced in the ancient world's temples.


Take the A Train, Chaka Khan
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