Buying drinks (reverse)
We all know about buying drinks for dancers. Some of us like it, some of us don't mind, some of us hate when we're sitting with a dancer and the waitress comes and asks if you want to buy the dancer a drink.
Let's flip it around. Have you ever had a dancer buy you a drink?
I've only had one dancer buy me a drink, and that was my ATF. She actually used to do it pretty regularly. I didn't understand it at first, but it turned out being a good hustle for her, because I would almost always get a VIP from her when she did this.
I miss that girl.
Let's flip it around. Have you ever had a dancer buy you a drink?
I've only had one dancer buy me a drink, and that was my ATF. She actually used to do it pretty regularly. I didn't understand it at first, but it turned out being a good hustle for her, because I would almost always get a VIP from her when she did this.
I miss that girl.
There was one other time that we were sitting at the bar and she had to go to the bathroom. She needed another drink so she left a twenty and said to by a drink for her and me with her money and then she went to the dressing room. I ended up paying for it with my money.
Last year in Indy, I chatted with the server at one club, noticed that she had changed her hair from the blonde it was the year before to closer to a black color this time. She bought me a couple of Cokes.
On rare occasions I've actually had a girl buy me drinks in a SC.
I'll isuually get a beer or two comped if I'm a regular customer from the bartender or bar manager.
But I've also had strippers and waitresses buy me birthday and X-mas gifts. So I suppose it does happen from time to time.
But not very often. At least from the dancers.
I agree with whoever says its a good hustle. It DEFINATELY leaves an impression on you if a girl does do it. I'd be much more inclined to get dances from a girl who might offer that up as an incentive.
"Not once have you ever bought any drugs. Not once, Dewey!" Prima donnas don't see the need to pander to others.