Buying drinks (reverse)

avatar for Clackport
We all know about buying drinks for dancers. Some of us like it, some of us don't mind, some of us hate when we're sitting with a dancer and the waitress comes and asks if you want to buy the dancer a drink.

Let's flip it around. Have you ever had a dancer buy you a drink?

I've only had one dancer buy me a drink, and that was my ATF. She actually used to do it pretty regularly. I didn't understand it at first, but it turned out being a good hustle for her, because I would almost always get a VIP from her when she did this.

I miss that girl.


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avatar for shadowcat
10 years ago
I've even had a couple buy me dinner on special occasions such as my birthday. The last one to do so wanted us to dress up so that she could "Watch the tongues wag when I kiss you and call you daddy".
avatar for sinclair
10 years ago
I never had a dancer buy me a drink.
avatar for footballguy
10 years ago
Yes, my ATF bought me a drink once. We had spent a couple hours taking and then went to the VIP for an hour. After we were done in VIP I was about to leave (I had to get up early and the club closed in an hour). She offered to buy me a drink, I couldn't turn it down so I stayed for another twenty minutes and she bought herself and me a drink.

There was one other time that we were sitting at the bar and she had to go to the bathroom. She needed another drink so she left a twenty and said to by a drink for her and me with her money and then she went to the dressing room. I ended up paying for it with my money.
avatar for mikeya02
10 years ago
My dancer works in a no booze club, so sometimes she would take my soda to the dressing room and freshen it up. Seems her and her friends had a stash of vodka back there,
avatar for tobala
10 years ago
No drinks, but you just jarred a great memory. Around 99-2000, at club utopia (now midnight express) once a night the girls would grab a guy to give them a lap dance. A really hot blonde ran across the room and grabbed me then had a seat while I done the best I could as she stuffed dollar bills down my pants. Afterwards I thanked her, gave her a kiss, and took her to the lap dance room where her small investment paid off big time. Almost every girl was doing lappers after that. That was a great idea but they don't do it anymore. Good times !
avatar for Mistah_Fetti_Morbuxxx
10 years ago
Yes. One of my favorites at Club Babes in Atlanta will sometimes buy me a shot of Hennessy whenever I stop through. Not often though.
avatar for Clackport
10 years ago
I've hadn't any dancers buy me dinner, but I've had a couple buy themselves dinner, and then ask me to help myself (either because it was too much food for them, or they were just being very nice).
avatar for Dougster
10 years ago
Only once.
avatar for wms1066
10 years ago
While I've never had a dancer buy me a drink, I did have a dancer put a 'bounty' on me to be won by the first dancer to fuck me. Had a lot of fun until she won her own 'bounty'.
avatar for PhantomGeek
10 years ago
About twenty years ago, one dancer made cupcakes for the staff. She brought a couple out for a buddy and me. Another dancer and I got into the habit of bringing in small candies -- Lifesavers, root beer barrels, what have you -- and sharing them with each other.

Last year in Indy, I chatted with the server at one club, noticed that she had changed her hair from the blonde it was the year before to closer to a black color this time. She bought me a couple of Cokes.
avatar for BigTuna1
10 years ago
The only stripper i ever had buy me things was my ATF, she bought me drinks, weed,x, clothing, video games, movies, meals
avatar for vegaslad
10 years ago
A couple times at one of my regular stops. Usually by surprise from a couple of my favourites
avatar for lopaw
10 years ago
A few times. Usually it's unprecedented.
avatar for sharkhunter
10 years ago
I remember one did and she even told me on my next visit she would. She followed through. I had bought her drinks, usually just a regular club beer on many visits earlier so she was returning the favor before she was quitting the business and/or the club.
avatar for DandyDan
10 years ago
I am generally wary of them buying drinks for me, because who knows what they may put into your drink. That said, back when one of my old faves was dancing at what is now my #2 club, she would routinely buy me a Dr. Pepper from the bar (this is a juice bar). Then at my favorite club, there was my favorite fattie who would also get a Dr. Pepper, only this was from the vending machine by the door there. Girls who buy you stuff almost always are top performers.
avatar for DoctorDarby
10 years ago
On a couple of occasions, dancers have replaced drinks they knocked over or spilled during a table dance. In one of my favorite little dives, I have been treated to a shot when a dancer was buying for a group of friends. Usually it was someone I bought a drink for on another occasion.
avatar for Clubber
10 years ago
Only my ATF and a couple of faves. My favorite barmaid used to comp me a number of times.
avatar for Lone_Wolf
10 years ago
Never that I recall even though I buy a lot of drinks for them. I'm surprised more dancers don't do more of that as part of their hustle as it is something I would remember and reciprocate for.
avatar for bvino
10 years ago
Dancers who know me at my usual club often get me my coffee. The bartender will also comp my first drink and any coffee I have after. Sometimes the girls allow me to low ball them in VIP because they know I will (probably) be back with more some other time. This all comes from talking to them like human beings without getting all wrapped up in any emotional situations. I also bring in small gifts from time to time but always something cheap.
avatar for warhawks
10 years ago

On rare occasions I've actually had a girl buy me drinks in a SC.
I'll isuually get a beer or two comped if I'm a regular customer from the bartender or bar manager.

But I've also had strippers and waitresses buy me birthday and X-mas gifts. So I suppose it does happen from time to time.

But not very often. At least from the dancers.

I agree with whoever says its a good hustle. It DEFINATELY leaves an impression on you if a girl does do it. I'd be much more inclined to get dances from a girl who might offer that up as an incentive.
avatar for Mate27
10 years ago
Like Tim Meadows in the movie "Dewey Cox, Walk Hard", not once! Not even one time.....

"Not once have you ever bought any drugs. Not once, Dewey!" Prima donnas don't see the need to pander to others.
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