
Dancer : "I'll give you a sloppy blow job for one of your t-shirts".

Atlanta suburb
Sunday, February 1, 2015 10:06 AM
Yes, that happened to me yesterday. I had met a dancer the previous Saturday that really impressed me. She was a 9 and gave me a couple of great dances. I would have taken her to VIP then but I had just busted my nut in VIP 30 minutes earlier. I asked if she would be up for a VIP with me next Saturday and she said yes. So I ran into her yesterday. She was sitting with 2 other dancers bull shitting and when I approached she gave me a big smile and the 3 of them had a good laugh over the t-shirt I was wearing "Any one need money for rent?" Then I pulled out a t-shirt that I had in my pocket and gave it to the one that I wanted. Without even looking at it she jumps up and starts kissing me. I said you haven't even read it yet and she says "I know I'll like it". She opens it "Does this t-shirt make my tits look big?" and I again got smothered in kisses. She said I'm going to give you 8 free dances. I countered with taking her to VIP at the standard rate, which she accepted. Meanwhile one of the other dancers at the table, a 7, Hollers, " I want one too and I'll give you a sloppy blow job for free". Ordinarily I would have taken her up on that but I had had my eyes focused on the 9 for quite awhile. I took the 9 to VIP and now have a new favorite without having to pay Dream Stripper prices. I may have to order some more t-shirts. :)


  • Clackport
    9 years ago
    Shadowcat the Godfather!
  • Clubber
    9 years ago
    sc, You never cease to dazzle me!
  • ButterMan
    9 years ago
    He'll yea!
  • tobala
    9 years ago
    I've got to get to follies one day.
  • mikeya02
    9 years ago
    Gee Shadow, you should dance on stage and take your shirt off and fling it into the crowd of screaming strippers...lol
  • VeryBigDawg
    9 years ago
    I want to grow up and be Shadowcat!
  • PhantomGeek
    9 years ago
    Note to self: If I can get to Atlanta this summer, bring a lot of extra t-shirts.
  • MrDeuce
    9 years ago
    Shadowcat, *this* is the kind of shit that makes you one of my very favorite TUSCLers! Party on, dude!
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    Nice Shadow
  • pensionking
    9 years ago
    You the man!
  • goodsouthernboy
    9 years ago
    Shadow is our own version of "the Legend." Also, happy Chris Kyle Day
  • PhilSakalewski
    9 years ago
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    Thumbs Up Shadowcat!
  • Thekingof32
    9 years ago
    Who was the 7? ... lol
  • JustLookingAgain
    9 years ago
  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    Saturday the 7 informed me that she considers herself to be a solid 8.5 and apparently has withdrawn the BJ offer. Life goes on. :)
  • chandler
    9 years ago
    Ahh, tough break. She's not bad.
  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    chandler - I some how knew you had some thing to do with that. LOL.
  • chandler
    9 years ago
    I was partly kidding just now, but no more than I'm sure she was kidding you with her offer. I know a thing or two about both dancers, and they're both good friends with my ATF. That's really all I had to do with it. LOL.
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