The super bowl thread got me thinking about our trip to the SC about a month ago. There was a UFC fight that night and at 10pm they turned the lights on and all dancing stopped. A bunch of dancers went up and laid down on the stage and for the next 30 minutes everyone in the club sat and watched the fight. Seriously? We couldn’t believe what we were seeing. We were sitting in the middle of the club at the stage and sort of watched the fight but just talked and basically people watched. I’m sure the dancers hated this because we didn’t see anyone go back to the VIP area for LD’s. Most of the dancers weren't even watching the fight. I’m sure there were some making a little money sitting with customers talking but for the most part all commerce stopped for half an hour. Why would a SC think this was good business decision?
We decided if this ever happens again we need to find someone we want to sit and talk with instead of being bored for half an hour. We aren’t UFC people and could care less what’s happening on a TV screen when we’ve got naked women in front of us.
"Why would a SC think this was a good business decision?"
Well, being an SC, chances are it was just a dumb management decision. On the other hand, maybe they've been advertising this, and know that showing the fight draws in tons of folks, and that before and after that fight guys will be spending, and more than make up for the dead hour?
I'm certain the girls despise the practice, but that's not my problem. Sometimes, on sunday afternoons when there are football games on that I don't care about, I specifically go in and get dances from girls. The girls absolutely notice and appreciate when they are the only girl in the place getting VIP dances, and I've been treated to some pretty nice above-and-beyond dances
There are UFC parties at Pitiful Princess every so often, and I have tried dancing during one of the parties. The interest in the dancers is minimal. The club managers insist on a lot of dancers being present during the fight, and everyone is outside on the patio watching the fight, no one cares about the dancers inside and their stage rotation. This leads to a lot of disgruntled / angry / drunk dancers. The one night I did it I had to pay for the BBQ myself because even though there were over 50 patrons on the patio watching the fight, no one could have cared less that there happened to be about 12 girls parading around almost naked.
I'm not surprised this happens. UFC fight nights cause a slowdown in strip club business when they are happening and some manager probably thinks it's a good idea to broadcast the fight at the club. It's probably an attempt to cater to a certain customer type, except that this customer type is at odds with the strippers, most of whom care little about sports. Hell, at my trip to the club Thursday night, I even met a dancer I chatted up who didn't even know the Super Bowl was Sunday. I think this is one of those ideas that sounds good in theory, but in practice isn't.
I just found out earlier tonight that there's another damn UFC fight tomorrow night when we'll be at the SC. Mrs seaboard will pick out someone we want to spend time with and find something better to do when the fight is on.
Yeah, it sounds like they're misreading their demographics.
Several years ago, a buddy in the Twin Cities told me that the Entertainment section of the newspaper would have strip-club ads. I told him, no, you need to check the Sports section. It didn't click with him that the target audience for the Entertainment section was for the general readers and families, while the Sports section demographic is largely male.
But that also doesn't mean that a strip club's target demographic is going to sports fans -- not unless there's a home game and the club offer no cover to those who come in with a ticket stub.
I've seen clubs do that and charge extra for admission. I do not know if stage dancing stopped while the fight was on because I simply did not visit the club on that night. They lost one customer who is interested in watching dancers not some fight on tv but gained a bunch of guys who were only interested in the fight. I bet they spent less across the board if the fight was the only thing they came for. It's possible the strip club manager wanted to see the fight and didn't care if all activity in the club stopped for 30 minutes while the fight was on. He can argue he charged all those guys extra to attend the club even if the dancers were upset that almost no one was buying dances. He still expects the dancers to pay. I suppose in that situation, he could lose some dancers and some regulars after the dancers leave unless there is absolutely no competition in the area.
UFC is a blight to sports bars as well. It is noisy, pointless, boring big-screen viewing surrounded by clueless 20-something, backward hat wannabes. It sucks all the fun out the local Tilted Kilt on Saturday nights. I cannot imagine what it does to the atmosphere of a strip club, given the fact that most UFC fans come from the exact demographic that rarely buys dances on any night. No other televised sport matches it or its fans for sheer obnoxiousness.
I could understand a *gay* SC shutting down so people could watch half-naked sweaty guys on TV. But if this happened at a regular SC, I'd go to management and demand my cover back.
Before the days of UFC and the others, back when there were really no rules, some co-workers an I were in a club, and as you say, it "...brought the SC to a halt."
And again!!!!! The SC came to a halt for the main event during the UFC fight. We did grab a dancer mrs seaboard liked and had already gotten a dance from. She sat with us during the whole fight and chatted. Mrs seaboard pumped her for info and we found out a lot of stuff about the dealings of the club, the girls and herself as well. Needless to say, after letting her run her mouth and finding out a good bit about her when the fight was over and she left my wife looked at me and said we can scratch her off the list for OTC. lol
The exact same thing happened to me last Saturday night. I couldn't believe everyone was so excited about this stupid fight when there were naked strippers in the room to play with. I'll pm you and see if maybe it was the same club.
last commentWell, being an SC, chances are it was just a dumb management decision. On the other hand, maybe they've been advertising this, and know that showing the fight draws in tons of folks, and that before and after that fight guys will be spending, and more than make up for the dead hour?
I'm certain the girls despise the practice, but that's not my problem. Sometimes, on sunday afternoons when there are football games on that I don't care about, I specifically go in and get dances from girls. The girls absolutely notice and appreciate when they are the only girl in the place getting VIP dances, and I've been treated to some pretty nice above-and-beyond dances
Several years ago, a buddy in the Twin Cities told me that the Entertainment section of the newspaper would have strip-club ads. I told him, no, you need to check the Sports section. It didn't click with him that the target audience for the Entertainment section was for the general readers and families, while the Sports section demographic is largely male.
But that also doesn't mean that a strip club's target demographic is going to sports fans -- not unless there's a home game and the club offer no cover to those who come in with a ticket stub.