
Monday: Almost Got The Number

Tuesday, January 27, 2015 10:45 PM
Monday, Jan 27 2015, I was getting items in the supermarket/grocery WinCo, it was just an ordinary day. I got all my stuff in the basket and decided I don't need anything so I went straight to the counter. Only to find out most of them have lines of people waiting. So I made this sighing remark and had this frustrated look in my face when all of a sudden. "Hey, over here, you can go ahead of me." I heard that but I couldn't see who said it, the voice was definitely female and if only I could... "Over here." There she was, WHAT A FUCKING SEXY LADY stood beside me sporting one awesome smile. A smile that could take away a day's worth of hard work. Man, I really told myself she is one heck of a lady I would take to my place and fuck right away. I thought about my frame and coolness for moment, I stared her for moment with my countenance. "Me?" "Yes, I have a lot of grocery items so go ahead." Yeah, awesome she just was being nice that's all. Nothing big about it, don't make it such a big deal. So I went ahead and placed my items on the table (conveyor). She kept talking and I was just listening to her about stuff, mostly things about weather and other local events, all that while I was just listening to her, looking at her beautiful face. She broke a smile and it was the prettiest smile I have ever seen for that day, filling up my space, touching the negative emotions. She just washed off my bad feelings for being there. Man, I could marry her right here right now. I said to myself. After paying the cashier, I moved to the bagging area. I could see from where I was standing throwing looks of appreciation and she was just saying with her eyes "you just got lucky buster, good thing I was in a good mood today." I waited for her and we finally got around again. I was standing right in front of her and in my head there was this dude saying "Ask the phone number now." I glanced at my right and saw the cashier looking at us, waiting for something to happen. "Awesome, it was nice meeting you here. Really appreciate the nice gesture." "You're welcome." And the dude in my head saying "What the fuck dude, you let her slip away???" "Oh just shut up, we are in a grocery store for crying out loud."


  • Clackport
    9 years ago
    Lol. So you didn't ask for the number?
  • Mate27
    9 years ago
    Next time slip her a $20 with your # on it and state you can give her a quick cash infusion.
  • Club_Goer_Seattle
    9 years ago
    The part of your story that doesn't make sense is the words "sexy" and "Winco" in the same story. I've tried the Winco a couple of times near where I live and can hardly think that any sexy woman would shop there. Most customers there don't even seem to speak English.
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    Good story. Should have, could have, would have...sounds lime she was flirting with you for sure
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    You cant let moments like this skip away. What's the wurst that could happen? She says no interest and you move on. But she might give you her number, and now you will never know.
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