He is no where to be seen during a Paris March with world leaders all in attendance. He says the greatest threat to the US is climate change. Then he decides not to meet with the President of Israel who will already be in the US.
Maybe he's just showing the world how good a golfer he is or that youtuber stars are hot stuff mre worthy of meetings than world leaders.
Maybe he had an important golf date or campaign fundraiser for Hilary. He probably just doesn't want to keep changing his schedule for every ally or world event that may affect him as President of the US. We need someone younger who can handle schedule changes. Hillary and Biden are probably too old too.
Who knows, there might be an important golf tournament that is top secret.
Maybe he's working on a new angle. The Russians said something about attempting to negotiate with Ronald Reagans Star Wars plan that you just don't mess around with crazy.
The Israeli election is March 16. Netanyahu is coming on March 4. Should the US really get involved in the Israeli election? Should Obama really see all 16 candidates who might be Israeli PM? Or just one?
Maybe the foreign policy experts on TUSCL answer: Zero.
You're right. It's good the president doesn't want to meet with foreign leaders who are our allies. Could be considered politics. It might seem like politics if other foreign leaders meet with our president when he travels overseas too. It might seem like they are supporting one party over another. tit for tat would mean Obama gets snubbed when traveling overseas. One week versus 1 year, it doesn't seem like that much difference to me as far as politics go.
Yep, he knows what he is doing. He's not senile. He's the King of the US. He can issue decrees from up high, snub others, do just about whatever he wants to do. I just wanted to rant a little about it. There's nothing us peasants can do except complain a little.
Why are you guys so surprised? These are politicians you are talking about. Bush and Cheney did the same thing... They do/say whatever they want in the last couple years. They are not running for the office again, so they don't caire. They only motivation they have is to get re-elected to their cushy job with all its benefits and to take care of all their friends. When that isn't an option due to term limits. It doesn't matter WHO or WHAT political party is in there. They are ALL the same.
"How is meeting with the current Israeli PM "getting involved in the Israeli election"? ------------------------------------------ The Israeli election is just a polite way to try and explain the snub. Clearly Obama is pissed that Boehner invited Netanyahu to address congress, probably to push for sanctions on Iran.
Obama is a 100% political hack. But now his political career is over and it's unlikely he'll do anymore serious legislation.
So now he can snub whoever he wants while he tries to shape his "legacy". He can also decry the party politics in Washington and claim all the things that need to be fixed. Conveniently ignoring that he's had 6 years to work with Republicans and fix anything he thought was broken.
I'm definitely not a expert in politics, I know very little about it actually. I lean left, but I'm not a fan of Obama, I think he's arrogant and stubborn. That being said what I remember in his 6 years of office is: the war in Iraq and Afghanistan ending, Osama Bin Laden getting killed, the economy being much better off now that what it was when he first took office. All of these things are bigger than me than foreign relations. This is why I shake my head when some people say Obama is the worst president ever, what are they basing it on?
Don't forget that he is also setting himself for after his presidency. $400,000 speaking engagements at 'progressive' colleges. You know, telling americans there's a lot of hard work ahead, time to pitch in, pay your fair share, etc. Only thing he's done in life is flap his lips. I was touched that blacks cried when he was elected, that they never thought they would see this day. But Obama doesn't really care about that.
^^^ And Boenher, McConnell, McCarthy, et al. aren't political hacks?
The only dudes that aren't political hacks are Louie Gohmert, Ted Yoho, and that one other assclown from that voted for Yoho as speaker. They believe the crazy shit they say. Ted Cruz may be in that camp, but he seems smarter (OK...that isn't hard...my pet turtle is smarter than Gohmert)
On the other hand, political hacks occasionally accomplish something. Gohmert et al. just say stupid shit. I'd say they provide comic relief, but they have just enough power to scare the bejezzus out of me. Glad I don't live in their districts...
Had anyone been interested, his history, well, what one could find, was all radical. No surprise what he has done and is still trying to do. Right out of Saul's playbook!
The man is obligated politically, to one group of Americans, his core base. The people who elected him and re-elected him. You haters, are going to hate regardless,
P.S. If you love France and Israel so much , move over there.
The Israeli election within two weeks of Netanyahu’s visit is a really good reason for Obama not to meet with him. There are also others. Netanyahu is offering the US this great plan:
Let’s you and him fight.
He’d love to see us in a war with Iran. Netanyahu’s activities are designed to make the on-going negotiations with Iran fail. Such a failure makes it much more difficult for the US to avoid war with Iran. A war with a county that has 2½ times the population of Iraq, an economy 4 times the size of Iraq, a much more capable military, a much more educated, capable and loyal population.
There would be even less support for this war with Iran both internationally and within the US. The war would be a dream come true for international terrorism directed against the US.
So, say, by 2025 what are we looking at? Ten trillion dollars wasted, a hundred thousand dead Americans, millions of other deaths, an Israel much less secure than it is now, a world economy terribly damaged by mangled oil supplies from the Mid-east and the other destructions of very lengthy intense wars. And the rise of a powerful jihadist state consolidating power in vast regions of northern Africa and southwestern Asia.
All with the benevolent help of the Russians, the Chinese snapping up all the opportunities such a catastrophe will present for them, the Europeans and everybody else looking on in fear and dismay at the consequences of US policy.
Falling for “let’s you and him fight” is not only calamitous, but really dumb.
You are an IDIOT!!! You state, "The man is obligated politically, to one group of Americans, his core base. The people who elected him and re-elected him. "
We was elected yes, but he swore, and I don't give a fuck what he swore on, “I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”
So either he is a worthless fuck as far as his ability, OR, a fucking liar! Take your pick!!!
I'm kinda digging the smile Obama. Gas at the station down the street is $1.88 a gallon, unemployment is lower than were Romney said he would get at the end of his first term. Houses and cars are selling again. On an every-day, working stiff level, things are way better than in 2008.
What grand1511 said. The Obama hatred seems utterly delusional.
> No disasters - remember 911, the Iraq War, Katrina, the DOW at 6,000, employment FALLING by 600,000 a month. No disasters is a pretty good place to start. > The economy is the best it's been in a decade. You can quibble:should be better, should be different, but near 18,000 is better for everyone than trying to break 6,000 the wrong way. > Deployed troops down from 200,000 to less than 20,000 and none in actual combat. That's Americans not getting killed for no reason. > The deficit is falling faster and faster. Obama could leave office with a looming surplus. > And, whether you like or not, the Affordable Care Act is finally an attempt to deal with the fact that the US has the most expensive health care system in the whole wide world and the worst health outcomes of any developed country. At least an E for effort.
Anthony: "Deployed troops down from 200,000 to less than 20,000 and none in actual combat. "
Not clear this is a good thing since it lead to the rise of ISIS.
The media is psyching the population up for war with ISIS. I'm not sure Obama is convinced, however. He made remarks that imply he thinks the US is safe relative to the rest of the world because Muslins are more integrated into society here, and because of our better intelligence capabilities. (Same intelligence that monitors every thing they can about us and the worlf but somehow missed the rise of ISIS in all his.)
As for his economic acheivements and IbamaCare he was just listening to Wall Street like any president would.
Anthonyu: "the deficit is falling faster and faster?"
Obama is a tool. Deficits are huge under Obama and would be much bigger with out the republicans blocking him financially at every move.
The rate of growth of the deficit is slowing, but Obama could never generate a surplus. He is a left winger which means SPEND SPEND SPEND.
The debt is so high in this country it has spurred some growth but at what cost? The debt bubble Obama had allowed will burst on the next fiscally responsible president when he tries to cut back programs and spending on things we don't have the money to pay for.
I'm from Illinois. No honest politicians ever came from Chicago. Many of our Governors end up in prison. Chicago politics have nearly ruined our state and are trying to turn us into Detroit clones. Those are the failed policies of the left. It will be interesting to see if our new governor will be able to clean up our state without a rough patch. I consider Blagoiavitch and Quinn as fiscally stupid as Obama and think this next governor will be in a small way a test case for the next president who has to clean up Obama's mess.
Obama is a salesman. We have no proof of how "smart" he is. We do know he has never had a real job. He is not a successful businessman. He is a racist and will say anything. He is a smooth talker. That is his only gift. He can apparently beat anyone in an election.
I voted for him once and have regretted it greatly. For you people who start bringing up Bush. Yeah he was an idiot too.
"As for his economic acheivements and IbamaCare he was just listening to Wall Street like any president would. " ------------------------------------------ Good point, Dougster, as always!!! Just wondering why you're not in Davos this week with the other Oligarchs? Did your private jet break down? So sad.
2009 $1,400 billion – Can’t blame Obama for that; the fiscal year ended in October. 2010 $1,300 billion 2011 $1,300 billion 2012 $1,087 billion 2013 $680 billion 2014 $483 billion
Facts, they are such pesky things. And the economy is just beginning to take off. If the next two years continue as the last two years, there’ll be a surplus for FY 2016 of $121 billion; the first since Clinton.
The deficit situation and the overall economic recovery would have been considerably better without the Republican attempts to sabotage the economy in order make Obama a one-term President. Government shutdowns and credit defaults anyone?
I wonder what universe Clubber and Holden live in.
The National Debt is such a bogey man. Most of it consists of funded liabilities for future pensions and other benefits (like Social Security and Medicare). Kind of a disguised pay-as-you-go system not unknown to private businesses. The debt is not a serious economic issue as demonstrated by the fact that markets will loan the US trillions of dollars at amazing low interest rates. No risk premium visible.
Really, what universe are Clubber and Holden living in?
I'm not opposed to everything Obama has done. I just do not agree with a number of things but that has been the case with just about every President I remember.
I suppose Obama was giving everyone a sly heads up the other day with EU QE that it's a good time for long term investors. SP500 up over 2500 coming up by sometime between now and next year. He didn't say that but he did make a similar comment back in 2009. He's got inside information, now public. I'm looking forward to seeing published schedules of when and how much money will go into each QE day. The next president will likely be a democrat as well because the US public almost always votes based upon their immediate pocket book feelings. Unless some SHTF scenario happens economically and then not many will care anyway.
I'm not sure European QE is necessary. They already have low rates even on rather junky bonds (a global phenomena really).
The EUR is now finally below purchasing power parity with the USD. That will do them more good for them than any kind of QE would. The American economy was already set to boom (despite anything a no mind like Stevie-girl might say to the contrary). I see it more of a sign of the ECB reassuring investors that they really would try to back up Draghi's "whatever it takes" with actions as well.
2500 S&P is about a 25% gain from here. So for two years that seems quite reasonable to me.
shark: "The next president will likely be a democrat "
Only one republican in the country that could beat any reasonable choice the Democrats put up and he ain't gonna be running, so I have to agree with this as well.
EU QE doesn't start until March. I'm sure Obama has sent people to tell them how to get things going. When you have global economies in too much debt to pay back, you have to do some financial engineering moves to get things going unless you want a super colossal depression. I'm in agreement with Obama, pump up the markets, use the wealth effect, get people spending and grow the economy out of the mess and hope we can work our way out of the huge debt obligations. I'd like to be able to retire in another 20 years or so and still have some money. Current deficits aren't the really big issue, it's all the debt obligations we will owe to support social security, Medicare, etc. Our government will not have enough money to pay in full. I believe one idea is to default and destroy our currency and then to suddenly set up a new currency. Of coursethat would destroy savers and really burn a lotof people. I do not like that idea.
@shark: what were Obama's exact words? Are you thinking of his SOTU speech? I already knew the economy would boom for some time so wasn't waiting for him to say anything to confirm that he knows it as well.
@shark: I won't worry too much about obligations to social programs. Public health will improve through medical advances - in particular especially early detection made possible by wearable computing devices. Their is already a push for healthier lifestyles as we can see by which restaurants are becoming more popular and which less so. I believe that the point where people have tiny computers floating inside their bodies which help detect and treat costly medical conditions is also not far off. Also this will mean that people will be able to and will probably want to work longer. I'm not sure the current models that people cite take this into sufficient account.
clubber> You and I, are talking about two different things. Boehner and Netanyahu, are making a political move. The President is refusing to play this game with them. And I stand by my earlier comment. About this President political obligation.
You open up this discussion about our constitution , I can tell your kind, lone for the early years of the U.S. Constitution ( written 1787) preserve, protect, and defend. How did that work out for , Indians, Blacks, Women, Asians, Hispanics, etc. You, Nazi, it was only written for white males of European origin. Can a Nazi like you handle this change ?
Did the President of France come for any memorial of the Boston bombing? Can't remember. I think we have to expect a fair number of these attacks by small numbers of suicide attackers. Obama's hammering hard at AQ and IS with airstrikes, even though it costs him with his base, you'd think the Republicans could have his back more on that score.
There is a "Brown lives matter" aspect here. Hundreds have been killed by IS in Syria and Iraq. IS got a lot of recruits because the Shia militias in Iraq, who the US indirectly supports, killed hundreds of Iraqi Sunnis. You don't hear about that so much because they don't put videos of their killings on youtube, and because it's an embarrassment to the US. My question to Obama is why don't you put the drones on the leaders of the Shia militias, since they are as much bad actors as the militant Salafists?
I'm not even sure what to say to that statement. How can I reason with someone who has abandoned logic. Maybe we should listen to you and all our great cities can become more and more like Detroit.
When you discover a debate with someone is a waste of time, just think of it as talking to a ROB, and ignore what they say. But at least a ROB has tits!
It's called "I'm out of Fucks to Give". Seen it happen before with others, as earlier mentioned.
Maybe if some day we elect leaders on the basis of competence instead of whether "you'd like to have a beer with him/her" or "OMG s/he's transformative" or "s/he says 'Jesus' or 'Family' every fourth word" or "s/he feels my pain" ...
... naaaaah, not gonna happen. I'll save my campaign contributions for VIP dances ;)
January 24, 2015 • Knightline: "Obama is a radical left-wing politician"
Dougster: Well at least people aren't prone to hyperbole here. He's actually very moderate. ------------------------
HAHAHAHAH!!!! Did you hear his State of the Union Speech?? You think he's a moderate? Then you must be another radical left-winger!! Now that he's done with elections, his true nature shows - his lack of taste for military spending and his mission of 'social justice'. Pretty much everything he has done lately is wrong. The guy is radical for sue - no hyperbole. He was 'moderate' compared to some left wingers originally, but now that he's a lame-duck he is as left as they get.
last commentHe probably just doesn't want to keep changing his schedule for every ally or world event that may affect him as President of the US. We need someone younger who can handle schedule changes. Hillary and Biden are probably too old too.
Who knows, there might be an important golf tournament that is top secret.
Ok, that was my two cents rant.
Maybe the foreign policy experts on TUSCL answer: Zero.
Why are you guys so surprised? These are politicians you are talking about.
Bush and Cheney did the same thing... They do/say whatever they want in the last couple years. They are not running for the office again, so they don't caire.
They only motivation they have is to get re-elected to their cushy job with all its benefits and to take care of all their friends.
When that isn't an option due to term limits. It doesn't matter WHO or WHAT political party is in there. They are ALL the same.
At least he had time for GloZell...lol
Well at least people aren't prone to hyperbole here. He's actually very moderate.
The Israeli election is just a polite way to try and explain the snub. Clearly Obama is pissed that Boehner invited Netanyahu to address congress, probably to push for sanctions on Iran.
So now he can snub whoever he wants while he tries to shape his "legacy". He can also decry the party politics in Washington and claim all the things that need to be fixed. Conveniently ignoring that he's had 6 years to work with Republicans and fix anything he thought was broken.
Probably because he has had such a successful presidency but is "on the left".
And Boenher, McConnell, McCarthy, et al. aren't political hacks?
The only dudes that aren't political hacks are Louie Gohmert, Ted Yoho, and that one other assclown from that voted for Yoho as speaker. They believe the crazy shit they say. Ted Cruz may be in that camp, but he seems smarter (OK...that isn't hard...my pet turtle is smarter than Gohmert)
On the other hand, political hacks occasionally accomplish something. Gohmert et al. just say stupid shit. I'd say they provide comic relief, but they have just enough power to scare the bejezzus out of me. Glad I don't live in their districts...
Had anyone been interested, his history, well, what one could find, was all radical. No surprise what he has done and is still trying to do. Right out of Saul's playbook!
P.S. If you love France and Israel so much , move over there.
Let’s you and him fight.
He’d love to see us in a war with Iran. Netanyahu’s activities are designed to make the on-going negotiations with Iran fail. Such a failure makes it much more difficult for the US to avoid war with Iran. A war with a county that has 2½ times the population of Iraq, an economy 4 times the size of Iraq, a much more capable military, a much more educated, capable and loyal population.
There would be even less support for this war with Iran both internationally and within the US. The war would be a dream come true for international terrorism directed against the US.
So, say, by 2025 what are we looking at? Ten trillion dollars wasted, a hundred thousand dead Americans, millions of other deaths, an Israel much less secure than it is now, a world economy terribly damaged by mangled oil supplies from the Mid-east and the other destructions of very lengthy intense wars. And the rise of a powerful jihadist state consolidating power in vast regions of northern Africa and southwestern Asia.
All with the benevolent help of the Russians, the Chinese snapping up all the opportunities such a catastrophe will present for them, the Europeans and everybody else looking on in fear and dismay at the consequences of US policy.
Falling for “let’s you and him fight” is not only calamitous, but really dumb.
But I guess he could still become a referee
You are an IDIOT!!! You state, "The man is obligated politically, to one group of Americans, his core base. The people who elected him and re-elected him. "
We was elected yes, but he swore, and I don't give a fuck what he swore on, “I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”
So either he is a worthless fuck as far as his ability, OR, a fucking liar! Take your pick!!!
> No disasters - remember 911, the Iraq War, Katrina, the DOW at 6,000, employment FALLING by 600,000 a month. No disasters is a pretty good place to start.
> The economy is the best it's been in a decade. You can quibble:should be better, should be different, but near 18,000 is better for everyone than trying to break 6,000 the wrong way.
> Deployed troops down from 200,000 to less than 20,000 and none in actual combat. That's Americans not getting killed for no reason.
> The deficit is falling faster and faster. Obama could leave office with a looming surplus.
> And, whether you like or not, the Affordable Care Act is finally an attempt to deal with the fact that the US has the most expensive health care system in the whole wide world and the worst health outcomes of any developed country. At least an E for effort.
So peace and prosperity - what's to hate?
Not clear this is a good thing since it lead to the rise of ISIS.
The media is psyching the population up for war with ISIS. I'm not sure Obama is convinced, however. He made remarks that imply he thinks the US is safe relative to the rest of the world because Muslins are more integrated into society here, and because of our better intelligence capabilities. (Same intelligence that monitors every thing they can about us and the worlf but somehow missed the rise of ISIS in all his.)
As for his economic acheivements and IbamaCare he was just listening to Wall Street like any president would.
Remember correlation is not causation.
In what alternate universe do you two exist? Or, in other words, how was the Kool Aide?
Obama is a tool. Deficits are huge under Obama and would be much bigger with out the republicans blocking him financially at every move.
The rate of growth of the deficit is slowing, but Obama could never generate a surplus. He is a left winger which means SPEND SPEND SPEND.
The debt is so high in this country it has spurred some growth but at what cost? The debt bubble Obama had allowed will burst on the next fiscally responsible president when he tries to cut back programs and spending on things we don't have the money to pay for.
I'm from Illinois. No honest politicians ever came from Chicago. Many of our Governors end up in prison. Chicago politics have nearly ruined our state and are trying to turn us into Detroit clones. Those are the failed policies of the left. It will be interesting to see if our new governor will be able to clean up our state without a rough patch. I consider Blagoiavitch and Quinn as fiscally stupid as Obama and think this next governor will be in a small way a test case for the next president who has to clean up Obama's mess.
Obama is a salesman. We have no proof of how "smart" he is. We do know he has never had a real job. He is not a successful businessman. He is a racist and will say anything. He is a smooth talker. That is his only gift. He can apparently beat anyone in an election.
I voted for him once and have regretted it greatly. For you people who start bringing up Bush. Yeah he was an idiot too.
Good point, Dougster, as always!!! Just wondering why you're not in Davos this week with the other Oligarchs? Did your private jet break down? So sad.
2009 $1,400 billion – Can’t blame Obama for that; the fiscal year ended in October.
2010 $1,300 billion
2011 $1,300 billion
2012 $1,087 billion
2013 $680 billion
2014 $483 billion
Facts, they are such pesky things. And the economy is just beginning to take off. If the next two years continue as the last two years, there’ll be a surplus for FY 2016 of $121 billion; the first since Clinton.
The deficit situation and the overall economic recovery would have been considerably better without the Republican attempts to sabotage the economy in order make Obama a one-term President. Government shutdowns and credit defaults anyone?
I wonder what universe Clubber and Holden live in.
The National Debt is such a bogey man. Most of it consists of funded liabilities for future pensions and other benefits (like Social Security and Medicare). Kind of a disguised pay-as-you-go system not unknown to private businesses. The debt is not a serious economic issue as demonstrated by the fact that markets will loan the US trillions of dollars at amazing low interest rates. No risk premium visible.
Really, what universe are Clubber and Holden living in?
I suppose Obama was giving everyone a sly heads up the other day with EU QE that it's a good time for long term investors. SP500 up over 2500 coming up by sometime between now and next year. He didn't say that but he did make a similar comment back in 2009. He's got inside information, now public. I'm looking forward to seeing published schedules of when and how much money will go into each QE day. The next president will likely be a democrat as well because the US public almost always votes based upon their immediate pocket book feelings. Unless some SHTF scenario happens economically and then not many will care anyway.
The EUR is now finally below purchasing power parity with the USD. That will do them more good for them than any kind of QE would. The American economy was already set to boom (despite anything a no mind like Stevie-girl might say to the contrary). I see it more of a sign of the ECB reassuring investors that they really would try to back up Draghi's "whatever it takes" with actions as well.
2500 S&P is about a 25% gain from here. So for two years that seems quite reasonable to me.
shark: "The next president will likely be a democrat "
Only one republican in the country that could beat any reasonable choice the Democrats put up and he ain't gonna be running, so I have to agree with this as well.
And I stand by my earlier comment. About this President political obligation.
You open up this discussion about our constitution , I can tell your kind, lone for the early years of the U.S. Constitution ( written 1787) preserve, protect, and defend.
How did that work out for , Indians, Blacks, Women, Asians, Hispanics, etc.
You, Nazi, it was only written for white males of European origin.
Can a Nazi like you handle this change ?
There is a "Brown lives matter" aspect here. Hundreds have been killed by IS in Syria and Iraq. IS got a lot of recruits because the Shia militias in Iraq, who the US indirectly supports, killed hundreds of Iraqi Sunnis. You don't hear about that so much because they don't put videos of their killings on youtube, and because it's an embarrassment to the US. My question to Obama is why don't you put the drones on the leaders of the Shia militias, since they are as much bad actors as the militant Salafists?
18 TRILLION ring a bell?
You are not worthy of a discussion!
2012 was the largest in history at 1.327 trillion.
2013 was nearly another trillion
2014 hasn't been compiled yet
This President would spend way more if the congress hadn't stopped him and you are a liar if you won't admit it.
I'm not even sure what to say to that statement. How can I reason with someone who has abandoned logic. Maybe we should listen to you and all our great cities can become more and more like Detroit.
The stripper scene will be awesome!
When you discover a debate with someone is a waste of time, just think of it as talking to a ROB, and ignore what they say. But at least a ROB has tits!
Maybe if some day we elect leaders on the basis of competence instead of whether "you'd like to have a beer with him/her" or "OMG s/he's transformative" or "s/he says 'Jesus' or 'Family' every fourth word" or "s/he feels my pain" ...
... naaaaah, not gonna happen. I'll save my campaign contributions for VIP dances ;)
Dougster: Well at least people aren't prone to hyperbole here. He's actually very moderate.
HAHAHAHAH!!!! Did you hear his State of the Union Speech?? You think he's a moderate? Then you must be another radical left-winger!! Now that he's done with elections, his true nature shows - his lack of taste for military spending and his mission of 'social justice'. Pretty much everything he has done lately is wrong. The guy is radical for sue - no hyperbole. He was 'moderate' compared to some left wingers originally, but now that he's a lame-duck he is as left as they get.