
Strippers never come up to me

First of all I am a former college basketball player and I am about 6 ft 3 inches and in great shape. I am 40 and still have the build of a basketball player. At normal bars I have no problem having girls come and talk to me. I got with a couple of friends who I would not call in shape and are pretty much the guys that never get girls. The strippers are always all over them. They go up to them before me and ignore me half the time. I have to actually approach most of them to even get conversation let alone a lap dance.

I just don't get why or how they would want to rub all over some dumpy looking heavy set guys compared to someone that keeps in great shape and has always had pretty good luck at normal bars with the ladies. I have never had the feeling of rejection like this before and now I have it with girls that won't give me attention even though I would pay them to! Crazy!

Any ideas?


  • Diva1975
    10 years ago
    You gotta flash some cash. We strippers, if you will, often approach guys that we know can't get girls in a regular bar, and will thus be more willing to pay for dances. Make sense now?
  • motorhead
    10 years ago
    "I just don't get why or how they would want to rub all over some dumpy looking heavy set guys"

    Well, as an unpaid spokesman for dumpy looking heavy set guys everywhere, I have an easy answer

  • lopaw
    10 years ago
    What Diva said.
    And believe it or not, some dancers are easily intimidated by all sorts of things, and won't approach someone that is out of their safe comfort zone.

    Bottom line....it's them, not you.
  • DandyDan
    10 years ago
    If you are 40 and 6'3", they probably don't think you are a former college basketball player, even if you club in the town you went to college in. I'm also guessing you didn't make it to the NBA and you aren't on TV in some analyst role as well. The fact is, most college athletes fade into obscurity the moment their college career ends.

    That said, at my favorite club, there is a customer who is a well-known ex-Husker football player (by well-known, I mean that any Nebraska Cornhusker football fan who knows the history of Husker football would know who he is) and the ladies tend to ignore him.
  • Dougster
    10 years ago
    Are you wearing a suit and running RickyBoy's The System? If not may be time to review.
  • rockstar666
    10 years ago
    So when there's only a few cute dancers and none of them come up to me, what they're really saying is I'm so good looking that I can always get women in regular bars? I LIKE that!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Papi_Chulo
    10 years ago
    Strip clubs are often bizarro world (the opposite of the “real world”).

    I’m 45 and started clubbing at 30 – in my 30s often times more strippers passed me up for the older guys.

    Strip clubs are about $$$ and not hooking up w/ a “hot guy” – to many a stripper; especially the business savvy ones; a good looking guy will not be as hard-up or willing to spend as much for female companionship b/c he can get that already – or so they think – i.e. a good looking guy may often be seen as a harder sale.

    Many strippers can also be insecure and may think “there are prettier girls here than me – that good looking guy will not go for me”.

    I’m a clean-cut whiteguy but I go mostly to all-black clubs b/c I like/prefer the chocolate – some black strippers will not approach me b/c they think I would like/prefer the thin, light-skinned, more Caucasian, looking black dancers; and not the thick dark-skinned ones which are actually my preference.

    Often times; especially in certain clubs; “catching a dancer” is like “catching a taxi” – i.e. you have to be proactive and not just stand there – i.e. make the first move even if you think she, as the one trying to sale dances; should be the one making the first move.
  • redpillsandusky
    3 years ago
    Yea I went to a strip club yesterday and it was weird I pretty much got ignored by every single girl expect for the hottest one there. She came up to me and told me I havent seen a girl approach you the whole time. I said yea I dont why and she said maybe its cause you look mean, im like nahh wtf. I do have a natural pissed off bitch face tbh but I feel like if you somehwhat good looking an tall, they get intimidated. They usually target the beta average guys. Plus the club I went to is like a low tier ghetto ass club in LA. I will try something else next week and see if theres anything diff. Its the first time Ive went to one. Also race plays a role too, Im brown guy with curly hair and im usually sporting a cap and hoodie, they were much more comfortable with the white dudes just keepin it rl even tho there minorites themselves
  • nicespice
    3 years ago
    ^ damn, I was hoping you were another bot bumping this thread to talk about music
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    Just talk to the girl you want. Waiting for her to come up to you is a.chumps game. See want get.

  • WiseToo
    3 years ago
    Strippers in clubs specialize in the type of customer they want to have. Some strippers specialize in old men, others in young men, others in professional type of men, others in construction worker types, etc. Just like we have our favorites; they have their favorite type of customer, too. That's why tipping a stripper you like in the hope she will come over after her set is simply being a simp. She'll take your money and then go to her favorite type of customer. And if you are not her favorite type, you're out of luck. Look for the girl(s) that interact with customers that most closely resemble where you fit in and approach them, if you see one you like. Otherwise cut your losses and call it a night.
  • docsavage
    3 years ago
    Girls can often change on what kind of customers they like. I'm an old guy and often have new girls in clubs ignore me. I'll ask them for lap dances while they are on stage. As soon as they get off stage they head straight for the best looking guy in the club and sit down on his lap. If I go back to the same club a couple months later and ask for lap dances from the same girl I'm often more successful. Some good looking guys go to clubs because they know the inexperienced strippers will hang out with them. After awhile, these girls realize they aren't making that much money from these guys and if they want to pay their bills they need to focus on other guys. Those often happen to be the guys women usually ignore.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    Unless you connect with them on their level you're just a customer. if you buy them you're just a trick. Unless you're too weird or repulsive girls will give a dance to anyone who pays. It's their job.
  • blahblahblah23
    3 years ago
    I usually always go to people who tip me and trying to get dances off me.

    No offense, but coincidentally a lot of fat, old, ugly dudes don't wanna give me 1 damn dollar because I guess I bring out their insecurities without trying. A lot of times it is the best looking person or people who I make all or most of my money off of? But I don't go up to people because they are cute or w/e. I just follow the money.
  • blahblahblah23
    3 years ago
    And try to get dances of them I meant^
  • motorhead
    3 years ago
    The Michigan guys will remember the profound quote TwoSheds wrote on his board.

    “Money rules. Especially in strip clubs. Those that can't compete eat shit"

  • blahblahblah23
    3 years ago
    I mean not always. Sometimes strippers are too mentally retarded to follow the money. Sometimes the person with most money and willing to spend it is an unbearable dirtbag.
  • ilbbaicnl
    3 years ago
    Bharlem (dancer) commented that she avoids customers she finds attractive. They sense the dancer's attraction, and try to use it (instead of money) to get her time and attention. Men use the phrase "don't put you dick in your dinner" to warn against getting sexual with co-workers. For strippers, I guess it's "get dinner not dick".

    Customers who see themselves as alpha males (aka ricks) tend to be demeaning to strippers. They think only flaky women would not find ecstasy in submitting to them sexual (for free). It's not necessarily the good looking guys. Men often think it's fine for them to be attracted to women for superficial reasons, but flaky for women to be attracted to men for superficial reasons.
  • blahblahblah23
    3 years ago
    ^ thank you. It's ok for men to go for certain women because they are good looking and will do everything around the house and raise the kids.

    Women expecting a guy to have a decent job and good looks though is shallow??? Lol!

    I see a lot more bumass men doing nothing at all with their lives than bumass women in the same boat.
  • ilbbaicnl
    3 years ago
    Self-identified alpha males think women should be thrilled to at least be the alpha's side piece if not deemed wife material.
  • skibum609
    3 years ago
    I spent more time thinking about strip clubs reading this thread than I did in my 7 hours there yesterday. Over thinking something simple.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    I go to clubs and if I really like a girl it's an ego boost to try to pick her up. And I'm usually successful. With girls I've really really wanted I haven't been rejected.

    But I know they're working at the club and I don't waste their time. I tip buy drinks. I don't fondle them or anything.

    I just talk to them and don't say or do anything sexual. After a few drinks they usually start touching my body. Kiss my chest and stomach. If you want to seduce a woman. Make her think everything is her idea. Make her comfortable. Return the same levels of vulnerability. Make a real connection. It's easy with the really young girls.

    Terms like alpha or beta are stupid bs that the pua incel crowd makes up. Guys who live up to prescribed roles end up getting played lulz.

    But never be cheap creepy or feel entitled at a club.

    And if you come across like a trick/mark don't bitch about being treated like one.
  • Cashman1234
    3 years ago
    Maybe guys are intimidated by Blah because she doesn’t sit staring at her phone when she’s not on stage - she sits and sharpens her knives and admiring her looks in the reflection of the cold steel blades?
  • Cashman1234
    3 years ago
    I’m not troll detective, but a 6 year old thread bumped by a dude with a name red pill sandusky seems like a troll to me…
  • Lil_Baller100
    3 years ago
    Wat u smokin foo
  • nicespice
    3 years ago
    Blah said—>“A lot of times it is the best looking person or people who I make all or most of my money off of?”

    Def my opinion in a heavy extras environment. For whatever reason, often the older uglier guy will really want to play hardball with a big smirk on his face…but the young cute guy is often just there to have fun and is more likely to be the easygoing spender. Possibly because he hasn’t figured out the club MO or possibly a generational thing idk
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    Most guys don't troll clubs for hookers
  • ilbbaicnl
    3 years ago
    I suspect sometimes it's splurging customers that my favs ignore me for. Guys for whom a night in the club is a once in a while celebration, so they can spend many times what my budget for a single visit is. It's seems like this is often the younger guys.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    You can schedule your visits with them.

    Giving up stable money for a one off isn't a good strategy in the long run. She should do both.
  • ohbob
    3 years ago
    Hilarious comments! Usually the ones flashing money are totally drunk and have no idea what they are doing.

    I have a few reviews that I said were written by the invisible man. SOme girls have even ignored me when I went to the stage to tip because I liked what I saw.

    Just move on. There are other clubs with funner dancers.
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