Guy lost his mind when I monopolized a stripper for 2 hours

avatar for rickdugan
Seriously, the guy was practically bouncing in his chair. He was also staring at her, came over to her when she was walking to the bathroom and even said something to the bartender (we were sitting at the bar).

How truly pathetic. There were 15 other girls in the club, but he needed dances from this particular one.

As a little more background, she was an old favorite and we were catching up. She was also getting a little cash under the table, but he had no way of knowing that.

And when she finally went over to him, he went back for 2 lousy dances. All of that queen drama just to hand over his $50 and go home.


last comment
avatar for GACA
10 years ago
:) why is it so funny that some PL's are more pathetic than others.
avatar for georgmicrodong
10 years ago
I've been that guy, sort of, without the impatience. I'll often go into a club on my way home from work just to get a couple dances. If the dancer in whom I'm interested isn't available, I'll wait. All dancers are not created equal, so even if there are 15, if I'm only interested in one, I have no problem waiting.

I generally don't have to wait very long. With most of them, if she can get free, she does. If not, most of them will let me know somehow. Being a regular carries with it some conveniences.
avatar for jerikson40
10 years ago
So a guy who talks to a girl in an airport bar is pathetic because he offers her a beer, not a bloody mary? And a guy who goes to a strip club is pathetic because he has the hots for one particular dancer but she's taken by some arrogant prick?

Dugan, do you just sit back and watch the world and search for ways you can call others pathetic so you can boost your own ego? Geez, dude, at least come up with some good reasons why you're better than everyone else. Not this childish nonsense.
avatar for Aravas
10 years ago
avatar for Dougster
10 years ago
Looks RickyBoy and jerkoffson40 finally met in person.

avatar for crazyjoe
10 years ago
Lol doug
avatar for mikeya02
10 years ago
good one doug, story makes sense now.
avatar for rattdog
10 years ago
like I typed in another thread regarding this guy - typical new York city yuppy douche bag. has to give cash "under the table" just to catch up. usually buying the girl a drink then catch up might be the norm but giving cash to catch up - ehh I have a feeling 98.6% of us wouldn't do that. fucking douche!!!!
avatar for Dougster
10 years ago
Now I'm not saying RickyBoy is a liar, but isn't it funny how this story is perfectly worded to push all of jerkoffson's buttons?
avatar for grand1511
10 years ago
As the saying goes, possession is nine-tents of the law.
avatar for JohnSmith69
10 years ago
I dont know that he was overly pathetic. It sounds like he may have just been inexperienced. So he wasn't used to a whale tying up the girl he wanted, and he didn't know what to do about it. We've all been at that infancy stage before.
avatar for chandler
10 years ago
What's supposed to be wrong with trying to snag a dancer while she's walking to the bathroom? I do that a lot, and it usually gets results. Unless, you know, she's in a mad race to go pee. I probably wouldn't do the other things he tried for her attention, but it sounds like it worked out, since she went over to him.

In my opinion, it's kind of pathetic for a customer to pay a dancer to sit and talk with him. But of course it ain't my money.
avatar for jester214
10 years ago
He saw her sitting there for 2 hours doing 0 dances when he wanted to spend money on her? I certainly wouldn't wait around for her but I can see the frustration.
avatar for GACA
10 years ago
^^^well I guess that taught him money isn't everything :)
avatar for Papi_Chulo
10 years ago
I think in general tying up a girl for hours where no one else in the club can get w/ her is kinda fucked up; but nobody said life, or a strip club; was fair.

And I kinda read the “… She was also getting a little cash under the table, but he had no way of knowing that …” line, a bit different – I think Rick threw that in to justify the lockdown as if to say “hey it’s not as if she was wasting time; she *was* making some $$$”.
avatar for GACA
10 years ago
^^^.. And
People aren't robots. Her job is to make as much money for herself as she's comfortable doing being an Independent Contractor and all.

I will agree that there are some "best practices" that probably should be followed. But at the end of the day the lady isn't required to take anyone's money from them.
avatar for jerikson40
10 years ago
I think I mentioned this story before here, but it's a perfect example of how pathetic guys like Dugan can be...

At my favorite club, I knew my favorite dancer was there, and I was dying to just get some dances with her and bail. Finally I see her and an old guy, obviously her regular, coming out of the VIP. And they're talking and talking, and suddenly this old guy grabs her and hugs her and starts this fucking ballroom dancing with her. And she's like "what the fuck??", and he's pulling her around doing this damn ballroom dancing, trying to relive his youth or some shit from back in the 50's or something. You talk about pathetic? I almost felt bad for the guy, but it was so far beyond pathetic, and I'm sure the chick was so fucking embarrassed, that I just felt the guy was a fucking pathetic loser.

That summarizes those old guys like Dugan who spend a lot of money on this chicks to lock them down for hours so they can play make believe. It's sad. And he calls us pathetic.

avatar for GACA
10 years ago
Guess that's the unsaid principle of "sex work" at the end of the day it still requires the ladies consent. Most guys hate rejection in real life and I'm sure the issue is compound ITC where money is supposed to guarantee you get the attention you're looking for. But it doesn't always work that way.
avatar for GACA
10 years ago
^^^@jerikson I'm confused. If she's getting money from a guy she's comfortable with, maybe she wasn't interested in working any harder than she had to that day. Sucks to be that guy waiting but (I live in a population of more than a few 100k) there's other strippers working who'd probably do you better. If it's about service you have to pay for the service available or move on.
avatar for jerikson40
10 years ago
Absolutely. It's great for her, cuz she's with a guy she's comfortable with, she's getting paid to do nothing but talk to him, and it's a hell of a lot better than making the rounds trying to talk to strangers. No question.

My problem is with the pathetic old guys who give her that opportunity. The average guy doesn't lock dancers down for hours, because they're normal, they're only there for a short time to have some fun for an hour or two, and they don't need a substitute for a real relationship with a real woman. They just want some fun. That's what strip clubs are for, just a little fun.

But for the existence of the pathetic old guys who want to use the clubs for some sort of pathetic social experience, there wouldn't be a problem.
avatar for GACA
10 years ago
So it's more of an etiquette thing... I can understand having some class about things. Ok
avatar for jester214
10 years ago
It's a good thing we have Jerikson to tell us what the "normal" guys do.
avatar for mikeya02
10 years ago
Once again, Jerikson is displeased at what guys and girls feel like doing in a strip club
I dunno Jerikson, maybe pull down your pants, bend over, and fire off a rocket to get some attention.... lol
avatar for jerikson40
10 years ago
It's like the example I gave before about people waiting in line for an all you can eat buffet. And lets say that the thing that everyone is waiting for, say shrimp or a really good dessert, is almost gone. But the guy at the head of the line decides to be an asshole and ruin it for everyone behind him, and he eats all the remaining shrimp or whatever. Yeah, he has the right to, but in a civilized society most of us realize that's not the intent of the buffet.

The pathetic old guys have a different agenda than the typical club goer, and as a result they eat all the shrimp and tell everyone else to fuck off, because possession is 90% of the law.

Of course you CAN do that, but it depends on whether you're an arrogant prick or not. It's about RESPECT, something that some guys cannot give to others because they're arrogant pricks. Their rights are far more important than those of the people around them.

Personally, I find that attitude to be disgusting. But hey, we all have opinions.
avatar for jerikson40
10 years ago
And then guys like Mikey come along, and instead of explaining what THEY think, they just take pot shots at people. :)
avatar for crazyjoe
10 years ago
^^^ lmfao mikeya. That was funny. If you don't have access to a rocket just add a butt plug and fart real hard
avatar for JohnSmith69
10 years ago
There's nothing wrong with tying up a dancer for hours if both you and she consents. It's up to her who she wants to spend her time with, and nobody has any right to her just because he or she has money to pay for a lap dance. I've been on the receiving end if this many many times but unlike jerikson I'm a man about it. I make clear to the girl that I want her, I take every opportunity to get her, but if she stays with the whale then I just move on. No need to get your panties in a wad about it.
avatar for lopaw
10 years ago
Plenty of dancers wandering about a stripclub. If the one that you have your eye on is tied up then either leave or move on to one that's available. Life's too short to bust a freaking blood vessel because you can't get your first choice. I swear some PL's act like they're spoiled 10 year olds having a temper tantrum.
avatar for jerikson40
10 years ago
Aww, come on know I'm not having a temper're just messing with me again... :)

It's not an important issue, but it's frustrating. Like the example I gave of the buffet line. No big deal, but most people would get pissed if the arrogant prick ate all the shrimp, don't you think? Of course they would. Is that busting a blood vessel? Of course not, it's just a pain in the ass. Why do you over-characterize it just to make someone look bad?

And face it, when you go to the average club, how many really hot chicks do you have your eye on? For me it's typically between 1 and 3, unless I'm lucky. And maybe one is the best, and the others not so good.

And one is hanging in the dressing room, one is texting, and the 3rd is locked down with someone. So yeah, usually your choices are fairly limited, correct? So you go out of your way to hit this club, and you sit there and the three chicks you have your eye on are unavailable. Bust a blood vessel? Of course not. But it ruins things and it's frustrating.

Geez people lighten up.
avatar for rattdog
10 years ago
unfortunately especially nowadays there isn't another favorite you can go to as a 2nd or 3rd option. most of these clubs only have that "one" that a guy solely wants to see. I like many others have been at the receiving end of having to wait until the fave is finally free. sure it sucks. only way I handle that is say ay she's gonna be real busy w/that guy so i'll just check out of the club and spend my $'s elsewhere somewhere else or comeback at another time. my only fear w/this is that the fave might not come back ever again.
avatar for lopaw
10 years ago
Actually jerikson, my blood-vessel-busting-10-year-old comment was directed towards the guy in rick's original post.

You're getting paranoid, boy ;)
avatar for jerikson40
10 years ago
Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean everyone ISN'T out to get you... :)
avatar for mikeya02
10 years ago
Jerikson, just eat all the shrimp you want and have it your way for once. The fact that eating shrimp and tying up a dancer for hours have nothing to do with each other is a ridiculous idea you should get over.
avatar for jerikson40
10 years ago
Speaking of busting a blood vessel, after some thought I realized that there are times that, if this happened to me with a couple of my favorites at the club I frequent, I would almost fucking strangle the guy...

Sometimes, when I decide to go clubbing I am so fucking horny I can't see straight. And there are a couple of my favorites that, if any of them are on shift that day, I'm gonna zone in on them and I MUST have them. There's a fucking Puerto Rican MILF at my favorite club who has an absolutely insane body, and she is incredibly nasty and skilled and the hottest piece of ass.

So if I'm in the club, and I'm so horny my heart is pounding out of my chest, and I see her going into the VIP, and he locks her down for fucking 2 hours? I'd be just like that guy jumping in my seat. Word.

Maybe that's pathetic, but I make no apologies for that. Every guy here knows that when you're really horny, it's out of your control. Is it easy to just get up and drive to a different club in a situation like that? No fucking way.
avatar for jerikson40
10 years ago
Mikey sez: "The fact that eating shrimp and tying up a dancer for hours have nothing to do with each other is a ridiculous idea you should get over."

Oh, sorry dude. I forgot. Some guys here don't understand what an analogy is. My mistake. Just ignore it. Doesn't matter.
avatar for jester214
10 years ago
Really? YOU are going to bitch about someone not getting an analogy?
avatar for mikeya02
10 years ago
^^^^ You crack me up. And when the whale approaches the all you can eat shrimp, does he talk to them? Pay them money for company, lap dances, and to feel them up? Awesome analogy
avatar for jerikson40
10 years ago
So, don't see the point I'm making with the analogy? Was it too difficult and complicated?

But you're right....and the place where the buffet happens is probably a restaurant, not a strip club. Yeah, you're right. The analogy is irrelevant. Thanks, mikey !!!
avatar for rickdugan
10 years ago
I wasn't trying to antagonize jerikson when I posted this, but seeing this ITC sure did make me think of some of his goofier posts on this topic.

My confusion about the angst that guys like jerikson feels extends not only to needing on particular girl, but also to needing a lapdance so badly at all. Seriously now, unless it is a club where ITC p4p is on the menu, what's the big deal about a clothed lapdance?

I just don't understand why guys like jerikson get their panties in a wad when they can't get a lapdance. And he can claim that other people are the problem, pathetic, etc., all the reality is made clear by each dramatic post. ;)
avatar for jerikson40
10 years ago
So Dugan, you need this girl so bad that you're willing to pay her big bucks for hours just to talk to you, to the exclusion of all others, because she's your ATF for whatever, but you can't understand why someone else might want her for 20 minutes of lapdances? Or whatever they want her for...

You don't get that? Really?

Hello, is there anybody in there? (I'm knocking on your skull...) :)
avatar for jerikson40
10 years ago
By the way, Dugan's response, as usual, is a classic case of "deflection". Instead of dealing with the core issue concerning his pathetic arrogance, he "flips the script" and makes it about the other guy. The other guy is at fault for wanting a hot chick for 20 minutes or whatever.

And deflection can be fine if there's a legitimate reason to deflect criticism. But in this case, obviously, it's ridiculous.
avatar for chessmaster
10 years ago
if some pl wants to pay a bitch however much money just to talk for 2 hours, thats their choice. i personally wouldn't though. and i damn sure wouldn't wait for her or bug other people about her. especially with 14 other choices. im sure theres some other stripper that has as much or more to offer.
avatar for rickdugan
10 years ago
Lol jerikson. No dude, it really is about how much of a nut job you are. The right response when your first choice is not available is to shrug it off and move on, not to lose your mind over something as silly as a lapdance.

I do what I do when I am being entertained and, in most instances, I am also working out OTC. But if one girl is not available then so be it - there are lots of fish in the sea. ;)
avatar for jerikson40
10 years ago
If there are lots of fish in the sea, why do you have to lock one down for 2 hours or more? Why not be entertained by her for, say, 20 minutes and then move on? How long does it take to get her number for OTC? And if she's an ATF, don't you already have it?

Dugan, the hypocrisy and self-righteous arrogance is astounding. We should call you "Teflon Rick". Nothing sticks to you, you just tap dance around it.
avatar for Dougster
10 years ago
You're both pathetic homos but for different reasons.

RickyBoy because he has to a pay women just to talk to him. Jerkoffson because he doesn't realize the dollar is King in strip clubs and that's the way it should be.

I remember this one pathetic Japanese fuck who paid a girl just to basically talk to him and hug him every once s while and then bought a dance or two every hour or so. Was in doing this every time I saw him for like month with the same girl. I was like why doesn't he just meet her OTC and fuck her? Made no sense to me, but, whatev. If he had the $$$ he has every right to do that. It's fair and the way things should that he can tie up like that for pathetic reasons if he wants.

I also saw one guy dropping stacks of money just to have a bunch of girls sit with him and have pictures taken.

Their money, their choice. If you don't like it --- bid higher or STFU.
avatar for PhantomGeek
10 years ago
The way I see it, that's the thing about strip clubs -- they aren't a buyers' market; they're strictly a sellers' market, and the dancers choose just who they sell to. And another way to look at Rick's paying the dancer could be compensating her for unsold lap dances rather than as time to chat.

I've been in similar situations, too. One night, I had hoped on visiting with my ATF at the time, but she was tied up with some whale. I still chatted with some other dancers and got some dances from them. Closing time came. As one of the floormen was escorting her back to the dressing room she spotted me, scampered on over, kissed me on the cheek, then scampered on back. As PLish as it sounds, it was a highlight of the night for me.

Another night, I felt like hanging out with another of my favorites at that club. She did stop by my table, got a couple dances, and we did hang out for a little while. But then someone else showed up -- another one of the dancers, off the clock. She left to hang out with but left her stuff with me to watch, like I was some sort of locker room there on the floor. She had one of the floor men give me a complementary club sweater, but it was obvious she wasn't coming back. I was pretty livid -- I really felt stood up -- so I paid my tab and left.

Another dancer at that same club used to be really laid back and fun to hang out with. She'd stop by the table, we'd BS, she'd dance a bit, then make some rounds, and wash-rinse-repeat. She disappeared for three or four years. When I saw her again, she offered to sit and chat with me -- for $50. Apparently her other friends paid for her time now, and she expected me to as well. I just chuckled and shook my head, and she left.
avatar for JohnSmith69
10 years ago
"If you don't like it --- bid higher or STFU." Amen.
avatar for motorhead
10 years ago
"If you don't like it --- bid higher or STFU."

This should be the new motto of TUSCL, in replace of

"It's more than a list. It's the evocation of a culture"

avatar for JohnSmith69
10 years ago
"lets say that the thing that everyone is waiting for, say shrimp or a really good dessert, is almost gone"…
avatar for zipman68
10 years ago
This is TUSCL at its best. Bet you don't get shit like this in 2sheds.

What I really love is how Dugan changes stories so he looks suave. Dude goes tries to buy a chick in an airport bar a beer at 7:30am and argues with her when she says no...BAM...rewrites the story so he's watching the beer dork. Nearly loses his shit 'cos a whale is dominating a stripper he wants...BAM...rewrites the story so he's the whale.

You're a twisted lil' cruller Dugan.
avatar for jackslash
10 years ago
"Jerk store is the line! Jerk store!"
avatar for georgmicrodong
10 years ago
"But the guy at the head of the line decides to be an asshole and ruin it for everyone behind him, and he eats all the remaining shrimp or whatever."

Speaking of things we've been through before...

The guy at the head of the line isn't responsible for making sure the rest of the customers get the shrimp they want. Likewise, it isn't another PL's responsibility to make sure you get time with the girl you want.

The dancer is her own person. If she's not making time for you, it's because she doesn't want to, not because some other PL is keeping her from you.
avatar for Xeinok
10 years ago
He only wants that particular dance because he probably doesn't like TC and just wanna mess with him.
avatar for rickdugan
10 years ago
jerikson posted: "If there are lots of fish in the sea, why do you have to lock one down for 2 hours or more? Why not be entertained by her for, say, 20 minutes and then move on? How long does it take to get her number for OTC? And if she's an ATF, don't you already have it?"

I do what I do because I want to and because I can. If you want her so badly, then make it more appealing for her to be with you than to stay with me. After all, I don't control her or any other girl. They are all free agents who do what they think is in their best interest.

Your problem is that you can't control them and make them do what you want for the price that you are willing to pay. It must be frustrating for you, going to a club with a few bucks in your pocket just to face the same rejection that you get in real life. So you come on here and blame other people for your own misfortunes. You blame other customers for "locking down" dancers, club managers for not micromanaging how the girls allocate their time, and, of course, the girls themselves

Idk dude, but I'm starting to think that strip clubs may not be the best entertainment option for a guy as wound up as you. Perhaps you need to find some other hobbies, like a bowling or softball or *anything* other than going to a place where you always feel so unwanted.
avatar for JohnSmith69
10 years ago
well said Rick. Too bad jerikson can't hear me yelling amen!
avatar for chandler
10 years ago
rickdugan: "My confusion about the angst that guys like jerikson feels extends not only to needing on particular girl, but also to needing a lapdance so badly at all. Seriously now, unless it is a club where ITC p4p is on the menu, what's the big deal about a clothed lapdance?"

Yeah, how come we don't see more posts from guys going nuts in frustration, waiting for their chance to pay a particular stripper to sit and talk, while some loser keeps her locked down for two hours doing nothing but lap dances? I mean, seriously, who goes to a strip club for mere lap dances instead of it's main reason for existence, paid conversation.
avatar for chukko
10 years ago
So one PL sat at a table for 2 hours and gave a stripper money to chat. The other PL sat at another table waiting to give the stripper money for 2 dances. It Just looks like different goals met by different PLs at the strippers benefit. The plight of all strip club is the same and pathetic in some ways. How you act out your patheticness simply defines what type of PL you are.
avatar for rickdugan
10 years ago
chandler posted: "Yeah, how come we don't see more posts from guys going nuts in frustration, waiting for their chance to pay a particular stripper to sit and talk, while some loser keeps her locked down for two hours doing nothing but lap dances? I mean, seriously, who goes to a strip club for mere lap dances instead of it's main reason for existence, paid conversation."

Chandler, how about option C? That would be nobody losing their minds, period.

Maybe I'm biased because I have long ago lost interest in vanilla LDs. If I like a girl, I would rather drink with her, enjoy her company and the view, and work the OTC angle. My gig works better in some places, and with some girls, than in others. If I am visiting a tourist trap LD factory, or dealing with a girl who doesn't know much more than "wanna dance", then I am SOL. So be it - there's always next time.

Now we've all been where jerikson is at one point or another. A couple of months ago, I was clubbing in Queens and took a liking to a girl, just to see, moments later, another guy make it rain on her with what was easily $200 in singles. Now did I consider that an utter waste of cash? You betcha, but it was his money to spend and that is how he chose to use it. Wanna' guess where she was after her set was done? ;)

Guys spend money in clubs in all sorts of ways and girls gravitate to guys who spend the most on them. It is what it is. Guys who cannot handle this reality should probably just stay home.
avatar for chandler
10 years ago
Yeah, I suspected you must have been getting some awfully shitty lap dances in order to show such contempt for those of us who enjoy them. My sympathies go out to you, sir.
avatar for Dougster
10 years ago
Lol! RickyBoy making some good points in his post two back.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
10 years ago
And dude – how about when you are hungry and want to eat b/f you hit the club – you go to a buffet and some prick has ate all the fucking shrimp – then your pissed and you leave the buffet and go to the SC anyway – and then your fave is tied up talking to some prick for two hours – and it’s the same damn prick that ate all the shrimp at the buffet – talk about a double-whammy.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
10 years ago
Some say there are two types of people in life; givers and takers – takers seem so see right and wrong as what is right/wrong for *them* and fuck everybody else.

Strippers – and more specifically good strippers – are a limited resource in a club – sure a “taker” can say I’m paying for this shit (her) and she’s all mine – fuck you – and there is no law against that – but IMO saying a dancer is all yours for the whole damn shift and fuck everybody else b/c you paid for it is kinda selfish; self-centered, and narcissistic IMO.

There are many things one can do b/c they *can* but “should” they – I can see someone dying of a heart attack or chocking on something and just keep walking – I *can* do that, but should I.
avatar for JamesSD
10 years ago
Obviously this thread touched a nerve.

Dancers can be with whoever they want and think the money is best from.
avatar for Estafador
10 years ago
I can and can't sympathize with him. I can because there are plenty of times where the only good looking stripper in the club (in my opinion) is occupied by a guy not getting lap dances and strip clubs aren't exactly next door to one another. On the other hand, assuming this gentleman had a car, if it was obvious you were gonna monopolize her time and she seemed very interested, then I would have got in my car and went to another club (if I could handle paying another entry fee), went home or wait for the next shift of girls. Or if he was desperate enough find the next best thing. His own fault for torturing himself.
Maybe you should teach him about the game a bit so he'd better off not bitching next time
avatar for rockie
10 years ago
I've spent too many years in strip clubs to only be invested in one dancer. I'll wait 30 to 45 minutes if the prospects are truly limited. When limited prospects are the norm - I've been fortunate that other options are usually available within a 20 minute drive. I've seen some horrendous customer behavior when I've been first in line at the "shrimp buffet" and I will never be that customer impacting another customer or dancer when I am waiting. To me, it is a customer and dancer's right to play out their engagement any way that suits them. If I have an issue with my pecking order with a specific dancer in the club - I need to find a new entertainer to play with! Occasionally, you also get a future positive reaction by choosing to leave "nonchalantly" after 30 minutes!
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