Who are the 5 worse retards on tuscl? 1. crazyjoe 2. steve229 3. zipman68 4. Dougster 5. mikeya02 And that retard asshole Juice gets honerable mention for being such a retard and gettin mikeya02 to kiss his ass. Who do you reterded asshole think is a retard? Your prolly wrong cuz your such retards and I am so smart.
Aahhhh!! I can't do anything right. First I failed running "the System" and now I can't make the list. Surely not knowing how to ask for sex would qualify as making honorable mention. Rickyboy needs to arrange a TUSCL workshop and charge a good fee to show us how to run it.
No that we know where we stand and all want to do better (score closer to the top of the list) when is the next vote? I get the feeling crazyjoe is not going to be given a cakewalk defending his title.
Dougster maybe you could be the number one retard on tuscl if you said more gross things. Doomed is retarded but not gross you retard. And lapdanceking82 you get honorable retard mention cuz your pants are all sticky from cum. Maybe you should be numbe 5 cuz cume in the pants is gross. But that would make mikeya02 not on the retard list an he kisses that retard Juices ass. So hes really I retard to. I dont no maybe you tie. But your reely a retard whatever.
last comment@mikey aka @slaux.pas aka aka aka please get help