Hedy Lamarr -- sexy, sexy, sexy

avatar for zipman68
All this talk about chicks in the Carl's Jr/Hardees commercials got me thinking about a real sex symbol -- Hedy Lamarr. Would have been 100 on the 9th.

Skinny dippin' and acting out an orgasm on screen in the frickin' '30s my pervo brothers. Fuck yeah...



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avatar for zipman68
10 years ago
And frickin' brilliant too! Along with an avant garde composer dude she invented frequency hopping radio control for torpedoes during WWII. http://ipmall.info/hosted_reso…

So the next time you use wifi or a cellular device thank a sexy chick named Hedwig.
avatar for zipman68
10 years ago
I just did a search and a clearer story is at www.cnet.com/news/happy-100th-…

You perverts should read it. Very interesting.

Then you should use wifi to stream her orgasm scene.

Scene from Hedy Lamarr's Film, Ecstasy, 1933

I'm sure she'd find it appropriate that your streaming it using wifi or a cellular network.
avatar for rockstar666
10 years ago
That's "Hedly"!
avatar for magicrat
10 years ago
Beat me to it 666!
avatar for skibum609
10 years ago
Saw Tortilla flats yesterday, mega hot.
avatar for mikeya02
10 years ago
Just saw her in Samson and Delilah, The Demille one. Classic movie
avatar for Clubber
10 years ago
Maybe she should have been HeAdy Lamarr. Far aHEAD of her time. :)
avatar for jackslash
10 years ago
avatar for Otto22
10 years ago
Beats the hell out of Harvey Korman as Headly Lamar in Blazing Saddles!
avatar for SuperDude
10 years ago
She spied on the Nazis during the war, working with the O.S.S., the agency that became the C.I.A.
avatar for PhantomGeek
10 years ago
Brains and beauty -- you gotta love that.
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