
Did you ever go into a gay strip club or bar by accident or on purpose?

Atlanta suburb
Back in the 70's I did once. The wife and I were partying with a GF of hers and things were looking ripe for a 3 some. Well we ran on out booze and I had to keep this party going. So I hit the street in search of some place to buy more. It was 1AM and just about everything was closed. Finally I found a beer bar open and as soon as I walked in I knew it was a gay place but I was on a mission.

The place was pretty crowded and the guys were dressed and acting just like you see them in the movies. There were 2 guys dancing with each other on top of a pool table. I headed straight for the bar. The bar tender took one look at me and asked "Are you sure you want to be here?". Then I told him that I just wanted 2 six packs to go. While he went off to get them, I noticed a message on the mirror behind the bar about attending a party at so and so's house . "It will be a real gay affair".

No one approached me and as soon as I paid for the beer I got the hell outta there.


  • JohnSmith69
    10 years ago
    So did you have the 3some?
  • shadowcat
    10 years ago
    Yes and many more over the next couple of years. The girls asked me to approach her husband about swapping. He wanted no part of it. "What's mine is mine". So I didn't bother to tell him that I had been fucking his wife already. A couple of years later he asphyxiated himself in their garage.
  • mikeya02
    10 years ago
    yes, I went to a lesbian club called The Flame, with my girl and some other couples. I didn't do that again.
  • Clubber
    10 years ago

    Myself no, but it happened to a good friend of mine. He sat and ordered a beer, then as his eyes adjusted to the darkness, he knew he had made an error. He drank his beer in record time and fled! I still kid him about it after these nearly 50 years. :)
  • motorhead
    10 years ago
    No, but there was a Sanford & Son episode where Lamont and Rollo ended up in a gay bar by mistake. Funny stuff.
  • mikeya02
    10 years ago
    lol motor..that episode was great.......You have to check out Archie Bunker on gays......unreal!

  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    I accidentally walked into a drag queen bar.

    This was 20 years ago in SF. I was just walking about enjoying the sights. I was being approached by street hookers. There were more back then. A black pimp for one of the girls also approached me.

    One girl approached me who may not have even been a street hooker. She was bringing home a bag of groceries. "Where are you going? Can I come?"

    I looked in the door and saw lots of women, in mini-dresses and high heels with lots of makeup. I sat down and was served by one of their waitresses, mini-dress and high heels, Pilipino. She asked me, "do you know about this place?"

    "I only know what I see".

    They had one stripper on the stage, black, stripped down to nothing but black pumps. She looked real good to me. Of course this was an indicator that this was an underground venue. Not advertised as strip club, no way to lawfully have full nudity and alcohol.

    I looked closer at some of the women customers. Something about them was not right. The hips were shaped wrong. Their makeup was covering harsh faces. They were not what they appeared to be. They were all male, including the drink servers.

    So I got up to leave. A black hooker followed me out the front door. She was wearing high heels and a nice dress which came below her knees.

    Often in strange situations black women are the ones you most need to talk to. She offered a date. I said that the women in that bar are actually men. She agreed. She told me to look at the Adams Apple. I know now that they can surgically shave that.

    I was freaked out by the experience. I commented on the stripper, "showing her everything". We agreed that she was for real.

    "I can prove to you that I'm a woman right her right now."

    I thanked her but told her that that wouldn't be necessary. I liked her, but that was not what I was looking for. I was just wondering around and seeing the sights. I had a wife to get home to. So we parted company.

    I believe it likely that the place I was in, Black Orchid?? , was what would later become the Pink Diamonds, San Francisco's version of a dive and FS oriented strip club, with a likely seamless connection to street hookers. But the City closed it down.


    How America Became a Safe Haven for Hitler’s Men
    By Eric Lichtblau
  • gawker
    10 years ago
    In my first visit to New Orleans in the early 1980's I was attending a conference, met another attendee who was a very attractive young woman. She and I went out on Bourbon Street, drank a lot and had a great time. I walked her back to her hotel and didn't get invited in, so I started walking back to my hotel. It was about 1:00 am and a group of young guys started following me shouting names and trying to get my attention. I had a few hundred dollars and didn't want a problem with these kids so I walked into the first bar I saw. It was named Choices which didn't register in my thick skull, so I sat at the bar and ordered a drink. There was an attractive woman sitting beside me and we started talking. Long story short, she was the partner of the very pretty bartender.
    They were both a lot of fun and the bartender was getting off work at 2:00 and they invited me to join them at their apartment. They both showered and then made love with me watching and then they both blew me. I left them around 5:00 and missed the morning sessions at the conference, but it was a wonderful trip to a gay bar.
  • bvino
    10 years ago
    When I was tending bar in downtown Detroit in the early '80's I used to go out after work and shoot pool in a dyke bar. Lots of softball teams but I was always left alone at the pool table . I know that lipstick lesbians exist I just never saw one in that place. Lots of boots and T-shirts ,pitcher's of beer and smokers. Once in awhile a good fight and I was off duty so I could just watch.
  • JohnSmith69
    10 years ago
    Gawker wins the award for best gay bar experience.
  • crazyjoe
    10 years ago
    Never happened to me. Sounds like gawker is hard to beat
  • chandler
    10 years ago
    I used to go to a gay bar with friends whenever we wanted to go dancing, because it was by far the best place in town for that. They played great dance music, and there was a fun, chill atmosphere compared to a typical singles bar. Plus drinks were cheap. Sometimes there would be some queers in our group, but usually not. The regulars in the bar could tell we were just there to have fun and never bothered us, aside from the occasional unwanted ear tongueing. (Just kidding.)
  • penname
    10 years ago
    In the mid-70's I was out bar hopping with my buddies in San Francisco. We walked into a dark bar. After our eyes adjusted we noticed the bar was full of guys in leather. Without a word being spoken we simultaneously turned around and walked out.
  • lopaw
    10 years ago
    Of course.
  • sharkhunter
    10 years ago
    I never have but I've met some lesbians or bi girls on a few occasions.
  • DandyDan
    10 years ago
    One time, back when I was fairly new at my current employer, one of my work friends and I thought it would be cool to go drinking in Council Bluffs, across the river from Omaha, because Iowa had a 2 AM bar closing time, while Omaha back then was 1 AM. We decided to go to the first bar we saw on Broadway, Council Bluffs main east-west street. We barely got in, and some gay Asian dude tried hitting on me. I look at some of the pictures on the wall, and they have each of the Village People pictured. They each had their own picture. We never got anything at that bar. That bar has since been demolished.
  • bang69
    10 years ago
    I have never been in a gay bar or strip club. And never will!
  • ATACdawg
    10 years ago
    And the there was The Blue Oyster, the gay biker bar in Police Academy!
  • sharkhunter
    10 years ago
    One time before I found this site, I noticed a number of cars stopping at a possible club down the road from a strip club. Sometimes I just went to a club to find out what it was like. I decided to ask a bouncer what he thought of the club down the street. He told me, you don't want to go there. It's a gay bar. I thanked him. Then I did an Internet search for strip clubs and found this site. close call. I don't mind lesbian's hitting on me, maybe they might be bi, but I do not want gay guys hitting on me. I once had a lesbian say she wanted to experiment with me in High School.
  • jester214
    10 years ago
    With an ex and four or five of her male and female friends. I was apprehensive but there seemed to be plenty of other straight people in there. Really like many other clubs/bars/lounges I've been in except with more obviously gay people in it. We had a few drinks and then went somewhere else.
  • DandyDan
    10 years ago
    Forgot the other trip to a gay bar. When I still lived in the Chicago area, they were having live concerts at this one street festival on the North Side, fairly close to Wrigley Field. Well, little did I know it then, but this was, and still is, the gay bar area. My buddy, who is something of a homophobe, and I decided to go to one of the bars, mostly because he wanted to get drunk before one of the concerts began. Naturally, it turned out to be a gay bar. He had his Bud Light, I had my pop, and we hurried out of there as fast as possible. This marked the time I discovered the meaning of the rainbow, since they had the rainbow on basically everything there.
  • SlickSpic
    10 years ago
    Once when I was 21, I was in Hollyweird. I left the Comedy Store and saw a long line to a club. I heard techno and everyone was dressed like ravers/club kids. I'm standing in line and one of the bouncers approaches me. He says, "You do know this is a gay club, right?" He must've read straight male on my face. I laughed, thanked him, and went in my gay, merry way.
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