
San Francisco Clubs

layin low but staying high
It’s rare these days that I go to a city where I don’t know something about the clubs, but I’m headed to SF and I’ve never been to a club there. I’ve read the reviews, and frankly I’m wondering if it’s worth going. Most of the clubs, while high mileage, seem extraordinarily expensive and very high hustle. At one time I might have fallen for that tourist trap shit, but not now. I get service that is way too good in a lot of places these days to settle for overpriced tourist traps, and it destroys the experience for me if I have to fight off dancers all night saying that I don't want to go to VIP with them. So, if anybody knows SF clubs well, I’ve got two questions. I appreciate any input:

1. Is there anywhere I can go to watch a stage show, maybe get a few lap dances for a rational price, and not be hassled every few minutes to go and spend hundreds in VIP. In other words, is there a good club that is not a tourist trap?

2. Where can I park safely next to the club and not walk down dangerous city streets with lots of cash in my pockets. I don’t mind paying to park, but I want to drive/park and not walk at night unless its a very safe area.


  • deogol
    10 years ago
    1. Is there anywhere I can go to watch a stage show, maybe get a few lap dances for a rational price, and not be hassled every few minutes to go and spend hundreds in VIP. In other words, is there a good club that is not a tourist trap?

    I don't think there is such a thing! They all are going to hit you up for VIP - that's where they make their money. Then they can sit in the dressing room gossiping rudely about you the rest of the night.

    2. Where can I park safely next to the club and not walk down dangerous city streets with lots of cash in my pockets. I don’t mind paying to park, but I want to drive/park and not walk at night unless its a very safe area.

    Ah, it is a very liberal area.
  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    I don't think the streets are unsafe in S.F. But parking is really difficult. When I have gone its been via the Cal Train from San Jose, and then walking for up to 1 hour from 4th and Townsend. I don't think you will ever be able to park next to any SC.

    But as far as Strip Clubs, I am as concerned as you are. The ones known for UHM had been Market St. Cinema and New Century. MBOT and C.H. never were known that way. Then the ones on Broadway are for tourists.

    Even so, I was always skeptical of Market St. Cinema and New Century as FS-ITC providers, too much money, not enough time.

    That was yesterday, but today Market St. Cinema is closed and New Century is owned by De JaVu. This latter should be thought of as a think tank for extracting the most money from you. They limit the mileage, but they increase the fantasy factor.

    Though some say that at New Century they will still come and sit with you, and they still do have their big rooms from the 90's, though the new rooms are smaller. So I don't really know.

    Then C.H. seems to have its rooms designed for what they prevent, not what they facilitate. Then of course the money goes into reverse ATM machines, so both sides pay tax and the house can take a deeper cut. Not a way of promoting mileage!!

    Overall the entire clip joint business model is based on the idea of using private areas to regulate and extract more money, instead of to facilitate.

    On Broadway, at some places the girls are tipping the bouncers when the boss is not in the building. So in principle then I guess anything could happen. But I think it is still based on charging you an insane sum of money for the use of a special theme room. So you may get what you want, but you will still leave feeling like a sucker.

    As I see it, that is what those places are designed for, suckers.

    Someone just posted an MBOT review yesterday.

    A few months back some else was asking about S.F. clubs. I found the replies to be based more on rumors, than on experience. That is, if you use enough special rooms and charge enough special fees, and if enough people are getting tipped out, they can convince you that more can always be had, but it just costs more money. I think this is silly. No reason to go along with that. No reason to fund a system which just promotes sexual frustration.

    So someone mentioned S.F. Amps, and you can find out about these from Rub Maps. You can used advanced search and look for the most FS oriented ones. You can read the old reviews. Usually the longer a place is open, the more FS oriented it becomes.

    So I remembered one of my SF experiences. I wanted girl A, but she was busy on the phone. So they fixed me with girl B and she was right in my face. She was younger. She pulled me into a cubby hole behind a blanket. $60 to the house and $100 for her. She pulled her button down uniform dress off and we were DFKing and she undressed me and we were down on top of a bed sheet thrown out onto the floor and it was insert tab A into slot B.

    It was simple and it happened explosively. It was not the way I would have liked it. But there is no way I can find fault with the girl here. She was going all out with hungry DFKing.

    What they offer, their first mode of delivery, is explosive FS. Very fast, and cost effective.

    Still, the way it had started was not to my taste. Picking one girl, and then expecting another to fill in for her is no good. But they have learned that the faster you make it start, the faster the 60min is "over".

    I would have wanted it to start differently and run slower and get MSOG and all. But I can't fault the girl at all. Were I in that situation again, I would handle it differently and it would have been fine for all parties.

    So people recommended AMPs to this out of towner, and I think they are right. What S.F. lacks in SC's, it makes up for with AMPs.

    In South Bay an AMP address lasts only about 1 year. In S.F. they last decades, and so they are much more brazen.

    Only way to fix the S.F. SC scene is to open more of them. Seem to be local legal impediments to this. So I have suggested:


    So good luck on your visit and please let us know. Overall I say that S.F. is a really cool place.

    You mentioned using a Smart Phone and how everyone is Silicon Valley must be using one. This is almost correct. I am one of a very few who do not like to use them. I only allow myself 2 hours per day for this TUSCL forum. To make adequate posts I need to be able to type fast. I type very fast, having learned in junior high school on an Olympia Model 65, and then continued to improve my skills with decades of having to write status reports and proposals.


    So even if the electronics for a computer can be made the size of a pin head, if I am going to be using it I want a large display and a full sized QWERTY keyboard with good action. So I use desktop computers. I will compromise and use a laptop only when absolutely necessary, as the keyboards are not full sized.


    Led Zeppelin
  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    If you read the Rub Maps reviews for the most extreme of the S.F. AMPs, they are sometimes doing MSOG now and also in other ways they are making it so 60min = 60min, instead of 60min just means until you are done. I guess, its whatever you want and how you work it with the girl.

    I for one have never felt comfortable with the was FS is being offered in S.F. SC's. Always skeptical of this.

    Please do let us know. Since we've talked about various things and since I've read you posts about your experiences other places, and since I've got some idea now where you are coming from, I will place a great deal of weight on what you report about S.F..

  • pensionking
    10 years ago
    Johnsmith -- having enjoyed sc's around the country for years, I too prefer UHM clubs and/or extras. That having been said, MBOT, in my opinion, is a place that avid PLs have to be able to say they've been at least once. You wouldn't go to Washington DC and not at least drive by the monuments, right?

    Check out the "SHOWS" tab on their website: http://www.ofarrell.com/

    The live girl-girl sex shows in the various rooms are unlike anything i have encoutered elsewhere and worth seeing (I've never been to TJ). I wouldn't be able to afford this place as an every week go-to place, so I am glad it is not in my hometown, but I go once every year or so and hit all the various side rooms as each one is a somewhat different experience/vantage point of the action. Arrive before 7 pm and admission is only $20. Also, earlier in the evening, you are more likely to find parking on the streets immediately surrounding the theater. Some streets are kinda sketchy, especially the further east you go from MBOT, but nothing has ever happened to me over the years and I've been in there anywhere from 5 PM to 2 AM. Just have your head on a swivel. I used to enjoy driving around the oneway streets checking out the abundant SWs before the city cracked down -- it used to be the wild west.

    Let us know what you decide to do.
  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    In his book John Hubner says that some call MBOT "The Gettysburg of the Sexual Revolution". So what pensionking is saying is right. But it is also why UHM may not exist. With a world famous name and a landmark address, why take legal chances?

    Still, if they will do girl on girl shows and then sit on your lap, it think this should be considered. If the girls open tongue kiss, then the one who ends up on your lap may be easy to get into DKFing. My own experience with this was with a black girl at New Century. The experience changed me forever.

    Please, do let us know what you learn in this anthropological field study.

  • steve229
    10 years ago
    "I will place a great deal of weight on what you report about S.F.."

    @JS69 - Looks like SJG is counting on you. Lot of pressure, man.
  • JohnSmith69
    10 years ago
    Steve, that is a lot of pressure. But now I know why SJG is so into AMPs. The strip clubs in the Bay Area really suck badly. I just read more reviews. Sounds like no place but OF Theatre lets the girls take their tops off in lap dances. WTF fully clothed lap dances! Sounds like communism to me. And the dances at OFT are $40-60 each to get some clothes off! Even on my $350K salary, that's a lot. This just goes to further my theory that liberal cities have the shittiest strip clubs. Detroit is the only real exception
  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    Lets the girls take their tops off? See, that is the hallmark of a clip joint, some arbitrary rule which forces you to spend more money and actually helps the house and not the girl. It restricts you, but even more it restricts the girl and her income.

    C.H. is probably the worst. I have read that when they sit on your lap, they do it crotch up. But this also means head pulled away, so no kissing. This is the real reason they do it. Also, they have a clothed lap dance couch room. This must mean no nudity in the main room either then. And probably no fondling either. So the only place much happens is in the dance booths, and this is expensive. So once you hand her the money, she has got you by the short hairs and you just have to do it her way.

    The dancers think this protects their income, but all it really does is limit the mileage. In more raunchy places the dancers can do whatever they want to promote dances. This may be substantial. But then of course what happens in the dance room will be even more.

    S.F. News papers do support the SC's and attack the cops when they do "investigations". But some in this liberal city do go along with the idea that the women are being exploited. Overall, too many rules make it too hard to open new clubs. So it is not competitive.

    Still, AMPs have managed okay in SF. In San Mateo and Santa Clara Counties LE is much tougher.

    The solution to this is just more competition so that these places have to let the women do their best, as this is what serves the customer.

    Some morons going into a reasonable SF AMP:

    In AMPs, as there is not supposed to be anything going on, actually anything goes. No rules. In South Bay it is discrete. In S.F. they have no fear of LE, so it is not discrete at all. It can be almost a pay 4 play orgy. But if you learn to work it, it can be as good as an escort session.

    JS69, I really am looking forward to your report!


    Led Zeppelin 2012
  • jackslash
    10 years ago
    San Francisco does not seem dangerous. Walking around at night, I've seen homeless people but nobody really scary like you see in Detroit.

    I went to Mitchell Brothers, but the cover was $40. I refuse to pay that much just to get in.
  • rick33
    10 years ago
    What you seek is not in SF
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