
Current SC scene in your area ?

Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)

I ask this question from time to time – why repeat it? – I’m a PL of course.

As I often post; I like variety and often rotate among many different clubs in my area of South Florida.

But lately; it seems most of the clubs near the top of my rotation have been disappointing to the point I can currently only count on one local SC for consistency in what if offers (whereas b/f it was more like 4 or 5 clubs near the top of my rotation which consistently delivered).

I’m posting this thread b/c it seems I’ve heard other PLs mention this as of late.

Maybe there is something to the improving economy; more availability of jobs; and PLs still kinda holding on to their wallets – maybe dancers are going straight?

Have you noticed a change in your neck of the woods?


  • SlickSpic
    10 years ago
    I think that the upcoming, Ebola-Economic Boom is definitely gonna improve things for sure.

    As for my neck of the woods, it's business as usual at good ole TL. They remodeled a little but not much. As long as the VIP action is on point, I'm happy.
  • Mate27
    10 years ago
    I think the fact that I'm getting older and chicks aren't just into my cock as much as they used to. That and nostalgia sits in when I think of the good ol days. It will never be the same again, and I'm not willing to piss away more than my allotted % o pay for entertainment. Girls wanna play with my wallet nowadays more than my member, even though they tell me differently I know better.
  • PhantomGeek
    10 years ago
    There are only two within an hours' drive of here, neither of which is worth my time or money.

    The first is very over-priced and nothing but air dances (nuts, I'm not going to shell out $125 for 15 minutes in their VIP room for that). The other was an overpriced dive bar that gave dive strip bars a bad name; I don't see it listed here or on stripclublist any more, so I have a feeling it's probably closed down.
  • steve229
    10 years ago
    Hey Papi, serious question - what's causing your disappointment:

    - fewer dancers (overall) to chose from?
    - fewer hot (8+) dancers?
    - fewer extras friendly dancers?
    - lower mileage?
    - other?
  • Josh43
    10 years ago
    Meat- You're being too hard on yourself. Strippers are *always* after your wallet --even if you are Ryan Gosling.
  • shadowcat
    10 years ago
    Atlanta...Dancer quality down, prices stable, dancer quantity sufficient, extras stable.
  • steve229
    10 years ago
    @shadowcat - great capsule market report!
  • Papi_Chulo
    10 years ago
    @ Steve:

    Mostly dancer #s down and with that of course less quality dancers also
  • steve229
    10 years ago

    As you know we kinda have opposite tastes, as I'm always looking to find a "fav" dancer I can see regularly. My most recent experience in the clubs was disappointing due to high turnover. I would start to cultivate a new dancer over several visits only to come in one day and find her a "Gone Girl." One dancer even warned me that she would be quitting as soon as she made enough money for school. I though, yeah, right, but one day I came in and found out she had indeed quit. Of course, all the dancers I had no interest in were there every week, lol

    BTW, don't mention any of this to you know who. It'll mess up my whole Ebola-Economic Boom shtick ;)
  • Dougster
    10 years ago
    I love how steve229 lives in a close to no-extras area, if you look at his reviews there is no mention of any and even "nipple and breast play" seem like a big deal to him, yet he fancies himself highly qualified to speak of how the general state of the economy affects extras availability. What a dumbfuck.
  • steve229
    10 years ago
    Never mind, Papi, you know who is as oblivious & clueless as ever, lol
  • Dolfan
    10 years ago
    We've got a bit of overlap in our necks of the woods, and I've seen similar trends. I think its largely seasonal here, towards the end of November I think we'll start to see things picking back up in the S Fla clubs. At least that's what I hope...
  • Papi_Chulo
    10 years ago
    ^ well – at least we can look forward to the post Thanksgiving holiday shopping spree to “motivate” the honeys to hit the clubs (and hopefully it would carry out into 2015 when they are trying to pay those holiday bills)
  • sharkhunter
    10 years ago
    Well it's been a couple of weeks or feels like a year or two since I last visited the clubs. Hopefully things will be rocking again. I suddenly felt electricity in my fingers tonight. I could hear the electricity zapping. Hopefully I shifted to an alternate reality where the dancers are hot. If I didn't, at least I will get to shock the dancers with some electricity. The last dancer who doubted me got a really big shock that I could hear. powwwww. I don't think I had enough charge to hurt, it just surprised her.
  • GACA
    10 years ago
    Last time I was in PP didn't get the bang for my buck that I've gotten quickly accustomed to. But the dancers were on point. I'm going to check out a chuck town SC this weekend.
  • lopaw
    10 years ago
    The talent in the greater LA area is pretty consistent, but attendance is down and the girls are beginning to move around more than usual. Great if you love variety and the hunt for someone new...not so good if you have a fave and gotta keep up with wherever she is dancing that week.
  • shailynn
    10 years ago
    If you'd draw a circle from where I am at with a 3 hour radius I could be in the south, the rust belt or our nations capital. Sadly all clubs in that radius suck. There are some very open minded clubs, but quality and cleanliness are not their forte so I avoid them.

    That's why I have to go to Detroit or Toronto for a good time... And after those cities it's damn near impossible to go into a club in my radius and be satisfied. Deep into rust belt territory or hanging with the moose up north. I'll report back after the weekend!
  • cnyknight
    10 years ago
    I travel a lot and not only locally but anywhere I have gone I have seen a decline in quality of dancers and availability of extras while prices seem to be up. Haven't been going to my local clubs as much as a result.
  • steve229
    10 years ago
    "over-priced and nothing but air dances"
    "Didn't get the bang for my buck"
    "decline in quality of dancers and availability of extras while prices seem to be up"

    More evidence we've hit peak extras. Is there any way to stop the runaway de-whorefication of strippers?

  • rickdugan
    10 years ago
    I think what lopaw said was right on the money and it is consistent with what i am seeing as well. In my local stomping ground, the girls have been bouncing around a lot from one club to another trying to find a place where the money is better for them. This has led to some odd occurrences, including a period where where the so-called "clean" club that I visit had two girls who I have taken OTC in the past from another club, while the place known for easy take-out suddenly had a bunch of new girls who were uptight and not up for anything dicey. I also recently had an OTC adventure from a northeast club that I used to frequent and from which OTC was just non-existent if you were not a known regular, but this girl was new and had come from a place where these arrangements were much more common.

    Net-net, I agree that if you have a few good providers, the best bet is to keep tabs on where they are if you are looking for any type of guarantee.
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