
Is the Top for Strip Club Mongers In?

Saturday, October 4, 2014 5:32 AM
Notwithstanding all the calculated doom and gloom in the financial media which is really misinformation that is calculated and allowed to spread unchecked until it has served its purpose one way, the world and the US, in particular seem to me to be just at the beginning of an economic boom that will easily be the greatest in word history. Now I have said before that there seem to be four primary factors that have lead to the extreme whore-house-ifcation of strip clubs starting about the middle of last decade. One is economics, the second is the rise of hip hop, the third is the rise of the internet, and the fourth is generational attitudes towards sex. I think all have been approximately equally important, but economics has the big difference of affecting the other three (with the internet positively affecting the economy in return in a virtuous cycle between them). As the economy starts to boom, it will be interesting to see if hip-hop (already very watered down from its origins to the extent that it is now just "pop") continues to be the most popular genre of music. More importantly, it will be interesting to watch how rising wealth affects the attitudes of young women toward whoring. I think the net effect for strip club mongers will be net negative, however. Especially since with things in a nearly perfect state for our side right now, how it could it go up any higher? Right now there are just signs of it, but it will pick up. The more easily the money flows the more advantage the pink side has. Around 2000 was probably their peak of power. The less easily the money is flowing the more the blue side has the advantage. But our peak of power was probably just recently. I don't think it will get even close to as bad as 2000 and it will take time but in some places it already is that bad now. Also I expect the changes to be uneven. Liberal social attitudes will gain more footing in Red states which is good for us, but increasing general wealth of people overall works against us. Probably the former will be most important in some areas at first, but the increase in wealth will win out in the end - it's just a matter of quickly that happens relative to our own lifespans. Not saying all this happens tomorrow, or even over the year, but I am saying it will get increasingly noticeable now and that the top is already in.


  • zipman68
    10 years ago
    Dougsta, that post has epic San Jose Guy length. Could you summarize? Should I short treasuries?
  • zipman68
    10 years ago
    Seriously though, I think these trends are hard to predict. I'm just hoping that the stigma against whoring decreases to the point where frickin' HAWT college chicks do it largely for shits and giggles. Imagine walkin' into a club and seein' some blonde hottie who doesn't need the money but just strips 'cos she likes it! Then she walks over, grabs your crotch, and says "how 'bout you put Mr. Happy up my asshole!" Fap! Fap! Fap! Oooooh...
  • Dougster
    10 years ago
    Yes, de-stigmatization works in our favor, but I think economics is more important and works against us. Also with sufficient wealth stigmatization could make a come back. As I say there is evidence the trends are already happening!
  • steve229
    10 years ago
    "Dousta, that post has epic San Jose Guy length. Could you summarize? Should I short treasuries?" @zip - lol. You realize you're talking about two of the great minds on TUSCL, right?
  • RickyBoyDugan
    10 years ago
    I think the conclusion is totally wrong. First the world is on the verge of economic collapse. Second, even if what you were saying was true, more money would men more guys could afford to be wearing suits in dive club and running The System. Either way, though, the best days are definitely ahead of us!
  • Mate27
    10 years ago
    ^^^^^ "The world is on the verge of economic collapse", and "the best days are ahead of us" are two interesting yet diabolically opposing views. If this is part of the system it's no wonder I am confused. I guess paying for strippers to come home with me will never come to fruition for me. I'm just too dumb to understand, which is why I suppose I have a hard time with understanding the pink site, too. God I just wasted 10 minutes of my life reading this post and commenting. Down the rabbit hole....
  • jackslash
    10 years ago
    I don't think I understand your argument. An economic boom will make young women less likely to be whores because they can earn money other ways? It seems to me that an economic boom will put more money in the hands of men who will then be more willing to spend money on sex. Many young women will not have the education or discipline to earn money in straight jobs. They will be able to earn much more as whores and strippers. This will be a win-win for men and women.
  • Dougster
    10 years ago
    Yes, increased overall wealth will mean more jobs that are good alternatives to stripping (and the alternatives don't have to be that good). It will also mean increased education (families can afford it). I'm also noticing an increased culture shift toward entrepreneurship amongst millennials. That's the supply side. On the demand side, men with more money will throw it around more easily and not always get the most for their money. You can see this in places like Vegas and NYC now where people have money to burn and other places around the top of the internet bubble in 200.The girls can sense it and will be less willing to give maximum service if they think they don't have to. More speculatively, hip-hop/ghetto culture may lose influence. Remember it really became pre-eminent in a decade of economic stagnation. Politically: it's a toss up. It could be seen as a personal choice issue, but it could also be seen as relic of the past to drive back underground. Norway and Switzerland are two very wealthy countries with diametrically opposed approaches to the matter. Anecdotally it does seem that in wealthier areas (eg Oslo or NYC) it's not the local girls who are stripping - that's left to foreigners. But what happens when the foreigners are also getting wealthy?
  • steve229
    10 years ago
    " I don't think I understand your argument" Probably because Its nonsensical - something else this post has in common with one of SJG's, lol
  • sharkhunter
    10 years ago
    If you compare economic information compared to the way it was done a long time ago, unemployment would be up around or over 20%. Most of the jobs getting created are low wage service jobs not high paying jobs. Our government has spent and borrowed trillions of dollars only to get roughly a 2% growth rate. The rest of the world overall is doing even worse. Our government owes somewhere in the area of over 55 to 100 trillion when it comes to future liabilities. The economics are terrible but I guess it's nice to daydream.
  • sharkhunter
    10 years ago
    I expect deflation will kick in and we'll be in a recession within 2 to 3 years. Right now momentum is still pushing the official economy up and the Fed wants to raise rates so they can lower them when it hits. Manufacturing orders are not that great right now but I do think things will pick up next year hopefully. If things turn south and our currency collapses, gasoline might be $5 or $6 per gallon and food prices will skyrocket and most people's wages will not be keeping up. China and Russia are currently working on replacing the US dollar so that it will not be a world reserve currency anymore. China is stockpiling and accumulating most of the worlds gold getting ready for the day. Together with our overspending federal government and trillions in debt and liabilities which our government will never pay back in full to the people, I predict bad times are ahead because people and our government are wearing rose colored glasses not wanting to think about reality. Well most Americans don't even seem to understand economics very well beyond their own paycheck.
  • sharkhunter
    10 years ago
    I guess strip club mongers with enough cash will have plenty of boom days ahead as long as the strip clubs stay open. Our government will have no choice but to cut payouts to about half the population at some point or face a default or currency collapse which would be bad for all of the US. We could always hope sensible people get elected to control government spending and avoid a currency collapse but most voters don't seem to care. I think it might be good if one party talked about growing the economy while cutting spending but maybe that is illogical.
  • Mate27
    10 years ago
    This is like reading the comments section after an article on [view link]. Everybody thinks they know whats happening but they don't know shit. C'mon how can anybody predict what millions an billions of people's attitudes and behaviors will be with any accuracy. God made weathermen to make these posters look good. Same bullshit, different day.
  • JohnSmith69
    10 years ago
    Dougster, with the exception of one assumption, I agree with your analysis and I already see what you are talking about in clubs located in more affluent areas. The assumption I have an issue with is that the US economy is on the verge of one of its greatest expansions in history. If that were true, then pussy would definitely continue to become a lot less available and more expensive. I'm no economist, but while I hope you're right I don't really see that happening.
  • mikeya02
    10 years ago
    Dougster should be on Fox News so he can cheer everyone up
  • steve229
    10 years ago
    So strippers will have men spending a lot more on them for doing a lot less and this will result in ... fewer strippers? Did you take the same economics class as jerikson?
  • steve229
    10 years ago
    First it was peak oil, now it's peak skank.
  • Dougster
    10 years ago
    @shark: yes a number of the really high up leaders in the world have commented on how economic inequality is growing. I think it a good part of it due to the rate at which technology is improving and education will have to improve to keep up with it. That's at least until the point where machines are able to do all our thinking for us. I'm very optimistic about the latter too with the advances I've seen in theorem proving and pattern recognition over the last decade.
  • motorhead
    10 years ago
    I just wanna know if hip hop has peaked yet? When does the decline begin. It will. Every genre has. When cutting edge becomes the music of the masses, new music emerges. When it does, I just hope it's not crap.
  • Dougster
    10 years ago
    Old people will always hate the music kids are listening too. Once they don't it will lose it's cool factor and kids will start listening to something else. So let's ask steve229 who is out local pop culture expert and has a brain which thinks just like a 16 y/o girl: are parents and grandparents starting to like hip-hop now?
  • steve229
    10 years ago
    "I just wanna know if hip hop has peaked yet" Hip hop officially peaked when Taylor Swift rapped in her latest single.
  • Dougster
    10 years ago
    Steve229 comes through for us as predicted!
  • Papi_Chulo
    10 years ago
    Too deep a discussion for TUSCL – I got a damn headache – but did manage to read thru it and have some uninformed opinions of course: “…Liberal social attitudes will gain more footing in Red states which is good for us …” Well – as long as the liberals are not in charge – seems many a liberal area have the suckiests SCs “... increasing general wealth of people overall works against us …” Often times an action has more that one reaction (and often opposing types of reactions). As has been mentioned – more well-off PLs can def drive up the price of commodities such as the cuchie; but it can also have the effect of enticing more hos to get in on the game b/c there is better $$$ to be made. Some say a rising tide will lift all boats – I prefer to live w/ the consequences of a good/strong economy than the consequence of a bad/poor economy.
  • Dougster
    10 years ago
    Steve: I said peak for mongerinf - i.e. How good is the situation with regard to extras? I understand that your tactics are to argue against what you wish someone had said versus what they actually did say and hope you get away with it because it sounds cute, but anyone who cares to can see what you are really up to.
  • steve229
    10 years ago
    "it can also have the effect of enticing more hos to get in on the game b/c there is better $$$ to be made." But wouldn't that be in direct contradiction with the ironclad Dougster-Jerickson Laws of Stripper Supply and Demand*? *Law 1 - Paying strippers more for less work reduces the overall supply of strippers. Law 2 - Paying strippers 45 cents per lap dance will result in a near infinite supply of strippers.
  • Dougster
    10 years ago
    ^^^ idiot. The situation with regard to how readily they do extras "mongering". Doesn't help us if they are just as many but extras become less readily available. Again, argue against what is actually said. Not against what you wish was said. Or do the former and act cute and hope you get away with it. Unfortunately for you I think most will be able to see the difference.
  • Mate27
    10 years ago
    If I consistently have a job drawing a middle class income as a constant, then the variable of good economy or poor economy, I will take a poor economy any day. Poor economies tend to trim the fat and weed out the meek and lazy leaving the strong to get stronger, hence wealth disparity widens. This is true with all societies, and as the USA ages then likely we will see more socialistic programs in place and higher tax rate. This is where Europe is historically, and we are only following suit, even though I don't agree with it. Strippers rule as part of capitalism.
  • Dougster
    10 years ago
    Nothing to say now steve after your tactics were called out? I'm not surprised. Okay, run away like the little girl that you are...
  • steve229
    10 years ago
    Law 3 - The higher the price men are willing and able to pay for extras the less likely strippers are to provide them. Okay, I think I got it now. Lol
  • steve229
    10 years ago
    Seems counter-intuitive, but then I.m not "in finance" like some people.
  • Dougster
    10 years ago
    Again more rhetorical tricks on your part steve and evading the actual argument. You are implicitly implying that I was saying ceteris paribus supply would remain the same, i.e. if the economy were staying the same and men were willing to pay the same for non-extras but more for extras then you are claiming I think supply would stay the same. But it's not a ceteris paribus situation. The economy I think will improve so girls will have alternatives, and the demand for non-extras will also increase, making the option of being a non-extras stripper more viable. Just keep up the rhetorical tricks, and broken logic though, steve and hope you are cute enough that nobody bothers to see through you. lol!
  • Dougster
    10 years ago
    I can see why now why you're not "in finance" steve. I'm sure song lyric quoting will one day be nearly as lucrative for you though. :-)
  • steve229
    10 years ago
    So the "rule" someone promulgated on here that 80% of strippers that are 9's and 10's do extras and/or OTC if you "just ask" will no longer apply? What will the new per centage be according to your theory?
  • steve229
    10 years ago
    Or were you "wrong" on that figure too?
  • Dougster
    10 years ago
    steve229: "What will the new per centage be according to your theory?" Less. This isn't that hard steve, please try and keep up. Okay maybe for a guy who can't think any deeper than quoting song lyrics it is. :-) Now let me ask you a question: do you think the % of girls doing extras will go up if there is the economic boom I have in mind? You sure seem to be implying that you think that way, but I want to get it in writing so I can make fun of you later. That is if you aren't a slimly chickenshit who is scared to commit to a position. I'll wait a bit for this one... :-)
  • Dougster
    10 years ago
    Another question for you steve: In your real life job, do people really just accept it when you argue against a claim they never made. Or they not get a chance to respond at all? Because if they do get to respond and point out your tactics, you "argument" sure seems to crumble pretty easily. What do you do once the rhetorical tricks stop working? Go away like a little girl?
  • steve229
    10 years ago
    "Now let me ask you a question: do you think the % of girls doing extras will go up if there is the economic boom I have in mind?" Is that a trick question? Do I think the supply of something will increase if the demand for it increases? Er, yes. I think it has something to do with what they call a labor supply curve. Is there an economist in the house?
  • Dougster
    10 years ago
    It's not a trick question. You just flunked economic 101 though. The demand curve will move up, but the supply curve will move down. The equilibrium price could go either way depending on how bigger the moves are in each are. You made the mistake of thinking the supply curve would stay stationary. F- steve. Better start with that "economics for dummies" book if econ 101 was too hard for you. :-) *** SLAM DUNKED THAT FAGGOT STEVE229 ***
  • Dougster
    10 years ago
    So what do you in real life when the cuteness isn't good anymore steve. When someone forces you to deal with the thing they real said, not what you wish they had? And even worse actual mathematics after that? Run away like the little girl that you are? Oh wait, think I missed an option in my enumeration. Just hold your ground. Sure some people will see through you, but others will still like the cuteness you provide it fun and/or want to believe. That should be good enough for a girl like you, right? :-)
  • Dougster
    10 years ago
    Oh yes, and, of course, meant "equilibrium supply" not "price" above. I don't think there is any despute price would go up.
  • steve229
    10 years ago
    "the supply curve will move down" Why? We've stipulated that demand (and hence prices) for extras will increase. In your world the number of strippers offering extras will decrease because.....strippers will now all become clean, non-extras Stripper Web girls, forgoing the additional income they could make doing extras, or is it because the current crop of strippers will all be leaving en masse to become lawyers, brain surgeons, corporate CEOs? And no new women will enter the now lucrative and in-demand stripper labor force and offer extras because...???
  • Dougster
    10 years ago
    steve229: "the supply curve will move down" Why?" Oh, god. Try and keep up please. Because there would be alternative ways for them to make good money in an economic boom. By stripping but not providing extras, for instance, and/or stringing dopes with more money than brains along, which could happen if the economy really rockets. By being real estate agents, cocktail waitresses in normal bars but with better tips. By going being full time students but not needing to strip if more parents were paying their bills. Not everyone chooses the highest paying job they can irregardless of other factors like how much they enjoy the work. There are some strippers who genuinely enjoy their jobs, and/or are dancing for factors beyond the money. But I don't think it's many who are doing it just because they enjoy it to alternative jobs. Just like there are substitution effects in demand there are similar affects in the supply of employment. If they would prefer their supply to be in another field and new demand shows up there, some are going to shift. Econ 101, steve. F- for you! Also, I love how you continue your usual rheoterical non-sense of suggesting I am making claims I am not. No I don't think they will ALL become non-extras girls. It will always exist but become less than it is now. No I don't think many will become brain surgeons, but some many become cocktail waitresses in bars where more guys are splashing money around instead. Again you sure do well when arguing against extreme, ludicrous claims no one made, but when it comes down to the more moderate, actual things they are saying, you can't seem to hack it. You never did answer my question how you handle situations like that in reality?
  • steve229
    10 years ago
    "No I don't think they will ALL become non-extras girls. It will always exist but become less than it is now." How much less? You never answered the question of what the new per cent age of strippers that are 9's and 10's that would do extras and/or OTC would be. How much will their non-extra income have to increase to offset the loss of their extras income. 20%? 40%? In some clubs it would be close to 90% wouldn't it? In your model the economy is booming, strip clubs are full of customers flush with "disposable income", and strippers are making money hand over fist ... and quitting the first chance they get so they can go to college or become real estate agents working on commission or a cocktail waitress working 40 hours a week for minimum wage (or less) and tips. Did you really believe all the dancers that told you they want to go to nursing school? You think the average stripper can get a real estate license? And of course in your model the substitution effect only works in one direction. So there are no new strippers that could raise the supply curve up - no women just entering the work force will consider becoming strippers because Starbuck is now paying baristas $1.60 more an hour. No non-strippers working regular 40-hour jobs will consider becoming strippers making 3x-4x more working 3 days a week because...oh, wait, you never really explained that either.
  • Dougster
    10 years ago
    steve: "? You never answered the question of what the new per cent age of strippers that are 9's and 10's that would do extras and/or OTC would be" I did. I said less than before. Can't you read? steve: " and quitting the first chance they get so they can go to college or become real estate agents working on commission or a cocktail waitress working 40 hours a week for minimum wage (or less) and tips. " Misrepresenting what I said again. I said some will be doing that, and some will remain stripper but not providing extras and/or just leading dopes along. Can't you read? "And of course in your model the substitution effect only works in one directio So there are no new strippers that could raise the supply curve up " Misrepresenting what I am saying again. For a *given price* *relative to now* the amount of extras girls who are willing to supply extras would go down because they can go into alternative things. Maybe doing non-extras work, maybe doing something else. Stripping would not suddenly become more attractive for the old prices. It would become less so. That's what a supply curve shift is. Get a clue. I also said above, *in theory* the *equilibrium supply* could go up or down depending how big he shift in each curve is. In this thread it looks like about three people aren't sure what would happen *in practice*. For two of us (me and JohnSmith) our intuition tells us that the equilibrium supply would go down. I did not say ZERO new girls doing extras would enter the field, I said my intuition was that the *net flow* would be down (equilibrium supply would go down). You are the only one who thinks that, according to your misunderstanding of supply and demand (econ 101) that the only possibility is for the supply of girls doing extras to go up. That is a misunderstanding of very basic economics even as you arrogantly claim that it others who don't understand things as well as you do. It's actually quite fun you can be so wrong but so confident how right you are. It is incredulous that I can explain it to you step by step and you still don't get it! But I understand you would lose alot of "face" if you had to admit I was right about something and you were wrong after how you shot your mouth off before. Ooooops! Finally, steve you are constantly misrepresenting what I am saying - and arguing against ridiculous claims nobody is making because you can't stand up to real arguments. Sometimes you may just be misunderstanding, but other times it is much more deliberate than that. What do you do in your real job when people call you down on these tactics? Run like a little girl. Is that why you are kind of stuck in your career and jealous of those who make even okay money in this world?
  • steve229
    10 years ago
    Okay, I surrender. Like Finland.
  • Dougster
    10 years ago
    Or is it more like Germany? I now how the answer to what you do when forced to deal with arguments people real make as opposed to ones you wish they did. You surrender. Figures. *** SLAM DUNKED THAT FAGGOT STEVE229 ***
  • gatorfan
    10 years ago
    2050 will kick ass
  • jestrite50
    10 years ago
    I agree with Doug on this one. The economy has had a positive effect on the industry bringing in a lot of higher quality girls simply because of the money they can make. As the economy rebounds we will lose some of these girls as they go back to their other jobs but also I think some will stay simply because it's fun and easy money !
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