
The next step.

Detroit, Michigan
Old timers, like me, have seen clubs add fees for almost everything in order to make money. Mandatory valet and coat check, inflated cover charges, booth charges, bathroom trolls, inflated charges on drinks, pushy shot girls, charges for VIP admission and dancers demanding drinks and meals have all become standard fare. I have read with dismay the trend towards requiring a customer to buy a minimum of one drink per half hour. This may generate revenue, but it will create trouble. Some guys just don't consume hard liquor that fast. Some states have laws about serving customers past a certain point of alcohol consumption. A policy of pushing drinks may get them in trouble if the customer gets into an automobile accident.

THE NEXT STEP: Club owners and managers are considering requiring customers to buy at least two VIP dances or leave the club. Dancers are always complaining about customers who don't tip or buy dances, even if they regularly buy drinks. The knee jerk response is to require customers to buy a minimum of dances, like buying a minimum of drinks, or leave. They believe we will do this because we are all a bunch of horny loosers. So, instead of "Wanna Dance?" we will get, "Have you hit your minimum?" The VIP bouncer will have to earn his "tip" by giving you a plastic coin to prove that you bought dances. If you don't have a plastic coin to give to the bartender, two dances will be added to your bar tab. Guys, get ready for a mandatory two dance minimum or staying home with free internet porn.


  • shadowcat
    10 years ago
    Superdude - While I agree that clubs will try to soak customers any way they can, I think the 2 dance minimum won't fly. The club earns their big bucks off of alcohol sales and door fees in no alcohol clubs plus dancer fees. They hire too many fuglies just to get those dancer fees. If a club tries to charge you for not getting dances from fuglies, they will lose their customers quickly.

    Presently none of the clubs that I frequent have drink minimums or enforce them if they do. I hope you are wrong.
  • trixxi
    10 years ago
    Has anyone else noticed the increasing amount of salespeople that have nothing to do with the club sales but instead sell wares to patrons and dancers alike?

    Several of these salespeople are more aggressive with their hustle than the dancers.

    In the mornings an earring / jewelry lady comes in trying to pawn cheap crap to the dancers.

    Throughout the day there are drivers coming in offering their services to drive the girls somewhere / pick them up something from the store.

    In the evenings there are two aggressive salewomen, the costume lady and the perfume lady. Their tactic: corner the dancers until they cave and give $ just to be left alone.

    The bar owner is fine with all these altenative sales going on because she gets free earrings / costumes / fragrances and sees these salespeople as just another type of annoying customers.

    Last but not least there are drug sellers and pimps looking for new hos ... And then theres the girls who truly are prostitutes who hang out at the club offering their private services to patrons.

    Btw- my club (pitiful princess) is a one drink mimimum, no parking or other unnecessary fees; instead you will be hustled mostly by people who are not even dancers.

  • Clubber
    10 years ago
    I agree with sc. I don't see it happening.
  • shadowcat
    10 years ago
    Trixxi - The only sales people that I see in the clubs are selling drugs.
  • georgmicrodong
    10 years ago
    What club is this? One if the chains, a local one, what?
  • SuperDude
    10 years ago
    Tycoons in Detroit used to have vendors working customers selling flowers, costumes and trinkets as gifts for dancers. Of course after the stupid customer bought the gift and gave it to the dancer she returned it to the vendor so it could be resold to the next sap.
  • SuperDude
    10 years ago
    BTs in Dearborn, MI has, according to posts on this site, started enforcing a two drink minimum. Others are rumored to be ready to follow suit. I am speculating that customers will be required to buy a minimum of dances, because there is nothing else left to force money out of the PL's wallet. All other services are maxed and taxed,except dances.
  • SlickSpic
    10 years ago
    @Trixxi-Sounds like you club in TJ. Anybody selling chiclé in front of the club, next to a donkey painted to look like a Zebra?
  • georgmicrodong
    10 years ago
    First time a club demands that I buy a minimum number of dances, especially if there's nobody there from whom I *want* dances, will be the last time they see me.
  • SuperDude
    10 years ago
    ...losers..I'm too old to type.
  • LoveTheLadies
    10 years ago
    I checked several months ago and it's illegal for clubs in North Carolina that sell alcohol that requite a drink minimum. I've heard some clubs enforce drink minimums but thankfully none I visit. I don't see dance minimums happening at least I hope not. I remember 15 years ago most of the clubs in NC only had table dances and the girl kept all the money. Now they almost all have private rooms where the club takes in most at least a third.
  • rockstar666
    10 years ago
    The name of the game these days is to get warm bodies in the clubs. I get free admission with an on line coupon, free parking and even though the coat check is mandatory it's also free. Of course, one should tip.

    I see most of the clubs with all the extra fees are too upscale for my budget or taste. Combined with cheap drinks, I go the club way more often than I otherwise would because I know my expenses are limited to the dances. I do usually spend more than I hope to so I'd say their policy is working on me at least.
  • Dolfan
    10 years ago
    Like rockstar, I'm seeing equal efforts to "get buts in the seats" as I am "squeezing every dollar from each but" I guess it depends mostly on time of day/year. During the summer, some of the clubs have gone to 10 dances before 8pm. A number already have free food/free admission during the day. For example, Cheetah offers free lunch for a few hours to anyone who can pay the $1/2 (depending on location) it costs to get in. No drink/dance minimums. Scarlett's has a similar deal, free meal w/ drink purchase (3.50 gets you beer and food.)

    On a Saturday night in November, its mostly the opposite though, covers go up, tables are reserved for bottle service, happy hour ends early, parking guys are there all day, etc.

    There's a few clubs that try to buck the system, but they quickly see the err of their ways. One club had new management who thought they could charge a $10 cover all day. They're closed during the day now, after a stint of cover free failed to attract any patrons they lost their dancers. They'll eventually fall back in line...
  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    Trixxi wrote about P.P., drug dealers, pimps, and hookers in an SC?

    This goes further than what I am familiar with. A few hookers sometimes yes. What is sad about them is one can see that they don't have the looks to be dancers. It is age plus weight, but with most of them you can tell that they just never were pretty.

    We do have a local costume lady or two, but they are nice and they do good business.

    But pimps and drug dealers, no way!

    Woman owned? This sounds like more of a dive than anything I am used to.


    I wonder though if this is a place which would let me get away with my motorhome in the parking lot idea?


    Would they let me just borrow one of their girls, putting my overcoat on to her and walking her out the back door?

    If so, then that is taking advantage of what SC's can really offer, in terms of instant gratification with a girl you've selected because something about her just gets to you that day. She doesn't have to change her clothes, take off her shoes, or drive her car.

    Why the parking lot and not the VIP Room? Well maybe because the house still takes too much of the money, or maybe because I want more time, like for MSOG and for letting she and I grow closer that way. Or maybe it's just because I want to play host to her some and to have her on my own portable turf.

    Some clubs do allow the dancers to come and go as they will, and this does get used for parking lot action, motel action, and escorting. If this one would let me do that, I would go for it. I would do another one of their dancers each day. It would be like back in the days when I was using AMPs heavily and they were all lined up to get their turn with me.

    Dives can be neat, but too many SC's are just clip joints. I think what T. is saying is that this one is not a clip joint. I am not sure though if they have enough VIP Rooms to accommodate demand on the night shift. I know of one in Louisiana which boasts 6 VIP Rooms.

    As far as the main gist of this thread, the other mandatory charges, no I don't like that sort of stuff at all, and I would never comply with valet parking. Shot girls are junior dancers and should be treated as such. In a strip club, women exist for our pleasure.


    Soul of Motown, part 2
  • sharkhunter
    10 years ago
    Where is all this? Sounds like a foreign country except for the bathroom troll.

    If you surveyed people here asking them what a coat check is, they might say maybe when a bouncer makes sure you're not bringing drugs or alcohol into the club.

    Charge a bunch of fees here and you might as well put a closed sign on your door. Almost no one except from a far off land might consider visiting.
  • sharkhunter
    10 years ago
    I did have a dream where I was visiting a strip club and a dancer pointed out a sign. Customers were required to get a 2 BJ minimum. BJ's $5
  • farmerart
    10 years ago
    Flower vendors were a major irritant in the old French Maid in Calgary.

    I liked to fuck with them by demanding that they go find some black roses for me.
  • SuperDude
    10 years ago
    Clubs in Detroit used to have pushy flower vendors. "Buy the lady a flower?"
  • Papi_Chulo
    10 years ago
    Yeah – one does not see flower vendors that much anymore – and what about the dude/chick for a fee wanting to take a photo of you and the dancer at the club.

    I actually saw a flower dude at a club on Fr night – I was hanging w/ a dancer on the main floor and the dude approached me – I said no. I then said to the dancer that I wondered if the dude ever sold any flowers to which she replied that he usually sells out and at the end of the night the DR is full of flowers that are subsequently thrown in the trash since the dancers do not take them home.
  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    I'm cautious about giving complete names of clubs, or of repeating people's handles out of context. I don't want to make this all too easy to parse by text searching because I don't want to get the good dives in trouble. I am only against the worst of the clip joints, the rip off joints.

    Before I joined TUSCL and started participating in the forum, I had no idea how high the "mileage" was often going. I knew of course about the BJ's and HJ's, but that is not of interest to me. What I did not know about was the amount of FS-ITC going on. But my concern with this is that these are basically clip joints. That is, they may technically deliver, but they are just charging way too much money. Too much is going to the house. Also, the quality is low because you are not getting the chance to court the dancer some. If you could, the quality problem should go away. But as it is, people are handing over cash and not knowing what they will get. Too often it is not GFE-FS, but instead it is some bogus type of learned behavior which I am calling "extras"-FS. This is where the dancer never yields. She just does it to you, almost like she was doing a BJ or HJ.

    Here is a thread where someone had a problem with a dancer as after they were in the VIP Room decided that she had to be paid first, and then she raised the price. The guy backed out limp dicked of course, but the dancer and the club were still trying to extort money out of him. I say that that is a reason to close down the club right then and there! Coercion will not be tolerated.

    But see, part of the problem here is agreeing to stuff with a dancer you have no rapport with. So there is a built in tension and distrust. I have no doubt that even if there had been no money problem, there still would have been shit for the result because of the dancer and her attitude.. And besides, the money is just way too much, and everybody knows this, and so it creates more tension.

    I contrast this with this portion of a Rub Maps review of a South Bay Vietnamese AMP, and of a local favorite who is known to love her work. Typical total cost runs around $160 to $220 max.

    Waited a bit but when I heard a girl with heels coming down the hall i knew it wasnt the ol lady. in walks in an incredible girl with a pink dress so tight it could have been painted on her. she was perfect; chest - fake but spectacular. ass - b donk a donk. face - hotter than the sun. overall a 10 on a scale of 1-5. i turned over to get a better view, towel drops and immediately w/o talking she was kissing and macking and my hands went wherever it wanted.

    This was when the guy had just paid the initial $60 house fee.

    Now as I would say though, you should still wait in the lobby until you have the girl of your choice on your arm, and then the sooner you can court her some and get her making out with you, the better. If possible do it in the lobby. Using words and face to face eye contact really helps here. Once you can do that, there is little more to talk about. In my best sessions we were always making out before I had handed over a dime.

    I have been trying to advance the idea, based on what was said on blackstripclubs.net, that at the best FS places, the girls come up and sit in your lap and encourage you to start making out with them. If you do it this way, you should have very little trouble. If they won't, then just shine them on. If the club has restrictive rules, then shine it on because it is probably a clip joint.

    Jestrite50 has made numerous posts explaining that he always does it this way, front room make out session, and it always goes well, and that it works with dancers of every color.


    We have been talking some about L*ouis*vi*lle Ke*n*tuck*y, and how much it has been toned down. So some were talking about L*e*x*ing*t*o*n, and they seem to think that P*l*a*t*I*n*u*m P*l*u*s is great. I find a Yelp review with the following words:

    The girls are always nice and will come up and sit down in your lap and chat. After awhile they'll ask if you want a dance and if you say no they politely leave. If they like you and hit it off they'll come back and hang out.

    Dance prices are made by the girls and sometimes you can bargain a price more to your liking. Again it depends on the girl and if they like you.

    Now he does not say DFKing, but if they sit in your lap, that is an obvious probability. If you can get them making out with you in the front room, then you should have no problem in the VIP. It sounds like an anything goes place, a dive, a very nice dive.

    For myself, I would always hand over all the money upfront, meaning that that is it, no more. But if she was letting me get her heated up in the front room, there should be no problem in the VIP room. We should know that we are able to get along with each other. We should be able to demonstrate that before any further negotiations are entered into.

    Jestrite50 has posted that he does it this way, front room make out sessions, before going into the VIP. It should actually be easier to do this in an SC than it is in an AMP, because SC's are hangout places where you can fraternize freely, where as AMP's are sessioning places and so the tactics I've used amount to bending the AMP protocols.

    On Yelp there are scary stories about money extortion about SC's all over. We should not accept this. I emailed a lengthy warning to one in Las Vegas. They replied saying that the Yelp reviews are untrue. I made it clear to them that I have experience and will act if I find that they are true. The Mafia and corrupt cops will not be able to protect them.

    Rip off places are just a more extreme example of clip joints. We should not tolerate either type.

    Now ( I decline to repeat full handle or club name ) dancer T. has endorsed her club, essentially saying on two threads that it is a dive, and not a clip joint. She is saying that they really deliver, and for sensible pricing. She says that dancers like it for the lack of rules, like there is not a no touching at the bar rule, and actually all sorts of odd persons get in to that club, so there must not be any rules.

    This could mean that it is just like the best FS dives, front room make out, and then great GFE-FS in the VIP Room. Maybe, I can't tell yet. I don't really know how many dancers they have per shift and I don't know if they have enough VIP Rooms for the night shift to run this way, and I don't know how friendly they get in the front room. But I do believe in the basic message of T., that this is a place to go if you want to get right down to it. I just still want to know more details. Also, I am not sure what portion of their roster of dancers really goes in for UHM.

    Then to relate this back to the original point of the thread, new ways they are extracting money, no we should not go along with that either. Rather than posting stuff which could get clubs in trouble for how good of a job they are doing, how about establishing some service standards and then going after the bad clubs by posting the details?

    I have heard of a place in AZ where private time is just $15 for 15min. That sounds right to me, just about the same as an AMP. Also, they don't call their private rooms VIP Rooms or Champagne Rooms. I never did like those names. They suggest conspicuous money spending. They call their room Cabanas. I am going to use this name exclusively, as it suggests simplicity and privacy.


    2014 House Music
  • Estafador
    10 years ago
    either NYC is really cracking down hard or you guys live in some seriously crack infested areas. I never EVER seen hoes/prostitutes in the SC EVA!. I honestly haven't seen drug dealers either, and no I'm not talking manhattan either, I'm talking brooklyn, queens, bronx.
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