
Stripper telephone tales

Atlanta suburb
Friday, September 26, 2014 8:20 AM
1) My original ATF had 3 phones. A wired home phone and 2 cellphones. 1 for customers and one for family & friends. I had all 3 numbers. One evening at her club her best friend got into it with a customer in the VIP room. She went back and tried to smooth things out. Then she told me that she would have to drive her friend home and gave me a phone number to call in 30 minutes to see if she would be able to come back to the club tonight. I waited the 30 minutes and called. a guy answered and I hung up. When I saw my ATF the next day I asked who the guy was that answered the phone. She said let me see the number I gave you. I showed it to her and she "OMG I gave you her boy friends number". 2) Rita had been giving me some UHM dances ITC. Then she told me that she had to move out of her apartment for 2 weeks so that the land lord could bring it up to code. She said that she was going to go visit her parents in Richmond VA and suggested that I meet her up there so that we could "hang out". That sounded good to me so she gave me her parents phone number and said if I called them to ask for Miss Rita. So a few days before she was supposed to go I called her cell number to make sure we were still on. I got a message saying "This is Randy and Rita. We can't come to the phone right now, etc". WTF? who the hell was Randy? I hung up. A few days later I called her parents house and talked to her father. He wasn't expecting her and had no idea where she might be. So I chalked it up as a lost cause. Why would a stripper give you her parents phone number if she wasn't going to follow through? 3) Another dancer that I still see ITC once wrote her name and phone number on a napkin for me. Below it she wrote Ron( her husband) and his number. She told me that if I ever needed help to call her and if I couldn't reach her to call him. I showed the napkin to a couple of other dancers that I know and they said if I ever needed help to call him. I still see this dancer and she is still married to him but I threw the numbers away a long time ago. Anyone else ever been given a stripper's husband's phone number?


  • GoVikings
    10 years ago
    I understand the purpose of her having multiple phones. But I could never do it. Three phones is just too much to keep up with
  • alabegonz
    10 years ago
    Yesterday, she was so freaking out like crying and sobbing very heavily, she just wouldn't stop crying. For two hours she was doing that. She was so worried about her daughter had a concussion. She was calling up people talking to them about how she was so worried. Then the battery ran out. Ok, I thought she would stop calling and just continue crying out out loud inside the car. Instead, she took my phone and pushed several numbers in there and used about thirty minutes of talk time. Now, my phone is getting text messages from these people she called up. Oh man.
  • JohnSmith69
    10 years ago
    You guys never fail to make my fucked up life with strippers seem downright mundane. I have no equivalent stories of stripper phone number woe. I will add however that multiple phones is the way of the past. You've got to use phone apps so you control all phone numbers on one device.
  • SuperDude
    10 years ago
    Strippers are fickle and flaky. I have had dancers give me non-working phone numbers or phone numbers of ex-boyfriends. If a dancer gives me her number I usually throw it a way. When she complains that I didn't call, that's when I try to find out what she was expecting.
  • steve229
    10 years ago
    "I called her cell number to make sure we were still on" Can't recall ever actually speaking to a dancer on the phone, it's all been texting.
  • gawker
    10 years ago
    My ATF frequently ran out of minutes and would call me from her BF's phone. Once she called me from his mother's phone. Then, one time when she got arrested her BF called me to help with bail. Another time his mother called me to see if I could get her drugs. I've learned that my ATF added me as a contact on their phones. No wonder Norman Lear called it "All in the Family".
  • ime
    10 years ago
    Im with superdude. I've had strippers put there numbets in my phone, which i delete as soon as i leave club. No way im gonna text them so they have my number so they can call/text me asking me to come into the club every time they work
  • Club_Goer_Seattle
    10 years ago
    My only weird telephone experiences were two with the same stripper, my ATF: One was early in our "relationship," she had her jealous ex-husband baby sit for her one night while she was at work. He managed to find a list of her customers phone numbers and called me at least (maybe others, too), to inform me that she was no longer dancing. I knew he was a douche bag, so I just waited until I spoke to my ATF again, and she explained the story. She said it will be *her* decision when she stops dancing.
  • jabthehut
    10 years ago
    Answer to your question in the scond scenario: They're all liars! One of my regular strippers I see OTC broke her phone and has to use hrr hudband's. She and I text and talk via that phone. Sometimes she has it and sometimes he has it. When I text and he has it and she isn't with him he'll text me back that he'll get her to contact me. In a minute or so I'll get a text from her on the phone of whoever she's with. I have also talked to him on the phone trying to find out where she is when I go to pick her up. He even faked being her and texted me asking if she could come dance for me when they needed a lot of money for rent. I knew something was fishy since he he asked for $140. I never gave her more than $60.
  • alabegonz
    10 years ago
    "They're all liars!" That's given already. Just have a good time, know where your facts are, and it will be fun. She was using my phone and she was crying and sobbing. She called up her ex and they had a short quarrel over how her daughter would be treated. She said expletives after two minutes and she hanged up. Then she continued crying and sobbing. She then told me how stupid her ex was and that she hates him so much. I just stared at her like I was watching a real live drama TV going on. She then told me I was useless for not being with her in that moment which she then started to capitalize on, spewing venom across the table to me. I was calm and collected and just said "I'm just here, baby. I'm your man, so don't hurt your man who loves you." She realized that and switched her nagging mouth to something else. This is how you take care of a stripper when she loses it. Just be there, be calm and collected. Eventually, the storm will pass and she will love you for it.
  • sharkhunter
    10 years ago
    One dancer asks me to text her on occassion. I seldom talk to her away from the club. I haven't had any issues. Of course she claims I got rid of a poltergeist in her place. Maybe she doesn't want me sending anything back, lol. Of course I never know if dancers are serious or full of crap. She actually sounded nervous about possible invisible friends if she were to visit me. If I had company visit and stuff started to move by itself all over my house, she would probably be afraid. Sounds like a great prank. lol
  • Estafador
    10 years ago
    I agree with JohnSmith 100%. Maybe if we were 50+ years old, it would be a different story my man.
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