
Does it "turn you on" to see a dancer "turned on" ?

Sunday, September 14, 2014 5:37 AM
I have many times gotten VIP dances from girls and told them when we leave here I want to to be satisfied sexually not just financially. So instead of me telling you what I want, you tell me what you want sexually from this VIP. I will do whatever you want as long as we are both safe physically. It turns me on sexually to be able to turn her on and we both leave happy. Has anyone else ever done this or do you get satisfied knowing she really orgasmed and didn't just fake it ?


  • jestrite50
    10 years ago
    It should say I want YOU to be satisfied sexually not just financially.
  • GoVikings
    10 years ago
    Nah, it doesn't. And I might be off on this, but I don't think dancers get turned on while performing for customers in MOST cases. Don't get me wrong, I know it's possible and it definitely happens sometimes...but it probably doesn't happen that much.
  • steve229
    10 years ago
    I tried it once. She took one look at my skinny fingers, shook her head, and said, "I don't think you can satisfy me."
  • jestrite50
    10 years ago
    @GoVikings Dancers are human not just machines. They won't get turned on unless YOU turn them on. You need to interact with the dancer if you want to turn her on. Just like you would a girlfriend or any other girl. It takes time and effort but I would guess I can turn on at least 80% of the dancers that dance for me. You have to be into it .....you have to have it as your goal going in........but it has gotten me a lot of extra attention from the ladies in the clubs.
  • GoVikings
    10 years ago
    @jestrite50 I don't doubt that you can turn SOME of them on.....80% seems quite high though. I guess you just have the magic touch. :-)
  • crazyjoe
    10 years ago
    ^^^the dancer was satisfied... And then you woke up. I agree with govikings
  • sharkhunter
    10 years ago
    No, It doesn't turn me on. However it can make me feel good if she appears to enjoy dancing for me which could lead to more mileage and repeat business. That is I feel good about it if she looks good and I enjoyed her lap dance. If I didn't care at all for her dancing, I hope she didn't get turned on at all. I got some dances last night from dancers whom hadn't danced for me before and we both seemed to enjoy the dances more than we expected. One dancer gave me the impression she was getting turned on so hopefully she runs into me again. Sometimes it just seems strange when you visit the exact same clubs, same time, same day of the week, and almost all the dancers are different in two different clubs. In another two weeks, all the old dancers could be back and some will ask me where I've been. Maybe I should just tell them in. an alternate reality so they stop asking.
  • shadowcat
    10 years ago
    The Platters - You've got the magic touch. [view link]
  • steve229
    10 years ago
    "I guess you just have the magic touch" Sausage fingers??
  • how
    10 years ago
    Sure, I want her to enjoy it. Mutual orgasm is a good goal, even for ITC FS. It can happen, but even if she fakes it, I do hope she enjoys time with me...that way, she'll be more receptive to all we might scheme together.
  • shailynn
    10 years ago
    Hmmm I think there's different levels of "turned on." Are we talking about dancers getting aroused during lap dances or are we talking about a dancer having an orgasm during an extras session? I'm thinking back to my last year of club experiences... If we are talking strictly lap dances then of all the sessions I've had (not that many actually) I can only think of 1 where the dancer got turned on and I know it was genuine. That may back up govikings claim, which I agree with. I've had several dancers "act" like they were turned on but I can't tell if it was true or an act. Now, making a dancer have an orgasm during extras has happened several times, because I'm a giver not just a taker lol. Lastly to answer your question yes I do like it when a dancer gets turned on because usually that will make the session more enjoyable for the customer. I'm okay even if they fake it a little but sometimes their faking goes a bit overboard and then it kinda ruins the mood.
  • lotsoffun201
    10 years ago
    I've got a CF that I see once a week or so. We exchanged numbers and once a while during the day she texts me to ask if I'm coming in. She works day shift and if I can get off work early I will stop in for an hour or so. The other day I received a text stating "I'm horny and nobody's here". I couldn't get away that day but would have loved to help her out. She likes when I play with her kitty and is always wet during our half hour, so I suppose, YES, I like when a dancer is turned on.
  • sclvr5005
    10 years ago
    Its great if the dancer gets off too but its not something that I'm willing to buy more dances for. If she can get off during the timeframe of my alotted dances then more power to her.
  • chandler
    10 years ago
    Sure, I get turned on when a stripper does a good job of appearing to get turned on. But I realize that that's her job. I would never tell her I "want her to be sexually satisfied", unless it was part of an act I was playing to go along with hers.
  • Clackport
    10 years ago
    I like hearing it. I had a fave that always said I gave her goosebumps when I kissed her body. I've had a few strippers say they are turned on by just looking at me, stripper shit lol.
  • SlickSpic
    10 years ago
    Just because a gal's a dancer doesn't mean that she doesn't enjoy her job. I know a couple of chefs. These dudes love to cook. Some days they might be worse than others and they might not enjoy that day as much but in the end, they enjoy cooking. If a gal is in the sex service industry and doesn't enjoy sex and sensuality at all, she will not last. Lest we forget, chicks dig sex as much or more than us fellas.
  • steve229
    10 years ago
    "Lest we forget, chicks dig sex as much or more than us fellas." Not according to Taylor Swift.
  • chandler
    10 years ago
    Enjoying her job and enjoying sex? You bet. Sexually satisfied every time some guy giving her money says he wants her to be? Nope.
  • jestrite50
    10 years ago
    I must explain a little more. I go to the clubs for GFE only. That's my purpose in going. I up the odds because I don't go to VIP with a girl that does not turn be on or get turned on in the preliminaries , lap dances etc. The 80 % I quoted was for VIP
  • gatorfan
    10 years ago
    We talking like bulbs or full out squirting?
  • jestrite50
    10 years ago
    Arousal in lap dances to the point that she wants it as much as you do and you both have fantastic sex in VIP.
  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    I've never really gone for the "extras" model for strip clubs, and I was always skeptical when it was known that some of the SF clubs were offering FS, because I want the female to yield and this seemed set up against that. So I've always instead gone for store front AMPs for P4P. There you can window shop and interact some before committing to the session. There you have more time and more space, and the cost is more sensible, and usually the girl can be seduced, instead of bargained with, and so it is great. Of course I want to see and feel her climax a few times. I'm not even going to think about cumming myself until that happens. It bothers me these people who think because they are paying for something in an SC, that it should work some other way. I have no desire to be sexually manipulated in that manner. SJG Lady Zep [view link]
  • jackslash
    10 years ago
    After every blow job, I ask the dancer, "Was it as good for you as it was for me?"
  • Duke69
    10 years ago
    Dancers are human not just machines. They won't get turned on unless YOU turn them on. You need to interact with the dancer if you want to turn her on. Just like you would a girlfriend or any other girl. It takes time and effort but I would guess I can turn on at least 80% of the dancers that dance for me. You have to be into it .....you have to have it as your goal going in........but it has gotten me a lot of extra attention from the ladies in the clubs. Jest50 clubs like da juice bro I too look for the gfe....and i will spend a lot of time and visits with dancers without ever buying one dance and thats because im working on turning her on as well as me...its like courting agirl with heavy sexual flirting and slow but firm sexual advances..ive gotten somuch free shit t the a I
  • Duke69
    10 years ago
    That i didnt need to but dances but i do because its GreAt four play and surprise sex can and dose happen...otc will seen follow
  • Duke69
    10 years ago
    If you want your moneys worth then treat your stripper good...take care of her and she will take care of you
  • Duke69
    10 years ago
    Feed her money, compliments, make her gifts like poetry...make love to her with your words, hands and eyes wsy before you feed her your dick...you do this and she will go out of her way to make you feel special too
  • Duke69
    10 years ago
    Anybody that disagrees with this must truely be a social retarded faggot....even the bible teaches this
  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    " I too look for the gfe....and i will spend a lot of time and visits with dancers without ever buying one dance and thats because im working on turning her on as well as me...its like courting agirl with heavy sexual flirting and slow but firm sexual advances..ive gotten somuch free shit t the a " Yes, I totally agree with this! I read people posting about how easy it is for strippers to get money out of them, or how they think it a waste of time to talk to strippers, or how they treat strippers different from other women, or how they think it is the strippers job to make them cum. I am aghast, and I feel sorry for the strippers who have to service these guys. Strippers don't service me. Sure, they are there because they get paid, and so I pay them too. But what happens between us is mutual, just like it would be with a civilian. SJG John Brown's Holy War, and Dred Scott [view link]
  • Duke69
    10 years ago
    Sjg you damn right playboy Shit i actually treat des bitches better than i do civilian girls Its a fuckin privilege to fuck such beauty
  • Duke69
    10 years ago
    Its no joke you give them some respect and they wikl give you some of the best head and pussy ever...then you want be complaining on tuscl about how just goes through the motions and talks on the phone while fucking me
  • Duke69
    10 years ago
    You pamper des bitches right that phone will get tossed out and she will fuck you until she stops cumming know ive lived that shit
  • Duke69
    10 years ago
    You disagree with this then you must be a real fuckin ass to des bitches...
  • Duke69
    10 years ago
  • SlickSpic
    10 years ago
    Tell us how you really feel, Duke.
  • Papi_Chulo
    10 years ago
    There are women than enjoy sex as much as men – but it seems there is al larger percentage of women with little to no interest in sex, as compared to men. Also – women often times don’t just get turned on automatically and want to fuck, like men do. i.e. there are dancers that get into it and enjoy themselves – but this is more of the exception than the norm IMO and if a dancer really wants to enjoy herself; she knows what to do and does not need to be asked. I would say most dancers (95+%) only have $$$ on their mind in the SC and getting off it’s probably not on their radar and most are probably not interested and have their men at home for that.
  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    I think that if dancers are courted a bit, and this means mostly with words, but also in how you dress and in how you meter some money out to them for tips and minor dances, that most of the times strippers can be gotten to quite effectively. Women like sex at least as much as men do. They just have more bound up with it. I don't think it good to go to SC's with the idea that a stripper is going to service you. It should be more mutual. I think we should drop the discussions of "mileage" and "extras", and instead look at the quality of GFE and FS being offered. SJG John Brown's Holy War [view link]
  • Duke69
    10 years ago
    I think we should drop the discussions of "mileage" and "extras", and instead look at the quality of GFE and FS being offered. Bingo
  • Duke69
    10 years ago
  • Papi_Chulo
    10 years ago
    @ Slick: Do you really think we can get PLs to agree
  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    Mileage and extras, in an SC, mean the dancer is doing something to you. When I see a pretty girl, that is not what I think of first. No different in an SC. I want to get to the dancer. First of all that means with words, because that is what she responds to. But it is also money, tone of voice and lots of other things. I want to make it happen with her. I love the way they do their hair and makeup. Most of all, I want to be the one who gets to mess up their hair and make up, and I want to take my time about doing it too. I am aghast at these people who think it a waste of time to talk to dancers, and who think the dancers job is to "bust a nut". So I want to drop "mileage" and "extras" and instead talk about quality of GFE and FS. SJG John Brown and martyrdom [view link]
  • jerikson40
    10 years ago
    When having sex with any woman, it certainly enhances the experience if she is at least appearing to enjoy it. Personally, I hate if the woman is faking it. So if you are both really getting off on the experience it's pretty awesome. But if I'm paying, my goal is NOT for her to get off. That just seems strange to me that someone would set ground rules that a VIP is focused on HER getting off. HUH???? And women in general are pretty much incapable of having a meaningful orgasmic experience with some stranger in a club. Consider that they have an inherent disrespect for customers, and in order to do their job of making believe they enjoy dealing with hundreds of customers on a shift they need to put up an emotional wall between them and everyone else. So unless the dancer can somehow clear those, and other hurdles, any "getting off" or orgasm she appears to have is fake. And those are VERY tough hurdles to clear. So it seems to me that believing you will pleasure her in any meaningful way during a VIP is ludicrous. Yeah, I suppose it can happen if the dancer is emotionally fucked up enough, but it's extremely unlikely. Of course everyone who posts here is the exception I'm sure, and is fully proficient at making dancers have incredible orgasms.
  • SuperDude
    10 years ago
    Paying for a dancer to fake an orgasm? No way.
  • BlueLion
    10 years ago
    Superdude your just being superrude ! Now stop being a bitch and go make me a sandwitch bitch Nothing personal just being funny
  • BlueLion
    10 years ago
    Sjg And jerk40 amen amen
  • georgmicrodong
    10 years ago
    If by "'turn [me] on' to see a 'dancer turned on'", you mean "do I enjoy her screams of pain as the cat-o-nine tails bites into her ass and the clamps twist her nipples," absolutely.
  • lopaw
    10 years ago
  • sharkhunter
    10 years ago
    I want to keep talking about mileage if it makes the girls at stripper web all hot and bothered like a used car. lol Extras are welcome if they don't cost extra.
  • rockstar666
    10 years ago
    It's very rare a dancer will cum when doing a grind with me, but I know for a fact my #2 has cum twice with me over the years, and my ATF a few times too. It's pretty rare of course, but yes it turns me on.
  • jestrite50
    10 years ago
    I was referring to VIP not necessarily a lap dance although I have had a few girls rub one out on me during a long string of lap dances. I had one girl that never gave me less than 10 in a row.
  • jestrite50
    10 years ago
    10 dances that is !
  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    jerikson40, you wrote, " And women in general are pretty much incapable of having a meaningful orgasmic experience with some stranger in a club. Consider that they have an inherent disrespect for customers, and in order to do their job of making believe they enjoy dealing with hundreds of customers on a shift they need to put up an emotional wall between them and everyone else. " This is one of the reasons why I don't go along with the "extras" approach, and why I generally deflect dance invitations and instead offer sitting and talking. I don't want to deal with the dancer through that emotional wall. I don't want to be adding to that wall with my presence, or with my money. This comes from my storefront AMP experience too. Best is to get them DFKing right away. This is the very best. When they refuse this, then slow and gentle FS while using various positions to be more expressive, can also break them down. Ideally front room DFK could be done in strip clubs. But failing that what I have found works is DATY. This does get to them. It does get them off script, it does break down their defenses, it does soften them up. It is harder to get under the skin of a dancer in an SF style place where so much money is in play, but it is possible. With repeated visits, they could be gotten to. Because of their job, they are actually even more capable of being sexually responsive with strangers than those of the general population would be. As far as the dancer having a job of getting me off, I don't go along with this at all. I would never go to an SC looking for this. Blue Balls? [view link] SJG King Crimson [view link]
  • georgmicrodong
    10 years ago
    What the fuck is a "meaningful orgasmic experience" anyway? When she collapses on the couch with legs shaking, breathing hard, pussy twitching, with juice running down her leg and my face looking like a glazed donut, is that "meaningful" or superficial?
  • chandler
    10 years ago
    Whatever it is, it doesn't sound nearly as fun as good old meaningless sex.
  • Duke69
    10 years ago
    Amen George
  • jestrite50
    10 years ago
    To me good old meaningless sex can be "handled" on your own. Why pay for that. The challenge, the foreplay, the leadup to her yielding her body to you for a fantastic moment of Ecstasy is what I'm after !
  • steve229
    10 years ago
    "the leadup to her yielding her body to you for a fantastic moment of Ecstasy is what I'm after !" Yielding her body?- Have you done some kind of mind meld with San Jose Guy?
  • Papi_Chulo
    10 years ago
    Yield – yield I say
  • jestrite50
    10 years ago
    Steve229, No I don't even know who he is but from reading his posts we think very much alike. I've had this strategy in clubs for years and while everybody out there is chasing extras I'm enjoying my relationships with my girls. It starts in the club but moves way beyond that level to the every week sometimes twice a week GFE.
  • alabegonz
    10 years ago
    My indicator is her words telling me she wants to be naughty. Pretty much sums up what she wanted, she felt comfortable with me and I just let her do her thing. To me, no amount of talking/money will get her to a level where she can get there. She has to be turned on by something that will turn her on. If she has no feel for you, be prepared for the fake flattery kind of service. Either you have it or you don't. You should be able to tell from the first few minutes of the convo.
  • jestrite50
    10 years ago
    "She has to be turned on by something that will turn her on" That's what I do right from the start of our conversation. I try to find out what turns her on by kissing, fondling, caressing, telling her how hot she looks.........All of these girls have a mechanism that will turn them on. You just need to be patient and determined trying different things and you will find it.
  • SlickSpic
    10 years ago
    From my own personal experience, nothing turns a stripper on quite like a dead president.
  • steve229
    10 years ago
    @jestrite50 - no offense man, I thought you were riffing on SJG, didn't realize you were actually serious.
  • jestrite50
    10 years ago
    No not at all. I am serious. I don't go to clubs to just look at the girls or to get off with extras. I go to clubs looking for a GFE. If a girl doesn't seem to want to be part of my GFE then I move on to one that does no matter how beautiful sexy hot or whatever the first one was I move on and keep interviewing girls till I find the right one. (interview is the word I use for the process of finding the right girl. That starts with seeing how she reacts to my approach of kissing hugging caressing DFK fondling etc. If she enjoys it we go farther. )
  • Clubber
    10 years ago
    $100 bills will always get a dancer excited!
  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    I think a lot of people want a reprieve from the ability women have to give them thumbs up or thumbs down, so they want to mediate the entire relationship with money. They are getting off on this, or on something like it. While certainly I would like to change some things about the ways that women judge men, making it all be about money does not actually accomplish this. Also, the ways that men judge women are every bit as harsh. So we need to find some other way. I am all for this. But treating women as vending machines is not the answer. I don't go along with this extras approach. Jestrite50 is the one who's got it. He finds ways to relate to the girls. The money only pays for her being there in the first place. After that it moves to a civilian experience. And yes, the girls will respond better if they can see that you are invoking some discretion in selecting them. This extras approach just causes more sexual frustration and dysfunction. So I want to distinguish GFE-FS from this extras-FS. As far as I can see, the dancers don't even consider extras-FS to be sex. It is just a little bit more than these 'pussy wedgies' and those are just a little bit more than the panties off dry humping. What is always missing is female surrender. So rather than talking about "mileage", "extras", or the kind of FS that comes with that, I want to focus on GFE-FS, and on the external conditions which promote it. I don't want to get any of these places in trouble, so I don't think we should identify the specific clubs. But I know there are external parameters which are causing extras-FS instead of GFE-FS. We should identify these, and work to remove them. One of these is of course a lack of open verbal and physical fraternizing before the big money is handed over. Another is the club getting so much money out of it that no one who actually wanted to engage with the girl would go along with it. It is more a fantasy which they are selling, instead of the real thing, substituting extras-FS for GFE-FS. Another is forcing all preliminaries into booths and backrooms, instead of letting it happen freely in the front room. Then another is just insufficient time and an inadequate physical space. With how far things have already gone, we should be able to get to the holy grail of GFE-FS, just like you would get at the TJ Hong Kong Bar or one of these German FKK Clubs. I think about all of my best experiences ranging from Strip Clubs, to AMPs, to AAMPs. These ran from intense purely verbal exchanges, to moderate touching, kissing, and horseplay, to DATY, and to phenomenal GFE-FS. Always, the girl had a more complex motive than just $$$. They will never give anything of themselves just for money. So to get beyond what money buys, you need to be able to court her some, and to stage the situation so it goes how you want. Some sorts of strip clubs will encourage this, but others discourage it. This is where we should focus our attention, on these external parameters which play such a huge role in the outcome. Maniac's Article, treating strippers just like you would other women [view link] SJG Iced-T, Colors [view link]
  • 4oureyes
    10 years ago
    Don't know if I believe girls who claim to have orgasmed in a dance. There have been a few. On the other hand, the girls who have complained to me that they have to go change their costume because I've caused them to mess it up, that I believe.
  • jestrite50
    10 years ago
    I enjoy the personal interaction leading up to the OTC or ITC. To me it's more of a challenge to see if we can build a relationship before we ever go to VIP ITC or OTC. This may take multiple visits but so be it I want to earn their trust and after you do its anything and everything goes.
  • sclvr5005
    10 years ago
    Hey san jose gay- sounds like being a virgin isn't working out too good for ya, huh?
  • georgmicrodong
    10 years ago
    Hey sclvr5005, looks like being a dick head *is* working out pretty well for *you*, huh? You know you can use the ignore feature to never see him again, right? You must know that, which suggests that your bitching and whinging about him is your way of feeling good about yourself.
  • sclvr5005
    10 years ago
    Hey gmd - You know you can use the ignore feature to never see ME again, right? You must know that, which suggests that your bitching and "whinging " about ME is your way of feeling good about yourself. Bottom line- you don't like it, then don't read it. I take great enjoyment calling out that idiot and will continue doing so until it begins to bore me. Period. Again- you don't like it then don't fucking read it.
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