Charging for parking
Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
I hate being forced to pay for shit that I don’t want – even if it’s not much money – it’s about the principle of being ROBed by these strip clubs.
Paid parking should be optional for those who would like to park in certain reserved spots near the entrance of the club.
But even worse – I’ve been to some dives lately where they want to charge even when you park across the street from their club even though that is not their real-estate to the best of my knowledge – wtf?
In an effort to develop peaceful co-existence, the club owners promised the city that all patrons would have to use the club parking lots or be refused entry. If a patron does not have a parking lot stub, he will be refused entry. The idea is that if the patron is forced to pay for the lot he will use it and not park on the side street, pissing on and pissing off residential homeowners. Commercial neighbors don't like their lots being used, for free, for bathroom functions and humping dancers so they made the same demands.
I don't like having to pay for a parking lot I don't use. I don't use the side streets or the grocery store lot as a toilet, but I see that a lot of guys do. Every customer who pissed in the street, dumped trash, humped a dancer in a car parked outside some child's bedroom window is responsible for the policy of forcing the rest of us to pay for parking.
Points well taken and you are right.
In my particular case; the SCs in questions are in commercial areas where the businesses are closed at night.
In the last dive I visited. I was parked in the grassy area b/w the sidewalk and the street and across the street from the SC and thee was really nothing much around – what pisses me off is that real-estate is not theirs and yet they hit up custies for a parking charge – again – I could challenge it – but I would be concerned there would be some kind of ramifications to my car while I was in the club if I didn’t pay up.
I would have no issue with paying to park at a club located in a downtown area with limited parking but not at most clubs. I visit clubs in areas with no parking shortages.
So I parked across the street and as I was walking over to the club the outside bouncer stopped me and asked if I planned to stay long and I said that I didn't know. He said well if you are going to be in the club for awhile I'll let you park in that no parking area right in front of the entrance to the club. I didn't feel like moving my car so I told him no thanks. I found out later, from one of the dancers, that he would have wanted a big tip for that privilege.
Good idea, Clubber - but doesn't all that pedaling tire you out?
Shadow's PP story reminded me of a similar run-in I had at PP in Greenville. There is a lot in front of the building and a spill-over lot in the back. I parked in a pretty good spot in front of the building and was told by the outdoor attendant that it was valet only (so signs and in a big open lot in fucking Greenville of all places, lol). Needless to say, a $10 tip made everything ok and kept my keys in my pocket, but unfortunately shit like this comes with the territory at some clubs.
Now if he were a true entrepreneur, he would work out a deal with a few dancers and provide names to get a cut of the action!