
How do the new girls learn?

Saturday, May 14, 2005 9:11 AM
I've often wondered, how do new girls learn how to give lap dances? Do any places actually teach their girls? Or do they just learn by watching the other girls? Some of them seem so good at it while others are terrible. I know of one club that has a mandatory monthly meeting with their girls but I think it's more about rules and complaints and stuff. Anybody know how they learn to lap?


  • Dain
    19 years ago
    Great line, Shadowcat!
  • TopGunGlen
    19 years ago
    You need both, RL.... By the way, back to LD's, if you tell the girl how you like it, encourage her in what she's doing well, or do that again, you will get better mileage. I never thought I had to sit there silently and take whatever came. Speak up...quietly...:-)
  • RomanticLover
    19 years ago
    How about MANIPULATIVE brain surgery or EMOTIONAL brain surgery?
    19 years ago
    Actually it is brain surgery. They're definately messing with your head, both of them if they're good at it.
  • DandyDan
    19 years ago
    I think part of the reason girls 100's of miles apart will give the same dance is the fact that there are girls who don't stay put and will dance next week at a club 200 miles away from the club they dance at this week. And they are bound to be imitated everywhere. But it's not like lapdancing is brain surgery anyway.
  • tom_pb
    19 years ago
    Once I was at a club early in the day shift and the place was pretty empty. A couple of the experienced girls were giving a lap dance to a newbie. That was there way of training the new girls. They also gave her verbal instuctions on what she could touch and what the customer was allowed to touch. It was a fun exhibition. After they were done my ATF came over and gave me a great dance. She danced for about 7 years before quitting at age 30.
    19 years ago
    BTW Shadowcat, thanks for the research. Your dedication to scholarship is impressive.
  • Yoda
    19 years ago
    FONDL: I just don't think it's that tough to figure out. Women are not stupid, they know what gets a guy going and what doesn't. I'm sure the learning curve is a little slower or faster with some ladies but, sooner or later, they figure it out. After the basic moves are learned, that's when a girls personality comes into play.
    19 years ago
    Hey Yoda, I just reread your post and finally figured out what I think you meant, which wasn't the way I read it the first time. Anyway the reason it puzzles me is that you can go in a club and get a lap dance and go into another club a 1,000 miles away and get virtually the same dance. That's what puzzles me, not that different girls in the same club are so similar but that girls from different parts of the country do the same moves. How come? How do they learn this stuff? Does anyone know of a club anywhere that actually trains their dancers? I'll volunteer to teach.
  • rockie
    19 years ago
    Yoda sacrifices all to train all along the eastern seaboard!
  • Dain
    19 years ago
    Every halfway attractive girl knows what to do to turn a guy on. Lap dancers just do what comes naturally, minus a little ranchiness. Any girl who enjoys normal dancing knows what to do.
  • Yoda
    19 years ago
    FONDL: They mostly learn from watching each other. What else would you expect? Sometimes what surprises you surprises me....
  • Yoda
    19 years ago
    Sorry, didn't mean to missquote you FONDL, Sometimes what puzzles you puzzles me....
  • DandyDan
    19 years ago
    I asked one of my favorites once how she learned to do a lap dance and she said she just made it up as she went along.
    19 years ago
    The reason I asked this Q is because a surprisingly large number of girls all seem to do exactly the same things. That's always puzzled me.
  • Yoda
    19 years ago
    I watched the house mother give a new girl a walk-through on her first day at work onc. She told her where she could touch the guys, where the guys could touch her, and then gave her the names of 3 or 4 regular girls to watch for lap dancing tips. Come to think of it, I'd be happy to vlunteer as a test dummy.....
  • Kyle1111
    19 years ago
    The best lap dancer I ever had was new to the business and she said she was just acting like the customer was her boyfriend. She burned out QUICK. :( She was the best I ever had by far. The only negative was that I felt clumsy and unskilled by comparison. Her movements and timing and looks were PERFECT. After she hooked me, she demanded that if I wanted more then I would treat her like a real girlfriend. No giving her $ or expensive presents. Just movies and dinner and the like. I ran for my life. If I wanted a girlfriend, then I think it would have been an excellent deal. For me one of the beauties of the strip club is avoiding real relationships. I had a wonderful girlfriend for 11 years, but it is NOT something that I would want to repeat. I want the fantasy. The reality is just too much for me. Thank god for strip clubs so that I'm NOT forced into that type situation.
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