Review Prop-comments and the new reviews layout
Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
Seems like the prop reviews option is now working well – i.e. easily visible.
If one goes to the particular club's TUSCL page; the reviews prop comments are now displayed at the end of a review w/o one having to look/fish for them.
Flag comments are not visible though but it's nice that the props now are.
My thought w.r.t. flag comments not being visible is perhaps Founder may want to avoid conflict b/w PLs and thus the flagging is on the down-low/anonymous.
Does your screen look like this when you click on a topic? Notice there is nothing at the top. Do I have to go to the very first screen to even click on clubs and reviews?
And lo and behold, the next day he was shilling for another club. What a surprise. I hope he gets payed well by the competing club.
I tried a trial prop and flag comment about 20 mins ago and saw the prop comment right away but do not see the flag comment – perhaps Founder will shed some light into how it’s supposed to work.
if you click at the top where it says “The Ultimate Strip Club List†in purple text; that should display the various menu options.
Do you ever visit other sites besides tuscl?
Founder: also, thanks for getting the ignore and # of review back on the main discussion list!
I'm with you. I don't care for the recent changes founder made, BUT it is his site and if most think it fine. I'm OK with that.
also – it may be you are zooming in too much – if you zoom past 150% you will not see the menu options on top (unless you click on the purple “The Ultimate …†banner) – if you are below 150% zoom; you should see the menu options right next to the purple text (at least per my setup).
@motorhead - Yes, please let Clubber known,
Also, ignored comments and discussions appear to be completely hidden now.
Yeah – this started w/ the new TUSCL user interface changes.
I don’t necessarily use “weird punctuation†– it’s the same punctuation I’ve always used except now the TUSCL user interface seems to have a problem recognizing it:
i.e. I often use a hyphen (‘-‘) when I post – the TUSCL user interface seems to have problems recognizing/displaying a simple hyphen along with semicolons and colons.
Prior to the most recent changes of the last couple of days; hyphens; colons; semicolons; would be displayed incorrectly in the main discussion view (where the snippets of the 10 most recent discussions threads are shown) but would be displayed correctly when selecting a particular/single discussion thread to view.
BTW - I use a Windows laptop and use Google Chrome.