
Pretty Viejas and "Flirting Tips"

money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
Still reflecting on TMojo's outstanding article about the TJ Hotel Cascadas and the Hong Kong Bar, and those Walmarts bed sheet straps.


I know this girl was picked for the video, and that she isn't taking anything off or otherwise going very far, on account of the video. But she doesn't really need to either. She is doing extremely well. This captures their characteristic style of facial flirting. Mexican people are just like this. Whites have no clue.

Hong Kong Bar table dance

Of the most FS oriented black clubs I have read reviews saying the girls just climb onto your lap and get you to start making out with them. Though I can't see all which is going on in this video, this does seem to be what they are trying to do.

Hong Kong action

I have even read that they will climb on a guy's lap and really start putting on a show with him when he is in the light sitting at another girl's stage. Strip club experiences are supposed to be public. Part of the fun is that you become part of the show. It all sounds like paradise on earth.

The US is a country which breeds psychopaths. This is built into our culture. This was the real meaning of Oliver Stone's movie Natural Born Killers. Even with these drug wars and even though Mexico is not yet a fully industrialized country, their homicide rate has dropped below ours. They don't use the death penalty anymore either. So even though drug king pins have been able to bribe their way out of their prisons, it is still an issue of national pride for them that these people should not be handed over to the US.

Margaret Mead studied mother child interactions in various cultures, and I know that the gentility which characterizes Mexicans must originate there.

I saw one video over a year ago. It showed what were clearly the prettiest street hookers I have ever seen. And where were they? They were right by the entrance door to the Hong Kong Bar.

Now I don't like them in the school girl shoes. I don't actually go for any juvenile fantasy or anything like that. The sexy school girl uniforms are just cute and very practical. These girls in front of the Hong Kong Bar were in stripper shoes, the kind I like with the straps that keep them on. These girls would have been most welcome to be dancing in any strip club I have ever been in. These are girls that could have other options. They just want to be completely free agents.

I bet it is like that, the closer you are to the Hong Kong Bar, the prettier the street hookers. So the way I am seeing this is as the ideal place for what people call a "hooker binge".

One variable though is does it have to be a different girl each time? For me it would not have to be. But I still wouldn't want to make any dates or appointments because that makes it like escort sessions. It wastes my time and theirs, and it doesn't follow my own body cycles. One doesn't actually know how long one needs to wait until they spot another one they like. The idea of a binge is to push beyond what one thought were one's own physical limits.

But in the time right after a session, I would be very happy to be with them, out in public and to be playing host to them, in anticipation of a promised second session. And also, I would still have other reasons I would like to try and maintain long term contact and make future visits with them.

Out on the sidewalk it would never be quite like it is in the Hong Kong Bar. But they could still be encouraged to accept tips. Maybe it wouldn't be table dancing or lap sitting tips. I'm going to call it "Flirting Tips". This way they won't feel that they are being unfairly toyed with or being asked to jump through hoops to get a session. Flirting tips turns it into harmless fun. And also, there are already all sorts of ways in public and semi-public situations to just walk up and kiss a girl.

Another girl, another wet spot.



  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    Correction, my first video, Hong Kong Bar Table Dance. There are actually multiple posted versions of this.


  • mikeya02
    10 years ago
    ^^^^^ want to hear a joke?.....most of your opinions
  • sclvr5005
    10 years ago
    Mikeya02 +10000

    This ahole has the worst diarrhea of the mouth of complete bullshit that I've ever seen.
  • JohnSmith69
    10 years ago
    This post has to be drug induced.
  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    some sidewalk friendliness:

    This guy has got the right idea too, not approaching the girl so that she is backed up against the wall.

    The girls in these street pictures don't have any stuff with them, not even purses. So they must have a hotel they are using as a base camp, and it probably is not very far away.

    If one is to be there and to be engaging with these day shift street girls, probably best to find out how it works with these girls and the hotels before checking in anywhere.

    I suspect that these daytime girls try to live clean, sober, and sane lives. This may be the message intended with the school uniforms. So the girls will want to make their money within a definite time window, and so they won't want to be going off the clock and napping with customers as I would suspect that the Hong Kong Bar is set up to encourage.

    These dayshift girls will have kids, and nothing is every going to mean more to them than being with those kids.

    Support Single Moms

  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    Look at these three. This came up on a search for TJ, but I don't actually know for sure where it is. If anyone does know, I would be very interested to hear of it.


    These three would be welcome to dance in any strip club I have ever been to. Look at the art work on the walls too. What a fun place!

    Notice the one girl wearing eye glasses. There is a widely circulated picture of a young Hong Kong Bar girl wearing glasses too. This suggests that their jobs get real down and dirty. It is another suggestion that the girls are not keeping regular hours, not sleeping 8 hours at a time. Rather they are sleeping in shorter stints and taking naps. They are in binge mode, just like many of the TJ HK Bar's customers will be in.

    They need to sleep anyway. So just so long as everything is being done by f2f hookups in the strip club, instead of by appointments, then napping, bathing, and eating with customers costs them nothing. They can do this with the expectation of getting paid for another pop, without any loss of income in the interim. From my experience with AAMPs and seeing how the girls do sessions in high volume, and seeing that they are perfectly able to do it, but that it tires them out and that they need to take naps, I can see that the girls will tend to go this way, so long as there are no fixed appointment times being used.

    I am convinced now that this TJ HK Bar makes it's money off of the hotel and by charging the girls session fees, instead of out of the strip club. And also, I feel that in the pricier rooms, the ones with the bathing facilities, they probably want the girls to provide this sort of companionship, at little or no charge. They can thank the girls by waiving session fees, because the hotel is still doing very well by the room fees.

    But then what this also means is that the girls are not able to maintain family contacts during their working stints. They have abandoned the hours of the solar day, and the 7 day week, and the Sabbath. Instead they are running on the 28 day pagan lunar calendar.

    Of course many of the customers are coming in from other time zones to the airport right nearby. There is no reason they would want to adapt to local time. Other customers are coming there specifically for making the sort of religious pilgrimage that I am calling a "hooker binge". No reason to pay attention to the time of day at all. No reason to sleep in long intervals. Just enjoy one girl for a while, multiple pops with napping times. Then when she leaves change the bed sheets and go find the next one.

    So then I am sure that the issue with these day shift street hookers, especially the ones in the school uniforms, is that they don't want to live like that. They want to keep regular solar clock hours and follow the 7 day week. They want to make their money within a finite time window, and then they want to be with their kids. The kids have to stay on the solar clock and the 7 day week because they go to school.


    Lady Zep
  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    There is another issue which in my opinion separates Mexico from most of the clubs in the US, and from the US street action. This is political consciousness.


    Any woman working in the sex industry has a stigmatized status. But in Mexico I feel that they are banding together and standing up for themselves. They do that kind of work because they want to have financial security in the future, regardless of whether or not they are married.

    In the US, based on my own experiences with strippers and based on what I read here on TUSCL, particularly with the white strippers, they are people who are broken. They don't know how to organize and stand up for themselves. It really is not just about economics. It is because they are the family blacksheep. They are the designated scapegoats, they have been used. So their lives are saturated with drugs, alcohol, Evangelical Christianity, Libertarian Ideology, and the Self-Reliance Ethic. This is what keeps them from developing political consciousness. So I don't know what other way to describe them except as shitheads.

    So in Mexico you find a much more likeable kind of street hooker. I want to be their to partake. They are solidaristas, they are fighting for women's rights and for political change. I would feel much better about handing them money than I would to most of the American strippers or street hookers, especially the white ones.

    How to get domestic SC's up to the quality level of the TJ Hong Kong Bar

    Ciudad Juarez


    Stones 2013
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Right here, this is where most of the TJ Street Hooker pictures are being taken. I had tried to figure out where it was before, but I could not. It is here,

    Av Niños Heroes, at the corner with Calle Coahuila

    And here across the street from it is The Dulce Gabbana

    If street hookers can discourage customers from going into a strip club, then they must be good looking.

  • chattguy123
    9 years ago
    I bet the feral cat population is zero around the zone from your basement.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Never been to TJ, if you mean that kind of virgin.

  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    This is the one I want, the one in the center, and not just for a little while either. I want to be spending real time with her and getting to know her.

  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    TJ, street hookers straying outside of the zona. Police shooing them back in.


    Since they give licenses, and they can't just use the license anywhere they want, then there has to be a zona. So how does it work right now in the other border towns?

    And do the dancers in say the Hong Kong Bar also need to have exactly the same license?

  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
  • Estafador
    9 years ago
    I clicked it thinking it was a good read, then I realized san_jose_guy posted it. talks far too long on irrelevancy.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    What I am reading is that in Mexicali the strip clubs are within 1 block of the border, and of course they are Full Service and anything goes establishments. Some recommend these as a lower cost alternative to TJ. And then of course there is that Afrika Table dance in San Luis Rio Colorado.

    Thanks @Estafador for bumping my thread.

  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago

    Just found this paper. It supports my contention about TJ hookers, that mostly what they want is the kind of economic independence and financial security which has been denied to unmarried women. They are not living destructive lives of denial or escapism. They are clean living and responsible people. This is the sense I get about them, mostly from looking at the pictures of the daytime street hookers.

    Rare to find an academic paper which does not have a Save a Ho position.

    The women don't have pimps, though they do have to deal with the club and hotel managements.

    These are politically conscious women. They want to be respected. I have always taken this to be one of the meanings intended with the school uniforms, as they are part of a political message.

    But this paper is going further, saying that governmental neoliberalism is taking advantage of the situation. So in this sense it is no different now from how consent is manufactured amongst young adults in the US.





    Merry Claton
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    This guy is walking down the street, and then led upstairs to see a lineup of at least 6.


    People say they don't like the TJ street scene. I have no idea why. I have no idea why anyone would want to live anywhere else.


    Stevie Ray Vaughan
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Purple Rain

    Anyone know anything about this Tijuana place? Does it now have some other name?

  • nemesisk7
    9 years ago
    The lineup was in mermaids , sex in there is so good
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    You mean the parade in front of the guy up on the second floor?

    That was this place?




    That upstairs room did not look like any kind of bar or strip club at all, just a brothel.

    Is it a massage parlor? Does it have a permanent address? From Escorts of Mexico I read maybe not. Does it keep moving around?

    Or do you mean that Purple Rain is now Mermaids?

    Those upstairs girls really did look hot, almost too good to believe.

    My own view is that how good the sex will be, how GFE it will be, is largely influenced by how much you can fraternize with the girl before committing.

    Line ups are not the best. Free from strip clubs are.


    Anything else to say about Dulce Gabbanna, considering that our TUSCL bro had a bad time and did not like their girls.

    Ever go into Hooker Bars there, the kind where the girl will take you to an outside hotel. Is that the best, because you can fraternize in the bar, and then go outside and she is no longer obligated to the bar?

    You ever try out the street hookers?

    Thanks for you post and the heads up.

  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    I take it you like the LA Hostess Clubs too. Do you take the girls to OTC after closing time?

    Like to talk about it? I've always been interested in those places. Only 4 left I think now.

  • nemesisk7
    9 years ago
    The street girls are damn pretty showing their legs and have nice bodies , for intercourse its 20 dollars plus hotel which is 3 dollars , blowjob another 10 $$ , you cannot beat that
  • nemesisk7
    9 years ago
    The girls that stand by el dorado hotel are usually the hottest
  • nemesisk7
    9 years ago
    And in that same small street there are several whore strip clubs like Gold palace you can find a beautiful girl there also and have sex , first just order your Mexican beers , Tijuanas favorite Tecate
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago

    Most of the information we get here on TUSCL is still sketchy when it comes to Mexico. I believe that their strip clubs are infinitely better than ours. We know that Carlos Santana got his start 50 years ago playing in a place on Avenue of the Revolution. With your TJ experience you could really help this forum.

    I take it you've been to the Hong Kong Bar, and partaken? It looks to me like that place is designed to encourage you to spend lots of time with your girl, with the sauna's and the room service for food. Ever done that?

    It looks like paradise on earth, but it does seem like it is probably set up for international sex tourists, people who are not interested in the local culture and may not even want to operate on local time.

    How about Dulce Gabbana, what is their hotel like? Is it conducive to staying shacked up with your girl for a while?

    Any thoughts about @maskmask21's bad time there? He seemed not to like their girls.

    When it comes to the street girls, in some ways they are the most interesting because they are the most independent. Ever tried to spend a little bit more time with one of them? I know they have a contract with a hotel. But are there better places you could take one of them? Ever tried to see one you know by appointment?

    In the photos I have seen, many of them look real good to me. But what I don't see is evidence of any lewdness. See thru clothes, nudity, flashing, physical affection on the sidewalk, all absent. I'm not seeing any of the things which one would expect to see in a strip club.

    Maybe there is an etiquette? Mexico is after all still a conservative country. Maybe there are laws? Maybe it is just the people who are taking the pictures, being selective. Any comments?


  • nemesisk7
    9 years ago
    Why don't you just go to Mexico ?
  • chattguy123
    9 years ago
    He cant leave the basement.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    I will be going, regularly. But its not to be just yet.

  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    I can't read this stuff
    I have the attention span
    Of a normal man.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    I'll be traveling much of the United States and setting up long term business connections. I'll be doing the same for some places on the Mexican border. I'm not into sex tourism, I'm into long term connections.

    You nemesisk7 have extensive TJ experience and experience in the 4 remaining LA hostess clubs.

    Unfortunately much of what is posted on TUSCL is about 'extras', 'mileage', and 'high mileage' and I consider all of that to be bullshit. Escort grade GFE-FS is the only thing I am interested in. In Mexico, as far as I can tell, it is done right. It is not just that the law is different, it is that the people are different. But you are someone who really knows first hand.

    My own experience with Latinas is mostly from this circuit which used to do table dancing, "Bikini Shows" in some of San Jose's Mexican Bars. These shows were clandestine, as of course were the OTC sessions which were offered by most of the girls.

    Even with my admittedly bounded experience there, I have been permanently changed. Latinas can do this to you. It is just the way they are.

    We need more to be posted on TUSCL about this quality of experience. I think people are fools to make a regular practice of paying for extras, mileage, and high mileage, and especially when they are treating the women like vending machines.

    But having a long term mistress, of the quality typically found in Latinas, could be a very wise move.

    Anyway, my travels are still on hold for winning some battles on the ground close to home. I have publicly visible responsibilities for some highly contentious matters, so venturing out of the area and being openly involved in areas considered controversial, still has to wait.

    TUSCL would be improved with less negative meta conversation about its members, and instead more serious talk about the kinds of high quality experiences which can be available in some places. I know that you nemesisk7 have some of this experience.


    Dr. F.'s Hong Kong Bar thread

    Maskmask21's bad experience in TJ, starting with Dulce Gabbana

    Procol Harum
  • nemesisk7
    9 years ago
    Funny the first top 3 clubs in tuscl are not in the US
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    The way I see it, if people are going to be talking about 'extras', 'mileage', and 'high mileage', I'm not even interested in reading it.

    Where I live the clubs are strict no touching. But they are cheap too. So you have fun talking and flirting.

    If it is going to be going beyond that, I am not interested in having some dissociated and not sexually submitting girl act upon my body with the intent of making me cum. Sex doesn't work like that for me.

    I want escort grade GFE. Best is long sessions with multiple rounds, because that helps the two people grow closer, as in the later rounds the girl plays a bigger role.

    American SC's are not set up to go this far. But Mexico's are.

    Where I have gotten this is in AMPs and AAMPs. For AMPs, the standard service does not go that far. But if you hit it off with the girl and she sees you as someone she wants to know, then you are in for 60min of concentrated GFE with no real limits.

    With AAMPs, when Red Book was running, the basic service did go that far because they had exacting terminology and individual provider reviews and this is how girls here on a 6 month visa from Taiwan aimed to get their target 6 sessions per day for 25 days out of a month, taking $100 of the $160 to get their target of $15k per month.

    But with out that, the service level would not have been that high.

    So if we want strip clubs where it is this good, then we have to work to make it this way in the US. We can't talk about extras and mileage and we can't treat the girls like vending machines.

    I believe that in Mexico, if you work it the right way, it is already this good.

    @nemesisk7, I do hope you will tell us more about your own extensive Mexico experience. TUSCL and the American SC industry would benefit greatly.

    Have you read Dr. F.'s account? What do you think of it?


    Robin Trower, 1975 Winterland
  • nemesisk7
    9 years ago
    250$ for gfe with Asian girls in the states it's too much
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Typical AAMP pricing has been for 1 hour, $160 for the Chinese shops and $200 for the Korean ones.

    When Red Book was going, the service level was good, RB-GFE = DFK + DATY + BBBJ + MSOG. Most of the girls measure up to this as soon as you get in the front door, except maybe for some of the Koreans. But if you explain to the Korean phone operator. then she'll make sure your needs are meet, "We have a DFK girl."

    In AMPs the service level does not typically run that high. But if you use window shopping and some flirting to get the girl heated up some, you can often get a Girl Friend Audition, and nothing beats that.

    Vietnamese, Korean, Chinese, typically $60 for the hour, and then her tip about $120 to $140. Say $20 more if in San Francisco. If you want to go higher, it will help make an impression on her.

    How good the shops are has much to do with how much pressure they get from LE. Dressing slutty and GFE are not actually illegal, but they do make the place more conspicuous. So in San Francisco it is much easier to get great GFE, because the girls are more used to that, because the way they approach you is more suggestive of that, and so that's what happens.

    San Jose though is making a comeback.

    San Mateo used to be as good as San Francisco. Today it is the shits.

    Anywhere though, if you take the time to get to know one of the girls that you like, she'll be giving you whatever you want. Though taking her off site is better, more relaxed.

    From using advanced search on Rubmaps, I can see that there are scattered great AMPs many places in California. But some noteworthy concentrations in SoCal are in the Simi Valley area, the San Gabriel Valley, Los Angeles, the area between Inland Empire and Palm Springs, Escondido, and San Diego.

    Santa Cruz, Monterey, Salinas, Santa Maria, and Santa Barbara all have some great looking places. Sacramento and Fresno are good. But there are other places with just a single shop which looks great.

    Hayward and Fremont each have one totally off the charts place, and Milpitas has some good ones.

    So nemesisk,

    Have you read Dr. F.'s account? What do you think of it?

    Have you partaken with the TJ street girls? Where do you take them and suppose you want to spend more time with them? Are there bars they sometimes go into, instead of just standing out on the sidewalk, where you might be able to more easily engage in some preliminary friendliness?

  • nemesisk7
    9 years ago
    There are many clubs whorehouses missing here in tuscl from Tijuana, like el burro bar
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago

    Where did you get the $250 for Asian girls for GFE number? Was than in an ad? Could you show it to me, or copy and paste the whole text?

    Did an AMP girl say that to you? Was it in a strip club, where prices normally do run higher?

    Yes, I gather that TUSCL is very incomplete for Mexico and for most other countries besides the US.

    On Escorts of Mexico I read that Massage Parlor Brothels are technically illegal in Mexico, even in the TJ Zona Norte, and so they usually do not have fixed addresses and are not on strip club listings. This would also apply to a place like you mentioned, Mermaids.

    But as these are the easiest type of whorehouse to set up, they just keep moving them and reopening them.

    Do you know about this Purple Rain place? Where is it? Is it called something else now?

    Purple Rain

    Have you partaken of the TJ Street Girls? Ever spent more than just un ratito with them, a longer time or toda la noche? Ever take one of them to lunch or dinner?

    Are their bars and such that you might find them in, besides just out on the sidewalk, where you might be able to get a bit more friendly with them up front? Do they hang out in any of the hotel lobbies?


    Stones, Washington 2013
  • nemesisk7
    9 years ago
    One of the newest sensations in Tijuana is new body gentlemens house of whores not in the tourist areas , la Valentina whorehouse is pretty good to
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Do you have information about where these places are? Addresses, web sites, TUSCL listings? Are these places which have to keep moving because of the local legalities?

    Do the street girls always stay out on the sidewalk, or are there bars or hotel lobbies they also hangout in, where you can approach them?

    Have you partaken with the street girls?

    You sound like someone who must go to TJ often. I hope to be doing the same myself.

  • nemesisk7
    9 years ago
    San Jose guy what about fun in your city ? The Bay Area has more white women than LA ? Caucasian pussy is my favorite , white girl brothels ? Have you been with any ?
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    San Jose is majority non-white, for some time now. Hispanics plus Asians make for a clear majority.

    You see where our strip clubs are, San Jose, Sunnyvale, and one in Redwood City, and then San Francisco. It really is not much, given the population size.

    In Santa Clara County the clubs are strictly enforced no touching. The last people who made a serious attempt to violate this were charged with felonies and spent several months in jail before they were even allowed to post bail. Preventing San Francisco style clubs from getting started is a moral crusade for our DA's Office.

    In San Francisco most of the clubs had been run by Deja Vu. This is basically a think tank. They have analyzed how strip clubs work and figured out how to maximize the money they take in, while at the same time lowering the typical 'mileage' so that they won't be the ones who get busted. One of the ways that they do this is by convincing the dancers that they make more money by strictly limiting front room touching. So what this means is that nothing happens until you agree and go to the booth with her. So there is no give and take, and not much GFE.

    So they don't ever absolutely refuse anything. Anything could potentially happen, so long as you are willing to spend more and more money. But the quality is going to be limited as you are being played for a chump and you cannot interact freely with the girl in the front room, while feeding her money as you and she are happy with.

    Deja Vu stinks. That plus the fact that the SF clubs have world famous names and are on land mark real estate and are hence too valuable to risk, undermines the strip club offering. Yes, in principle you can get anything you want, but the price is going to be high and the trajectory of getting there is not going to be conducive to a relaxed and GFE encounter.

    The one with the strongest reputation for FS was Market St. Cinema. The city forced it to close. After that there was one with a reputation for being a kind of hooker bar, Pink Diamonds. The city closed it.

    There is some good news though, it does seem like in maybe the last 6 months Deja Vu has started to retreat. So, based on something Subraman has posted, it sounds like some of the SF clubs are going back to anything goes type places. We will see.

    In San Mateo they had Club Ante. It was good, as less rules were enforced and more happened and happened more freely. The city closed it, doing what ever it took to accomplish this, which was demolishing the building.

    My favorite club and my first club was the Sunnyvale Hip Hugger. Strictly no touching. But still lots of fun talking with and flirting with the girls. I always told the bosses that their club drew the smartest girls, probably because it was mostly a taking job.

    Sunnyvale had been trying for decades to eliminate this place and the porn store next to it. Finally they got the building demolished.

    The Sunnyvale Brass Rail is fun. You can go in there when their lunch hoffbrau is open and buy your one soft drink at the hoffbrau price. I get that and a bowl of chili, and I can have fun spending the rest of $20 with a girl I like on one of their stages. Zero mileage. Sometimes some minor front room touching. But still very nice and very dateable girls.

    You might like Sunnyvale Cheetahs, white girls will give you a nude air dance with a bouncer close by to supervise for merely $40 and then maybe a $20 tip expected on top of that. is this what you are looking for?

    I have always liked the nude no touching San Jose Pink Poodle. It is better run than Cheetahs.

    Now yes, some of the girls in all of these places do do OTC.

    Now you ask about white girl brothels. When redbook was running we had very high service level escorts available, but mostly in San Francisco.

    In my view an open fraternizing strip club is better than having to meet a girl for the first time at the front door. But yes they were available.

    About white girl brothels, there had been a lingerie modeling place in San Francisco. This would amount to a brothel.

    There is listed on RubMaps one white girl MP in SF. They price it like an escort service and have three girls. I would classify this as a white girl brothel.

    Beyond that I don't know of anything like a white girl brothel anywhere in Northern California.

    When redbook was running we had lots of very high quality AAMPs. The industry still runs, but I don't know about the service quality now without the redbook community and it's explicit reviews.

    We now have lots of AMPs. During the dot com boom they were decimated by local LE. But now they are making a comeback and the quality is improving.

    San Francisco is outstanding for AMPs, much better than South Bay.

    San Jose has Vietnamese Coffee Shops, I believe just like Orange County. No touching, No extras, No OTC. Strictly civilian. But lots of fun, and I love these places. Inexpensive in comparison to SC's or AMP's too.

    We had had an underground circuit of table dancing which ran in Mexican bars. I love that. Various people have attempted to restart it, though toned down, over the years. There may be some of it going on now, but LE is really tough and San Jose has closed down most of the bars.

    Have you partaken with TJ street girls? Where did you take her and how much time did you spend with her? If not, why not? From the pictures I'm seeing, they look good to me.


    White Girl
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    SJG finally found somebody to play with. You guys should go Mexican bar table dancing together.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    It will be even better in TJ's Zona Norte


  • nemesisk7
    9 years ago
    The street girls are beautiful and the intercourse is fucking great Nowhere in the USA will you find such pussy like Tijuana gives it to you the hotels are 3 $ and you hold hands with the girl as you go to the room
  • nemesisk7
    9 years ago
    Just like Defoe said in born in the 4th of July, they will fuck the shit out you TRUE STORY
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    I saw the movie. I remember that line. People say they planed the script just to give Defoe lots of speeches. I read the book too, it includes a really tender and life transformative toda la noche scene in a rural brothel. The girl had huge tits and Kovick just buried himself.

    I'm always holding hands with pretty girls. But I feel that in Mexican culture there is a real gentility to how prostitution is done. This is missing here in the US, and I think in most other places too.

    nemesisk7, have you partaken with the street girls, or do you stick to the clubs?

    Are there bars or hotel lobbies you can go into to hook up with the street girls, or do you have to do it out on the sidewalk? Indoors you might be able to get a little bit more friendly, more like inside the Hong Kong Bar.

    Are there places you can take the street girls if you want to spend more time with them, and if you want to spend time eating with them and doing additional rounds, and maybe even toda la noche?

    Ever see one of them again, and by making an appointment via telephone?

    Thank you for sharing your awesome experiences.


    Dr. F.s Definitive TJ Hong Kong Bar thread

    Worf Poe's Video

    Hong Kong Bar lap sitting. Notice that they've cut down the size of the table to facilitate this.
  • nemesisk7
    9 years ago
    San Jose guy did you see the 1999 eyes wide shut movie ? What do you know about orgies / sex parties / escort gatherings ? Are they exclusive? Average joes can get in ? Did you notice that all the women in the circle were white Caucasian whores ? Did you notice the prostitutes hold hands with the guys as they went to fuck ? Similar to Tijuanas beautiful street hookers
  • nemesisk7
    9 years ago
    Well the street girls are so good it makes you think twice about entering the clubs
  • nemesisk7
    9 years ago
    There are hotels all over
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    **** "San Jose guy did you see the 1999 eyes wide shut movie ? What do you know about orgies / sex parties / escort gatherings ? Are they exclusive? Average joes can get in ? Did you notice that all the women in the circle were white Caucasian whores ? Did you notice the prostitutes hold hands with the guys as they went to fuck ?"

    No, I have not seen that movie. Don't know anything about it. I will have to look into it.


    **** "Well the street girls are so good it makes you think twice about entering the clubs "

    Yes, I can see that. But how friendly can you get with the girl out there on the sidewalk, before committing to the session. In the Hong Kong Bar it sounds like they get quite friendly. That is the way to set up a good session.

    So with the street girls, might it be better to approach them in some sort of a bar, say a hooker bar, instead of just out on the sidewalk?

    **** "There are hotels all over "

    But does the girl have to use a certain hotel? TMojo had posted that they have contracts with hotels, and that they might jeopardize that if they use another. I also notice from all the pictures that they have nothing with them, not even purses. So do they have something like a locker room in their contract hotel? Will the girl walk with you to a different hotel?

    Have you ever tried to do more than just the short session with them? Ever tried to take one of them to lunch? To do an over nighter with her? To then see her again by making an appointment over the telephone? Where is it best to do go for these longer sessions?

    See where I am going, I wonder which is really better, street, or a club like the Hong Kong Bar, Las Chevales, or Tropical.



    Thelonious Monk, Dizzy Gillespie,, 1971
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Here they talk about this Bar San Diego in Mexicali. Sounds like the costs are lower there than at Mexicali's strip clubs.



    Mexicali is different than Tijuana. There is a more relaxed feeling, more personal. Also, the main action is in a couple of hooker bars. While hooker bars aren't traditional brothels, they're close. What's the difference between a hooker bar, a brothel (called "casa de citas" or "house of dates" in Mexico) and a strip club? A hooker bar has escorts (prostitutes) inside, but you have to take them somewhere else. The girls can lead you, so don't worry about that. A brothel is where you go in, the girls line up, you pick one and take her to a room on the premises. A strip club is a hooker bar with dancing, and in Mexico usually has little rooms where you can take a dancer for fast sex. There are a lot of variations. In Tijuana, for example, sometimes the strip club is downstairs with a hotel upstairs where you can take the dancers. There's usually a charge to take the girls out of the club (called a "salida").

    Bar San Diego Very typical Mexican whorehouse, the kind you’d find in smaller towns. There were about 15-20 girls working on a Tuesday night, and less than 15 customers, so the ratio was pretty good. Of the 15-20 girls, about a half dozen were ugly, but about half dozen were pretty nice 8's. No cover charge, beers were US$1.50. The girls cost US$50 and the room is $15. I had a really nice time with mid-twenties, blond, who provide great-unrushed service.

    Finally, we couldn't agree more that strip clubs offer the best P2P (person to person) opportunities.

    If you like picking up street girls, it sounds like you can save more than 50% on the cost of a chica sent from an escort service. Plus, you have the advantage of seeing what you are getting.


    Of course, I love picking up girls in any situation, that initial fraternizing. Street hookers and bar hookers are like a dream too good got be true, made real.

    Sounds like the hooker bar, not the strip club, is the primary Mexican form, and that it exists everywhere.

    I stayed at a nice hotel, called theSiesta Innon Blvd. Justo Sierra. Nice, clean, safe place, with parking outside the rooms for about $60. You pretty much need to drive into this city, as there's no real action right near the border, but this is a safe town. "


    Sounds like it is more relaxed and more personal. Probably that can mean it is easier to set up extended sessions and Toda La Noche.

    Friend of mine talks about trip to TJ, some years back though. He and his friend found two girls in one of the bars, and they had a really nice Toda La Noche.

    They say that Mexicali is actually a city of well off and educated people, though it is still not as expensive as Monterrey, or as Tijuana for mongering.

    In TJ are the street girls in and out of the bars? Can you engage with them in bars, or do they even go into the strip club bars? Seems like you could probably get more into more preliminary friendliness with them indoors, than out on the sidewalk.

  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    So yes, it does look like lots of the street hooker hidden camera vids come off of this street. Best place to club? Best place to look for street hookers?

    Only one TUSCLER has admitted to sessioning with a TJ Street Hooker, but he has declined to elaborate further.

    Look at these two in the doorway of the Mercado Cuautla.


    They certainly know how to dress the way I like. And I would be there when the weather is nice.

    Is that Mercado a place I could take a girl to lunch, on the clock of course?

    Some place else around there? See in the Honk Kong bar you can engage in front room fraternizing. And Deja Vu assures me that it will be just as good at their place.

    Well that front room fraternizing is how you get the best possible of GFE set up. All the more important if you might want to be spending more than just a little while with your girl, or even to be seeing her regularly.


    Erik Satie: Relâche (Complete ballet) (1924)
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Ha ha ha. As I have posted dozens of time, I have highly encompassing worldly responsibilities. And besides, I don't go along with consumer recreation or sex tourism. My travels will be serving a much bigger purpose. But before I can even start, I have to win some big victories. I am not wanting to live as a PL. I intend to live as someone with the kind of reputation that makes people stop and take notice.

  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    The stuff I post is actually quite reasonable. I can talk about stuff her and connect myself to touch matters, because I know where to place my privacy wall.

    Txtittyfag, the reason you don't know anything about me, is because my affairs are none of your business.

  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    That's right Txtittyfag, you just keep thinking all that and you keep reposting it, 50 times per day.

    TJ Street


    So this La Gloria Bar, is that a place you can take a street girl into, on the clock of course, and get friendly with her, and maybe feed her too, before going to the hotel?

    Need to hear from some of our TJ experts.


  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    This TJ Street Video is good:
    Real TJ Street Girls

    Heart- Little Queen Live at Cal Jam 2 , at all their early performances they have these loud speaker arrays with the short horns. Their own people must have made those.

    Heart - Cook With Fire, live
    Lots of little counter melody riffs in this. It isn't really just harmony.

    I really only ever liked their early stuff, the original line up, not the more music video oriented stuff and the later crew of the 80's.
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