
Ciudad Juarez

money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
Tuesday, August 12, 2014 12:32 PM
It sounds like most of what was once Juarez has been incapacitated by drug violence. But maybe now it is starting to come back? Google Maps does not perform so well on the other side of the border. Can't navigate by addresses and they don't even write the addresses on the buildings. Here we find this strip club, Joker: Joker [view link] more [view link] I think it is closed, but forever? I believe some real basic action went down in there. If you see one you like, then just go for it. I have read in a travel and history book that in Mexico the first thing they do when they like a stripper is kiss her. Very different from the US. What does seem to operate now is: Bugambilias Motel [view link] Very hard for me to locate this place. Had to find it by comparing pictures: [view link] With all these street view pictures, you can go back to satellite view and then to map view, and then zoom out to see where it all is at. They are calling this a brothel. But what it sounds like is an escort service has provided pictures of lots of girls. You select one and she is brought over by taxi. This is not really a brothel, it is just a fuck motel. What would be better is to have some place you can check into and stay the night. Then if there is no strip club, you just start flirting with the Street Viejas. See, in the US you cannot interact with them because they cannot draw attention to themselves as that is what rallies the neighbors and the police. But say like in TJ, they are all over the sidewalks. You could try flirting with them anyway you like. They make their own rules, so they don't have to answer to anyone. You could talk to them about the strip clubs and ask if they dance and why not and how you wish they would. Then this way you can start giving them table dancing / sitting tips, turning the entire street into an outdoor strip club. Then when you and she are ready, you just walk her up to your room. Girls love to be promenaded. TMojo said that the Hong Kong Dancers can sometimes stay overtime some. They don't have to always be making money in sessions, as they also get dancing money. But with the street girls time is always money. I wonder, after a 30min session and with the promise of another 60min or 90min one, would they accept a lunch invitation? More promenading and lots more talking. Doing the second round with her in the same day will really get to her. I have read that depending on the time of night, the Street Girls can be quite reasonable about Toda La Noche. Also, you could get one of the fancy rooms with bathing facilities. Mostly its just about making it happen with her, and also letting her have little ways to go off the clock, while still paying her for the main action, and then being with her during some of that in between time. Not sure if there is a street prostitution scene in Juarez, or where it is. I think the best way is just See, Want, Get. That is the most primal. If you have to do it by pictures and appointments, then the primal aspect is lost, and appointments just waste the time of both parties. I would get the girl's phone numbers, but that would be more for long term contact and bigger scale plans, not for making dates. While in TJ or some place like that in Juarez, I would just do as many as possible. I have no objection at all to fucking the same girl twice. So I would just text them all and see who responds. Most would probably be busy. But any that do respond are probably right near me, and probably just where I had originally found them. So proceed. If none respond, just find another who is getting to me and go for it the same way. We are socialized to relate to women via romance. Girls say they like it, but really they disrespect the guys who use it. But they will not disrespect a guy because he is evolutionarily programmed to try and spread his genetic code via parallel processing. Here Reyna: [view link] Say you are a politician or a captain of industry, don't want to be getting down and dirty with the girls in a place like the Joker strip club. So you call her. She will do as good a job as anyone could. But since it was set up with pictures and an appointment, it is never going to be the same as that strip club instant FS-ITC experience. Again, thanks to TMojo for his outstanding article about the TJ Hong Kong bar. SJG


  • DandyDan
    10 years ago
    Just go to El Paso's Cabaret Club. You can get whatever you want there and not need a passport, granted some are women who shouldn't be dancing. Or just about anywhere else in El Paso for that matter.
  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    I have heard that about El Paso, that it is all FS-ITC. I have also heard even more directly that this is true of the Cabaret Club on Montana. Also, from the Yelp reviews I can see that people really do like the place. It is a fun place. Many of the more upscale clubs in the US are clip joints, selling more fantasy than delivery. They are not fun. So I do plan to go to this Cabaret Club. I do not know if this is also true about the El Paso Jaguar Club, that it would be FS-ITC. And as I am planning this as part of a long range trip, I would also want to be stopping in Odessa and Abilene. Would the Jaguar Clubs there also be FS-ITC? But to really get this TJ Cascadas experience, you want to be able to play host to the girl some, to get to know her, to give her a chance to reciprocate by going a bit off the clock, and just to be with her in that in between time, and then to do a longer session with her. See, dates and appointments waste the time of both parties and they don't follow my body cycles. So instead of that, just pick one and do her once, and then see what comes of it. Keep it open ended. Are there any SC's in the US where they just let the girls come and go as they please. I have seen this some places. Cabaret Club El Paso? Chicas Bonitas N LV? Say maybe one adjacent to a motel. So then just go into the club and start flirting with a dancer, and giving her table dancing / sitting tips, and then put an overcoat over her, and walk her across the parking lot. Girls love to be promenaded. And coming on to her in front of her friends will really get to her. Then just be open and let it happen. Do her once, then maybe lunch, or bathing, and then another paid round or two. Maybe she will just say, "I certainly don't want to see anyone else tonight, and so this Toda La Noche and all the interruptions of my sleep which that might entail will be free for you tonght." Any clubs like that in the US, where the dancers can come and go freely, and maybe adjacent to a motel. I kind of envision this as a Latina Club and in Southern California or the Central Valley. SJG
  • sclvr5005
    10 years ago
    Why do you care? You don't ever leave your house, do you?
  • shailynn
    10 years ago
    Don't know of clubs in the USA that do that.. If you easily want to find full service ITC then that's not hard to find in the states. Sadly in most USA clubs you can't even get the girl to leave early because they will pay a heavy fine to leave before ether shift is over. Many Vegas clubs do this to prevent escorting, not only do they fine but they threaten firing as well. About 5 years ago there was a club in San Antonio that was mostly an African American / Latino club, that I had easily taken girls out of in the middle of their shift. I think after my session most just took a cab home as they had made enough money for the night after my session (which was usually only 100 to 150. You could do car sessions in the parking lot so I'm sure those girls went right back in.
  • Lookin_for_wet
    10 years ago
    Any strip club with lots of dominican women are extras
  • motorhead
    10 years ago
    Watch "The Bridge" Then come to Detroit where it's safe
  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    Shailynn, This place in San Antonio sounds fantastic! I would love to partake in that. You see my concerns. The VIP room is just not always going to be friendly turf. Lots of ways to have problems, and maybe just too small. My dream is to be able to drive into these places with a small motorhome, and then do their dancers in the parking lot, like one per day. I know the girls will love it, but I doubt most of the clubs will go along with it. [view link] A local place was running very fast and loose some years ago. They were doing FS-ITC in the main room. Then a group of Latinas started bringing their own mini-van for the back parking lot. Even after they got busted and everything had to start being done by the book with no touching, they were letting dancers come and go as they pleased. I think this is the standard Mexican way. The bosses may not completely like it, but they have to compromise with the dancers. So they could go and come back. They could go and then sleep alone after doing their clients. Or they could give their clients Toda La Noche. I never saw one of them come back after leaving, not once. At first I didn't understand the game. I did a $5 air dance with one. She listened to everthing I said. Then finding the right juncture she said, "I live in San Jose." I thought, she must be getting a little bit tipsy and not understand how that sounds. But then the next time, "I live in San Carlos." I had been tipping her along through many stage sets. But when I declined to invite her to OTC, which I knew nothing about, then she left. So basically they were just working there to get OTC's. I think they like it this way. It is not just money. They have gotten all dolled up. So now they want someone to mess them up. Then this place, trying to further clean up, changed the air dances to $20. If you want the girls to work there, then you have to make it worth their while. So where might I look? Some have talked about California Central Valley. Others have talked about the high and extreme mileage in So Cal. Then there is Winterhaven / Yuma, then lots of little places in AZ and NM. There is the Truck Stop With A Stripper Pole in Moriarty NM. I am sure that there the girls must be doing guys in their trucks and the motel. I am not sure if I could stomach their dancers or that environment though. Then El Paso. How about Jaguars in El Paso, Odessa, and Abilene? I just don't like the idea of these VIP Rooms. I think they could be just a way of getting ripped of and having problems. VIP room time discussion: [view link] SJG
  • sclvr5005
    10 years ago
    STFU already you moron.
  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    Charles Bowden, Murder City, Ciudad Juarez [view link] Bugambilias Motel [view link] I see now that this Bugambilias Motel is discussed by Charles Bowden in his book. He does not identify it by name, but he describes it in detail. Escorts of Mexico calls it a brothel. This is probably not really true. They have information, selections guides, from escort services. If you make a selection, she will be promptly delivered by taxi. But otherwise it is a tryst motel, a place for extra marital indiscretions. What is most notable about it is that they have fully enclosed car ports. You put your car in there, and roll the steel door down over it. It is for people who do not want to be discovered. The reason Bowden writes about it is that it and its car ports were the site of an assassination in these drug wars. One guy was ambushed at his car port and over one hundred rounds were fired at him from automatic weapons. Like all of these drug war killings, it remains unsolved. SJG About Political Consciousness and the TJ Steet Scene [view link] Replies to Gawker, about girl on drugs who squanders money [view link] How to get TJ Hong Kong Bar strip clubs in the US [view link]
  • motorhead
    10 years ago
    The second season of "The Bridge" was not nearly as interesting as the first. The original showrunner and head writer left after season one and season 2 was much darker. And a lot less compelling. Just a complicated storyline involving the DEA and the CIA pursuing different agendas with the Mexican Cartel. And Sonya was much less interesting. Her Asperger's quirkiness was much more downplayed. Almost thankfully, it appears the series has been cancelled.
  • sinclair
    10 years ago
    Juarez and Nuevo Laredo used to offer the same amount of action as Tijuana does now in Zona Norte. The two former cities have a fraction of SC's/brothels as they did say two decades ago. American men always made up a considerable amount of the clientele in the Boys Towns. The drug war never hit Tijuana hard like it did other border towns.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    I'm always looking for evidence that Juarez is coming back online. So I check TUSCL and Escorts of Mexico. Like maybe The Joker will reopen? Still nothing. In the State Capital Chihuahua there should still be Bombai. And now I learn of this Men's Club Show Girls which should be there. Though not listed on TUSCL or Escorts of Mexico. [view link] But for Juarez, still nothing. SJG
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Yesterday someone showed me a video of Mexican federal cops shooting out the windows of a bus and then using siege ladders to storm it. Supposedly it was in Juarez and a recent drug king pin bust. But I can't find the video anywhere and I can't find mention of the incident either. Anyway I find this study: [view link] And: [view link] [view link] Crisis Group Latin America Report N°54, 25 February 2015 Juárez has largely returned to normalcy after an unprecedented explosion of bloodshed. The crucial maquila industry is recovering; professionals and business people who fled across the border have returned. Murder rates, however, are still twice as high as they were ten years ago, and many of the risk factors believed to fuel violent crime persist. Juárez is not only an important domestic drug market, but also an entrepôt for illegal drugs and undocumented migrants heading north and for guns coming south. Many poor districts still suffer low levels of education and high rates of unemployment. Impoverished youths – with few opportunities to pursue higher education or good jobs – are still vulnerable to recruitment by criminal gangs. Looks like as of 2013, the homicide rate was still 50 per 100,000 persons. This is more than double the rest of Mexico. But all of the border towns are rougher and more dangerous. Even though they are calling this normalcy, I still don't see any word that the strip clubs are reopening. SJG
  • jestrite50
    9 years ago
    At some of the clubs in Dayton Ohio the girls come and go as they please. There are no hotels next door but the girls get dressed and jump in your car and go to your hotel room fuck and then you take them back to the club. They are all private contractors and sign in and sign out when they please. Some nights they have 50-100 girls working so it's no big deal. I used to do this all the time years ago. I now find the GFE more to my liking. Now I just call the girl to let her know when I will be in town. We meet somewhere for dinner. Or I pick her up at her house then we go to dinner , my hotel, have our fuckfest and then go to her club or maybe out for drinks or whatever. It's a blast ! It sure beats sitting around your hotel room looking at 4 walls or a rectangular screen.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Juarez, Pink Lady Brothel. [view link] This of course is current street view. Go to earth or map view and then start zooming out to see where this is. It's within 3 miles of the border crossing bridge. Escorts of Mexico says that this place is still open. They aren't calling it a strip club, but a brothel. Sounds like such brothels are similar to strip clubs. I guess if they aren't bars, then they call them massage parlors. Pink Ladies [view link] A warning about Juarez, 2014, US State Dept. [view link] Pink Ladies [view link] Pink Lady video [view link] The Women of Juarez [view link] picture [view link] The online information about such places in Mexico is too limited and too out of date. [view link] [view link] [view link] By the end of Felipe Calderón's administration (2006–12), the official death toll of the Mexican Drug War was at least 60,000.[77] Estimates set the death toll above 120,000 killed by 2013, not including 27,000 missing. [view link] Mexico Under Siege [view link] Michoacán, vigilantes [view link] Ciudad Juarez reemerging [view link] This article does give the impression that things are returning to normal. SJG
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Vice News [view link] [view link] [view link] The newspaper in Juarez might be El Diario [view link] Anyway, I found something which says that for the first two months of 2015 there were a total of 67 homicides in Juarez. So say we round that up to 70 and then multiply by 6. That would be 420 for an entire year. This is higher than many places. And in 2007 in Juarez there were only 300. But a few years back there were over 3000. So things seem to be settling down. Here: [view link] Two interesting books: The fight to save Juárez : life in the heart of Mexico's drug war / by Ricardo C. Ainslie, 2013, a good one to follow after Charles Bowden;s book. And then, The dangerous divide : peril and promise on the US-Mexico border / Peter Eichstaedt, 2014. This deals a little bit with Aqua Pireta, but mostly with Palomas. No discussion of sex trade though. Still waiting for specific discussion of re-emergence of sex trade in Juarez, on mongering sites. SJG Janice Joplin [view link]
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    I have read some other material, that because of reduced US cocaine use and because of US legal marijuana, the drug cartels are losing revenue. So in the State of Guerrero they are plainting poppies and then making it into heroin for the US market. As I know, most Mexicans would have zero tolerance for such things. And the fact that the maquiladoras are reopening in Juarez, only adds to this. Factory workers won't tolerate narco culture. So still waiting for positive reports from mongering sites. SJG
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Since in Mexico they issue prostitution licenses, and they can't just use the license anywhere they want, then there has to be a zona. But what people say is that in most of Mexico, including in most of the border towns, they have closed down the zonas. In the second volume of his Guyamas Chronicles, David Stuart shows that the zona he used to hang out in in 1970 has been closed since the 80's. The buildings are abandoned and in disrepair. So today in these border towns, besides TJ, how is it working? Where is the Juarez zona? Nuevo Laredo [view link] map of Boy's Town [view link] on Google Maps [view link] Zona entrance on Calle Monterrey. [view link] Nuevo Laredo Diario [view link] Pink Lady, Ciudad Juarez [view link] Pink Lady's [view link] [view link] The Tamyko brothel in Nuevo Laredo, Mexico [view link] Summary of an academic paper written about Mexico border Boy's Towns, but 1991 Women of Juarez [view link] Wild Women and Fun [view link] [view link] Club Kentucky, was this in Juarez? [view link] [view link] 2003 article, cheap and raunchy, hookers on every street corner, though technically illegal [view link] Alchemist Bar and Lounge, strip club, dancers double as hookers Eduardo's Strip Club [view link] " A strip club with some very good looking women and some average looking women. The building is orange with snake-patterned lettering on the front of the building. Beer is very cheap. All strippers double as hookers on the building's 2nd floor. " Building may have been demolished [view link] About sex in Mexico [view link] " East of Av Juárez is a seedy Red-light district, which can be dangerous area. To the south and west many streets get eerily deserted around 6pm; generally, however, it is safe to walk around them for the first few hours after dark. Do not walk over the Stanton St–Av Lerdo bridge at night unless you are ready for trouble. " This is the bridge they are referring to: [view link] Yes, here is the Juarez St., with the Zona to the east. Also, the Stanton St. bridge is not the main bridge, that would be Highway 45. And here is that Kentucky club, though I don't know what it is. About Kentucky Club [view link] Sounds like a bar / restaurant, but probably with hookers available, just like they are in the Mexican bars in San Jose Calif. But then those bars are getting to be less and less each year. [view link] Discussion of Mexico in 2011, the guy's only post [view link] Changes in Juarez 2009 [view link] [view link] Vampiro bar demolished. Lots of images of demolished buildings in all of this. But their zona seems to be East of Juarez Av. This is where Pink Lady and Luxxor Massage are. But Joker Bar and Bumbagillo motel are further down highway 45., outside the zona. List of places in Mexico [view link] SJG
  • jaster
    9 years ago
    Stopped in Juarez a few weeks ago, and again yesterday. Juarez clubs are alive and well. I spent 8 hours in Juarez walking everywhere the first day, no issues whatsoever. Spent 4 hours wandering Juarez, hitting a few clubs earlier this week. No issues whatsoever.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Which clubs are open? Joker? The say it is closed. Pink Lady, they say it is open. These are the only ones I know of. Tuscl and Escorts of Mexico list nothing. SJG
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    [view link] This should be Masajes Felinas [view link] Address: 1720 Jose Borunda, Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua, Mexico (It's in a suite on the second floor). Masajes Felinas is a brothel that doubles as a massage parlor. Good selection of girls. Fee is 30 USD for 1hour of service. Located on 2nd floor. Closes at 7 p.m But the street view does not look encouraging. They say that these massage places are a bit stealthy in Mexico, because technically they are not legal. This would be close to that Stanton St. Bridge entry point, rather than the highway 45 Bridge. SJG
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Amadeus Av Ejército Nacional 7316 Juárez, Chihuahua [view link] Latina Nude Close to Highway 45 First new listing of club in Juarez, or in entire state of Chihuahua! [view link] [view link] Not yet listed on Escorts of Mexico. SJG Bayreuth club, not listed on TUSCL [view link] [view link] Richard Wagner - Ride of the Valkyries [view link] Wagner [view link] very good TV movie about a most colorful character
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Praxedis G. Guerrero, Mexico place 50 miles from Ciudad Juarez, on the Tex-Mex border. [view link] Extreme violence in this region, fatality rate greater than Juarez, and equal to war zone. [view link] 3400 people in 2005 El Pourvenir / Fort Hancock might be official border crossing place. SJG
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Fort Hancock Texa Population 1713 [view link] [view link] [view link] [view link] [view link] 47 legal crossing places [view link] Looking back towards the US ( a mile or so through agricultural land?) [view link] [view link] El Porvenir looks real to me. Hooker Bars? These require a hotel. Houses of Dates? These are self contained, but hence technically illegal. SJG
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    [view link] Práxedis G. Guerrero, Chihuahua Place hit very hard by drug wars. Maybe 2500 people today. [view link] To get there, from the West, use: Tornillo, Texas Guadalupe crossing, this is the first one East of Zaragoza Road El Paso, Texas But El Porvenir, Mexico looks a touch bigger and it has it's own crossing from Fort Hancock Texas [view link] [view link] The next crossing to the east of that is far out, Ojinaga / Presidio Caborca, 81k population, Sonora [view link] Seems to be railroad hub: [view link] Has a University of Sonora and a campus of Conalep, a post-secondary technical institute. has some maquiladoras. Ojinaga, 26k population [view link] [view link] SJG
  • jaster
    8 years ago
    Small update on Juarez..... Clubs are alive and well. I have crossed the border into Juarez maybe 6 or 7 times in the last few months. No trouble, no issues whatsoever. Having said that... I walk, not drive, I leave before dark, and I take the Sante Fe street bridge. So....Old kentucky Bar is simply a bar with GREAT margaritas. Legend has it the Margarita was invented here. Legend also has it that it was visited by JFK, Marilyn Monroe and a few other notable characters. It is NOT a strip club, it is NOT a massage parlor. I have heard of the occasional escort working the bar patrons, but from what i understand, this is not condoned, nor frowned upon by the club. Their attitude is no problems, then hey are hands off. San Souci(spelling) AKA Casa Colarada, West of the main strip in Juarez on Melchior Ocampo is OPEN! Not sure of the hours though, I managed to find it open only twice. Big screen behind the bar usually playing sports. Stage in the center with a pole that goes up the middle and up past the second floor. Dances on the first floor, lots of mileage, upstairs is where the fun is. I did NOT take a girl up there though I wanted to, unfortunately I was never approached by the manager. Dance types seems to depend on the girls, I saw dancers staying in a bikini, some get topless and a few get nude. Seems to be a younger crowd of customers. Bar 4-10 is OPEN, this is one block over from San Souico in Otumba. When I went 3 girls working, nothing great to look at. They take turns working the bar, sitting outside to draw customers in, and half-ass shaking their asses in the bar. This is more of a brothel than a strip club. There are no dances here. You like one of the girls, you tell her. She takes you next door to an abandoned looking building. The building has a bathroom and a bedroom. Everything is available for cheap. Pink Lady is OPEN. Looks to be remodeled. Typical bar setup but high prices and selection is limited. There are a few strip clubs with extras on Francisco Mina. One is a club with the door on the street, and then the club is upstairs, there are usually ladies in stripper outfits hanging out by the door in the stairs, easy to spot. I did spot a few sw in the area of 4-10, but not my thing, besides I walked over. Massage parlors are plentiful, and you can spot the occasional lady hanging out in the doorways of few various hotels. Overall, I like Juarez, I never felt threatened, never felt scared, never harassed by anyone, never stopped my the Police. When there, I keep my head down, and walk with a purpose. I am always out before dark. When off the main roads, i speedwalk and act like I know EXACTLY where I am going.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Thank you Jaster. Your info about Mexico is exactly what we need more of. Juarez and all of Mexico interest me, the Strip Club Girls, Hooker Bar Girls, House of Dates Girls, the Massage Girls, and the Street Girls. Troll Notice: Please ignore san_jose_gay / Meat72 / DoctorPhil, just a good for nothing worthess asshole. SJG Barbara Dennerlein & Tony Monaco play together "Swing the Blondes" @ Eddie Lang Jazz Festival 2011 [view link]
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    jaster, you said you entered at Santa Fe. I take it that is 1 crossing point West of Stanton St. [view link] So you end up on this Ave Benito Juarez. So I have read that Stanton St. is maybe not such a good place, especially at night. But I don't know where the Street Hooker area is. This is the Joker, but don't know if it is open. Go back to maps and do a few zoom outs to see where this is. [view link] A couple of miles from your bridge, to the South and East And then Pink Lady, a bit closer, but to the South and West [view link] Then this new Amadeus Av Ejército Nacional 7316 [view link] [view link] A little bit further South and West than Joker. So I take it you walked. If you don't mind my asking, did you park a car on the US side, very close to the border? Or did you maybe use public transit, taxi cab, or have friend drop you off? As you know, do all these border towns have parking lots very close on the US side, and are they safe for over night. And Jaster and all, just curious, ever stay over night? Stay a few nights? Get so Mexicanized that you feel safe driving a car in, or driving from one city to another on their roads and with their cops? Boarding house? Apartment? Buying real estate? Employment? maquilador, even say driving a truck for a maquilador? Ever have to hire a Mexican attorney, or pay money to problem fixers? Ever ride a bicycle in? Eat their food or drink their water, even ice cubes? Montezuma's Revenge? The street girls are very interesting to me, because in all of this they are the ones with the most free agency. Less likely to be operating on alcohol too. This guy in blue jeans and a black shirt, holding a motorcycle helmet, I am sure I know him. [view link] Anyway, only one TUSCLer has mentioned sessioning with a TJ street girl. Interested to know more. Thanks, we should have more Mexican info on this forum. SJG James Carter Organ Trio - Jazzwoche Burghausen 2004 [view link]
  • jaster
    8 years ago
    To answer a few questions. I cross over the El Paso Street bridge( Sante Fe Street runs parallel and has a walkway into the border entry point) this bridge enters onto Av Benito Juarez. I usually park near the bridge in one of the parking lots, never had any issue whatsoever. It costs $3.00 for 8 hours or $5.00 for 24hrs. The Stanton Street bridge is one-way only(into Mexico) you can not walk back into the U.S. using that bridge. I walked in that area in the evenings, that time when the sun is setting, never had an issue, but there is also nothing there to do or see. I have never driven over, so i can not speak to that, but I do see a lot of cars on the bridge with Texas and New Mexico plates heading back into the U.S. so i don;t think it would be an issue. I am by no way an expert on Juarez or in any way Mexicanized. I am just a day tripper, in and out over a few hours every few weeks or so. I DO eat the food, I drink the flavored waters they sell out of carts and street vendors, never had any problems. I know nothing at all of tijuana, nothing at all. I will say that if you are looking for SW in Juarez, they are there, but they are not numerous. In my travels over the border, maybe 15-16 times in the last 3-4 months I have never had a run-in with police, never needed an attorney. I have eaten food, drank, never had any stomach problems. So.....I just returned from a trip last weekend. Here is what i found............... San Souci from my last post, opens at 4pm. I went in at around 4:15 or so. I was the only customer there, girls were coming into work while I was sitting there. i drank a Tecate Lite and took off. Outside club 4-10, one street over from San Souici, there was girl sitting on a law chair arguing with a SW that was hanging out on the corner. This is the same spot I spotted a SW last trip over. Good spot, it is the corner between 2 strip clubs, 4-10 and San Souci. 4-10 was open, but nothing special to talk about. I headed over to AV Benito Juarez and hit a few bars on the main drag. Yankee bar, nice bar 40 peso beers($2.25), couple of girls in there, looked like maybe they were escorts, they were floating between guys at the bar, but I never saw anyone leave, so can't be sure. When walking into Juarez, on the left hand side of AV Benito Juarez when facing into Juarez, away from border , there is a hotel, just past the entrance to the hotel, there is a bar, the entrance to the bar is under the hotel. Anyway....Hotel has hourly rates, multi-hour rates posted on the door...The bar is not technically a ladies bar, but it DEFINITELY has ladies working it. I went in, bar is super-dark, run down, dirty. There is a security guy there, but he is disabled, muscular dystrophy or MS or something. I saw 3 escorts working the bar, I followed one of the ladies and a customer out and watched them enter the hotel. Bit later, lady walked into the bar again and started working someone else. So, that bar is a go, sometimes there are ladies in the entrance of the hotel cat-calling you as you walk by. I did not partake in any ladies at that bar. I walked back to San Souci, and the SW had moved one block south and instead of just one SW, there were 3 of them. I went into San Souci, there were 2 dancers, nothing great, so i had a beer and left again. I then grabbed a cab and went to Silhueta for a massage, then back to the border and home. All told, I spent 6 hours wandering Juarez, again, no problems. I have not been to Joker, or Amadeus, i prefer the seedy bars in the not so touristy parts of town. Hope all this helps. I would love to see more people head over to Juarez.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    [view link] Looking at the sex industry from a different view - the Street View. Sans Souci [view link] Melchor Ocampo / Profra. María Martínez, Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua, México doxy [view link] [view link] [view link] GPS 31.742533,-106.488202 Sans Souci is at the intersection of Melchor Ocampo and Profra. María Martínez, Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua, México About 2000ft from the border, South and West of the Benito Juarez crossing. [view link] Other place across street [view link] Also [view link] I think the basic Mexican form is the Hooker Bar. Probably most of their bars fall into this category. Also, most of their strip clubs will be little more than a hooker bar, quite informal. I knew about Kentucky Club, not as I know a hooker bar. But coverage about it suggested that Juarez was coming back to life. [view link] Here is one bar under a hotel on the left side of Ave Benito Juarez. But there are others. You can use street view to get within about 1.5 blocks of the border. Thanks jaster for all the good info, and especially about all of these places and food and water and parking. Some people must have told you about these places, you didn't just wander around to find them and I wouldn't think it wise to deal with these 'guides'. Your places are closer to the border crossing than Pink Lady, Joker, or Amadeus. Your places also favor daytime visits. Sounds like lots of fun! SJG [view link] The 20th Century Rosicrucian Conflict: Lewis, Clymer, and OTO by Dr. David Hill [view link]
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Article about Juarez, 2006, pre-drug wars [view link] SJG [view link]
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Ciudad Juarez, Mexico's murder rate becomes world's highest, Ciudad Juarez, Homicide Rates, Oct 2009 [view link] Female Homicides [view link] Juarez Murder Rate Reaches 5-Year Low, Jan 2013 [view link] 2 per day, down from 9.9 per day Is Violence Returning to Ciudad Juarez?, August 2013 " The drop in violence in Ciudad Juarez remains one of the most dramatic turnarounds of Mexico’s drug war, but a recent rise in killings raises questions about the durability of the gains. In the past three years, Juarez has gone from being universally acknowledged as the world’s most dangerous city, with more than 3,000 murders in 2010, to gaining a reputation as a source of positive security news as the murder rate dropped and dropped. " [view link] Juarez Cartel versus Sinaloa Cartel After years of violence and death, 'life is back' in Juarez, April 2015 [view link] El Chapo "On January 8, 2016, President Enrique Peña Nieto said via Twitter that the government had re-arrested the fugitive Sinaloa Cartel leader." "He may have little formal education, but he has a Ph.D. in drug trafficking." "led the way in constructing tunnels beneath the US-Mexico border" "regularly brought him suitcases of cash so he could grease the wheels of power inside the prison and continue his opulent lifestyle, including specially prepared meals and conjugal visits from his wife, girlfriends and prostitutes" [view link] To see how bad it was: [view link] A book both interesting and disturbing. Also, the very highest murder rates were not in Juarez, but directly to the East of it, running out for a maximum of about 50 miles, that string of border towns. SJG
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Since the population density in SouthWest Texas is so low, it would be really cool to be able to bypass some of it by going into Mexico. How about Ciudad Juarez, then Chihuahua, then coming back via Ojinaga, to continue East on highway 90. Re: Crossing over to Ojinaga,Mexico from Presidio Oct 13, 2006, 1:57 PM i've been to both cities, and let me say that you won't miss a thing if you skip both of these places....especially going in to Mexico. there are some people that like the thrill of going to a Mexican border town, but my experience is that they are dangerous, dirty and not worth the time. when i drove through Ojinaga, all i saw were seedy-looking men hanging outside of bars and strip clubs....and i didn't see any shops or restaurants that i felt safe enough to park my car and go inside. Sounds pretty good to me. People say the same kinds of things about areas of San Jose California. And yes indeed, the Mexican Bars are interesting. [view link] [view link] I don't know about strip clubs, but any bars I believe would be hooker bars. Do they have hotels? We have this hotel, on the main street, about 1 mile from the border [view link] Waru Hotel, about 1/3 mile from border [view link] [view link] Libre Comercio 1202, Emiliano Zapata, 32883 Ojinaga, Chih., Mexico And here a few feet closer, Casa De Cambio [view link] And hotel Marval [view link] [view link] [view link] Besides the dental clinic within 50' of the crossing gate, there seem to be bars. Hotel Villa Suite [view link] I think this is a bar [view link] Diverting back to Ciudad Juarez, no change in the pictures of this place The Joker. A place which is believed closed, but is known to have onsite session rooms and to be more of a strip club than just a bar. And then also this Pink Lady's, believed to have maintained continuous operation. SJG
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